# Copyright (C) 2018 Emmanuel Gil Peyrot # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . import logging import hashlib from base64 import b64decode from pathlib import Path import nbxmpp from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import configpaths log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.m.bob') class BitsOfBinary: def __init__(self, con): self._con = con self._account = con.name self.handlers = [ ('iq', self._answer_bob_request, 'get', nbxmpp.NS_BOB) ] # Used to track which cids are in-flight. self.awaiting_cids = {} def _answer_bob_request(self, _con, stanza): log.info('Request from %s for BoB data', stanza.getFrom()) iq = stanza.buildReply('error') err = nbxmpp.ErrorNode(nbxmpp.ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND) iq.addChild(node=err) log.info('Sending item-not-found') self._con.connection.send(iq) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def _on_bob_received(self, _con, result, cid): """ Called when we receive BoB data """ if cid not in self.awaiting_cids: return if result.getType() == 'result': data = result.getTags('data', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BOB) if data.getAttr('cid') == cid: for func in self.awaiting_cids[cid]: cb = func[0] args = func[1] pos = func[2] bob_data = data.getData() def recurs(node, cid, data): if node.getData() == 'cid:' + cid: node.setData(data) else: for child in node.getChildren(): recurs(child, cid, data) recurs(args[pos], cid, bob_data) cb(*args) del self.awaiting_cids[cid] return # An error occured, call callback without modifying data. for func in self.awaiting_cids[cid]: cb = func[0] args = func[1] cb(*args) del self.awaiting_cids[cid] def get_bob_data(self, cid, to, callback, args, position): """ Request for BoB (XEP-0231) and when data will arrive, call callback with given args, after having replaced cid by it's data in args[position] """ if cid in self.awaiting_cids: self.awaiting_cids[cid].appends((callback, args, position)) else: self.awaiting_cids[cid] = [(callback, args, position)] iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=to, typ='get') iq.addChild(name='data', attrs={'cid': cid}, namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BOB) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._on_bob_received, {'cid': cid}) def parse_bob_data(stanza): data_node = stanza.getTag('data', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BOB) if data_node is None: return cid = data_node.getAttr('cid') type_ = data_node.getAttr('type') max_age = data_node.getAttr('max-age') if max_age is not None: try: max_age = int(max_age) except Exception: log.exception(stanza) return if cid is None or type_ is None: log.warning('Invalid data node (no cid or type attr): %s', stanza) return try: algo_hash = cid.split('@')[0] algo, hash_ = algo_hash.split('+') except Exception: log.exception('Invalid cid: %s', stanza) return bob_data = data_node.getData() if not bob_data: log.warning('No data found: %s', stanza) return filepath = Path(configpaths.get('BOB')) / algo_hash if algo_hash in app.bob_cache or filepath.exists(): log.info('BoB data already cached') return try: bob_data = b64decode(bob_data) except Exception: log.warning('Unable to decode data') log.exception(stanza) return if len(bob_data) > 10000: log.warning('%s: data > 10000 bytes', stanza.getFrom()) return try: sha = hashlib.new(algo) except ValueError as error: log.warning(stanza) log.warning(error) return sha.update(bob_data) if sha.hexdigest() != hash_: log.warning('Invalid hash: %s', stanza) return if max_age == 0: app.bob_cache[algo_hash] = bob_data else: try: with open(str(filepath), 'w+b') as file: file.write(bob_data) except Exception: log.warning('Unable to save data') log.exception(stanza) return log.info('BoB data stored: %s', algo_hash) return filepath def get_instance(*args, **kwargs): return BitsOfBinary(*args, **kwargs), 'BitsOfBinary'