Welcome and thanks for trying out Gajim. Runtime Requirements: python2.4 (python2.3 should work too) pygtk2.6 (pytgtk 2.4 should work too) python-libglade gtkspell and gtkspell-LANG (where lang is your locale eg. en, fr etc) Compile-time Requirements: python-dev libgtk2.0-dev libxss-dev (for idle module) gtkspell (for gtkspell module) Optionally: GnomePythonExtras 2.10 or above (so you can avoid compliling trayicon and gtkspell) possible package name for your distro: python-gnome2-extras INSTALL PROCEDURE tar jxvf gajim-version.tar.bz2 cd gajim make make install # as superuser RUN GAJIM gajim or if you didn't 'make install' you can also run from gajim folder with ./launch.sh If you want to see the xml stanzas and/or help us debugging you're advised to enable verbose via advanced configuration window. If you don't want to make this permanent, execute gajim with --verbose Enjoy! (C) 2005 The Gajim Team http://gajim.org PS. sounds and stellar iconstyle taken from Psi some emoticons taken from Psi the basic emoticons taken from Gossip gossip iconstyle taken from Imendio Gossip If you think we're violating a license please inform us