## jabber.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2001 Matthew Allum ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ## any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ## """\ __intro__ jabber.py is a Python module for the jabber instant messaging protocol. jabber.py deals with the xml parsing and socket code, leaving the programmer to concentrate on developing quality jabber based applications with Python. The eventual aim is to produce a fully featured easy to use library for creating both jabber clients and servers. jabber.py requires at least python 2.0 and the XML expat parser module ( included in the standard Python distrubution ). It is developed on Linux but should run happily on over Unix's and win32. __Usage__ jabber.py basically subclasses the xmlstream classs and provides the processing of jabber protocol elements into object instances as well 'helper' functions for parts of the protocol such as authentication and roster management. An example of usage for a simple client would be ( only psuedo code !) <> Read documentation on jabber.org for the jabber protocol. <> Birth a jabber.Client object with your jabber servers host <> Define callback functions for the protocol elements you want to use and optionally a disconnection. <> Authenticate with the server via auth method, or register via the reg methods to get an account. <> Call requestRoster() and sendPresence() <> loop over process(). Send Iqs,messages and presences by birthing them via there respective clients , manipulating them and using the Client's send() method. <> Respond to incoming elements passed to your callback functions. <> Find bugs :) """ # $Id$ import xmlstream import sha, time debug=xmlstream.debug VERSION = xmlstream.VERSION False = 0; True = 1; timeout = 300 DBG_INIT, DBG_ALWAYS = debug.DBG_INIT, debug.DBG_ALWAYS DBG_DISPATCH = 'jb-dispatch' ; debug.debug_flags.append( DBG_DISPATCH ) DBG_NODE = 'jb-node' ; debug.debug_flags.append( DBG_NODE) DBG_NODE_IQ = 'jb-node-iq' ; debug.debug_flags.append( DBG_NODE_IQ ) DBG_NODE_MESSAGE = 'jb-node-message' ; debug.debug_flags.append( DBG_NODE_MESSAGE ) DBG_NODE_PRESENCE = 'jb-node-pressence' ; debug.debug_flags.append( DBG_NODE_PRESENCE ) DBG_NODE_UNKNOWN = 'jb-node-unknown' ; debug.debug_flags.append( DBG_NODE_UNKNOWN ) # # JANA core namespaces # from http://www.jabber.org/jana/namespaces.php as of 2003-01-12 # "myname" means that namespace didnt have a name in the jabberd headers # NS_AGENT = "jabber:iq:agent" NS_AGENTS = "jabber:iq:agents" NS_AUTH = "jabber:iq:auth" NS_CLIENT = "jabber:client" NS_DELAY = "jabber:x:delay" NS_OOB = "jabber:iq:oob" NS_REGISTER = "jabber:iq:register" NS_ROSTER = "jabber:iq:roster" NS_XROSTER = "jabber:x:roster" # myname NS_SERVER = "jabber:server" NS_TIME = "jabber:iq:time" NS_VERSION = "jabber:iq:version" NS_COMP_ACCEPT = "jabber:component:accept" # myname NS_COMP_CONNECT = "jabber:component:connect" # myname # # JANA JEP namespaces, ordered by JEP # from http://www.jabber.org/jana/namespaces.php as of 2003-01-12 # all names by jaclu # _NS_PROTOCOL = "http://jabber.org/protocol" # base for other NS_PASS = "jabber:iq:pass" # JEP-0003 NS_XDATA = "jabber:x:data" # JEP-0004 NS_RPC = "jabber:iq:rpc" # JEP-0009 NS_BROWSE = "jabber:iq:browse" # JEP-0011 NS_LAST = "jabber:iq:last" #JEP-0012 NS_PRIVACY = "jabber:iq:privacy" # JEP-0016 NS_XEVENT = "jabber:x:event" # JEP-0022 NS_XEXPIRE = "jabber:x:expire" # JEP-0023 NS_XENCRYPTED = "jabber:x:encrypted" # JEP-0027 NS_XSIGNED = "jabber:x:signed" # JEP-0027 NS_P_MUC = _NS_PROTOCOL + "/muc" # JEP-0045 NS_P_MUC_ADMIN = NS_P_MUC + "#admin" # JEP-0045 NS_P_MUC_OWNER = NS_P_MUC + "#owner" # JEP-0045 NS_P_MUC_USER = NS_P_MUC + "#user" # JEP-0045 NS_VCARD = "vcard-temp" # JEP-0054 # # Non JANA aproved, ordered by JEP # all names by jaclu # _NS_P_DISCO = _NS_PROTOCOL + "/disco" # base for other NS_P_DISC_INFO = _NS_P_DISCO + "#info" # JEP-0030 NS_P_DISC_ITEMS = _NS_P_DISCO + "#items" # JEP-0030 NS_P_COMMANDS = _NS_PROTOCOL + "/commands" # JEP-0050 """ 2002-01-11 jaclu Defined in jabberd/lib/lib.h, but not JANA aproved and not used in jabber.py so commented out, should/could propably be removed... NS_ADMIN = "jabber:iq:admin" NS_AUTH_OK = "jabber:iq:auth:0k" NS_CONFERENCE = "jabber:iq:conference" NS_ENVELOPE = "jabber:x:envelope" NS_FILTER = "jabber:iq:filter" NS_GATEWAY = "jabber:iq:gateway" NS_OFFLINE = "jabber:x:offline" NS_PRIVATE = "jabber:iq:private" NS_SEARCH = "jabber:iq:search" NS_XDBGINSERT = "jabber:xdb:ginsert" NS_XDBNSLIST = "jabber:xdb:nslist" NS_XHTML = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" NS_XOOB = "jabber:x:oob" NS_COMP_EXECUTE = "jabber:component:execute" # myname """ ## Possible constants for Roster class .... hmmm ## RS_SUB_BOTH = 0 RS_SUB_FROM = 1 RS_SUB_TO = 2 RS_ASK_SUBSCRIBE = 1 RS_ASK_UNSUBSCRIBE = 0 RS_EXT_ONLINE = 2 RS_EXT_OFFLINE = 1 RS_EXT_PENDING = 0 ############################################################################# def ustr(what): """If sending object is already a unicode str, just return it, otherwise convert it using xmlstream.ENCODING""" if type(what) == type(u''): r = what else: try: r = what.__str__() except AttributeError: r = str(what) # make sure __str__() didnt return a unicode if type(r) <> type(u''): r = unicode(r,xmlstream.ENCODING,'replace') return r xmlstream.ustr = ustr class NodeProcessed(Exception): pass # currently only for Connection._expectedIqHandler class Connection(xmlstream.Client): """Forms the base for both Client and Component Classes""" def __init__(self, host, port, namespace, debug=[], log=False, connection=xmlstream.TCP, hostIP=None, proxy=None): xmlstream.Client.__init__(self, host, port, namespace, debug=debug, log=log, connection=connection, hostIP=hostIP, proxy=proxy) self.handlers={} self.registerProtocol('unknown', Protocol) self.registerProtocol('iq', Iq) self.registerProtocol('message', Message) self.registerProtocol('presence', Presence) self.registerHandler('iq',self._expectedIqHandler,system=True) self._expected = {} self._id = 0; self._lastIncome = time.time() self.lastErr = '' self.lastErrCode = 0 def setMessageHandler(self, func, type='', chainOutput=False): """Back compartibility method""" print "WARNING! setMessageHandler(...) method is obsolette, use registerHandler('message',...) instead." return self.registerHandler('message', func, type, chained=chainOutput) def setPresenceHandler(self, func, type='', chainOutput=False): """Back compartibility method""" print "WARNING! setPresenceHandler(...) method is obsolette, use registerHandler('presence',...) instead." return self.registerHandler('presence', func, type, chained=chainOutput) def setIqHandler(self, func, type='', ns=''): """Back compartibility method""" print "WARNING! setIqHandler(...) method is obsolette, use registerHandler('iq',...) instead." return self.registerHandler('iq', func, type, ns) def header(self): self.DEBUG("stream: sending initial header",DBG_INIT) str = u" \ " self.send(str) self.process(timeout) def send(self, what): """Sends a jabber protocol element (Node) to the server""" xmlstream.Client.write(self,ustr(what)) def _expectedIqHandler(self, conn, iq_obj): if iq_obj.getAttr('id') and \ self._expected.has_key(iq_obj.getAttr('id')): self._expected[iq_obj.getAttr('id')] = iq_obj raise NodeProcessed('No need for further Iq processing.') def dispatch(self,stanza): """Called internally when a 'protocol element' is received. Builds the relevant jabber.py object and dispatches it to a relevant function or callback.""" self._lastIncome = time.time() name=stanza.getName() if not self.handlers.has_key(name): self.DEBUG("whats a tag -> " + name,DBG_NODE_UNKNOWN) name='unknown' else: self.DEBUG("Got %s stanza"%name, DBG_NODE) stanza=self.handlers[name][type](node=stanza) typ=stanza.getType() if not typ: typ='' try: ns=stanza.getQuery() if not ns: ns='' except: ns='' self.DEBUG("dispatch called for: name->%s ns->%s"%(name,ns),DBG_DISPATCH) if typ and ns: typns=typ+ns else: typns='' if not self.handlers[name].has_key(ns): ns='' if not self.handlers[name].has_key(typ): typ='' if not self.handlers[name].has_key(typns): typns='' chain=[] for key in ['default',typ,ns,typns]: # we will use all handlers: from very common to very particular if key: chain += self.handlers[name][key] output='' user=True for handler in chain: try: if user or handler['system']: if handler['chain']: output=handler['func'](self,stanza,output) else: handler['func'](self,stanza) except NodeProcessed: user=False def registerProtocol(self,tag_name,Proto): """Registers a protocol in protocol processing chain. You MUST register a protocol before you register any handler function for it. First parameter, that passed to this function is the tag name that belongs to all protocol elements. F.e.: message, presence, iq, xdb, ... Second parameter is the [ancestor of] Protocol class, which instance will built from the received node with call if received_packet.getName()==tag_name: stanza = Proto(node = received_packet) """ self.handlers[tag_name]={type:Proto, 'default':[]} def registerHandler(self,name,handler,type='',ns='',chained=False, makefirst=False, system=False): """Sets the callback func for processing incoming stanzas. Multiple callback functions can be set which are called in succession. Callback can optionally raise an NodeProcessed error to stop stanza from further processing. A type and namespace attributes can also be optionally passed so the callback is only called when a stanza of this type is received. Namespace attribute MUST be omitted if you registering an Iq processing handler. If 'chainOutput' is set to False (the default), the given function should be defined as follows: def myCallback(c, p) Where the first parameter is the Client object, and the second parameter is the [ancestor of] Protocol object representing the stanza which was received. If 'chainOutput' is set to True, the output from the various handler functions will be chained together. In this case, the given callback function should be defined like this: def myCallback(c, p, output) Where 'output' is the value returned by the previous callback function. For the first callback routine, 'output' will be set to an empty string. 'makefirst' argument gives you control over handler prioriy in its type and namespace scope. Note that handlers for particular type or namespace always have lower priority that common handlers. """ if not type and not ns: type='default' if not self.handlers[name].has_key(type+ns): self.handlers[name][type+ns]=[] if makefirst: self.handlers[name][type+ns].insert(0, {'chain':chained,'func':handler,'system':system}) else: self.handlers[name][type+ns].append({'chain':chained,'func':handler,'system':system}) def setDisconnectHandler(self, func): """Set the callback for a disconnect. The given function will be called with a single parameter (the connection object) when the connection is broken unexpectedly (eg, in response to sending badly formed XML). self.lastErr and self.lastErrCode will be set to the error which caused the disconnection, if any. """ self.disconnectHandler = func ## functions for sending element with ID's ## def waitForResponse(self, ID, timeout=timeout): """Blocks untils a protocol element with the given id is received. If an error is received, waitForResponse returns None and self.lastErr and self.lastErrCode is set to the received error. If the operation times out (which only happens if a timeout value is given), waitForResponse will return None and self.lastErr will be set to "Timeout". Changed default from timeout=0 to timeout=300 to avoid hangs in scripts and such. If you _really_ want no timeout, just set it to 0""" ID = ustr(ID) self._expected[ID] = None has_timed_out = False abort_time = time.time() + timeout if timeout: self.DEBUG("waiting with timeout:%s for %s" % (timeout,ustr(ID)),DBG_NODE_IQ) else: self.DEBUG("waiting for %s" % ustr(ID),DBG_NODE_IQ) while (not self._expected[ID]) and not has_timed_out: if not self.process(0.2): return None if timeout and (time.time() > abort_time): has_timed_out = True if has_timed_out: self.lastErr = "Timeout" return None response = self._expected[ID] del self._expected[ID] if response.getErrorCode(): self.lastErr = response.getError() self.lastErrCode = response.getErrorCode() return None return response def SendAndWaitForResponse(self, obj, ID=None, timeout=timeout): """Sends a protocol element object and blocks until a response with the same ID is received. The received protocol object is returned as the function result. """ if ID is None : ID = obj.getID() if ID is None: ID = self.getAnID() obj.setID(ID) ID = ustr(ID) self.send(obj) return self.waitForResponse(ID,timeout) def getAnID(self): """Returns a unique ID""" self._id = self._id + 1 return ustr(self._id) def process(self, timeout=0): if time.time() > self._lastIncome + 300: self._lastIncome = time.time() iq = Iq(type="get", to=self._host, query=NS_LAST) if not self.SendAndWaitForResponse(iq, timeout=30): self.disconnectHandler(self) return xmlstream.Client.process(self, timeout) ############################################################################# class Client(Connection): """Class for managing a client connection to a jabber server.""" def __init__(self, host, port=5222, debug=[], log=False, connection=xmlstream.TCP, hostIP=None, proxy=None): Connection.__init__(self, host, port, NS_CLIENT, debug, log, connection=connection, hostIP=hostIP, proxy=proxy) self.registerHandler('iq',self._IqRosterManage,'result',NS_ROSTER,system=True) self.registerHandler('iq',self._IqRosterManage,'set',NS_ROSTER,system=True) self.registerHandler('iq',self._IqRegisterResult,'result',NS_REGISTER,system=True) self.registerHandler('iq',self._IqAgentsResult,'result',NS_AGENTS,system=True) self.registerHandler('presence',self._presenceHandler,system=True) self._roster = Roster() self._agents = {} self._reg_info = {} self._reg_agent = '' def disconnect(self): """Safely disconnects from the connected server""" self.send(Presence(type='unavailable')) xmlstream.Client.disconnect(self) def sendPresence(self,type=None,priority=None,show=None,status=None,signedStatus=None): """Sends a presence protocol element to the server. Used to inform the server that you are online""" presence = Presence(type=type,priority=priority,show=show,status=status) if signedStatus: presence.setX(NS_XSIGNED).insertData(signedStatus) self.send(presence) sendInitPresence=sendPresence def _presenceHandler(self, conn, pres_obj): who = ustr(pres_obj.getFrom()) type = pres_obj.getType() self.DEBUG("presence type is %s" % type,DBG_NODE_PRESENCE) if type == 'available' or not type: self.DEBUG("roster setting %s to online" % who,DBG_NODE_PRESENCE) self._roster._setOnline(who,'online') elif type == 'unavailable': self.DEBUG("roster setting %s to offline" % who,DBG_NODE_PRESENCE) self._roster._setOnline(who,'offline') self._roster._setShow(who,pres_obj.getShow()) self._roster._setStatus(who,pres_obj.getStatus()) def _IqRosterManage(self, conn, iq_obj): "NS_ROSTER and type in [result,set]" for item in iq_obj.getQueryNode().getChildren(): jid = item.getAttr('jid') name = item.getAttr('name') sub = item.getAttr('subscription') ask = item.getAttr('ask') groups = [] for group in item.getTags("group"): groups.append(group.getData()) if jid: if sub == 'remove' or (sub == 'none' and not ask): self._roster._remove(jid) else: self._roster._set(jid=jid, name=name, groups=groups, sub=sub, ask=ask) else: self.DEBUG("roster - jid not defined ?",DBG_NODE_IQ) def _IqRegisterResult(self, conn, iq_obj): "NS_REGISTER and type==result" self._reg_info = {} for item in iq_obj.getQueryNode().getChildren(): self._reg_info[item.getName()] = item.getData() def _IqAgentsResult(self, conn, iq_obj): "NS_AGENTS and type==result" self.DEBUG("got agents result",DBG_NODE_IQ) self._agents = {} for agent in iq_obj.getQueryNode().getChildren(): if agent.getName() == 'agent': ## hmmm self._agents[agent.getAttr('jid')] = {} for info in agent.getChildren(): self._agents[agent.getAttr('jid')][info.getName()] = info.getData() def auth(self,username,passwd,resource): """Authenticates and logs in to the specified jabber server Automatically selects the 'best' authentication method provided by the server. Supports plain text, digest and zero-k authentication. Returns True if the login was successful, False otherwise. """ auth_get_iq = Iq(type='get') auth_get_iq.setID('auth-get') q = auth_get_iq.setQuery(NS_AUTH) q.insertTag('username').insertData(username) self.send(auth_get_iq) auth_response = self.waitForResponse("auth-get") if auth_response == None: return False # Error else: auth_ret_node = auth_response auth_ret_query = auth_ret_node.getTag('query') self.DEBUG("auth-get node arrived!",(DBG_INIT,DBG_NODE_IQ)) auth_set_iq = Iq(type='set') auth_set_iq.setID('auth-set') q = auth_set_iq.setQuery(NS_AUTH) q.insertTag('username').insertData(username) q.insertTag('resource').insertData(resource) if auth_ret_query.getTag('token'): token = auth_ret_query.getTag('token').getData() seq = auth_ret_query.getTag('sequence').getData() self.DEBUG("zero-k authentication supported",(DBG_INIT,DBG_NODE_IQ)) hash = sha.new(sha.new(passwd).hexdigest()+token).hexdigest() for foo in xrange(int(seq)): hash = sha.new(hash).hexdigest() q.insertTag('hash').insertData(hash) elif auth_ret_query.getTag('digest'): self.DEBUG("digest authentication supported",(DBG_INIT,DBG_NODE_IQ)) digest = q.insertTag('digest') digest.insertData(sha.new( self.getIncomingID() + passwd).hexdigest() ) else: self.DEBUG("plain text authentication supported",(DBG_INIT,DBG_NODE_IQ)) q.insertTag('password').insertData(passwd) iq_result = self.SendAndWaitForResponse(auth_set_iq) if iq_result==None: return False if iq_result.getError() is None: return True else: self.lastErr = iq_result.getError() self.lastErrCode = iq_result.getErrorCode() # raise error(iq_result.getError()) ? return False return True ## Roster 'helper' func's - also see the Roster class ## def requestRoster(self): """Requests the roster from the server and returns a Roster() class instance.""" rost_iq = Iq(type='get') rost_iq.setQuery(NS_ROSTER) self.SendAndWaitForResponse(rost_iq) self.DEBUG("got roster response",DBG_NODE_IQ) self.DEBUG("roster -> %s" % ustr(self._roster),DBG_NODE_IQ) return self._roster def getRoster(self): """Returns the current Roster() class instance. Does not contact the server.""" return self._roster def addRosterItem(self, jid): """ Send off a request to subscribe to the given jid. """ self.send(Presence(to=jid, type="subscribe")) def updateRosterItem(self, jid, name=None, groups=None): """ Update the information stored in the roster about a roster item. 'jid' is the Jabber ID of the roster entry; 'name' is the value to set the entry's name to, and 'groups' is a list of groups to which this roster entry can belong. If either 'name' or 'groups' is not specified, that value is not updated in the roster. """ iq = Iq(type='set') item = iq.setQuery(NS_ROSTER).insertTag('item') item.putAttr('jid', ustr(jid)) if name != None: item.putAttr('name', name) if groups != None: for group in groups: item.insertTag('group').insertData(group) dummy = self.SendAndWaitForResponse(iq) # Do we need to wait?? def removeRosterItem(self,jid): """Removes an item with Jabber ID jid from both the server's roster and the local internal Roster() instance""" rost_iq = Iq(type='set') q = rost_iq.setQuery(NS_ROSTER).insertTag('item') q.putAttr('jid', ustr(jid)) q.putAttr('subscription', 'remove') self.SendAndWaitForResponse(rost_iq) return self._roster ## Registration 'helper' funcs ## def requestRegInfo(self,agent=''): """Requests registration info from the server. Returns the Iq object received from the server.""" if agent.find('.') == -1: if agent: agent += '.' agent += self._host self._reg_info = {} reg_iq = Iq(type='get', to = agent) reg_iq.setQuery(NS_REGISTER) self.DEBUG("Requesting reg info from %s:" % agent, DBG_NODE_IQ) self.DEBUG(ustr(reg_iq),DBG_NODE_IQ) return self.SendAndWaitForResponse(reg_iq) def getRegInfo(self): """Returns a dictionary of fields requested by the server for a registration attempt. Each dictionary entry maps from the name of the field to the field's current value (either as returned by the server or set programmatically by calling self.setRegInfo(). """ return self._reg_info def setRegInfo(self,key,val): """Sets a name/value attribute. Note: requestRegInfo must be called before setting.""" self._reg_info[key] = val def sendRegInfo(self, agent=''): """Sends the populated registration dictionary back to the server""" if agent.find('.') == -1: if agent: agent += '.' agent += self._host reg_iq = Iq(to = agent, type='set') q = reg_iq.setQuery(NS_REGISTER) for info in self._reg_info.keys(): q.insertTag(info).putData(self._reg_info[info]) return self.SendAndWaitForResponse(reg_iq) def deregister(self, agent=''): """ Send off a request to deregister with the server or with the given agent. Returns True if successful, else False. Note that you must be authorised before attempting to deregister. """ if agent: if agent.find('.') == -1: agent += '.' + self._host self.send(Presence(to=agent,type='unsubscribed')) # This is enough f.e. for icqv7t or jit else: agent = self._host q = self.requestRegInfo() kids = q.getQueryPayload() keyTag = kids.getTag("key") iq = Iq(to=agent, type="set") iq.setQuery(NS_REGISTER) iq.setQueryNode("") q = iq.getQueryNode() if keyTag != None: q.insertXML("" + keyTag.getData() + "") q.insertXML("") result = self.SendAndWaitForResponse(iq) if result == None: return False elif result.getType() == "result": return True else: return False ## Agent helper funcs ## def requestAgents(self): """Requests a list of available agents. Returns a dictionary containing information about each agent; each entry in the dictionary maps the agent's JID to a dictionary of attributes describing what that agent can do (as returned by the NS_AGENTS query).""" self._agents = {} agents_iq = Iq(type='get') agents_iq.setQuery(NS_AGENTS) self.SendAndWaitForResponse(agents_iq) self.DEBUG("agents -> %s" % ustr(self._agents),DBG_NODE_IQ) return self._agents def _discover(self,ns,jid,node=None): iq=Iq(to=jid,type='get',query=ns) if node: iq.putAttr('node',node) rep=self.SendAndWaitForResponse(iq) if rep: ret=rep.getQueryPayload() else: ret=[] if not ret: ret=[] return ret def discoverItems(self,jid,node=None): """ According to JEP-0030: jid is mandatory, name, node, action is optional. """ ret=[] disco = self._discover(NS_P_DISC_ITEMS,jid,node) for i in disco: ret.append(i.attrs) return ret def discoverInfo(self,jid,node=None): """ According to JEP-0030: For identity: category, name is mandatory, type is optional. For feature: var is mandatory""" identities , features = [] , [] disco = self._discover(NS_P_DISC_INFO,jid,node) for i in disco: if i.getName()=='identity': identities.append(i.attrs) elif i.getName()=='feature': features.append(i.getAttr('var')) return identities, features def browseAgents(self,jid,node=None): identities, features, items = [], [], [] iq=Iq(to=jid,type='get',query=NS_BROWSE) rep=self.SendAndWaitForResponse(iq) if not rep: return identities, features, items q = rep.getTag('service') if not q: return identities, features, items identities = [q.attrs] for node in q.kids: if node.getName() == 'ns': features.append(node.getData()) else: infos = node.attrs infos['category'] = node.getName() items.append(node.attrs) return identities, features, items ############################################################################# class Protocol(xmlstream.Node): """Base class for jabber 'protocol elements' - messages, presences and iqs. Implements methods that are common to all these""" def __init__(self, name=None, to=None, type=None, attrs=None, frm=None, payload=[], node=None): if not attrs: attrs={} if to: attrs['to']=to if frm: attrs['from']=frm if type: attrs['type']=type self._node=self xmlstream.Node.__init__(self, tag=name, attrs=attrs, payload=payload, node=node) def asNode(self): """Back compartibility method""" print 'WARNING! "asNode()" method is obsolette, use Protocol object as Node object instead.' return self def getError(self): """Returns the error string, if any""" try: return self.getTag('error').getData() except: return None def getErrorCode(self): """Returns the error code, if any""" try: return self.getTag('error').getAttr('code') except: return None def setError(self,val,code): """Sets an error string and code""" err = self.getTag('error') if not err: err = self.insertTag('error') err.putData(val) err.putAttr('code',str(code)) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def getTo(self): """Returns the 'to' attribute as a JID object.""" try: return JID(self.getAttr('to')) except: return None def getFrom(self): """Returns the 'from' attribute as a JID object.""" try: return JID(self.getAttr('from')) except: return None def getType(self): """Returns the 'type' attribute of the protocol element.""" try: return self.getAttr('type') except: return None def getID(self): """Returns the 'id' attribute of the protocol element.""" try: return self.getAttr('id') except: return None def setTo(self,val): """Sets the 'to' element to the given JID.""" self.putAttr('to', ustr(val)) def setFrom(self,val): """Sets the 'from' element to the given JID.""" self.putAttr('from', ustr(val)) def setType(self,val): """Sets the 'type' attribute of the protocol element""" self.putAttr('type', val) def setID(self,val): """Sets the ID of the protocol element""" self.putAttr('id', val) def getX(self,index=0): """Returns the x namespace, optionally passed an index if there are multiple tags.""" try: return self.getXNodes()[index].namespace except: return None def setX(self,namespace,index=0): """Sets the name space of the x tag. It also creates the node if it doesn't already exist.""" x = self.getTag('x',index) if not x: x = self.insertTag('x') x.setNamespace(namespace) return x def setXPayload(self, payload, namespace=''): """Sets the Child of an 'x' tag. Can be a Node instance or an XML document""" x = self.setX(namespace) if type(payload) == type('') or type(payload) == type(u''): payload = xmlstream.NodeBuilder(payload).getDom() x.kids = [] # should be a method for this realy x.insertNode(payload) def getXPayload(self, val=None): """Returns the x tags' payload as a list of Node instances.""" nodes = [] if val is not None: if type(val) == type(""): for xnode in self.getTags('x'): if xnode.getNamespace() == val: nodes.append(xnode.kids[0]) return nodes else: try: return self.getTags('x')[val].kids[0] except: return None for xnode in self.getTags('x'): nodes.append(xnode.kids[0]) return nodes def getXNode(self, val=None): """Returns the x Node instance. If there are multiple tags the first Node is returned. For multiple X nodes use getXNodes or pass an index integer value or namespace string to getXNode and if a match is found it will be returned.""" if val is not None: nodes = [] if type(val) == type(""): for xnode in self.getTags('x'): if xnode.getNamespace() == val: nodes.append(xnode) return nodes else: try: return self.getTags('x')[val] except: return None else: try: return self.getTag('x') except: return None def getXNodes(self): """Returns a list of X nodes.""" return self.getTags('x') def setXNode(self, val=''): """Sets the x tag's data to the given textual value.""" self.insertTag('x').putData(val) def fromTo(self): """Swaps the element's from and to attributes. Note that this is only useful for writing components; if you are writing a Jabber client you shouldn't use this, because the Jabber server will set the 'from' field automatically.""" tmp = self.getTo() self.setTo(self.getFrom()) self.setFrom(tmp) ############################################################################# class Message(Protocol): """Builds on the Protocol class to provide an interface for sending message protocol elements""" def __init__(self, to=None, body=None, type=None, subject=None, attrs=None, frm=None, payload=[], node=None): Protocol.__init__(self, 'message', to=to, type=type, attrs=attrs, frm=frm, payload=payload, node=node) if body: self.setBody(body) if subject: self.setSubject(subject) # examine x tag and set timestamp if pressent try: self.setTimestamp( self.getTag('x').getAttr('stamp') ) except: self.setTimestamp() def getBody(self): """Returns the message body.""" try: return self.getTag('body').getData() except: return None def getSubject(self): """Returns the message's subject.""" try: return self.getTag('subject').getData() except: return None def getThread(self): """Returns the message's thread ID.""" try: return self.getTag('thread').getData() except: return None def getTimestamp(self): return self.time_stamp def setBody(self,val): """Sets the message body text.""" body = self.getTag('body') if body: body.putData(val) else: body = self.insertTag('body').putData(val) def setSubject(self,val): """Sets the message subject text.""" subj = self.getTag('subject') if subj: subj.putData(val) else: self.insertTag('subject').putData(val) def setThread(self,val): """Sets the message thread ID.""" thread = self.getTag('thread') if thread: thread.putData(val) else: self.insertTag('thread').putData(val) def setTimestamp(self,val=None): if not val: val = time.strftime( '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) self.time_stamp = val def buildReply(self, reply_txt=''): """Returns a new Message object as a reply to itself. The reply message has the 'to', 'type' and 'thread' attributes automatically set.""" m = Message(to=self.getFrom(), body=reply_txt) if not self.getType() == None: m.setType(self.getType()) t = self.getThread() if t: m.setThread(t) return m def build_reply(self, reply_txt=''): print "WARNING: build_reply method is obsolette. Use buildReply instead." return self.buildReply(reply_txt) ############################################################################# class Presence(Protocol): """Class for creating and managing jabber protocol elements""" def __init__(self, to=None, type=None, priority=None, show=None, status=None, attrs=None, frm=None, payload=[], node=None): Protocol.__init__(self, 'presence', to=to, type=type, attrs=attrs, frm=frm, payload=payload, node=node) if priority: self.setPriority(priority) if show: self.setShow(show) if status: self.setStatus(status) def getStatus(self): """Returns the presence status""" try: return self.getTag('status').getData() except: return None def getShow(self): """Returns the presence show""" try: return self.getTag('show').getData() except: return None def getPriority(self): """Returns the presence priority""" try: return self.getTag('priority').getData() except: return None def _muc_getItemAttr(self,tag,attr): for xtag in self.getTags('x'): for child in xtag.getTags(tag): return child.getAttr(attr) def _muc_getSubTagDataAttr(self,tag,attr): for xtag in self.getTags('x'): for child in xtag.getTags('item'): for cchild in child.getTags(tag): return cchild.getData(),cchild.getAttr(attr) return None,None def getRole(self): """Returns the presence role (for groupchat)""" return self._muc_getItemAttr('item','role') def getAffiliation(self): """Returns the presence affiliation (for groupchat)""" return self._muc_getItemAttr('item','affiliation') def getJid(self): """Returns the presence jid (for groupchat)""" return self._muc_getItemAttr('item','jid') def getReason(self): """Returns the reason of the presence (for groupchat)""" return self._muc_getSubTagDataAttr('reason','')[0] def getActor(self): """Returns the reason of the presence (for groupchat)""" return self._muc_getSubTagDataAttr('actor','jid')[1] def getStatusCode(self): """Returns the status code of the presence (for groupchat)""" return self._muc_getItemAttr('status','code') def setShow(self,val): """Sets the presence show""" show = self.getTag('show') if show: show.putData(val) else: self.insertTag('show').putData(val) def setStatus(self,val): """Sets the presence status""" status = self.getTag('status') if status: status.putData(val) else: self.insertTag('status').putData(val) def setPriority(self,val): """Sets the presence priority""" pri = self.getTag('priority') if pri: pri.putData(val) else: self.insertTag('priority').putData(val) ############################################################################# class Iq(Protocol): """Class for creating and managing jabber protocol elements""" def __init__(self, to=None, type=None, query=None, attrs=None, frm=None, payload=[], node=None): Protocol.__init__(self, 'iq', to=to, type=type, attrs=attrs, frm=frm, payload=payload, node=node) if query: self.setQuery(query) def _getTag(self,tag): try: return self.getTag(tag).namespace except: return None def _setTag(self,tag,namespace): q = self.getTag(tag) if q: q.namespace = namespace else: q = self.insertTag(tag) q.setNamespace(namespace) return q def getList(self): "returns the list namespace" return self._getTag('list') def setList(self,namespace): return self._setTag('list',namespace) def getQuery(self): "returns the query namespace" return self._getTag('query') def setQuery(self,namespace): """Sets a query's namespace, and inserts a query tag if one doesn't already exist. The resulting query tag is returned as the function result.""" return self._setTag('query',namespace) def setQueryPayload(self, payload, add=False): """Sets a Iq's query payload. 'payload' can be either a Node structure or a valid xml document. The query tag is automatically inserted if it doesn't already exist.""" q = self.getQueryNode() if q is None: q = self.insertTag('query') if type(payload) == type('') or type(payload) == type(u''): payload = xmlstream.NodeBuilder(payload).getDom() if not add: q.kids = [] q.insertNode(payload) def getQueryPayload(self): """Returns the query's payload as a Node list""" q = self.getQueryNode() if q: return q.kids def getQueryNode(self): """Returns any textual data contained by the query tag""" try: return self.getTag('query') except: return None def setQueryNode(self, val): """Sets textual data contained by the query tag""" q = self.getTag('query') if q: q.putData(val) else: self.insertTag('query').putData(val) ############################################################################# class Roster: """A Class for simplifying roster management. Also tracks roster item availability.""" def __init__(self): self._data = {} self._listener = None ## unused for now ... ## self._lut = { 'both':RS_SUB_BOTH, 'from':RS_SUB_FROM, 'to':RS_SUB_TO } def setListener(self, listener): """ Set a listener function to be called whenever the roster changes. The given function will be called whenever the contents of the roster changes in response to a received or packet. The listener function should be defined as follows: def listener(action, jid, info) 'action' is a string indicating what type of change has occurred: "add" A new item has been added to the roster. "update" An existing roster item has been updated. "remove" A roster entry has been removed. 'jid' is the Jabber ID (as a string) of the affected roster entry. 'info' is a dictionary containing the information that has been added or updated for this roster entry. This dictionary may contain any combination of the following: "name" The associated name of this roster entry. "groups" A list of groups associated with this roster entry. "online" The roster entry's "online" value ("online", "offline" or "pending"). "sub" The roster entry's subscription value ("none", "from", "to" or "both"). "ask" The roster entry's ask value, if any (None, "subscribe", "unsubscribe"). "show" The roster entry's show value, if any (None, "away", "chat", "dnd", "normal", "xa"). "status" The roster entry's current 'status' value, if specified. """ self._listener = listener def getStatus(self, jid): ## extended """Returns the 'status' value for a Roster item with the given jid.""" jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): return self._data[jid]['status'] return None def getShow(self, jid): ## extended """Returns the 'show' value for a Roster item with the given jid.""" jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): return self._data[jid]['show'] return None def getOnline(self,jid): ## extended """Returns the 'online' status for a Roster item with the given jid. """ jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): return self._data[jid]['online'] return None def getSub(self,jid): """Returns the 'subscription' status for a Roster item with the given jid.""" jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): return self._data[jid]['sub'] return None def getName(self,jid): """Returns the 'name' for a Roster item with the given jid.""" jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): return self._data[jid]['name'] return None def getGroups(self,jid): """ Returns the lsit of groups associated with the given roster item. """ jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): return self._data[jid]['groups'] return None def getAsk(self,jid): """Returns the 'ask' status for a Roster item with the given jid.""" jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): return self._data[jid]['ask'] return None def getSummary(self): """Returns a summary of the roster's contents. The returned value is a dictionary mapping the basic (no resource) JIDs to their current availability status (online, offline, pending). """ to_ret = {} for jid in self._data.keys(): to_ret[jid] = self._data[jid]['online'] return to_ret def getJIDs(self): """Returns a list of JIDs stored within the roster. Each entry in the list is a JID object.""" to_ret = []; for jid in self._data.keys(): to_ret.append(JID(jid)) return to_ret def getRaw(self): """Returns the internal data representation of the roster.""" return self._data def isOnline(self,jid): """Returns True if the given jid is online, False if not.""" jid = ustr(jid) if self.getOnline(jid) != 'online': return False else: return True def _set(self,jid,name,groups,sub,ask): # meant to be called by actual iq tag """Used internally - private""" jid = ustr(jid) # just in case online = 'offline' if ask: online = 'pending' if self._data.has_key(jid): # update it self._data[jid]['name'] = name self._data[jid]['groups'] = groups self._data[jid]['ask'] = ask self._data[jid]['sub'] = sub if self._listener != None: self._listener("update", jid, {'name' : name, 'groups' : groups, 'sub' : sub, 'ask' : ask}) else: self._data[jid] = { 'name': name, 'groups' : groups, 'ask': ask, 'sub': sub, 'online': online, 'status': None, 'show': None} if self._listener != None: self._listener("add", jid, {'name' : name, 'groups' : groups, 'sub' : sub, 'ask' : ask, 'online' : online}) def _setOnline(self,jid,val): """Used internally - private""" jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): self._data[jid]['online'] = val if self._listener != None: self._listener("update", jid, {'online' : val}) else: ## fall back jid_basic = JID(jid).getStripped() if self._data.has_key(jid_basic): self._data[jid_basic]['online'] = val if self._listener != None: self._listener("update", jid_basic, {'online' : val}) def _setShow(self,jid,val): """Used internally - private""" jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): self._data[jid]['show'] = val if self._listener != None: self._listener("update", jid, {'show' : val}) else: ## fall back jid_basic = JID(jid).getStripped() if self._data.has_key(jid_basic): self._data[jid_basic]['show'] = val if self._listener != None: self._listener("update", jid_basic, {'show' : val}) def _setStatus(self,jid,val): """Used internally - private""" jid = ustr(jid) if self._data.has_key(jid): self._data[jid]['status'] = val if self._listener != None: self._listener("update", jid, {'status' : val}) else: ## fall back jid_basic = JID(jid).getStripped() if self._data.has_key(jid_basic): self._data[jid_basic]['status'] = val if self._listener != None: self._listener("update", jid_basic, {'status' : val}) def _remove(self,jid): """Used internally - private""" if self._data.has_key(jid): del self._data[jid] if self._listener != None: self._listener("remove", jid, {}) ############################################################################# class JID: """A Simple class for managing jabber users id's """ def __init__(self, jid='', node='', domain='', resource=''): if type(jid)==type(self): self.node = jid.node self.domain = jid.domain self.resource = jid.resource elif jid: if jid.find('@') == -1: self.node = '' else: bits = jid.split('@', 1) self.node = bits[0] jid = bits[1] if jid.find('/') == -1: self.domain = jid self.resource = '' else: self.domain, self.resource = jid.split('/', 1) else: self.node = node self.domain = domain self.resource = resource def __str__(self): jid_str = self.domain if self.node: jid_str = self.node + '@' + jid_str if self.resource: jid_str += '/' + self.resource return jid_str __repr__ = __str__ def getNode(self): """Returns JID Node as string""" return self.node def getDomain(self): """Returns JID domain as string or None if absent""" return self.domain def getResource(self): """Returns JID resource as string or None if absent""" return self.resource def setNode(self,val): """Sets JID Node from string""" self.node = val def setDomain(self,val): """Sets JID domain from string""" self.domain = val def setResource(self,val): """Sets JID resource from string""" self.resource = val def getStripped(self): """Returns a JID string with no resource""" if self.node: return self.node + '@' + self.domain else: return self.domain def __eq__(self, other): """Returns whether this JID is identical to another one. The "other" can be a JID object or a string.""" return str(self) == str(other) ############################################################################# ## component types ## Accept NS_COMP_ACCEPT ## Connect NS_COMP_CONNECT ## Execute NS_COMP_EXECUTE class Component(Connection): """docs to come soon... """ def __init__(self, host, port, connection=xmlstream.TCP, debug=[], log=False, ns=NS_COMP_ACCEPT, hostIP=None, proxy=None): Connection.__init__(self, host, port, namespace=ns, debug=debug, log=log, connection=connection, hostIP=hostIP, proxy=proxy) self._auth_OK = False self.registerProtocol('xdb', XDB) def auth(self,secret): """will disconnect on failure""" self.send( u"%s" % sha.new( self.getIncomingID() + secret ).hexdigest() ) while not self._auth_OK: self.DEBUG("waiting on handshake") self.process(1) return True def dispatch(self, root_node): """Catch the here""" if root_node.name == 'handshake': # check id too ? self._auth_OK = True Connection.dispatch(self, root_node) ############################################################################# ## component protocol elements class XDB(Protocol): def __init__(self, attrs=None, type=None, frm=None, to=None, payload=[], node=None): Protocol.__init__(self, 'xdb', attrs=attrs, type=type, frm=frm, to=to, payload=payload, node=node) ############################################################################# class Log(Protocol): ## eg: Hello Log File def __init__(self, attrs=None, type=None, frm=None, to=None, payload=[], node=None): Protocol.__init__(self, 'log', attrs=attrs, type=type, frm=frm, to=to, payload=payload, node=node) def setBody(self,val): "Sets the log message text." self.getTag('log').putData(val) def getBody(self): "Returns the log message text." return self.getTag('log').getData() ############################################################################# class Server: pass