#!/usr/bin/env python ## plugins/gtkgui.py ## ## Gajim Team: ## - Yann Le Boulanger ## - Vincent Hanquez ## ## Copyright (C) 2003 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk from gtk import TRUE, FALSE import gtk.glade,gobject import os,string,time,Queue import common.optparser,common.sleepy GTKGUI_GLADE='plugins/gtkgui/gtkgui.glade' class user: """Informations concerning each users""" def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: self.jid = '' self.name = '' self.groups = [] self.show = '' self.status = '' self.sub == '' self.resource == '' elif len(args) == 7: self.jid = args[0] self.name = args[1] self.groups = args[2] self.show = args[3] self.status = args[4] self.sub = args[5] self.resource = args[6] else: raise TypeError, 'bad arguments' class vCard_Window: """Class for window that show vCard information""" def delete_event(self, widget=None): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows[self.account]['infos'][self.jid] def on_close(self, widget): """When Close button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def set_value(self, entry_name, value): try: self.xml.get_widget(entry_name).set_text(value) except AttributeError, e: pass def set_values(self, vcard): for i in vcard.keys(): if type(vcard[i]) == type({}): for j in vcard[i].keys(): self.set_value('entry_'+i+'_'+j, vcard[i][j]) else: if i == 'DESC': self.xml.get_widget('textview_DESC').get_buffer().\ set_text(vcard[i], 0) else: self.set_value('entry_'+i, vcard[i]) def add_to_vcard(self, vcard, entry, txt): """Add an information to the vCard dictionary""" entries = string.split(entry, '_') loc = vcard while len(entries) > 1: if not loc.has_key(entries[0]): loc[entries[0]] = {} loc = loc[entries[0]] del entries[0] loc[entries[0]] = txt return vcard def make_vcard(self): """make the vCard dictionary""" entries = ['FN', 'NICKNAME', 'BDAY', 'EMAIL_USERID', 'URL', 'TEL_NUMBER',\ 'ADR_STREET', 'ADR_EXTADR', 'ADR_LOCALITY', 'ADR_REGION', 'ADR_PCODE',\ 'ADR_CTRY', 'ORG_ORGNAME', 'ORG_ORGUNIT', 'TITLE', 'ROLE'] vcard = {} for e in entries: txt = self.xml.get_widget('entry_'+e).get_text() if txt != '': vcard = self.add_to_vcard(vcard, e, txt) buf = self.xml.get_widget('textview_DESC').get_buffer() start_iter = buf.get_start_iter() end_iter = buf.get_end_iter() txt = buf.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, 0) if txt != '': vcard['DESC']= txt return vcard def on_retrieve(self, widget): if self.plugin.connected[self.account]: self.plugin.send('ASK_VCARD', self.account, self.jid) else: warning_Window("You must be connected to get your informations") def on_publish(self, widget): if not self.plugin.connected[self.account]: warning_Window("You must be connected to publish your informations") return vcard = self.make_vcard() self.plugin.send('VCARD', self.account, vcard) def __init__(self, jid, plugin, account): self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'vcard') self.jid = jid self.plugin = plugin self.account = account self.xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) self.xml.signal_connect('on_close_clicked', self.on_close) self.xml.signal_connect('on_retrieve_clicked', self.on_retrieve) self.xml.signal_connect('on_publish_clicked', self.on_publish) class infoUser_Window: """Class for user's information window""" def delete_event(self, widget=None): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows[self.account]['infos'][self.user.jid] def add_grp_to_user(self, model, path, iter): """Insert user to the group in inter""" self.user.groups.append(model.get_value(iter, 0)) def on_close(self, widget): """Save user's informations and update the roster on the Jabber server""" #update: to know if things have changed to send things # to server only if changes are done update = 0 #update user.groups and redraw the user in the roster old_groups = self.user.groups self.user.groups = [] model = self.list2.get_model() model.foreach(self.add_grp_to_user) for g in old_groups: if not g in self.user.groups: update = 1 break if not update: for g in self.user.groups: if not g in old_groups: update = 1 break if update: new_groups = self.user.groups self.user.groups = old_groups self.plugin.roster.remove_user(self.user, self.account) self.user.groups = new_groups self.plugin.roster.add_user_to_roster(self.user, self.account) #update user.name if it's not "" entry_name = self.xml.get_widget('entry_name') newName = entry_name.get_text() if newName != self.user.name: update = 1 if newName != '': self.user.name = newName if update: self.plugin.send('UPDUSER', self.account, (self.user.jid, \ self.user.name, self.user.groups)) widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def add_grp(self, model, path, iter, stors): """Transfert the iter from stors[0] to stors[1]""" i = stors[1].append() stors[1].set(i, 0, stors[0].get_value(iter, 0)) stors[0].remove(iter) def on_add(self, widget): """When Add button is clicked""" model = self.list1.get_model() select = self.list1.get_selection() select.selected_foreach(self.add_grp, (model, self.list2.get_model())) def on_remove(self, widget): """When Remove button is clicked""" model = self.list2.get_model() select = self.list2.get_selection() select.selected_foreach(self.add_grp, (model, self.list1.get_model())) def on_new_key_pressed(self, widget, event): """If enter is pressed in new group entry, add the group""" if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Return: entry_new = self.xml.get_widget("entry_new") model = self.list1.get_model() txt = entry_new.get_text() iter = model.append() model.set(iter, 0, txt) entry_new.set_text('') return 1 else: return 0 def set_value(self, entry_name, value): try: self.xml.get_widget(entry_name).set_text(value) except AttributeError, e: pass def set_values(self, vcard): for i in vcard.keys(): if type(vcard[i]) == type({}): for j in vcard[i].keys(): self.set_value('entry_'+i+'_'+j, vcard[i][j]) else: if i == 'DESC': self.xml.get_widget('textview_DESC').get_buffer().\ set_text(vcard[i], 0) else: self.set_value('entry_'+i, vcard[i]) def init_lists(self): """Initialize both available and current listStores""" #list available store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING) for g in self.plugin.roster.groups[self.account].keys(): if g != 'Agents' and g not in self.user.groups: iter = store.append() store.set(iter, 0, g) self.list1.set_model(store) column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Available', gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0) self.list1.append_column(column) #list_current store = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING) for g in self.user.groups: iter = store.append() store.set(iter, 0, g) self.list2.set_model(store) column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Available', gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0) self.list2.append_column(column) def __init__(self, user, plugin, account): self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Info_user') self.plugin = plugin self.user = user self.account = account self.list1 = self.xml.get_widget("treeview_available") self.list2 = self.xml.get_widget("treeview_current") self.xml.get_widget('label_name').set_text(user.name) self.xml.get_widget('label_id').set_text(user.jid) self.xml.get_widget('label_resource').set_text(user.resource) self.xml.get_widget('label_sub').set_text(user.sub) self.xml.get_widget('entry_name').set_text(user.name) if not user.status: user.status = '' self.xml.get_widget('label_status').set_text(user.show + ' : ' + \ user.status) self.init_lists() plugin.send('ASK_VCARD', account, self.user.jid) self.xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) self.xml.signal_connect('on_close_clicked', self.on_close) self.xml.signal_connect('on_add_clicked', self.on_add) self.xml.signal_connect('on_remove_clicked', self.on_remove) self.xml.signal_connect('on_entry_new_key_press_event', \ self.on_new_key_pressed) class preference_Window: """Class for Preferences window""" def delete_event(self, widget): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows['preferences'] def on_cancel(self, widget): """When Cancel button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def on_color_button_clicked(self, widget): """Open a ColorSelectionDialog and change button's color""" if widget.name == 'colorIn': color = self.colorIn da = self.da_in elif widget.name == 'colorOut': color = self.colorOut da = self.da_out elif widget.name == 'colorStatus': color = self.colorStatus da = self.da_status colorseldlg = gtk.ColorSelectionDialog('Select Color') colorsel = colorseldlg.colorsel colorsel.set_previous_color(color) colorsel.set_current_color(color) colorsel.set_has_palette(gtk.TRUE) response = colorseldlg.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: color = colorsel.get_current_color() da.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) if widget.name == 'colorIn': self.colorIn = color elif widget.name == 'colorOut': self.colorOut = color elif widget.name == 'colorStatus': self.colorStatus = color colorseldlg.destroy() def write_cfg(self): """Save preferences in config File and apply them""" #Color for incomming messages colSt_in = '#'+(hex(self.colorIn.red)+'0')[2:4]\ +(hex(self.colorIn.green)+'0')[2:4]\ +(hex(self.colorIn.blue)+'0')[2:4] self.plugin.config['inmsgcolor'] = colSt_in #Color for outgoing messages colSt_out = '#'+(hex(self.colorOut.red)+'0')[2:4]\ +(hex(self.colorOut.green)+'0')[2:4]\ +(hex(self.colorOut.blue)+'0')[2:4] self.plugin.config['outmsgcolor'] = colSt_out #Color for status messages colSt_status = '#'+(hex(self.colorStatus.red)+'0')[2:4]\ +(hex(self.colorStatus.green)+'0')[2:4]\ +(hex(self.colorStatus.blue)+'0')[2:4] self.plugin.config['statusmsgcolor'] = colSt_status #update opened chat windows for a in self.plugin.accounts.keys(): for w in self.plugin.windows[a]['chats'].keys(): self.plugin.windows[a]['chats'][w].tagIn.\ set_property("foreground", colSt_in) self.plugin.windows[a]['chats'][w].tagIn.\ set_property("foreground", colSt_out) self.plugin.windows[a]['chats'][w].tagIn.\ set_property("foreground", colSt_status) #IconStyle ist = self.combo_iconstyle.entry.get_text() self.plugin.config['iconstyle'] = ist self.plugin.roster.mkpixbufs() #autopopup pp = self.chk_autopp.get_active() if pp == True: self.plugin.config['autopopup'] = 1 else: self.plugin.config['autopopup'] = 0 #autoaway aw = self.chk_autoaway.get_active() if aw == True: self.plugin.config['autoaway'] = 1 else: self.plugin.config['autoaway'] = 0 aat = self.spin_autoawaytime.get_value_as_int() self.plugin.config['autoawaytime'] = aat #autoxa xa = self.chk_autoxa.get_active() if xa == True: self.plugin.config['autoxa'] = 1 else: self.plugin.config['autoxa'] = 0 axt = self.spin_autoxatime.get_value_as_int() self.plugin.config['autoxatime'] = axt if self.plugin.sleeper: self.plugin.sleeper = common.sleepy.Sleepy(\ self.plugin['autoawaytime']*60, self.plugin['autoxatime']*60) self.plugin.send('CONFIG', None, ('GtkGui', self.plugin.config)) self.plugin.roster.draw_roster() def on_ok(self, widget): """When Ok button is clicked""" self.write_cfg() self.xml.get_widget('Preferences').destroy() def change_notebook_page(self, number): self.notebook.set_current_page(number) def on_lookfeel_button_clicked(self, widget, data=None): self.change_notebook_page(0) def on_events_button_clicked(self, widget, data=None): self.change_notebook_page(1) def on_presence_button_clicked(self, widget, data=None): self.change_notebook_page(2) def __init__(self, plugin): """Initialize Preference window""" self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Preferences') self.plugin = plugin self.da_in = self.xml.get_widget('drawing_in') self.da_out = self.xml.get_widget('drawing_out') self.da_status = self.xml.get_widget('drawing_status') self.combo_iconstyle = self.xml.get_widget('combo_iconstyle') self.chk_autopp = self.xml.get_widget('chk_autopopup') self.chk_autoaway = self.xml.get_widget('chk_autoaway') self.spin_autoawaytime = self.xml.get_widget('spin_autoawaytime') self.chk_autoxa = self.xml.get_widget('chk_autoxa') self.spin_autoxatime = self.xml.get_widget('spin_autoxatime') self.notebook = self.xml.get_widget('preferences_notebook') button = self.xml.get_widget('lookfeel_button') button.connect('clicked', self.on_lookfeel_button_clicked) button = self.xml.get_widget('events_button') button.connect('clicked', self.on_events_button_clicked) button = self.xml.get_widget('presence_button') button.connect('clicked', self.on_presence_button_clicked) #Color for incomming messages colSt = self.plugin.config['inmsgcolor'] if not colSt: colSt = '#ff0000' cmapIn = self.da_in.get_colormap() self.colorIn = cmapIn.alloc_color(colSt) self.da_in.window.set_background(self.colorIn) #Color for outgoing messages colSt = self.plugin.config['outmsgcolor'] if not colSt: colSt = '#0000ff' cmapOut = self.da_out.get_colormap() self.colorOut = cmapOut.alloc_color(colSt) self.da_out.window.set_background(self.colorOut) #Color for status messages colSt = self.plugin.config['statusmsgcolor'] if not colSt: colSt = '#00ff00' cmapStatus = self.da_status.get_colormap() self.colorStatus = cmapStatus.alloc_color(colSt) self.da_status.window.set_background(self.colorStatus) #iconStyle list_style = os.listdir('plugins/gtkgui/icons/') l = [] for i in list_style: if i != 'CVS': l.append(i) if l.count == 0: l.append(" ") self.combo_iconstyle.set_popdown_strings(l) if self.plugin.config['iconstyle'] in l: self.combo_iconstyle.entry.set_text(self.plugin.config['iconstyle']) #Autopopup st = 0 if self.plugin.config.has_key('autopopup'): st = self.plugin.config['autopopup'] self.chk_autopp.set_active(st) #Autoaway st = 1 if self.plugin.config.has_key('autoaway'): st = self.plugin.config['autoaway'] self.chk_autoaway.set_active(st) #Autoawaytime st = 10 if self.plugin.config.has_key('autoawaytime'): st = self.plugin.config['autoawaytime'] self.spin_autoawaytime.set_value(st) #Autoxa st = 1 if self.plugin.config.has_key('autoxa'): st = self.plugin.config['autoxa'] self.chk_autoxa.set_active(st) #Autoxatime st = 20 if self.plugin.config.has_key('autoxatime'): st = self.plugin.config['autoxatime'] self.spin_autoxatime.set_value(st) self.xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) self.xml.signal_connect('on_but_col_clicked', \ self.on_color_button_clicked) self.xml.signal_connect('on_ok_clicked', self.on_ok) self.xml.signal_connect('on_cancel_clicked', self.on_cancel) class awayMsg_Window: """Class for Away Message Window""" def on_ok(self): """When Ok button is clicked""" beg, end = self.txtBuffer.get_bounds() self.msg = self.txtBuffer.get_text(beg, end, 0) self.xml.get_widget("Away_msg").destroy() def run(self): """Wait for Ok button to be pressed and return away messsage""" rep = self.xml.get_widget("Away_msg").run() msg = '' if rep == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: beg, end = self.txtBuffer.get_bounds() msg = self.txtBuffer.get_text(beg, end, 0) self.xml.get_widget("Away_msg").destroy() return msg def __init__(self): self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Away_msg') txt = self.xml.get_widget("textview") self.txtBuffer = txt.get_buffer() class addContact_Window: """Class for Add user window""" def delete_event(self, widget): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows['add'] def on_cancel(self, widget): """When Cancel button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def on_subscribe(self, widget): """When Subscribe button is clicked""" textview_sub = self.xml.get_widget("textview_sub") entry_who = self.xml.get_widget('entry_who') who = entry_who.get_text() buf = textview_sub.get_buffer() start_iter = buf.get_start_iter() end_iter = buf.get_end_iter() txt = buf.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, 0) self.plugin.roster.req_sub(self, who, txt, self.account) widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def __init__(self, plugin, account, jid=None): self.plugin = plugin self.account = account self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Add') if jid: self.xml.get_widget('entry_who').set_text(jid) self.xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) self.xml.signal_connect('on_button_sub_clicked', self.on_subscribe) self.xml.signal_connect('on_cancel_clicked', self.on_cancel) class warning_Window: """Class for warning window : print a warning message""" def on_close(self, widget): """When Close button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def __init__(self, txt): xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Warning') xml.get_widget('label').set_text(txt) xml.signal_connect('on_close_clicked', self.on_close) class about_Window: """Class for about window""" def delete_event(self, widget): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows['about'] def on_close(self, widget): """When Close button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def __init__(self): xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'About') xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) xml.signal_connect('on_close_clicked', self.on_close) class accountPreference_Window: """Class for account informations""" def delete_event(self, widget): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows['accountPreference'] def on_close(self, widget): """When Close button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def init_account(self, infos): """Initialize window with defaults values""" if infos.has_key('name'): self.xml.get_widget("entry_name").set_text(infos['name']) if infos.has_key('jid'): self.xml.get_widget("entry_jid").set_text(infos['jid']) if infos.has_key('password'): self.xml.get_widget("entry_password").set_text(infos['password']) if infos.has_key('ressource'): self.xml.get_widget("entry_ressource").set_text(infos['ressource']) def on_save_clicked(self, widget): """When save button is clicked : Save informations in config file""" entryPass = self.xml.get_widget("entry_password") entryRessource = self.xml.get_widget("entry_ressource") check = self.xml.get_widget("checkbutton") entryName = self.xml.get_widget("entry_name") entryJid = self.xml.get_widget("entry_jid") name = entryName.get_text() jid = entryJid.get_text() if (name == ''): warning_Window('You must enter a name for this account') return 0 if (jid == '') or (string.count(jid, '@') != 1): warning_Window('You must enter a Jabber ID for this account\n\ For example : login@hostname') return 0 else: (login, hostname) = string.split(jid, '@') #if we are modifying an account if self.modify: #if we modify the name of the account if name != self.account: #update variables self.plugin.windows[name] = self.plugin.windows[self.account] self.plugin.queues[name] = self.plugin.queues[self.account] self.plugin.connected[name] = self.plugin.connected[self.account] self.plugin.roster.groups[name] = \ self.plugin.roster.groups[self.account] self.plugin.roster.contacts[name] = \ self.plugin.roster.contacts[self.account] del self.plugin.windows[self.account] del self.plugin.queues[self.account] del self.plugin.connected[self.account] del self.plugin.roster.groups[self.account] del self.plugin.roster.contacts[self.account] del self.plugin.accounts[self.account] self.plugin.send('ACC_CHG', self.account, name) self.plugin.accounts[name] = {'name': login, 'hostname': hostname,\ 'password': entryPass.get_text(), 'ressource': \ entryRessource.get_text()} self.plugin.send('CONFIG', None, ('accounts', self.plugin.accounts)) #refresh accounts window if self.plugin.windows.has_key('accounts'): self.plugin.windows['accounts'].init_accounts() #refresh roster self.plugin.roster.draw_roster() widget.get_toplevel().destroy() return #if it's a new account else: if name in self.plugin.accounts.keys(): warning_Window('An account already has this name') return #if we neeed to register a new account if check.get_active(): self.plugin.send('NEW_ACC', None, (hostname, login, \ entryPass.get_text(), name, entryRessource.get_text())) check.set_active(FALSE) return self.plugin.accounts[name] = {'name': login, 'hostname': hostname,\ 'password': entryPass.get_text(), 'ressource': \ entryRessource.get_text()} self.plugin.send('CONFIG', None, ('accounts', self.plugin.accounts)) #update variables self.plugin.windows[name] = {'infos': {}, 'chats': {}} self.plugin.queues[name] = {} self.plugin.connected[name] = 0 self.plugin.roster.groups[name] = {} self.plugin.roster.contacts[name] = {} #refresh accounts window if self.plugin.windows.has_key('accounts'): self.plugin.windows['accounts'].init_accounts() #refresh roster self.plugin.roster.draw_roster() widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def on_edit_details_clicked(self, widget): entryJid = self.xml.get_widget("entry_jid") if not self.plugin.windows.has_key('vcard'): self.plugin.windows[self.account]['infos'][entryJid.get_text()] = \ vCard_Window(entryJid.get_text(), self.plugin, self.account) if self.plugin.connected[self.account]: self.plugin.send('ASK_VCARD', self.account, entryJid.get_text()) else: warning_Window("You must be connected to get your informations") #info must be a dictionnary def __init__(self, plugin, infos = {}): self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Account') self.plugin = plugin self.account = '' self.modify = False if infos: self.modify = True self.account = infos['name'] self.init_account(infos) self.xml.get_widget("checkbutton").set_sensitive(FALSE) self.xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) self.xml.signal_connect('on_save_clicked', self.on_save_clicked) self.xml.signal_connect('on_edit_details_clicked', \ self.on_edit_details_clicked) self.xml.signal_connect('on_close_clicked', self.on_close) class accounts_Window: """Class for accounts window : lists of accounts""" def delete_event(self, widget): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows['accounts'] #Not for the moment ... but maybe one day there will be a button # def on_close(self, widget): # """When Close button is clicked""" # widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def init_accounts(self): """initialize listStore with existing accounts""" self.xml.get_widget("modify_button").set_sensitive(False) self.xml.get_widget("delete_button").set_sensitive(False) model = self.treeview.get_model() model.clear() for account in self.plugin.accounts: iter = model.append() model.set(iter, 0, account, 1, \ self.plugin.accounts[account]["hostname"]) def on_row_activated(self, widget): """Activate delete and modify buttons when a row is selected""" self.xml.get_widget("modify_button").set_sensitive(True) self.xml.get_widget("delete_button").set_sensitive(True) def on_new_clicked(self, widget): """When new button is clicked : open an account information window""" if not self.plugin.windows.has_key('accountPreference'): self.plugin.windows['accountPreference'] = \ accountPreference_Window(self.plugin) def on_delete_clicked(self, widget): """When delete button is clicked : Remove an account from the listStore and from the config file""" sel = self.treeview.get_selection() (model, iter) = sel.get_selected() account = model.get_value(iter, 0) del self.plugin.accounts[account] self.plugin.send('CONFIG', None, ('accounts', self.plugin.accounts)) del self.plugin.windows[account] del self.plugin.queues[account] del self.plugin.connected[account] del self.plugin.roster.groups[account] del self.plugin.roster.contacts[account] self.plugin.roster.draw_roster() self.init_accounts() def on_modify_clicked(self, widget): """When modify button is clicked : open the account information window for this account""" if not self.plugin.windows.has_key('accountPreference'): infos = {} sel = self.treeview.get_selection() (model, iter) = sel.get_selected() account = model.get_value(iter, 0) infos['name'] = account infos['jid'] = self.plugin.accounts[account]["name"] + \ '@' + self.plugin.accounts[account]["hostname"] infos['password'] = self.plugin.accounts[account]["password"] infos['ressource'] = self.plugin.accounts[account]["ressource"] self.plugin.windows['accountPreference'] = \ accountPreference_Window(self.plugin, infos) def __init__(self, plugin): self.plugin = plugin self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Accounts') self.treeview = self.xml.get_widget("treeview") model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) self.treeview.set_model(model) #columns renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() renderer.set_data('column', 0) self.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes(-1, 'Name', renderer, text=0) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() renderer.set_data('column', 1) self.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes(-1, 'Server', \ renderer, text=1) self.xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) self.xml.signal_connect('on_row_activated', self.on_row_activated) self.xml.signal_connect('on_new_clicked', self.on_new_clicked) self.xml.signal_connect('on_delete_clicked', self.on_delete_clicked) self.xml.signal_connect('on_modify_clicked', self.on_modify_clicked) self.init_accounts() class confirm_Window: """Class for confirmation window : window that appears to confirm the removal of a contact""" def on_cancel(self, widget): """When Cancel button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def req_usub(self, widget): """When Ok button is clicked : Send a message to the core to remove the user and remove it from the roster""" self.plugin.send('UNSUB', self.account, self.user.jid) self.plugin.roster.remove_user(self.user, self.account) del self.plugin.roster.contacts[self.account][self.user.jid] widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def __init__(self, plugin, user, account): xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Confirm') self.plugin = plugin self.user = user self.account = account xml.get_widget('label_confirm').set_text(\ 'Are you sure you want to remove ' + user.name + ' (' + user.jid + ') from your roster ?') xml.signal_connect('on_okbutton_clicked', self.req_usub) xml.signal_connect('on_cancel_clicked', self.on_cancel) class authorize_Window: """Class for authorization window : window that appears when a user wants to add us to his/her roster""" def on_close(self, widget): """When Close button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def auth(self, widget): """Accept the request""" self.plugin.send('AUTH', self.account, self.jid) widget.get_toplevel().destroy() if not self.plugin.roster.contacts[self.account].has_key(self.jid): addContact_Window(self.plugin, self.account, self.jid) def deny(self, widget): """refuse the request""" self.plugin.send('DENY', self.account, self.jid) widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def __init__(self, plugin, jid, txt, account): xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Sub_req') self.plugin = plugin self.jid = jid self.account = account xml.get_widget('label').set_text('Subscription request from ' + self.jid) xml.get_widget("textview").get_buffer().set_text(txt) xml.signal_connect('on_button_auth_clicked', self.auth) xml.signal_connect('on_button_deny_clicked', self.deny) xml.signal_connect('on_button_close_clicked', self.on_close) class agentRegistration_Window: """Class for agent registration window : window that appears when we want to subscribe to an agent""" def on_cancel(self, widget): """When Cancel button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def draw_table(self): """Draw the table in the window""" nbrow = 0 table = self.xml.get_widget('table') for name in self.infos.keys(): if name != 'key' and name != 'instructions' and name != 'x': nbrow = nbrow + 1 table.resize(rows=nbrow, columns=2) label = gtk.Label(name) table.attach(label, 0, 1, nbrow-1, nbrow, 0, 0, 0, 0) entry = gtk.Entry() entry.set_text(self.infos[name]) table.attach(entry, 1, 2, nbrow-1, nbrow, 0, 0, 0, 0) self.entries[name] = entry if nbrow == 1: entry.grab_focus() table.show_all() def on_ok(self, widget): """When Ok button is clicked : send registration info to the core""" for name in self.entries.keys(): self.infos[name] = self.entries[name].get_text() self.plugin.send('REG_AGENT', self.account, self.agent) widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def __init__(self, agent, infos, plugin, account): self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'agent_reg') self.agent = agent self.infos = infos self.plugin = plugin self.account = account self.xml.get_widget('agent_reg').set_title('Register to ' + agent) self.xml.get_widget('label').set_text(infos['instructions']) self.entries = {} self.draw_table() self.xml.signal_connect('on_cancel_clicked', self.on_cancel) self.xml.signal_connect('on_button_ok_clicked', self.on_ok) class browseAgent_Window: """Class for bowser agent window : to know the agents on the selected server""" def delete_event(self, widget): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows[self.account]['browser'] def on_cancel(self, widget): """When Cancel button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def on_close(self, widget): """When Close button is clicked""" widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def browse(self): """Send a request to the core to know the available agents""" self.plugin.send('REQ_AGENTS', self.account, None) def agents(self, agents): """When list of available agent arrive : Fill the treeview with it""" model = self.treeview.get_model() for jid in agents.keys(): iter = model.append() # model.set(iter, 0, agents[jid]['name'], 1, agents[jid]['service']) model.set(iter, 0, agents[jid]['name'], 1, jid) def on_refresh(self, widget): """When refresh button is clicked : refresh list : clear and rerequest it""" self.treeview.get_model().clear() self.browse() def on_row_activated(self, widget, path, col=0): """When a row is activated : Ask specific informations about the selected agent and close the window""" model = self.treeview.get_model() iter = model.get_iter(path) service = model.get_value(iter, 1) self.plugin.send('REQ_AGENT_INFO', self.account, service) widget.get_toplevel().destroy() def __init__(self, plugin, account): xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'browser') self.treeview = xml.get_widget('treeview') self.plugin = plugin self.account = account model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) self.treeview.set_model(model) #columns renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() renderer.set_data('column', 0) self.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes(-1, 'Name', renderer, text=0) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() renderer.set_data('column', 1) self.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes(-1, 'Service', \ renderer, text=1) xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) xml.signal_connect('on_refresh_clicked', self.on_refresh) xml.signal_connect('on_row_activated', self.on_row_activated) xml.signal_connect('on_close_clicked', self.on_close) if self.plugin.connected[account]: self.browse() else: warning_Window("You must be connected to view Agents") class message_Window: """Class for chat window""" def delete_event(self, widget): """close window""" del self.plugin.windows[self.account]['chats'][self.user.jid] def print_conversation(self, txt, contact = None, tim = None): """Print a line in the conversation : if contact is set to status : it's a status message if contact is set to another value : it's an outgoing message if contact is not set : it's an incomming message""" conversation = self.xml.get_widget('conversation') buffer = conversation.get_buffer() if not txt: txt = "" end_iter = buffer.get_end_iter() if not tim: tim = time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S]") buffer.insert(end_iter, tim) if contact: if contact == 'status': buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, txt+'\n', \ 'status') else: buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, ' ', 'outgoing') buffer.insert(end_iter, txt+'\n') else: buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, '<' + \ self.user.name + '> ', 'incoming') buffer.insert(end_iter, txt+'\n') #scroll to the end of the textview conversation.scroll_to_mark(buffer.get_mark('end'), 0.1, 0, 0, 0) def read_queue(self, q): """read queue and print messages containted in it""" while not q.empty(): evt = q.get() self.print_conversation(evt[0], tim = evt[1]) del self.plugin.queues[self.account][self.user.jid] for i in self.plugin.roster.get_user_iter(self.user.jid, self.account): if self.plugin.roster.pixbufs.has_key(self.user.show): self.plugin.roster.tree.get_model().set_value(i, 0, \ self.plugin.roster.pixbufs[self.user.show]) def on_msg_key_press_event(self, widget, event): """When a key is pressed : if enter is pressed without the shit key, message (if not empty) is sent and printed in the conversation""" if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Return: if (event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK): return 0 txt_buffer = widget.get_buffer() start_iter = txt_buffer.get_start_iter() end_iter = txt_buffer.get_end_iter() txt = txt_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, 0) if txt != '': self.plugin.send('MSG', self.account, (self.user.jid, txt)) txt_buffer.set_text('', -1) self.print_conversation(txt, self.user.jid) widget.grab_focus() return 1 return 0 def on_clear(self, widget): """When clear button is pressed : clear the conversation""" buffer = self.xml.get_widget('conversation').get_buffer() deb, end = buffer.get_bounds() buffer.delete(deb, end) def __init__(self, user, plugin, account): self.user = user self.plugin = plugin self.account = account self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Chat') self.window = self.xml.get_widget('Chat') # hbox = xml.get_widget('hbox1') # hbox.set_property('resize-mode', 2) self.window.set_title('Chat with ' + user.name) self.img = self.xml.get_widget('image') self.img.set_from_pixbuf(self.plugin.roster.pixbufs[user.show]) self.xml.get_widget('button_contact').set_label(user.name + ' <'\ + user.jid + '>') self.xml.get_widget('button_contact').set_resize_mode(gtk.RESIZE_QUEUE) message = self.xml.get_widget('message') message.grab_focus() conversation = self.xml.get_widget('conversation') buffer = conversation.get_buffer() end_iter = buffer.get_end_iter() buffer.create_mark('end', end_iter, 0) self.xml.signal_connect('gtk_widget_destroy', self.delete_event) self.xml.signal_connect('on_clear_clicked', self.on_clear) self.xml.signal_connect('on_msg_key_press_event', \ self.on_msg_key_press_event) self.tagIn = buffer.create_tag("incoming") color = self.plugin.config['inmsgcolor'] if not color: color = '#ff0000' #red self.tagIn.set_property("foreground", color) self.tagOut = buffer.create_tag("outgoing") color = self.plugin.config['outmsgcolor'] if not color: color = '#0000ff' #blue self.tagOut.set_property("foreground", color) self.tagStatus = buffer.create_tag("status") color = self.plugin.config['statusmsgcolor'] if not color: color = '#00ff00' #green self.tagStatus.set_property("foreground", color) #print queued messages if plugin.queues[account].has_key(user.jid): self.read_queue(plugin.queues[account][user.jid]) class roster_Window: """Class for main gtk window""" def get_account_iter(self, name): model = self.tree.get_model() fin = False account = model.get_iter_root() if not account: return None while not fin: account_name = model.get_value(account, 3) if name == account_name: return account account = model.iter_next(account) if not account: fin = True return None def get_group_iter(self, name, account): model = self.tree.get_model() root = self.get_account_iter(account) fin = False group = model.iter_children(root) if not group: fin = True while not fin: group_name = model.get_value(group, 3) if name == group_name: return group group = model.iter_next(group) if not group: fin = True return None def get_user_iter(self, jid, account): model = self.tree.get_model() acct = self.get_account_iter(account) found = [] fin = False group = model.iter_children(acct) if not group: return found while not fin: fin2 = False user = model.iter_children(group) if not user: fin2=True while not fin2: if jid == model.get_value(user, 3): found.append(user) user = model.iter_next(user) if not user: fin2 = True group = model.iter_next(group) if not group: fin = True return found def add_account_to_roster(self, account): model = self.tree.get_model() if self.get_account_iter(account): return if self.plugin.connected[account]: status = 'online' else: status = 'offline' model.append(None, (self.pixbufs[status], account, 'account', account,\ FALSE)) def add_user_to_roster(self, user, account): """Add a user to the roster and add groups if they aren't in roster""" showOffline = self.plugin.config['showoffline'] if not self.contacts[account].has_key(user.jid): self.contacts[account][user.jid] = user if user.groups == []: if string.find(user.jid, "@") <= 0: user.groups.append('Agents') else: user.groups.append('general') if user.show != 'offline' or showOffline or 'Agents' in user.groups: model = self.tree.get_model() for g in user.groups: iterG = self.get_group_iter(g, account) if not iterG: acct = self.get_account_iter(account) iterG = model.append(self.get_account_iter(account), \ (self.pixbufs['closed'], g, 'group', g, FALSE)) if not self.groups[account].has_key(g): self.groups[account][g] = {'expand':True} self.tree.expand_row((model.get_path(iterG)[0]), False) if g == 'Agents': model.append(iterG, (self.pixbufs[user.show], \ user.name, 'agent', user.jid, TRUE)) else: model.append(iterG, (self.pixbufs[user.show], \ user.name, 'user', user.jid, TRUE)) if self.groups[account][g]['expand']: self.tree.expand_row(model.get_path(iterG), FALSE) def remove_user(self, user, account): model = self.tree.get_model() for i in self.get_user_iter(user.jid, account): parent_i = model.iter_parent(i) model.remove(i) if model.iter_n_children(parent_i) == 0: model.remove(parent_i) def mkmenu(self): if len(self.plugin.accounts.keys()) > 1: #add menu_sub = gtk.Menu() self.xml.get_widget('add').set_submenu(menu_sub) for a in self.plugin.accounts.keys(): item = gtk.MenuItem(a) menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.on_add, a) menu_sub.show_all() #agents menu_sub = gtk.Menu() self.xml.get_widget('browse_agents').set_submenu(menu_sub) for a in self.plugin.accounts.keys(): item = gtk.MenuItem(a) menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.on_browse, a) menu_sub.show_all() else: #add self.xml.get_widget('add').connect("activate", self.on_add, \ self.plugin.accounts.keys()[0]) #agents self.xml.get_widget('browse_agents').connect("activate", \ self.on_browse, self.plugin.accounts.keys()[0]) def draw_roster(self): """Clear and draw roster""" self.mkmenu() self.tree.get_model().clear() for acct in self.contacts.keys(): self.add_account_to_roster(acct) for user in self.contacts[acct].values(): self.add_user_to_roster(user, acct) def mklists(self, array, account): """fill self.contacts and self.groups""" if not self.contacts.has_key(account): self.contacts[account] = {} if not self.groups.has_key(account): self.groups[account] = {} for jid in array.keys(): jids = string.split(jid, '/') #get jid ji = jids[0] #get resource resource = '' if len(jids) > 1: resource = jids[1:] #get name name = array[jid]['name'] if not name: if string.find(ji, "@") <= 0: name = ji else: name = string.split(jid, '@')[0] #get show show = array[jid]['show'] if not show: show = 'offline' user1 = user(ji, name, array[jid]['groups'], show, \ array[jid]['status'], array[jid]['sub'], resource) self.contacts[account][ji] = user1 for g in array[jid]['groups'] : if not g in self.groups[account].keys(): self.groups[account][g] = {'expand':True} def chg_user_status(self, user, show, status, account): """When a user change his status""" showOffline = self.plugin.config['showoffline'] iters = self.get_user_iter(user.jid, account) if not iters: self.add_user_to_roster(user, account) else: model = self.tree.get_model() if show == 'offline' and not showOffline: self.remove_user(user, account) else: for i in iters: if self.pixbufs.has_key(show): model.set_value(i, 0, self.pixbufs[show]) user.show = show user.status = status #Print status in chat window if self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'].has_key(user.jid): self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'][user.jid].\ img.set_from_pixbuf(self.pixbufs[show]) self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'][user.jid].print_conversation(\ "%s is now %s (%s)" % (user.name, show, status), 'status') def on_info(self, widget, user, account): """Call infoUser_Window class to display user's information""" if not self.plugin.windows[account]['infos'].has_key(user.jid): self.plugin.windows[account]['infos'][user.jid] = \ infoUser_Window(user, self.plugin, account) def on_agent_logging(self, widget, jid, state, account): """When an agent is requested to log in or off""" self.plugin.send('AGENT_LOGGING', account, (jid, state)) def mk_menu_user(self, event, iter): """Make user's popup menu""" model = self.tree.get_model() jid = model.get_value(iter, 3) path = model.get_path(iter) acct_iter = model.get_iter((path[0])) account = model.get_value(acct_iter, 3) user = self.contacts[account][jid] menu = gtk.Menu() item = gtk.MenuItem("Start chat") menu.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.on_row_activated, path) item = gtk.MenuItem("Rename") menu.append(item) #item.connect("activate", self.on_rename, iter) item = gtk.MenuItem() menu.append(item) item = gtk.MenuItem("Subscription") menu.append(item) menu_sub = gtk.Menu() item.set_submenu(menu_sub) item = gtk.MenuItem("Resend authorization to") menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.authorize, jid, account) item = gtk.MenuItem("Rerequest authorization from") menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.req_sub, jid, \ 'I would like to add you to my contact list, please.', account) item = gtk.MenuItem() menu.append(item) item = gtk.MenuItem("Remove") menu.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.on_req_usub, user, account) item = gtk.MenuItem() menu.append(item) item = gtk.MenuItem("Informations") menu.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.on_info, user, account) menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) menu.show_all() def mk_menu_g(self, event): """Make group's popup menu""" menu = gtk.Menu() item = gtk.MenuItem("grp1") menu.append(item) item = gtk.MenuItem("grp2") menu.append(item) item = gtk.MenuItem("grp3") menu.append(item) menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) menu.show_all() def mk_menu_agent(self, event, iter): """Make agent's popup menu""" model = self.tree.get_model() jid = model.get_value(iter, 3) path = model.get_path(iter) acct_iter = model.get_iter((path[0])) account = model.get_value(acct_iter, 3) menu = gtk.Menu() item = gtk.MenuItem("Log on") if self.contacts[account][jid].show != 'offline': item.set_sensitive(FALSE) menu.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.on_agent_logging, jid, 'available', account) item = gtk.MenuItem("Log off") if self.contacts[account][jid].show == 'offline': item.set_sensitive(FALSE) menu.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.on_agent_logging, jid, 'unavailable', account) menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) menu.show_all() def mk_menu_account(self, event, iter): """Make account's popup menu""" model = self.tree.get_model() account = model.get_value(iter, 3) menu = gtk.Menu() item = gtk.MenuItem("Status") menu.append(item) menu_sub = gtk.Menu() item.set_submenu(menu_sub) item = gtk.MenuItem("Online") menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.change_status, account, 'online') item = gtk.MenuItem("Away") menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.change_status, account, 'away') item = gtk.MenuItem("NA") menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.change_status, account, 'na') item = gtk.MenuItem("DND") menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.change_status, account, 'dnd') item = gtk.MenuItem() menu_sub.append(item) item = gtk.MenuItem("Offline") menu_sub.append(item) item.connect("activate", self.change_status, account, 'offline') item = gtk.MenuItem() menu.append(item) menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) menu.show_all() def authorize(self, widget, jid, account): """Authorize a user""" self.plugin.send('AUTH', account, jid) def req_sub(self, widget, jid, txt, account): """Request subscription to a user""" self.plugin.send('SUB', account, (jid, txt)) if not self.contacts[account].has_key(jid): user1 = user(jid, jid, ['general'], 'requested', \ 'requested', 'sub', '') self.add_user_to_roster(user1, account) def on_treeview_event(self, widget, event): """popup user's group's or agent menu""" if (event.button == 3) & (event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS): try: path, column, x, y = self.tree.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), \ int(event.y)) except TypeError: return model = self.tree.get_model() iter = model.get_iter(path) type = model.get_value(iter, 2) if type == 'group': self.mk_menu_g(event) elif type == 'agent': self.mk_menu_agent(event, iter) elif type == 'user': self.mk_menu_user(event, iter) elif type == 'account': self.mk_menu_account(event, iter) return gtk.TRUE return gtk.FALSE def on_req_usub(self, widget, user, account): """Remove a user""" confirm_Window(self.plugin, user, account) def change_status(self, widget, account, status): if status != 'online' and status != 'offline': w = awayMsg_Window() txt = w.run() else: txt = status self.plugin.send('STATUS', account, (status, txt)) def on_optionmenu_changed(self, widget): """When we change our status""" optionmenu = self.xml.get_widget('optionmenu') history = optionmenu.get_history() status = optionmenu.get_menu().get_children()[history].name if status != 'online' and status != 'offline': w = awayMsg_Window() txt = w.run() else: txt = status accounts = self.plugin.accounts.keys() if len(accounts) == 0: warning_Window("You must setup an account before connecting to jabber network.") return for acct in accounts: self.plugin.send('STATUS', acct, (status, txt)) def on_status_changed(self, account, status): """the core tells us that our status has changed""" # optionmenu = self.xml.get_widget('optionmenu') # for i in range(7): # if optionmenu.get_menu().get_children()[i].name == status: # optionmenu.set_history(i) # break model = self.tree.get_model() accountIter = self.get_account_iter(account) if accountIter: model.set_value(accountIter, 0, self.pixbufs[status]) if status == 'offline': self.plugin.connected[account] = 0 self.plugin.sleeper = None for jid in self.contacts[account]: user = self.contacts[account][jid] self.chg_user_status(user, 'offline', 'Disconnected', account) elif self.plugin.connected[account] == 0: self.plugin.connected[account] = 1 self.plugin.sleeper = None#common.sleepy.Sleepy(\ #self.plugin.config['autoawaytime']*60, \ #self.plugin.config['autoxatime']*60) def on_message(self, jid, msg, account): """when we receive a message""" if not self.contacts[account].has_key(jid): user1 = user(jid, jid, ['not in list'], \ 'not in list', 'not in list', 'none', '') self.add_user_to_roster(user1, account) autopopup = self.plugin.config['autopopup'] if autopopup == 0 and not \ self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'].has_key(jid): #We save it in a queue if not self.plugin.queues[account].has_key(jid): model = self.tree.get_model() self.plugin.queues[account][jid] = Queue.Queue(50) for i in self.get_user_iter(jid, account): model.set_value(i, 0, self.pixbufs['message']) tim = time.strftime("[%H:%M:%S]") self.plugin.queues[account][jid].put((msg, tim)) else: if not self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'].has_key(jid): self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'][jid] = \ message_Window(self.contacts[account][jid], self.plugin, account) self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'][jid].print_conversation(msg) def on_prefs(self, widget): """When preferences is selected : call the preference_Window class""" if not self.plugin.windows.has_key('preferences'): self.plugin.windows['preferences'] = preference_Window(self.plugin) def on_add(self, widget, account): """When add user is selected : call the add class""" addContact_Window(self.plugin, account) def on_about(self, widget): """When about is selected : call the about class""" if not self.plugin.windows.has_key('about'): self.plugin.windows['about'] = about_Window() def on_accounts(self, widget): """When accounts is seleted : call the accounts class to modify accounts""" if not self.plugin.windows.has_key('accounts'): self.plugin.windows['accounts'] = accounts_Window(self.plugin) def on_quit(self, widget): """When we quit the gtk plugin : tell that to the core and exit gtk""" self.plugin.send('QUIT', None, '') print "plugin gtkgui stopped" gtk.mainquit() def on_row_activated(self, widget, path, col=0): """When an iter is dubble clicked : open the chat window""" model = self.tree.get_model() acct_iter = model.get_iter((path[0])) account = model.get_value(acct_iter, 3) iter = model.get_iter(path) type = model.get_value(iter, 2) jid = model.get_value(iter, 3) if (type == 'group') or (type == 'account'): if (self.tree.row_expanded(path)): self.tree.collapse_row(path) else: self.tree.expand_row(path, False) else: if self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'].has_key(jid): self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'][jid].window.present() elif self.contacts[account].has_key(jid): self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'][jid] = \ message_Window(self.contacts[account][jid], self.plugin, account) def on_row_expanded(self, widget, iter, path): """When a row is expanded : change the icon of the arrow""" model = self.tree.get_model() acct_iter = model.get_iter((path[0])) account = model.get_value(acct_iter, 3) type = model.get_value(iter, 2) if type == 'group': model.set_value(iter, 0, self.pixbufs['opened']) jid = model.get_value(iter, 3) self.groups[account][jid]['expand'] = True elif type == 'account': for g in self.groups[account]: groupIter = self.get_group_iter(g, account) if groupIter and self.groups[account][g]['expand']: pathG = model.get_path(groupIter) self.tree.expand_row(pathG, False) def on_row_collapsed(self, widget, iter, path): """When a row is collapsed : change the icon of the arrow""" model = self.tree.get_model() acct_iter = model.get_iter((path[0])) account = model.get_value(acct_iter, 3) type = model.get_value(iter, 2) if type == 'group': model.set_value(iter, 0, self.pixbufs['closed']) jid = model.get_value(iter, 3) self.groups[account][jid]['expand'] = False def on_cell_edited (self, cell, row, new_text): """When an iter is editer : if text has changed, rename the user else open chat window""" model = self.tree.get_model() iter = model.get_iter_from_string(row) path = model.get_path(iter) acct_iter = model.get_iter((path[0])) account = model.get_value(acct_iter, 3) jid = model.get_value(iter, 3) old_text = self.contacts[account][jid].name #FIXME:If it is a double click, old_text == new_text if old_text == new_text: if self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'].has_key(jid): chat = self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'][jid] chat.xml.get_widget('Chat').present() elif self.contacts[account].has_key(jid): self.plugin.windows[account]['chats'][jid] = \ message_Window(self.contacts[account][jid], self.plugin, account) else: model.set_value(iter, 1, new_text) self.contacts[account][jid].name = new_text self.plugin.send('UPDUSER', account, (jid, new_text, \ self.contacts[account][jid].groups)) def on_browse(self, widget, account): """When browse agent is selected : Call browse class""" if not self.plugin.windows[account].has_key('browser'): self.plugin.windows[account]['browser'] = browseAgent_Window(self.plugin, account) def mkpixbufs(self): """initialise pixbufs array""" iconstyle = self.plugin.config['iconstyle'] if not iconstyle: iconstyle = 'sun' self.path = 'plugins/gtkgui/icons/' + iconstyle + '/' self.pixbufs = {} for state in ('online', 'away', 'xa', 'dnd', 'offline', \ 'requested', 'message', 'opened', 'closed', 'not in list'): # try to open a pixfile with the correct method files = [] files.append(self.path + state + '.gif') files.append(self.path + state + '.png') files.append(self.path + state + '.xpm') self.pixbufs[state] = None for file in files: if not os.path.exists(file): continue fct = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file if file.find('.gif') != -1: fct = gtk.gdk.pixbufAnimation pix = fct(file) self.pixbufs[state] = pix break def on_show_off(self, widget): """when show offline option is changed : redraw the treeview""" self.plugin.config['showoffline'] = 1 - self.plugin.config['showoffline'] self.draw_roster() def __init__(self, plugin): # FIXME : handle no file ... self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'Gajim') self.tree = self.xml.get_widget('treeview') self.plugin = plugin self.groups = {} self.contacts = {} for a in self.plugin.accounts.keys(): self.contacts[a] = {} self.groups[a] = {} #(icon, name, type, jid, editable) model = gtk.TreeStore(gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str, str, \ gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN) self.tree.set_model(model) self.mkpixbufs() # map = self.tree.get_colormap() # colour = map.alloc_color("red") # light red # colour2 = map.alloc_color("blue") # light red # colour = map.alloc_color("#FF9999") # light red # st = self.tree.get_style().copy() # st.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = colour # st.fg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = colour # st.bg[gtk.STATE_ACTIVE] = colour2 # st.fg[gtk.STATE_ACTIVE] = colour2 # st.bg[gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE] = colour # st.bg[gtk.STATE_PRELIGHT] = colour # st.bg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED] = colour # st.fg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED] = colour2 # st.white = colour # print st.bg # print self.tree.get_property('expander-column') # self.tree.set_style(st) self.xml.get_widget('optionmenu').set_history(6) showOffline = self.plugin.config['showoffline'] self.xml.get_widget('show_offline').set_active(showOffline) #columns col = gtk.TreeViewColumn() render_pixbuf = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() col.pack_start(render_pixbuf, expand = False) col.add_attribute(render_pixbuf, 'pixbuf', 0) render_text = gtk.CellRendererText() render_text.connect('edited', self.on_cell_edited) col.pack_start(render_text, expand = True) col.add_attribute(render_text, 'text', 1) col.add_attribute(render_text, 'editable', 4) self.tree.append_column(col) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn() render_pixbuf = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() col.pack_start(render_pixbuf, expand = False) self.tree.append_column(col) col.set_visible(FALSE) # self.tree.set_expander_column(col) #signals self.xml.signal_connect('gtk_main_quit', self.on_quit) self.xml.signal_connect('on_preferences_activate', self.on_prefs) self.xml.signal_connect('on_accounts_activate', self.on_accounts) self.xml.signal_connect('on_show_offline_activate', self.on_show_off) self.xml.signal_connect('on_about_activate', self.on_about) self.xml.signal_connect('on_quit_activate', self.on_quit) self.xml.signal_connect('on_treeview_event', self.on_treeview_event) self.xml.signal_connect('on_status_changed', self.on_status_changed) self.xml.signal_connect('on_optionmenu_changed', \ self.on_optionmenu_changed) self.xml.signal_connect('on_row_activated', self.on_row_activated) self.xml.signal_connect('on_row_expanded', self.on_row_expanded) self.xml.signal_connect('on_row_collapsed', self.on_row_collapsed) self.draw_roster() class plugin: """Class called by the core in a new thread""" class accounts: """Class where are stored the accounts and users in them""" def __init__(self): self.__accounts = {} def add_account(self, account, users=()): #users must be like (user1, user2) self.__accounts[account] = users def add_user_to_account(self, account, user): if self.__accounts.has_key(account): self.__accounts[account].append(user) else : return 1 def get_accounts(self): return self.__accounts.keys(); def get_users(self, account): if self.__accounts.has_key(account): return self.__accounts[account] else : return None def which_account(self, user): for a in self.__accounts.keys(): if user in self.__accounts[a]: return a return None def send(self, event, account, data): self.queueOUT.put((event, account, data)) def wait(self, what): """Wait for a message from Core""" #TODO: timeout temp_q = Queue.Queue(50) while 1: if not self.queueIN.empty(): ev = self.queueIN.get() if ev[0] == what and ev[2][0] == 'GtkGui': #Restore messages while not temp_q.empty(): ev2 = temp_q.get() self.queueIN.put(ev2) return ev[2][1] else: #Save messages temp_q.put(ev) time.sleep(0.1) def read_queue(self): """Read queue from the core and execute commands from it""" model = self.roster.tree.get_model() while self.queueIN.empty() == 0: ev = self.queueIN.get() if ev[0] == 'ROSTER': self.roster.mklists(ev[2], ev[1]) self.roster.draw_roster() elif ev[0] == 'WARNING': warning_Window(ev[2]) #('STATUS', account, status) elif ev[0] == 'STATUS': self.roster.on_status_changed(ev[1], ev[2]) #('NOTIFY', account, (jid, status, message, resource)) elif ev[0] == 'NOTIFY': jid = string.split(ev[2][0], '/')[0] resource = ev[2][3] if not resource: resource = '' if string.find(jid, "@") <= 0: #It must be an agent ji = string.replace(jid, '@', '') else: ji = jid #Update user if self.roster.contacts[ev[1]].has_key(ji): user = self.roster.contacts[ev[1]][ji] user.show = ev[2][1] user.status = ev[2][2] user.resource = resource if string.find(jid, "@") <= 0: #It must be an agent if not self.roster.contacts[ev[1]].has_key(ji): user1 = user(ji, ji, ['Agents'], ev[2][1], \ ev[2][2], 'from', resource) self.roster.add_user_to_roster(user1, ev[1]) else: #Update existing iter for i in self.roster.get_user_iter(ji, ev[1]): if self.roster.pixbufs.has_key(ev[2][1]): model.set_value(i, 0, self.roster.pixbufs[ev[2][1]]) elif self.roster.contacts[ev[1]].has_key(ji): #It isn't an agent self.roster.chg_user_status(user, ev[2][1], ev[2][2], ev[1]) #('MSG', account, (user, msg)) elif ev[0] == 'MSG': if string.find(ev[2][0], "@") <= 0: jid = string.replace(ev[2][0], '@', '') else: jid = ev[2][0] self.roster.on_message(jid, ev[2][1], ev[1]) #('SUBSCRIBE', account, (jid, text)) elif ev[0] == 'SUBSCRIBE': authorize_Window(self, ev[2][0], ev[2][1], ev[1]) #('SUBSCRIBED', account, (jid, nom, resource)) elif ev[0] == 'SUBSCRIBED': if self.roster.l_contact.has_key(ev[2][0]): u = self.roster.l_contact[ev[2][0]]['user'] u.name = ev[2][1] u.resource = ev[2][2] for i in self.roster.l_contact[u.jid]['iter']: model.set_value(i, 1, u.name) else: user1 = user(ev[2][0], ev[2][0], ['general'], 'online', \ 'online', 'to', ev[2][2]) self.roster.add_user(user1) warning_Window("You are now authorized by " + ev[2][0]) elif ev[0] == 'UNSUBSCRIBED': warning_Window("You are now unsubscribed by " + jid) #TODO: change icon #('AGENTS', account, agents) elif ev[0] == 'AGENTS': if self.windows[ev[1]].has_key('browser'): self.windows[ev[1]]['browser'].agents(ev[2]) #('AGENTS_INFO', account, (agent, infos)) elif ev[0] == 'AGENT_INFO': if not ev[2][1].has_key('instructions'): warning_Window('error contacting %s' % ev[2][0]) else: agentRegistration_Window(ev[2][0], ev[2][1], self, ev[1]) #('ACC_OK', account, (hostname, login, pasword, name, ressource)) elif ev[0] == 'ACC_OK': self.accounts[ev[2][3]] = {'ressource': ev[2][4], \ 'password': ev[2][2], 'hostname': ev[2][0], 'name': ev[2][1]} self.send('CONFIG', None, ('accounts', self.accounts)) self.windows[name] = {'infos': {}, 'chats': {}} self.queues[name] = {} self.connected[name] = 0 self.roster.groups[name] = {} self.roster.contacts[name] = {} if self.windows.has_key('accounts'): self.windows['accounts'].init_accounts() elif ev[0] == 'QUIT': self.roster.on_quit(self) elif ev[0] == 'VCARD': if self.windows[ev[1]]['infos'].has_key(ev[2]['jid']): self.windows[ev[1]]['infos'][ev[2]['jid']].set_values(ev[2]) return 1 def read_sleepy(self): """Check if we are idle""" if self.sleeper and (self.config['autoaway'] or self.config['autoxa'])\ and (self.roster.optionmenu.get_history()==0 or \ self.sleeper_state!=common.sleepy.STATE_AWAKE): self.sleeper.poll() state = self.sleeper.getState() if state != self.sleeper_state: if state == common.sleepy.STATE_AWAKE: #we go online self.roster.optionmenu.set_history(0) self.send('STATUS', None, ('online', '')) if state == common.sleepy.STATE_AWAY and self.config['autoaway']: #we go away self.roster.optionmenu.set_history(1) self.send('STATUS', None, ('away', 'auto away (idle)')) if state == common.sleepy.STATE_XAWAY and self.config['autoxa']: #we go extanded away self.roster.optionmenu.set_history(2) self.send('STATUS',('xa', 'auto away (idel)')) self.sleeper_state = state return 1 def __init__(self, quIN, quOUT): gtk.threads_init() gtk.threads_enter() self.queueIN = quIN self.queueOUT = quOUT self.send('ASK_CONFIG', None, ('GtkGui', 'GtkGui', {'autopopup':1,\ 'showoffline':0,\ 'autoaway':0,\ 'autoawaytime':10,\ 'autoxa':0,\ 'autoxatime':20,\ 'iconstyle':'sun',\ 'inmsgcolor':'#ff0000',\ 'outmsgcolor': '#0000ff',\ 'statusmsgcolor':'#1eaa1e'})) self.config = self.wait('CONFIG') self.send('ASK_CONFIG', None, ('GtkGui', 'accounts')) self.accounts = self.wait('CONFIG') self.windows = {} self.queues = {} self.connected = {} for a in self.accounts.keys(): self.windows[a] = {} self.windows[a]['infos'] = {} self.windows[a]['chats'] = {} self.queues[a] = {} self.connected[a] = 0 self.roster = roster_Window(self) gtk.timeout_add(200, self.read_queue) gtk.timeout_add(1000, self.read_sleepy) self.sleeper = None self.sleeper_state = None gtk.main() gtk.threads_leave() if __name__ == "__main__": plugin(None, None) print "plugin gtkgui loaded"