##   debug.py 
##   Copyright (C) 2003 Jacob Lundqvist
##   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
##   by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
##   any later version.
##   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

_version_ = '1.4.0'


Generic debug class

Other modules can always define extra debug flags for local usage, as long as
they make sure they append them to debug_flags

Also its always a good thing to prefix local flags with something, to reduce risk
of coliding flags. Nothing breaks if two flags would be identical, but it might 
activate unintended debugging.

flags can be numeric, but that makes analysing harder, on creation its
not obvious what is activated, and when flag_show is given, output isnt
really meaningfull.

This Debug class can either be initialized and used on app level, or used independantly
by the individual classes.

For samples of usage, see samples subdir in distro source, and selftest
in this code

import sys
import time
from string import join

import types

debug_flags = []

color_none         = chr(27) + "[0m"
color_black        = chr(27) + "[30m"
color_red          = chr(27) + "[31m"
color_green        = chr(27) + "[32m"
color_brown        = chr(27) + "[33m"
color_blue         = chr(27) + "[34m"
color_magenta      = chr(27) + "[35m"
color_cyan         = chr(27) + "[36m"
color_light_gray   = chr(27) + "[37m"
color_dark_gray    = chr(27) + "[30;1m"
color_bright_red   = chr(27) + "[31;1m"
color_bright_green = chr(27) + "[32;1m"
color_yellow       = chr(27) + "[33;1m"
color_bright_blue  = chr(27) + "[34;1m"
color_purple       = chr(27) + "[35;1m"
color_bright_cyan  = chr(27) + "[36;1m"
color_white        = chr(27) + "[37;1m"

Define your flags in yor modules like this:

from debug import *

DBG_INIT = 'init'                ; debug_flags.append( DBG_INIT )
DBG_CONNECTION = 'connection'    ; debug_flags.append( DBG_CONNECTION )

 The reason for having a double statement wis so we can validate params
 and catch all undefined debug flags
 This gives us control over all used flags, and makes it easier to allow
 global debugging in your code, just do something like
 foo = Debug( debug_flags )
 group flags, that is a flag in it self containing multiple flags should be
 defined without the debug_flags.append() sequence, since the parts are already
 in the list, also they must of course be defined after the flags they depend on ;)


  To speed code up, typically for product releases or such
  use this class instead if you globaly want to disable debugging
DBG_INIT = 'init'        ; debug_flags.append( DBG_INIT )
DBG_ALWAYS = 'always'    ; debug_flags.append( DBG_ALWAYS )

class NoDebug:
    def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
    def show( self,  *args, **kwargs):
    def is_active( self, flag ):
    def active_set( self, active_flags = None ):
        return 0

LINE_FEED = '\n'

class Debug:      
    def __init__( self,
                  # active_flags are those that will trigger output
                  active_flags = None, 
                  # Log file should be file object or file namne
                  log_file = sys.stderr,
                  # prefix and sufix can either be set globaly or per call.
                  # personally I use this to color code debug statements
                  # with prefix = chr(27) + '[34m'
                  #      sufix = chr(27) + '[37;1m\n'
                  prefix = color_red + 'DEBUG: ' + color_white, 
                  sufix = '\n',
                  # If you want unix style timestamps, 
                  #  0 disables timestamps
                  #  1 before prefix, good when prefix is a string
                  #  2 after prefix, good when prefix is a color
                  time_stamp = 2,		  
                  # flag_show should normaly be of, but can be turned on to get a
                  # good view of what flags are actually used for calls,
                  # if it is not None, it should be a string
                  # flags for current call will be displayed 
                  # with flag_show as separator                  
                  # recomended values vould be '-' or ':', but any string goes
                  flag_show = None,
                  # If you dont want to validate flags on each call to
                  # show(), set this to 0
                  validate_flags = 1,
                  # If you dont want the welcome message, set to 0
                  # default is to show welcome if any flags are active
                  welcome = -1,
                  # Non plain-ascii encodings can benefit from it
                  encoding = None

        if type(active_flags) not in [type([]), type(())]:
            print  '***' 
            print  '*** Invalid or oldformat debug param given: %s' % active_flags
            print  '*** please correct your param, should be of [] type!'
            print  '*** Due to this, full debuging is enabled'

        if welcome == -1:
            if active_flags and len(active_flags):
                welcome = 1
                welcome = 0
        if log_file:
            if type( log_file ) is type(''):
                    self._fh = open(log_file,'w')
                    print 'ERROR: can open %s for writing'
            else: ## assume its a stream type object
                self._fh = log_file
            self._fh = sys.stdout
        if time_stamp not in (0,1,2):
            msg2 = '%s' % time_stamp
            raise 'Invalid time_stamp param', msg2
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.sufix = sufix
        self.time_stamp = time_stamp
        self.flag_show = None # must be initialised after possible welcome
        self.validate_flags = validate_flags
        self.encoding = encoding

        self.active_set( active_flags )
        if welcome:
            caller = sys._getframe(1) # used to get name of caller
                mod_name= ":%s" % caller.f_locals['__name__']
                mod_name = ""
            self.show('Debug created for %s%s' % (caller.f_code.co_filename,
                                                   mod_name ))
            self.show(' flags defined: %s' % join( self.active ))
        if type(flag_show) in (type(''), type(None)):
            self.flag_show = flag_show
            msg2 = '%s' % type(flag_show )
            raise 'Invalid type for flag_show!', msg2


    def show( self, msg, flag = None, prefix = None, sufix = None,
              lf = 0 ):
        flag can be of folowing types:
            None - this msg will always be shown if any debugging is on
            flag - will be shown if flag is active
            (flag1,flag2,,,) - will be shown if any of the given flags 
                               are active

        if prefix / sufix are not given, default ones from init will be used
        lf = -1 means strip linefeed if pressent
        lf = 1 means add linefeed if not pressent
        if self.validate_flags:
            self._validate_flag( flag )
        if not self.is_active(flag):
        if prefix:
            pre = prefix
            pre = self.prefix
        if sufix:
            suf = sufix
            suf = self.sufix

        if self.time_stamp == 2:
            output = '%s%s ' % ( pre,
                                 time.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S',
                                 time.localtime(time.time() )),
        elif self.time_stamp == 1:
            output = '%s %s' % ( time.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S',
                                 time.localtime(time.time() )),
            output = pre
        if self.flag_show:
            if flag:
                output = '%s%s%s' % ( output, flag, self.flag_show )
                # this call uses the global default,
                # dont print "None", just show the separator
                output = '%s %s' % ( output, self.flag_show )

        if type(msg)==type(u'') and self.encoding:
            msg=msg.encode(self.encoding, 'replace')

        output = '%s%s%s' % ( output, msg, suf )
        if lf:
            # strip/add lf if needed
            last_char = output[-1]
            if lf == 1 and last_char != LINE_FEED:
                output = output + LINE_FEED
            elif lf == -1 and last_char == LINE_FEED:
                output = output[:-1]
            self._fh.write( output )
            # unicode strikes again ;)
            for i in range(len(output)):
                if ord(output[i]) < 128:
                    c = output[i]
                    c = '?'
            self._fh.write( '%s%s%s' % ( pre, s, suf ))
    def is_active( self, flag ):
        'If given flag(s) should generate output.'

        # try to abort early to quicken code
        if not self.active:
            return 0
        if not flag or flag in self.active or DBG_ALWAYS in  self.active:
            return 1
            # check for multi flag type:
            if type( flag ) in ( type(()), type([]) ):
                for s in flag:
                    if s in self.active:
                        return 1
        return 0

    def active_set( self, active_flags = None ):
        "returns 1 if any flags where actually set, otherwise 0."
        r = 0
        ok_flags = []
        if not active_flags:
            #no debuging at all
            self.active = []
        elif type( active_flags ) in ( types.TupleType, types.ListType ):
            flags = self._as_one_list( active_flags )
            for t in flags:
                if t not in debug_flags:
                    print 'Invalid debugflag given', t
                    ok_flags.append( t )
            self.active = ok_flags
            r = 1
            # assume comma string
                flags = active_flags.split(',')
                self.show( '***' )
                self.show( '*** Invalid debug param given: %s' % active_flags )
                self.show( '*** please correct your param!' )
                self.show( '*** due to this, full debuging is enabled' )
                self.active = debug_flags
            for f in flags:
                s = f.strip()
                ok_flags.append( s )
            self.active = ok_flags

        return r
    def active_get( self ):
        "returns currently active flags."
        return self.active
    def _as_one_list( self, items ):
        """ init param might contain nested lists, typically from group flags.
        This code organises lst and remves dupes
        if type( items ) <> type( [] ) and type( items ) <> type( () ):
            return [ items ]
        r = []
        for l in items:
            if type( l ) == type([]):
                lst2 = self._as_one_list( l )
                for l2 in lst2: 
                    self._append_unique_str(r, l2 )
            elif l == None:
                self._append_unique_str(r, l )
        return r
    def _append_unique_str( self, lst, item ):
        """filter out any dupes."""
        if type(item) <> type(''):
            msg2 = '%s' % item
            raise 'Invalid item type (should be string)',msg2
        if item not in lst:
            lst.append( item )
        return lst

    def _validate_flag( self, flags ):
        'verify that flag is defined.'
        if flags:
            for f in self._as_one_list( flags ):
                if not f in debug_flags:
                    msg2 = '%s' % f
                    raise 'Invalid debugflag given', msg2

    def _remove_dupe_flags( self ):
        if multiple instances of Debug is used in same app, 
        some flags might be created multiple time, filter out dupes
        global debug_flags
        unique_flags = []
        for f in debug_flags:
            if f not in unique_flags:
        debug_flags = unique_flags