## gtkgui_helpers.py ## ## Gajim Team: ## - Yann Le Boulanger ## - Vincent Hanquez ## - Nikos Kouremenos ## - Dimitur Kirov ## ## This file was initially written by Dimitur Kirov ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## import xml.sax.saxutils import gtk import os from common import i18n i18n.init() _ = i18n._ from common import gajim def convert_bytes(string): suffix = '' bytes = int(string) if bytes >= 1024: bytes /= 1024 if bytes >= 1024: bytes /= 1024 if bytes >= 1024: bytes /= 1024 suffix = _('%s Gb') else: suffix = _('%s Mb') else: suffix = _('%s Kb') else: if bytes == 1: suffix = _('%s byte') else: suffix = _('%s bytes') return suffix % str(bytes) def escape_for_pango_markup(string): # escapes < > & \ " # for pango markup not to break if string is None: return if gtk.pygtk_version >= (2, 8, 0) and gtk.gtk_version >= (2, 8, 0): escaped_str = gobject.markup_escape_text(string) else: escaped_str =xml.sax.saxutils.escape(string, {'\\': ''', '"': '"'}) return escaped_str def autodetect_browser_mailer(): #recognize the environment for appropriate browser/mailer if os.path.isdir('/proc'): # under Linux: checking if 'gnome-session' or # 'startkde' programs were run before gajim, by # checking /proc (if it exists) # # if something is unclear, read `man proc`; # if /proc exists, directories that have only numbers # in their names contain data about processes. # /proc/[xxx]/exe is a symlink to executable started # as process number [xxx]. # filter out everything that we are not interested in: files = os.listdir('/proc') # files that doesn't have only digits in names... files = filter(str.isdigit, files) # files that aren't directories... files = filter(lambda f:os.path.isdir('/proc/' + f), files) # processes owned by somebody not running gajim... # (we check if we have access to that file) files = filter(lambda f:os.access('/proc/' + f +'/exe', os.F_OK), files) # be sure that /proc/[number]/exe is really a symlink # to avoid TBs in incorrectly configured systems files = filter(lambda f:os.path.islink('/proc/' + f + '/exe'), files) # list of processes processes = [os.path.basename(os.readlink('/proc/' + f +'/exe')) for f in files] if 'gnome-session' in processes: gajim.config.set('openwith', 'gnome-open') elif 'startkde' in processes: gajim.config.set('openwith', 'kfmclient exec') else: gajim.config.set('openwith', 'custom')