## tabbed_chat_window.py ## ## Gajim Team: ## - Yann Le Boulanger ## - Vincent Hanquez ## - Nikos Kouremenos ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## import gtk import gtk.glade import pango import gobject import time import urllib import base64 import dialogs import chat import gtkgui_helpers from common import gajim from common import helpers from common import i18n _ = i18n._ APP = i18n.APP gtk.glade.bindtextdomain(APP, i18n.DIR) gtk.glade.textdomain(APP) GTKGUI_GLADE = 'gtkgui.glade' class TabbedChatWindow(chat.Chat): """Class for tabbed chat window""" def __init__(self, user, plugin, account): chat.Chat.__init__(self, plugin, account, 'tabbed_chat_window') self.contacts = {} self.chatstates = {} # keep check for possible paused timeouts per jid self.possible_paused_timeout_id = {} # keep check for possible inactive timeouts per jid self.possible_inactive_timeout_id = {} self.new_user(user) self.show_title() # NOTE: if it not a window event, connect in new_user function signal_dict = { 'on_tabbed_chat_window_destroy': self.on_tabbed_chat_window_destroy, 'on_tabbed_chat_window_delete_event': self.on_tabbed_chat_window_delete_event, 'on_tabbed_chat_window_focus_in_event': self.on_tabbed_chat_window_focus_in_event, 'on_tabbed_chat_window_focus_out_event': self.on_tabbed_chat_window_focus_out_event, 'on_chat_notebook_key_press_event': self.on_chat_notebook_key_press_event, 'on_chat_notebook_switch_page': self.on_chat_notebook_switch_page, # in chat.py 'on_tabbed_chat_window_motion_notify_event': self.on_tabbed_chat_window_motion_notify_event, } self.xml.signal_autoconnect(signal_dict) if gajim.config.get('saveposition'): # get window position and size from config self.window.move(gajim.config.get('chat-x-position'), gajim.config.get('chat-y-position')) self.window.resize(gajim.config.get('chat-width'), gajim.config.get('chat-height')) # gtk+ doesn't make use of the motion notify on gtkwindow by default # so this line adds that self.window.set_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self.window.show_all() def save_var(self, jid): '''return the specific variable of a jid, like gpg_enabled the return value have to be compatible with wthe one given to load_var''' gpg_enabled = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton').get_active() return {'gpg_enabled': gpg_enabled} def load_var(self, jid, var): if not self.xmls.has_key(jid): return self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton').set_active( var['gpg_enabled']) def on_tabbed_chat_window_motion_notify_event(self, widget, event): '''it gets called no matter if it is the active window or not''' if widget.get_property('has-toplevel-focus'): # change chatstate only if window is the active one self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs = True self.mouse_over_in_last_30_secs = True def draw_widgets(self, contact): """draw the widgets in a tab (status_image, contact_button ...) according to the the information in the contact variable""" jid = contact.jid self.set_state_image(jid) contact_button = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('contact_button') contact_button.set_use_underline(False) tb = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton') if contact.keyID: # we can do gpg tb.set_sensitive(True) tt = _('OpenPGP Encryption') else: tb.set_sensitive(False) tt = _('%s has not broadcasted an OpenPGP key nor you have assigned one') % contact.name tip = gtk.Tooltips() tip.set_tip(self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_eventbox'), tt) # add the fat line at the top self.draw_name_banner(contact) def draw_name_banner(self, contact, chatstate = None): '''Draw the fat line at the top of the window that houses the status icon, name, jid, and avatar''' # this is the text for the big brown bar # some chars need to be escaped.. jid = contact.jid banner_name_label = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('banner_name_label') name = gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(contact.name) status = contact.status #FIXME: when gtk2.4 is OOOOLD do it via glade2.10+ if gtk.pygtk_version >= (2, 6, 0) and gtk.gtk_version >= (2, 6, 0): banner_name_label.set_ellipsize(pango.ELLIPSIZE_END) #FIXME: remove me when gtk24 is OLD elif status is not None and len(status) > 50: status = status[:47] + '...' status = gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(status) #FIXME: uncomment me when we support sending messages to specific resource # composing full jid #fulljid = jid #if self.contacts[jid].resource: # fulljid += '/' + self.contacts[jid].resource #label_text = '%s\n%s' \ # % (name, fulljid) st = gajim.config.get('chat_state_notifications') if chatstate and st in ('composing_only', 'all'): if st == 'all': chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(chatstate) else: # 'composing_only' if chatstate in ('composing', 'paused'): # only print composing, paused chatstate = helpers.get_uf_chatstate(chatstate) else: chatstate = '' print chatstate label_text = \ '%s %s' % (name, chatstate) else: label_text = '%s' % name if status is not None: label_text += '\n%s' % status # setup the label that holds name and jid banner_name_label.set_markup(label_text) self.paint_banner(jid) def set_avatar(self, vcard): if not vcard.has_key('PHOTO'): return if type(vcard['PHOTO']) != type({}): return img_decoded = None if vcard['PHOTO'].has_key('BINVAL'): try: img_decoded = base64.decodestring(vcard['PHOTO']['BINVAL']) except: pass elif vcard['PHOTO'].has_key('EXTVAL'): url = vcard['PHOTO']['EXTVAL'] try: fd = urllib.urlopen(url) img_decoded = fd.read() except: pass if img_decoded: pixbufloader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() pixbufloader.write(img_decoded) pixbuf = pixbufloader.get_pixbuf() pixbufloader.close() scaled_buf = pixbuf.scale_simple(52, 52, gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER) x = None if self.xmls.has_key(vcard['jid']): x = self.xmls[vcard['jid']] # it can be xmls[jid/resource] if it's a vcard from pm elif self.xmls.has_key(vcard['jid'] + '/' + vcard['resource']): x = self.xmls[vcard['jid'] + '/' + vcard['resource']] image = x.get_widget('avatar_image') image.set_from_pixbuf(scaled_buf) image.show_all() def set_state_image(self, jid): prio = 0 if gajim.contacts[self.account].has_key(jid): contacts_list = gajim.contacts[self.account][jid] else: contacts_list = [self.contacts[jid]] user = contacts_list[0] show = user.show jid = user.jid keyID = user.keyID for u in contacts_list: if u.priority > prio: prio = u.priority show = u.show keyID = u.keyID child = self.childs[jid] hb = self.notebook.get_tab_label(child).get_children()[0] status_image = hb.get_children()[0] state_images = self.plugin.roster.get_appropriate_state_images(jid) image = state_images[show] banner_status_image = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('banner_status_image') if keyID: self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton').set_sensitive(True) else: self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton').set_sensitive(False) if image.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_ANIMATION: banner_status_image.set_from_animation(image.get_animation()) status_image.set_from_animation(image.get_animation()) elif image.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_PIXBUF: # make a copy because one will be scaled, one not (tab icon) pix = image.get_pixbuf() scaled_pix = pix.scale_simple(32, 32, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) banner_status_image.set_from_pixbuf(scaled_pix) status_image.set_from_pixbuf(pix) def on_tabbed_chat_window_delete_event(self, widget, event): '''close window''' for jid in self.contacts: if time.time() - gajim.last_message_time[self.account][jid] < 2: # 2 seconds dialog = dialogs.ConfirmationDialog( _('You just received a new message from "%s"' % jid), _('If you close the window, this message will be lost.')) if dialog.get_response() != gtk.RESPONSE_OK: return True #stop the propagation of the event if gajim.config.get('saveposition'): # save the window size and position x, y = self.window.get_position() gajim.config.set('chat-x-position', x) gajim.config.set('chat-y-position', y) width, height = self.window.get_size() gajim.config.set('chat-width', width) gajim.config.set('chat-height', height) def on_tabbed_chat_window_destroy(self, widget): #clean self.plugin.windows[self.account]['chats'] chat.Chat.on_window_destroy(self, widget, 'chats') def on_tabbed_chat_window_focus_in_event(self, widget, event): chat.Chat.on_chat_window_focus_in_event(self, widget, event) # on focus in, send 'active' chatstate self.send_chatstate('active') def on_tabbed_chat_window_focus_out_event(self, widget, event): '''catch focus out and minimized and send inactive chatstate; minimize action also focuses out first so it's catched here''' window_state = widget.window.get_state() if window_state is None: return # focus-out is also emitted by showing context menu # so check to see if we're really not paying attention to window/tab # NOTE: if the user changes tab, (switch-tab send inactive to current tab # so that's not a problem) if self.popup_is_shown is False: # we are outside of the window # so no context menu, so send inactive to alls tabs for jid in self.xmls: self.send_chatstate('inactive', jid) def on_chat_notebook_key_press_event(self, widget, event): chat.Chat.on_chat_notebook_key_press_event(self, widget, event) def on_send_file_menuitem_activate(self, widget): jid = self.get_active_jid() contact = gajim.get_first_contact_instance_from_jid(self.account, jid) self.plugin.windows['file_transfers'].show_file_send_request( self.account, contact) def on_add_to_roster_menuitem_activate(self, widget): jid = self.get_active_jid() dialogs.AddNewContactWindow(self.plugin, self.account, jid) def on_send_button_clicked(self, widget): """When send button is pressed: send the current message""" jid = self.get_active_jid() message_textview = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('message_textview') message_buffer = message_textview.get_buffer() start_iter = message_buffer.get_start_iter() end_iter = message_buffer.get_end_iter() message = message_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, 0) # send the message self.send_message(message) message_buffer.set_text('') def remove_tab(self, jid): if time.time() - gajim.last_message_time[self.account][jid] < 2: dialog = dialogs.ConfirmationDialog( _('You just received a new message from "%s"' % jid), _('If you close this tab, the message will be lost.')) if dialog.get_response() != gtk.RESPONSE_OK: return # chatstates - window is destroyed, send gone self.send_chatstate('gone', jid) chat.Chat.remove_tab(self, jid, 'chats') del self.contacts[jid] def new_user(self, contact): '''when new tab is created''' self.names[contact.jid] = contact.name self.xmls[contact.jid] = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'chats_vbox', APP) self.childs[contact.jid] = self.xmls[contact.jid].get_widget('chats_vbox') self.contacts[contact.jid] = contact if contact.jid in gajim.encrypted_chats[self.account]: self.xmls[contact.jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton').set_active(True) xm = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'tabbed_chat_popup_menu', APP) xm.signal_autoconnect(self) self.tabbed_chat_popup_menu = xm.get_widget('tabbed_chat_popup_menu') chat.Chat.new_tab(self, contact.jid) self.redraw_tab(contact.jid) self.draw_widgets(contact) #restore previous conversation self.restore_conversation(contact.jid) #print queued messages if gajim.awaiting_messages[self.account].has_key(contact.jid): self.read_queue(contact.jid) gajim.connections[self.account].request_vcard(contact.jid) self.childs[contact.jid].show_all() # chatstates self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs = False self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs = False self.mouse_over_in_last_30_secs = False self.kbd_activity_in_last_30_secs = False self.chatstates[contact.jid] = None # our current chatstate with contact self.possible_paused_timeout_id[contact.jid] =\ gobject.timeout_add(5000, self.check_for_possible_paused_chatstate, contact) self.possible_inactive_timeout_id[contact.jid] =\ gobject.timeout_add(30000, self.check_for_possible_inactive_chatstate, contact) def handle_incoming_chatstate(self, account, jid, chatstate): ''' handle incoming chatstate that jid SENT TO us ''' contact = gajim.get_first_contact_instance_from_jid(account, jid) self.draw_name_banner(contact, chatstate) def check_for_possible_paused_chatstate(self, contact): ''' did we move mouse of that window or kbd activity in that window in the last 5 seconds? if yes we go active for mouse, composing for kbd if no we go paused if we were previously composing ''' current_state = self.chatstates[contact.jid] if current_state == False: # jid doesn't support chatstates return False # stop looping if self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs: self.send_chatstate('active') elif self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs: self.send_chatstate('composing') else: if self.chatstates[contact.jid] == 'composing': self.send_chatstate('paused', contact.jid) # pause composing # assume no activity and let the motion-notify or key_press make them True self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs = False self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs = False # refresh 30 seconds or else it's 30 - 5 = 25 seconds! self.mouse_over_in_last_30_secs = True self.kbd_activity_in_last_30_secs = True return True # loop forever def check_for_possible_inactive_chatstate(self, contact): ''' did we move mouse over that window or kbd activity in that window in the last 30 seconds? if yes we go active if no we go inactive ''' current_state = self.chatstates[contact.jid] if current_state == False: # jid doesn't support chatstates return False # stop looping if not (self.mouse_over_in_last_30_secs or\ self.kbd_activity_in_last_30_secs): self.send_chatstate('inactive', contact.jid) # assume no activity and let the motion-notify or key_press make them True self.mouse_over_in_last_5_secs = False self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs = False self.mouse_over_in_last_30_secs = False self.kbd_activity_in_last_30_secs = False return True # loop forever def on_message_textview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): """When a key is pressed: if enter is pressed without the shift key, message (if not empty) is sent and printed in the conversation""" jid = self.get_active_jid() conversation_textview = widget message_buffer = conversation_textview.get_buffer() start_iter, end_iter = message_buffer.get_bounds() message = message_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.ISO_Left_Tab: # SHIFT + TAB if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + SHIFT + TAB self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Tab: if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + TAB self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Down: # PAGE DOWN if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + PAGE DOWN self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # SHIFT + PAGE DOWN conversation_textview.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Up: # PAGE UP if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + PAGE UP self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # SHIFT + PAGE UP conversation_textview.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up: if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: #Ctrl+UP self.sent_messages_scroll(jid, 'up', widget.get_buffer()) return True # override the default gtk+ thing for ctrl+up elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down: if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: #Ctrl+Down self.sent_messages_scroll(jid, 'down', widget.get_buffer()) return True # override the default gtk+ thing for ctrl+down elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Return or \ event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter: # ENTER if gajim.config.get('send_on_ctrl_enter'): if not (event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK): return False elif (event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK): return False if gajim.connections[self.account].connected < 2: #we are not connected dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('A connection is not available'), _('Your message can not be sent until you are connected.')).get_response() return True # send the message self.send_message(message) message_buffer.set_text('') return True else: # chatstates # if really composing (eg. no Ctrl, or alt modifier, send chatstate if not (event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK) and not\ (event.state & gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK): # but what about Shift+ sth ? # Shift + 'a' = A so we're composing # Shift + Escape is not composing, so we let the gtk+ decide # in an workaround way (we could also get somehow the listed shortcuts # but I don't know if it's possible) # get images too (eg. emoticons) message = message_buffer.get_slice(start_iter, end_iter, True) message = message.strip() # enter and space does not mean writing chars_no = len(message) gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.check_for_possible_composing, message_buffer, jid, chars_no) def check_for_possible_composing(self, message_buffer, jid, chars_no): start_iter, end_iter = message_buffer.get_bounds() message = message_buffer.get_slice(start_iter, end_iter, True) message = message.strip() # enter and space does not mean writing chars_no_after_one_sec = len(message) if chars_no != chars_no_after_one_sec: # so GTK+ decided key_press was for writing.. self.kbd_activity_in_last_5_secs = True self.kbd_activity_in_last_30_secs = True self.send_chatstate('composing', jid) def send_chatstate(self, state, jid = None): ''' sends our chatstate as STANDLONE chat state message (eg. no body) to the current tab only if new chatstate is different from the previous one''' # JEP 85 does not allow resending the same chatstate # this function checks for that and just returns so it's safe to call it # with same state. # This functions also checks for violation in state transitions # and raises RuntimeException with appropriate message # more on that http://www.jabber.org/jeps/jep-0085.html#statechart # do not send nothing if we have chat state notifications disabled # that means we won't reply to the from other peer # so we do not broadcast jep85 capabalities if gajim.config.get('chat_state_notifications') == 'disabled': return if jid is None: jid = self.get_active_jid() contact = gajim.get_first_contact_instance_from_jid(self.account, jid) if contact is None: # contact was from pm in MUC, and left the room so contact is None # so we cannot send chatstate anymore return if contact.chatstate is False: # jid cannot do jep85 return # if current state equals previous state, return if contact.chatstate == state: return if contact.chatstate is None: # we don't know anything about jid, so return # NOTE: # send 'active', set current state to 'ask' and return is done # in send_message because we need REAL message (with ) # for that procedure so return to make sure we send only once 'active' # until we know peer supports jep85 return if contact.chatstate == 'ask': return # prevent going paused if we we were not composing (JEP violation) if state == 'paused' and not contact.chatstate == 'composing': gajim.connections[self.account].send_message(jid, None, None, chatstate = 'active') # go active before # if we're inactive prevent composing (JEP violation) if contact.chatstate == 'inactive' and state == 'composing': gajim.connections[self.account].send_message(jid, None, None, chatstate = 'active') # go active before gajim.connections[self.account].send_message(jid, None, None, chatstate = state) def send_message(self, message): """Send the given message to the active tab""" if not message: return jid = self.get_active_jid() contact = gajim.get_first_contact_instance_from_jid(self.account, jid) if contact is None: # contact was from pm in MUC, and left the room, or we left the room room, nick = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid) dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('Sending private message failed'), _('You are no longer in room "%s" or "%s" has left.') % \ (room, nick)).get_response() return conversation_textview = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('conversation_textview') message_textview = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('message_textview') message_buffer = message_textview.get_buffer() if message != '' or message != '\n': self.save_sent_message(jid, message) if message == '/clear': self.on_clear(None, conversation_textview) # clear conversation self.on_clear(None, message_textview) # clear message textview too return True elif message == '/compact': self.set_compact_view(not self.compact_view_current_state) self.on_clear(None, message_textview) return True keyID = '' encrypted = False if self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton').get_active(): keyID = self.contacts[jid].keyID encrypted = True chatstates_on = gajim.config.get( 'chat_state_notifications') != 'disabled' chatstate_to_send = None if chatstates_on and contact is not None: if contact.chatstate is None: # no info about peer # send active to discover chat state capabilities # this is here (and not in send_chatstate) # because we want it sent with REAL message # (not standlone) eg. one that has body chatstate_to_send = 'active' contact.chatstate = 'ask' # pseudo state # if peer supports jep85, send 'active' elif contact.chatstate is not False: #send active chatstate on every message (as JEP says) chatstate_to_send = 'active' gajim.connections[self.account].send_message(jid, message, keyID, chatstate = chatstate_to_send) contact.chatstate = chatstate_to_send message_buffer.set_text('') self.print_conversation(message, jid, jid, encrypted = encrypted) def on_contact_button_clicked(self, widget): jid = self.get_active_jid() contact = self.contacts[jid] self.plugin.roster.on_info(widget, contact, self.account) def read_queue(self, jid): """read queue and print messages containted in it""" l = gajim.awaiting_messages[self.account][jid] user = self.contacts[jid] for event in l: self.print_conversation(event[0], jid, tim = event[1], encrypted = event[2], contact='print_queue') self.plugin.roster.nb_unread -= 1 self.plugin.roster.show_title() del gajim.awaiting_messages[self.account][jid] self.plugin.roster.draw_contact(jid, self.account) if self.plugin.systray_enabled: self.plugin.systray.remove_jid(jid, self.account) showOffline = gajim.config.get('showoffline') if (user.show == 'offline' or user.show == 'error') and \ not showOffline: if len(gajim.contacts[self.account][jid]) == 1: self.plugin.roster.really_remove_contact(user, self.account) def print_conversation(self, text, jid, contact = '', tim = None, encrypted = False, subject = None): """Print a line in the conversation: if contact is set to status: it's a status message if contact is set to another value: it's an outgoing message if contact is set to print_queue: it is incomming from queue if contact is not set: it's an incomming message""" user = self.contacts[jid] if contact == 'status': kind = 'status' name = '' else: ec = gajim.encrypted_chats[self.account] if encrypted and jid not in ec: msg = _('Encryption enabled') chat.Chat.print_conversation_line(self, msg, jid, 'status', '', tim) ec.append(jid) if not encrypted and jid in ec: msg = _('Encryption disabled') chat.Chat.print_conversation_line(self, msg, jid, 'status', '', tim) ec.remove(jid) self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton').set_active(encrypted) if not contact: kind = 'incoming' name = user.name elif contact == 'print_queue': # incoming message, but do not update time kind = 'incoming_queue' name = user.name else: kind = 'outgoing' name = gajim.nicks[self.account] chat.Chat.print_conversation_line(self, text, jid, kind, name, tim, subject = subject) def restore_conversation(self, jid): # don't restore lines if it's a transport is_transport = jid.startswith('aim') or jid.startswith('gadugadu') or\ jid.startswith('irc') or jid.startswith('icq') or\ jid.startswith('msn') or jid.startswith('sms') or\ jid.startswith('yahoo') if is_transport: return #How many lines to restore and when to time them out restore = gajim.config.get('restore_lines') time_out = gajim.config.get('restore_timeout') pos = 0 #position, while reading from history size = 0 #how many lines we alreay retreived lines = [] #we'll need to reverse the lines from history count = gajim.logger.get_no_of_lines(jid) if gajim.awaiting_messages[self.account].has_key(jid): pos = len(gajim.awaiting_messages[self.account][jid]) else: pos = 0 now = time.time() while size <= restore: if pos == count or size > restore - 1: #don't try to read beyond history, not read more than required break nb, line = gajim.logger.read(jid, count - 1 - pos, count - pos) pos = pos + 1 if (now - float(line[0][0]))/60 >= time_out: #stop looking for messages if we found something too old break if line[0][1] != 'sent' and line[0][1] != 'recv': # we don't want to display status lines, do we? continue lines.append(line[0]) size = size + 1 lines.reverse() for msg in lines: if msg[1] == 'sent': kind = 'outgoing' name = gajim.nicks[self.account] elif msg[1] == 'recv': kind = 'incoming' name = self.contacts[jid].name tim = time.localtime(float(msg[0])) text = ':'.join(msg[2:])[:-1] #remove the latest \n self.print_conversation_line(text, jid, kind, name, tim, ['small'], ['small', 'grey'], ['small', 'grey'], False) if len(lines): self.print_empty_line(jid)