## logger.py ## ## Gajim Team: ## - Yann Le Boulanger ## - Vincent Hanquez ## - Nikos Kouremenos ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## import os import sys import time import datetime from common import i18n _ = i18n._ try: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite except ImportError: error = _('pysqlite2 (aka python-pysqlite2) dependency is missing. '\ 'After you install pysqlite3, if you want to migrate your logs '\ 'to the new database, please read: http://trac.gajim.org/wiki/MigrateLogToDot9DB ' 'Exiting...' ) print >> sys.stderr, error sys.exit() GOT_JIDS_ALREADY_IN_DB = False # see get_jids_already_in_db() if os.name == 'nt': try: # Documents and Settings\[User Name]\Application Data\Gajim\logs.db LOG_DB_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ['appdata'], 'Gajim', 'logs.db') except KeyError: # win9x, ./logs.db LOG_DB_PATH = 'logs.db' else: # Unices LOG_DB_PATH = os.path.expanduser('~/.gajim/logs.db') try: LOG_DB_PATH = LOG_DB_PATH.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except: pass con = sqlite.connect(LOG_DB_PATH) cur = con.cursor() class Logger: def __init__(self): if not os.path.exists(LOG_DB_PATH): # this can happen only the first time (the time we create the db) # db is created in src/common/checks_paths.py return self.get_jids_already_in_db() def get_jids_already_in_db(self): cur.execute('SELECT jid FROM jids') rows = cur.fetchall() # list of tupples: (u'aaa@bbb',), (u'cc@dd',)] self.jids_already_in = [] for row in rows: # row[0] is first item of row (the only result here, the jid) self.jids_already_in.append(row[0]) GOT_JIDS_ALREADY_IN_DB = True def jid_is_from_pm(cur, jid): '''if jid is gajim@conf/nkour it's likely a pm one, how we know gajim@conf is not a normal guy and nkour is not his resource? we ask if gajim@conf is already in jids (as room) this fails if user disable logging for room and only enables for pm (so higly unlikely) and if we fail we do not force chaos (user will see the first pm as if it was message in room's public chat)''' possible_room_jid, possible_nick = jid.split('/', 1) cur.execute('SELECT jid_id FROM jids WHERE jid="%s"' % possible_room_jid) jid_id = cur.fetchone()[0] if jid_id: return True else: return False def get_jid_id(self, jid): '''jids table has jid and jid_id logs table has log_id, jid_id, contact_name, time, kind, show, message so to ask logs we need jid_id that matches our jid in jids table this method asks jid and returns the jid_id for later sql-ing on logs ''' if jid.find('/') != -1: # if it has a / jid = jid.split('/', 1)[0] # remove the resource if jid in self.jids_already_in: # we already have jids in DB cur.execute('SELECT jid_id FROM jids WHERE jid="%s"' % jid) jid_id = cur.fetchone()[0] else: # oh! a new jid :), we add him now cur.execute('INSERT INTO jids (jid) VALUES (?)', (jid,)) con.commit() jid_id = cur.lastrowid self.jids_already_in.append(jid) return jid_id def write(self, kind, jid, message = None, show = None, tim = None): '''write a row (status, gcstatus, message etc) to logs database kind can be status, gcstatus, gc_msg, (we only recv for those 3), single_msg_recv, chat_msg_recv, chat_msg_sent, single_msg_sent we cannot know if it is pm or normal chat message, we try to guess see jid_is_from_pm() we analyze jid and store it as follows: jids.jid text column will hold JID if TC-related, room_jid if GC-related, ROOM_JID/nick if pm-related.''' if not GOT_JIDS_ALREADY_IN_DB: self.get_jids_already_in_db() jid = jid.lower() contact_name_col = None # holds nickname for kinds gcstatus, gc_msg # message holds the message unless kind is status or gcstatus, # then it holds status message message_col = message show_col = show if tim: time_col = int(float(time.mktime(tim))) else: time_col = int(float(time.time())) def commit_to_db(values): sql = 'INSERT INTO logs (jid_id, contact_name, time, kind, show, message) '\ 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' cur.execute(sql, values) con.commit() #print 'saved', values jid_id = self.get_jid_id(jid) #print 'jid', jid, 'gets jid_id', jid_id if kind == 'status': # we store (not None) time, jid, show, msg # status for roster items if show is None: show_col = 'online' values = (jid_id, contact_name_col, time_col, kind, show_col, message_col) commit_to_db(values) elif kind == 'gcstatus': # status in ROOM (for pm status see status) if show is None: show_col = 'online' jid, nick = jid.split('/', 1) jid_id = self.get_jid_id(jid) # re-get jid_id for the new jid contact_name_col = nick values = (jid_id, contact_name_col, time_col, kind, show_col, message_col) commit_to_db(values) elif kind == 'gc_msg': if jid.find('/') != -1: # if it has a / jid, nick = jid.split('/', 1) else: # it's server message f.e. error message # when user tries to ban someone but he's not allowed to nick = None jid_id = self.get_jid_id(jid) # re-get jid_id for the new jid contact_name_col = nick values = (jid_id, contact_name_col, time_col, kind, show_col, message_col) commit_to_db(values) elif kind in ('single_msg_recv', 'chat_msg_recv', 'chat_msg_sent', 'single_msg_sent'): values = (jid_id, contact_name_col, time_col, kind, show_col, message_col) commit_to_db(values) def get_last_conversation_lines(self, jid, restore_how_many_rows, pending_how_many, timeout): '''accepts how many rows to restore and when to time them out (in minutes) (mark them as too old) and number of messages that are in queue and are already logged but pending to be viewed, returns a list of tupples containg time, kind, message, list with empty tupple if nothing found to meet our demands''' now = int(float(time.time())) jid = jid.lower() jid_id = self.get_jid_id(jid) # so if we ask last 5 lines and we have 2 pending we get # 3 - 8 (we avoid the last 2 lines but we still return 5 asked) cur.execute(''' SELECT time, kind, message FROM logs WHERE jid_id = %d AND kind IN ('single_msg_recv', 'chat_msg_recv', 'chat_msg_sent', 'single_msg_sent') ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d ''' % (jid_id, restore_how_many_rows, pending_how_many) ) results = cur.fetchall() results.reverse() return results def get_unix_time_from_date(self, year, month, day): # year (fe 2005), month (fe 11), day (fe 25) # returns time in seconds for the second that starts that date since epoch # gimme unixtime from year month day: d = datetime.date(year, month, day) local_time = d.timetuple() # time tupple (compat with time.localtime()) start_of_day = int(time.mktime(local_time)) # we have time since epoch baby :) return start_of_day def get_conversation_for_date(self, jid, year, month, day): '''returns contact_name, time, kind, show, message for each row in a list of tupples, returns list with empty tupple if we found nothing to meet our demands''' jid = jid.lower() jid_id = self.get_jid_id(jid) start_of_day = self.get_unix_time_from_date(year, month, day) now = int(time.time()) cur.execute(''' SELECT contact_name, time, kind, show, message FROM logs WHERE jid_id = %d AND time BETWEEN %d AND %d ORDER BY time ''' % (jid_id, start_of_day, now)) results = cur.fetchall() return results def date_has_logs(self, jid, year, month, day): '''returns True if we have logs for given day, else False''' jid = jid.lower() jid_id = self.get_jid_id(jid) start_of_day = self.get_unix_time_from_date(year, month, day) seconds_in_a_day = 86400 # 60 * 60 * 24 last_second_of_day = start_of_day + seconds_in_a_day - 1 # just ask one row to see if we have sth for this date cur.execute(''' SELECT log_line_id FROM logs WHERE jid_id = %d AND time BETWEEN %d AND %d ORDER BY time LIMIT 1 ''' % (jid_id, start_of_day, last_second_of_day)) results = cur.fetchone() if results: return True else: return False