# Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Yann Leboulanger # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Nikos Kouremenos # Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov # Alex Mauer # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard # Travis Shirk # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Julien Pivotto # Stephan Erb # Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor # Jonathan Schleifer # Copyright (C) 2018 Marcin Mielniczuk # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from typing import Optional import time import locale import base64 import logging from enum import IntEnum, unique import nbxmpp from nbxmpp.const import StatusCode from nbxmpp.const import Affiliation from nbxmpp.const import Role from nbxmpp.const import Error from nbxmpp.const import PresenceType from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import Pango from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gio from gajim import gtkgui_helpers from gajim import gui_menu_builder from gajim import message_control from gajim import vcard from gajim.common.const import AvatarSize from gajim.common.caps_cache import muc_caps_cache from gajim.common import events from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common.helpers import launch_browser_mailer from gajim.common.helpers import AdditionalDataDict from gajim.common import ged from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.common import contacts from gajim.common.const import StyleAttr from gajim.common.const import Chatstate from gajim.chat_control_base import ChatControlBase from gajim.command_system.implementation.hosts import GroupChatCommands from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import GcMessageOutgoingEvent from gajim.gtk.dialogs import ErrorDialog from gajim.gtk.dialogs import InputTextDialog from gajim.gtk.dialogs import ConfirmationDialogCheck from gajim.gtk.dialogs import DoubleInputDialog from gajim.gtk.dialogs import InputDialog from gajim.gtk.dialogs import ChangeNickDialog from gajim.gtk.single_message import SingleMessageWindow from gajim.gtk.filechoosers import AvatarChooserDialog from gajim.gtk.add_contact import AddNewContactWindow from gajim.gtk.tooltips import GCTooltip from gajim.gtk.groupchat_config import GroupchatConfig from gajim.gtk.adhoc import AdHocCommand from gajim.gtk.dataform import DataFormWidget from gajim.gtk.util import NickCompletionGenerator from gajim.gtk.util import get_icon_name from gajim.gtk.util import get_affiliation_surface from gajim.gtk.util import get_builder log = logging.getLogger('gajim.groupchat_control') @unique class Column(IntEnum): IMG = 0 # image to show state (online, new message etc) NICK = 1 # contact nickname or ROLE name TYPE = 2 # type of the row ('contact' or 'role') TEXT = 3 # text shown in the cellrenderer AVATAR_IMG = 4 # avatar of the contact class GroupchatControl(ChatControlBase): TYPE_ID = message_control.TYPE_GC # Set a command host to bound to. Every command given through a group chat # will be processed with this command host. COMMAND_HOST = GroupChatCommands def __init__(self, parent_win, contact, nick, acct, is_continued=False): ChatControlBase.__init__(self, self.TYPE_ID, parent_win, 'groupchat_control', contact, acct) self.force_non_minimizable = False self.is_continued = is_continued self.is_anonymous = True self.join_time = 0 # Controls the state of autorejoin. # None - autorejoin is neutral. # False - autorejoin is to be prevented (gets reset to initial state in # got_connected()). # int - autorejoin is being active and working (gets reset to initial # state in got_connected()). self.autorejoin = None # Keep error dialog instance to be sure to have only once at a time self.error_dialog = None # Source id for saving the handle position self._handle_timeout_id = None self.emoticons_button = self.xml.get_object('emoticons_button') self.toggle_emoticons() formattings_button = self.xml.get_object('formattings_button') formattings_button.set_sensitive(False) self._state_change_handler_id = None if parent_win is not None: # On AutoJoin with minimize Groupchats are created without parent # Tooltip Window and Actions have to be created with parent self.set_tooltip() self.add_actions() GLib.idle_add(self.update_actions) self.scale_factor = parent_win.window.get_scale_factor() self._connect_window_state_change(parent_win) else: self.scale_factor = app.interface.roster.scale_factor widget = self.xml.get_object('list_treeview') id_ = widget.connect('row_expanded', self.on_list_treeview_row_expanded) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('row_collapsed', self.on_list_treeview_row_collapsed) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('row_activated', self.on_list_treeview_row_activated) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('button_press_event', self.on_list_treeview_button_press_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget id_ = widget.connect('key_press_event', self.on_list_treeview_key_press_event) self.handlers[id_] = widget self.room_jid = self.contact.jid self.nick = nick self.new_nick = '' bm_module = app.connections[self.account].get_module('Bookmarks') self.name = bm_module.get_name_from_bookmark(self.room_jid) self.contact.name = self.name self.widget_set_visible(self.xml.get_object('banner_eventbox'), app.config.get('hide_groupchat_banner')) # muc attention flag (when we are mentioned in a muc) # if True, the room has mentioned us self.attention_flag = False # True if we initiated room destruction self._wait_for_destruction = False # sorted list of nicks who mentioned us (last at the end) self.attention_list = [] self.nick_hits = [] self._nick_completion = NickCompletionGenerator(self.nick) self.last_key_tabs = False self.subject = '' self.name_label = self.xml.get_object('banner_name_label') self.event_box = self.xml.get_object('banner_eventbox') self.list_treeview = self.xml.get_object('list_treeview') id_ = self.list_treeview.connect('style-set', self.on_list_treeview_style_set) self.handlers[id_] = self.list_treeview # flag that stops hpaned position event # when the handle gets resized in another control self._resize_from_another_muc = False self.hpaned = self.xml.get_object('hpaned') # set the position of the current hpaned hpaned_position = app.config.get('gc-hpaned-position') self.hpaned.set_position(hpaned_position) # Holds the Gtk.TreeRowReference for each contact self._contact_refs = {} # Holds the Gtk.TreeRowReference for each role self._role_refs = {} #status_image, shown_nick, type, nickname, avatar self.columns = [str, str, str, str, Gtk.Image] self.model = Gtk.TreeStore(*self.columns) self.model.set_sort_func(Column.NICK, self.tree_compare_iters) # columns column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn() # list of renderers with attributes / properties in the form: # (name, renderer_object, expand?, attribute_name, attribute_value, # cell_data_func, func_arg) self.renderers_list = [] # Number of renderers plugins added self.nb_ext_renderers = 0 self.renderers_propertys = {} renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() self.renderers_propertys[renderer_text] = ('ellipsize', Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) self.renderers_list += ( # status img ('icon', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), False, 'icon_name', Column.IMG, self._cell_data_func, 'status'), # contact name ('name', renderer_text, True, 'markup', Column.TEXT, self._cell_data_func, 'name')) # avatar img avatar_renderer = ('avatar', Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf(), False, None, Column.AVATAR_IMG, self._cell_data_func, 'avatar') if app.config.get('avatar_position_in_roster') == 'right': self.renderers_list.append(avatar_renderer) else: self.renderers_list.insert(0, avatar_renderer) self.fill_column(column) self.list_treeview.append_column(column) # workaround to avoid gtk arrows to be shown column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn() # 2nd COLUMN renderer = Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() column.pack_start(renderer, False) self.list_treeview.append_column(column) column.set_visible(False) self.list_treeview.set_expander_column(column) self.setup_seclabel() self.form_widget = None # Send file self.sendfile_button = self.xml.get_object('sendfile_button') self.sendfile_button.set_action_name('win.send-file-' + \ self.control_id) # Encryption self.lock_image = self.xml.get_object('lock_image') self.authentication_button = self.xml.get_object( 'authentication_button') id_ = self.authentication_button.connect('clicked', self._on_authentication_button_clicked) self.handlers[id_] = self.authentication_button self.set_lock_image() self.encryption_menu = self.xml.get_object('encryption_menu') self.encryption_menu.set_menu_model( gui_menu_builder.get_encryption_menu(self.control_id, self.type_id)) self.set_encryption_menu_icon() # Banner self.banner_actionbar = self.xml.get_object('banner_actionbar') self.hide_roster_button = Gtk.Button.new_from_icon_name( 'go-next-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU) self.hide_roster_button.connect('clicked', lambda *args: self.show_roster()) self.subject_button = Gtk.MenuButton() self.subject_button.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'go-down-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU)) self.subject_button.set_popover(SubjectPopover()) self.subject_button.set_no_show_all(True) self.banner_actionbar.pack_end(self.hide_roster_button) self.banner_actionbar.pack_start(self.subject_button) # GC Roster tooltip self.gc_tooltip = GCTooltip() self.control_menu = gui_menu_builder.get_groupchat_menu(self.control_id, self.account, self.room_jid) settings_menu = self.xml.get_object('settings_menu') settings_menu.set_menu_model(self.control_menu) self._event_handlers = [ ('muc-user-joined', ged.GUI1, self._on_user_joined), ('muc-user-left', ged.GUI1, self._on_user_left), ('muc-nickname-changed', ged.GUI1, self._on_nickname_changed), ('muc-self-presence', ged.GUI1, self._on_self_presence), ('muc-self-kicked', ged.GUI1, self._on_self_kicked), ('muc-user-affiliation-changed', ged.GUI1, self._on_affiliation_changed), ('muc-user-status-show-changed', ged.GUI1, self._on_status_show_changed), ('muc-user-role-changed', ged.GUI1, self._on_role_changed), ('muc-destroyed', ged.GUI1, self._on_destroyed), ('muc-presence-error', ged.GUI1, self._on_presence_error), ('muc-config-changed', ged.GUI1, self._on_config_changed), ('muc-subject', ged.GUI1, self._on_subject), ('muc-captcha-challenge', ged.GUI1, self._on_captcha_challenge), ('muc-voice-approval', ged.GUI1, self._on_voice_approval), ('gc-message-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_gc_message_received), ('mam-decrypted-message-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_mam_decrypted_message_received), ('vcard-published', ged.GUI1, self._nec_vcard_published), ('update-gc-avatar', ged.GUI1, self._nec_update_avatar), ('update-room-avatar', ged.GUI1, self._nec_update_room_avatar), ('signed-in', ged.GUI1, self._nec_signed_in), ('decrypted-message-received', ged.GUI2, self._nec_decrypted_message_received), ('gc-stanza-message-outgoing', ged.OUT_POSTCORE, self._message_sent), ] for handler in self._event_handlers: app.ged.register_event_handler(*handler) self.is_connected = False # disable win, we are not connected yet ChatControlBase.got_disconnected(self) self.update_ui() self.widget.show_all() if app.config.get('hide_groupchat_occupants_list'): # Roster is shown by default, so toggle the roster button to hide it self.show_roster() # PluginSystem: adding GUI extension point for this GroupchatControl # instance object app.plugin_manager.gui_extension_point('groupchat_control', self) def add_actions(self): super().add_actions() actions = [ ('change-subject-', self._on_change_subject), ('change-nick-', self._on_change_nick), ('disconnect-', self._on_disconnect), ('destroy-', self._on_destroy_room), ('configure-', self._on_configure_room), ('bookmark-', self._on_bookmark_room), ('request-voice-', self._on_request_voice), ('execute-command-', self._on_execute_command), ('upload-avatar-', self._on_upload_avatar), ] for action in actions: action_name, func = action act = Gio.SimpleAction.new(action_name + self.control_id, None) act.connect("activate", func) self.parent_win.window.add_action(act) minimize = app.config.get_per( 'rooms', self.contact.jid, 'minimize_on_close', True) act = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful( 'minimize-on-close-' + self.control_id, None, GLib.Variant.new_boolean(minimize)) act.connect('change-state', self._on_minimize_on_close) self.parent_win.window.add_action(act) minimize = app.config.get_per( 'rooms', self.contact.jid, 'minimize_on_autojoin', True) act = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful( 'minimize-on-autojoin-' + self.control_id, None, GLib.Variant.new_boolean(minimize)) act.connect('change-state', self._on_minimize_on_autojoin) self.parent_win.window.add_action(act) default_muc_chatstate = app.config.get('send_chatstate_muc_default') chatstate = app.config.get_per( 'rooms', self.contact.jid, 'send_chatstate', default_muc_chatstate) act = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful( 'send-chatstate-' + self.control_id, GLib.VariantType.new("s"), GLib.Variant("s", chatstate)) act.connect('change-state', self._on_send_chatstate) self.parent_win.window.add_action(act) # Enable notify on all for private rooms members_only = muc_caps_cache.supports(self.contact.jid, 'muc#roomconfig_membersonly') value = app.config.get_per( 'rooms', self.contact.jid, 'notify_on_all_messages', members_only) act = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful( 'notify-on-message-' + self.control_id, None, GLib.Variant.new_boolean(value)) act.connect('change-state', self._on_notify_on_all_messages) self.parent_win.window.add_action(act) status_default = app.config.get('print_status_muc_default') value = app.config.get_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'print_status', status_default) act = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful( 'print-status-' + self.control_id, None, GLib.Variant.new_boolean(value)) act.connect('change-state', self._on_print_status) self.parent_win.window.add_action(act) join_default = app.config.get('print_join_left_default') value = app.config.get_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'print_join_left', join_default) act = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful( 'print-join-left-' + self.control_id, None, GLib.Variant.new_boolean(value)) act.connect('change-state', self._on_print_join_left) self.parent_win.window.add_action(act) archive_info = app.logger.get_archive_infos(self.contact.jid) threshold = helpers.get_sync_threshold(self.contact.jid, archive_info) inital = GLib.Variant.new_string(str(threshold)) act = Gio.SimpleAction.new_stateful( 'choose-sync-' + self.control_id, inital.get_type(), inital) act.connect('change-state', self._on_sync_threshold) self.parent_win.window.add_action(act) def update_actions(self): if self.parent_win is None: return contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( self.account, self.room_jid, self.nick) con = app.connections[self.account] # Destroy Room self._get_action('destroy-').set_enabled(self.is_connected and contact.affiliation.is_owner) # Configure Room self._get_action('configure-').set_enabled( self.is_connected and contact.affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER)) # Bookmarks con = app.connections[self.account] bookmarked = con.get_module('Bookmarks').is_bookmark(self.room_jid) self._get_action('bookmark-').set_enabled(self.is_connected and not bookmarked) # Request Voice role = self.get_role(self.nick) self._get_action('request-voice-').set_enabled(self.is_connected and role.is_visitor) # Change Subject subject = False if contact is not None: subject = muc_caps_cache.is_subject_change_allowed( self.room_jid, contact.affiliation) self._get_action('change-subject-').set_enabled(self.is_connected and subject) # Change Nick self._get_action('change-nick-').set_enabled(self.is_connected) # Execute command self._get_action('execute-command-').set_enabled(self.is_connected) # Send file (HTTP File Upload) httpupload = self._get_action( 'send-file-httpupload-') httpupload.set_enabled(self.is_connected and con.get_module('HTTPUpload').available) self._get_action('send-file-').set_enabled(httpupload.get_enabled()) if self.is_connected and httpupload.get_enabled(): tooltip_text = _('Send File…') max_file_size = con.get_module('HTTPUpload').max_file_size if max_file_size is not None: max_file_size = max_file_size / (1024 * 1024) tooltip_text = _('Send File (max. %s MiB)…') % max_file_size else: tooltip_text = _('No File Transfer available') self.sendfile_button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text) # Upload Avatar vcard_support = muc_caps_cache.supports(self.room_jid, nbxmpp.NS_VCARD) self._get_action('upload-avatar-').set_enabled( self.is_connected and vcard_support and contact.affiliation.is_owner) # Sync Threshold has_mam = muc_caps_cache.has_mam(self.room_jid) self._get_action('choose-sync-').set_enabled(has_mam) # Print join/left join_default = app.config.get('print_join_left_default') value = app.config.get_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'print_join_left', join_default) self._get_action('print-join-left-').set_state( GLib.Variant.new_boolean(value)) # Print join/left status_default = app.config.get('print_status_muc_default') value = app.config.get_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'print_status', status_default) self._get_action('print-status-').set_state( GLib.Variant.new_boolean(value)) def _get_action(self, name): win = self.parent_win.window return win.lookup_action(name + self.control_id) def _cell_data_func(self, column, renderer, model, iter_, user_data): # Background color has to be rendered for all cells theme = app.config.get('roster_theme') has_parent = bool(model.iter_parent(iter_)) if has_parent: bgcolor = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-contact-row', StyleAttr.BACKGROUND) renderer.set_property('cell-background', bgcolor) else: bgcolor = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-group-row', StyleAttr.BACKGROUND) renderer.set_property('cell-background', bgcolor) if user_data == 'status': self._status_cell_data_func(column, renderer, model, iter_, has_parent) elif user_data == 'name': self._text_cell_data_func(column, renderer, model, iter_, has_parent, theme) elif user_data == 'avatar': self._avatar_cell_data_func(column, renderer, model, iter_, has_parent) def _status_cell_data_func(self, column, renderer, model, iter_, has_parent): renderer.set_property('width', 26) icon_name = model[iter_][Column.IMG] if ':' in icon_name: icon_name, affiliation = icon_name.split(':') surface = get_affiliation_surface( icon_name, affiliation, self.scale_factor) renderer.set_property('icon_name', None) renderer.set_property('surface', surface) else: renderer.set_property('surface', None) renderer.set_property('icon_name', icon_name) def _avatar_cell_data_func(self, column, renderer, model, iter_, has_parent): image = model[iter_][Column.AVATAR_IMG] if image is None: renderer.set_property('surface', None) else: surface = image.get_property('surface') renderer.set_property('surface', surface) renderer.set_property('xalign', 0.5) if has_parent: renderer.set_property('visible', True) renderer.set_property('width', AvatarSize.ROSTER) else: renderer.set_property('visible', False) def _text_cell_data_func(self, column, renderer, model, iter_, has_parent, theme): # cell data func is global, because we don't want it to keep # reference to GroupchatControl instance (self) if has_parent: color = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-contact-row', StyleAttr.COLOR) renderer.set_property('foreground', color) desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-contact-row') renderer.set_property('font-desc', desc) else: color = app.css_config.get_value('.gajim-group-row', StyleAttr.COLOR) renderer.set_property('foreground', color) desc = app.css_config.get_font('.gajim-group-row') renderer.set_property('font-desc', desc) def _on_room_created(self): if self.parent_win is None: return win = self.parent_win.window self.update_actions() # After the room has been created, reevaluate threshold if muc_caps_cache.has_mam(self.contact.jid): archive_info = app.logger.get_archive_infos(self.contact.jid) threshold = helpers.get_sync_threshold(self.contact.jid, archive_info) win.change_action_state('choose-sync-%s' % self.control_id, GLib.Variant('s', str(threshold))) def _connect_window_state_change(self, parent_win): if self._state_change_handler_id is None: id_ = parent_win.window.connect('notify::is-maximized', self._on_window_state_change) self._state_change_handler_id = id_ # Actions def _on_change_subject(self, action, param): def on_ok(subject): # Note, we don't update self.subject since we don't know whether it # will work yet con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_subject(self.room_jid, subject) InputTextDialog(_('Changing Subject'), _('Please specify the new subject:'), input_str=self.subject, ok_handler=on_ok, transient_for=self.parent_win.window) def _on_change_nick(self, action, param): if 'change_nick_dialog' in app.interface.instances: app.interface.instances['change_nick_dialog'].dialog.present() else: title = _('Changing Nickname') prompt = _('Please specify the new nickname you want to use:') app.interface.instances['change_nick_dialog'] = \ ChangeNickDialog(self.account, self.room_jid, title, prompt, change_nick=True, transient_for=self.parent_win.window) def _on_disconnect(self, action, param): self.force_non_minimizable = True self.parent_win.remove_tab(self, self.parent_win.CLOSE_COMMAND) self.force_non_minimizable = False def _on_destroy_room(self, action, param): def on_ok(reason, jid): if jid: # Test jid try: jid = helpers.parse_jid(jid) except Exception: ErrorDialog( _('Invalid group chat JID'), _('The group chat JID has not allowed characters.')) return self._wait_for_destruction = True con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').destroy(self.room_jid, reason, jid) # Ask for a reason DoubleInputDialog(_('Destroying %s') % '\u200E' + \ self.room_jid, _('You are going to remove this room permanently.' '\nYou may specify a reason below:'), _('You may also enter an alternate venue:'), ok_handler=on_ok, transient_for=self.parent_win.window) def _on_configure_room(self, _action, _param): contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( self.account, self.room_jid, self.nick) if contact.affiliation.is_owner: con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').request_config(self.room_jid) elif contact.affiliation.is_admin: win = app.get_app_window( 'GroupchatConfig', self.account, self.room_jid) if win is not None: win.present() else: GroupchatConfig(self.account, self.room_jid, contact.affiliation.value) def _on_print_join_left(self, action, param): action.set_state(param) app.config.set_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'print_join_left', param.get_boolean()) def _on_print_status(self, action, param): action.set_state(param) app.config.set_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'print_status', param.get_boolean()) def _on_bookmark_room(self, action, param): """ Bookmark the room, without autojoin and not minimized """ password = app.gc_passwords.get(self.room_jid, '') con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('Bookmarks').add_bookmark(self.name, self.room_jid, True, password, self.nick) self.update_actions() def _on_request_voice(self, action, param): """ Request voice in the current room """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').request_voice(self.room_jid) def _on_minimize_on_close(self, action, param): action.set_state(param) app.config.set_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'minimize_on_close', param.get_boolean()) def _on_minimize_on_autojoin(self, action, param): action.set_state(param) app.config.set_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'minimize_on_autojoin', param.get_boolean()) def _on_send_chatstate(self, action, param): action.set_state(param) app.config.set_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'send_chatstate', param.get_string()) def _on_notify_on_all_messages(self, action, param): action.set_state(param) app.config.set_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'notify_on_all_messages', param.get_boolean()) def _on_sync_threshold(self, action, param): threshold = param.get_string() action.set_state(param) app.logger.set_archive_infos(self.contact.jid, sync_threshold=threshold) def _on_execute_command(self, action, param): """ Execute AdHoc commands on the current room """ AdHocCommand(self.account, self.room_jid) def _on_upload_avatar(self, action, param): def _on_accept(filename): sha = app.interface.save_avatar(filename, publish=True) if sha is None: ErrorDialog( _('Could not load image'), transient_for=self.parent_win.window) return publish = app.interface.get_avatar(sha, publish=True) avatar = base64.b64encode(publish).decode('utf-8') con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('VCardTemp').upload_room_avatar( self.room_jid, avatar) AvatarChooserDialog(_on_accept, transient_for=self.parent_win.window, modal=True) def show_roster(self): new_state = not self.hpaned.get_child2().is_visible() image = self.hide_roster_button.get_image() if new_state: self.hpaned.get_child2().show() image.set_from_icon_name('go-next-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU) else: self.hpaned.get_child2().hide() image.set_from_icon_name('go-previous-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU) def on_groupchat_maximize(self): self.set_tooltip() self.add_actions() self.update_actions() self.set_lock_image() self._connect_window_state_change(self.parent_win) def set_tooltip(self): widget = self.xml.get_object('list_treeview') if widget.get_tooltip_window(): return widget.set_has_tooltip(True) id_ = widget.connect('query-tooltip', self.query_tooltip) self.handlers[id_] = widget def query_tooltip(self, widget, x_pos, y_pos, keyboard_mode, tooltip): try: row = self.list_treeview.get_path_at_pos(x_pos, y_pos)[0] except TypeError: self.gc_tooltip.clear_tooltip() return False if not row: self.gc_tooltip.clear_tooltip() return False iter_ = None try: iter_ = self.model.get_iter(row) except Exception: self.gc_tooltip.clear_tooltip() return False typ = self.model[iter_][Column.TYPE] nick = self.model[iter_][Column.NICK] if typ != 'contact': self.gc_tooltip.clear_tooltip() return False contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( self.account, self.room_jid, nick) if not contact: self.gc_tooltip.clear_tooltip() return False value, widget = self.gc_tooltip.get_tooltip(contact) tooltip.set_custom(widget) return value def fill_column(self, col): for rend in self.renderers_list: col.pack_start(rend[1], rend[2]) if rend[0] not in ('avatar', 'icon'): col.add_attribute(rend[1], rend[3], rend[4]) col.set_cell_data_func(rend[1], rend[5], rend[6]) # set renderers properties for renderer in self.renderers_propertys: renderer.set_property(self.renderers_propertys[renderer][0], self.renderers_propertys[renderer][1]) def tree_compare_iters(self, model, iter1, iter2, data=None): """ Compare two iterators to sort them """ type1 = model[iter1][Column.TYPE] type2 = model[iter2][Column.TYPE] if not type1 or not type2: return 0 nick1 = model[iter1][Column.NICK] nick2 = model[iter2][Column.NICK] if not nick1 or not nick2: return 0 if type1 == 'role': return locale.strcoll(nick1, nick2) if type1 == 'contact': gc_contact1 = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, nick1) if not gc_contact1: return 0 if type2 == 'contact': gc_contact2 = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, nick2) if not gc_contact2: return 0 if type1 == 'contact' and type2 == 'contact' and \ app.config.get('sort_by_show_in_muc'): cshow = {'chat':0, 'online': 1, 'away': 2, 'xa': 3, 'dnd': 4} show1 = cshow[gc_contact1.show.value] show2 = cshow[gc_contact2.show.value] if show1 < show2: return -1 if show1 > show2: return 1 # We compare names name1 = gc_contact1.get_shown_name() name2 = gc_contact2.get_shown_name() return locale.strcoll(name1.lower(), name2.lower()) def on_msg_textview_populate_popup(self, textview, menu): """ Override the default context menu and we prepend Clear and the ability to insert a nick """ ChatControlBase.on_msg_textview_populate_popup(self, textview, menu) item = Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem.new() menu.prepend(item) item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(_('Insert Nickname')) menu.prepend(item) submenu = Gtk.Menu() item.set_submenu(submenu) for nick in sorted(app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid)): item = Gtk.MenuItem.new_with_label(nick) item.set_use_underline(False) submenu.append(item) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.append_nick_in_msg_textview, nick) self.handlers[id_] = item menu.show_all() def resize_occupant_treeview(self, position): if self.hpaned.get_position() == position: return self._resize_from_another_muc = True self.hpaned.set_position(position) def _reset_flag(): self._resize_from_another_muc = False # Reset the flag when everything will be redrawn, and in particular when # on_treeview_size_allocate will have been called. GLib.timeout_add(500, _reset_flag) def _on_window_state_change(self, win, param): # Add with timeout, because state change happens before # the hpaned notifys us about a new handle position GLib.timeout_add(100, self._check_for_resize) def _on_hpaned_release_button(self, hpaned, event): if event.get_button()[1] != 1: # We want only to catch the left mouse button return self._check_for_resize() def _check_for_resize(self): # Check if we have a new position pos = self.hpaned.get_position() if pos == app.config.get('gc-hpaned-position'): return # Save new position self._remove_handle_timeout() app.config.set('gc-hpaned-position', pos) # Resize other MUC rosters for account in app.gc_connected: for room_jid in [i for i in app.gc_connected[account] if \ app.gc_connected[account][i] and i != self.room_jid]: ctrl = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(room_jid, account) if not ctrl and room_jid in \ app.interface.minimized_controls[account]: ctrl = app.interface.minimized_controls[account][room_jid] if ctrl and app.config.get('one_message_window') != 'never': ctrl.resize_occupant_treeview(pos) def _on_hpaned_handle_change(self, hpaned, param): if self._resize_from_another_muc: return # Window was resized, save new handle pos pos = hpaned.get_position() if pos != app.config.get('gc-hpaned-position'): self._remove_handle_timeout(renew=True) def _remove_handle_timeout(self, renew=False): if self._handle_timeout_id is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._handle_timeout_id) self._handle_timeout_id = None if renew: pos = self.hpaned.get_position() self._handle_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds( 2, self._save_handle_position, pos) def _save_handle_position(self, pos): self._handle_timeout_id = None app.config.set('gc-hpaned-position', pos) def iter_contact_rows(self): """ Iterate over all contact rows in the tree model """ role_iter = self.model.get_iter_first() while role_iter: contact_iter = self.model.iter_children(role_iter) while contact_iter: yield self.model[contact_iter] contact_iter = self.model.iter_next(contact_iter) role_iter = self.model.iter_next(role_iter) def on_list_treeview_style_set(self, treeview, style): """ When style (theme) changes, redraw all contacts """ # Get the room_jid from treeview for contact in self.iter_contact_rows(): nick = contact[Column.NICK] self.draw_contact(nick) def get_tab_label(self, chatstate): """ Markup the label if necessary. Returns a tuple such as: (new_label_str, color) either of which can be None if chatstate is given that means we have HE SENT US a chatstate """ has_focus = self.parent_win.window.get_property('has-toplevel-focus') current_tab = self.parent_win.get_active_control() == self color = None if chatstate == 'attention' and (not has_focus or not current_tab): self.attention_flag = True color = 'tab-muc-directed-msg' elif chatstate == 'active' or (current_tab and has_focus): self.attention_flag = False # get active color from gtk color = 'active' elif chatstate == 'newmsg' and (not has_focus or not current_tab) \ and not self.attention_flag: color = 'tab-muc-msg' if self.is_continued: # if this is a continued conversation label_str = self.get_continued_conversation_name() else: label_str = self.name label_str = GLib.markup_escape_text(label_str) # count waiting highlighted messages unread = '' num_unread = self.get_nb_unread() if num_unread == 1: unread = '*' elif num_unread > 1: unread = '[' + str(num_unread) + ']' label_str = unread + label_str return (label_str, color) def get_tab_image(self, count_unread=True): tab_image = None if self.is_connected: tab_image = get_icon_name('muc-active') else: tab_image = get_icon_name('muc-inactive') return tab_image def update_ui(self): ChatControlBase.update_ui(self) for nick in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): self.draw_contact(nick) def set_lock_image(self): encryption_state = {'visible': self.encryption is not None, 'enc_type': self.encryption, 'authenticated': False} if self.encryption: app.plugin_manager.extension_point( 'encryption_state' + self.encryption, self, encryption_state) self._show_lock_image(**encryption_state) def _show_lock_image(self, visible, enc_type='', authenticated=False): """ Set lock icon visibility and create tooltip """ if authenticated: authenticated_string = _('and authenticated') self.lock_image.set_from_icon_name( 'security-high-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU) else: authenticated_string = _('and NOT authenticated') self.lock_image.set_from_icon_name( 'security-low-symbolic', Gtk.IconSize.MENU) tooltip = _('%(type)s encryption is active %(authenticated)s.') % { 'type': enc_type, 'authenticated': authenticated_string} self.authentication_button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) self.widget_set_visible(self.authentication_button, not visible) self.lock_image.set_sensitive(visible) def _on_authentication_button_clicked(self, widget): app.plugin_manager.extension_point( 'encryption_dialog' + self.encryption, self) def _change_style(self, model, path, iter_, option): model[iter_][Column.NICK] = model[iter_][Column.NICK] def change_roster_style(self): self.model.foreach(self._change_style, None) def repaint_themed_widgets(self): ChatControlBase.repaint_themed_widgets(self) self.change_roster_style() def _update_banner_state_image(self): banner_status_img = self.xml.get_object('gc_banner_status_image') if self.is_connected: if self.contact.avatar_sha: surface = app.interface.get_avatar(self.contact.avatar_sha, AvatarSize.ROSTER, self.scale_factor) banner_status_img.set_from_surface(surface) return icon = get_icon_name('muc-active') else: icon = get_icon_name('muc-inactive') banner_status_img.set_from_icon_name(icon, Gtk.IconSize.DND) def get_continued_conversation_name(self): """ Get the name of a continued conversation. Will return Continued Conversation if there isn't any other contact in the room """ nicks = [] for nick in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): if nick != self.nick: nicks.append(nick) if nicks != []: title = ', ' title = _('Conversation with ') + title.join(nicks) else: title = _('Continued conversation') return title def draw_banner_text(self): """ Draw the text in the fat line at the top of the window that houses the room jid, subject """ self.name_label.set_ellipsize(Pango.EllipsizeMode.END) if self.is_continued: name = self.get_continued_conversation_name() else: name = self.room_jid self.name_label.set_text(name) if self.subject: subject = GLib.markup_escape_text(self.subject) subject_text = self.urlfinder.sub(self.make_href, subject) self.subject_button.get_popover().set_text(subject_text) def _nec_vcard_published(self, obj): if obj.conn.name != self.account: return show = app.SHOW_LIST[obj.conn.connected] status = obj.conn.status obj.conn.send_gc_status(self.nick, self.room_jid, show, status) def _nec_update_avatar(self, obj): if obj.contact.room_jid != self.room_jid: return app.log('avatar').debug('Draw Groupchat Avatar: %s %s', obj.contact.name, obj.contact.avatar_sha) self.draw_avatar(obj.contact) def _nec_update_room_avatar(self, obj): if obj.jid != self.room_jid: return self._update_banner_state_image() def _on_voice_approval(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.jid != self.room_jid: return SingleMessageWindow(self.account, self.room_jid, action='receive', from_whom=self.room_jid, form_node=event.form) def _on_captcha_challenge(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.jid != self.room_jid: return if self.form_widget: self.form_widget.hide() self.form_widget.destroy() self.btn_box.destroy() # pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition self.form_widget = DataFormWidget(event.form) def on_send_dataform_clicked(widget): if not self.form_widget: return form_node = self.form_widget.get_submit_form() con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').send_captcha(self.room_jid, form_node) self.form_widget.hide() self.form_widget.destroy() self.btn_box.destroy() self.form_widget = None del self.btn_box # self.form_widget.connect('validated', on_send_dataform_clicked) self.form_widget.show_all() vbox = self.xml.get_object('gc_textviews_vbox') vbox.pack_start(self.form_widget, False, True, 0) valid_button = Gtk.Button(stock=Gtk.STOCK_OK) valid_button.connect('clicked', on_send_dataform_clicked) self.btn_box = Gtk.HButtonBox() self.btn_box.set_layout(Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle.END) self.btn_box.pack_start(valid_button, True, True, 0) self.btn_box.show_all() vbox.pack_start(self.btn_box, False, False, 0) if self.parent_win: self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self, 'attention') else: self.attention_flag = True def _nec_mam_decrypted_message_received(self, obj): if obj.conn.name != self.account: return if not obj.groupchat: return if obj.archive_jid != self.room_jid: return self.print_conversation( obj.msgtxt, contact=obj.nick, tim=obj.timestamp, correct_id=obj.correct_id, encrypted=obj.encrypted, msg_stanza_id=obj.message_id, additional_data=obj.additional_data) def _nec_gc_message_received(self, obj): if obj.room_jid != self.room_jid or obj.conn.name != self.account: return if not obj.nick: # message from server self.print_conversation( obj.msgtxt, tim=obj.timestamp, xhtml=obj.xhtml_msgtxt, displaymarking=obj.displaymarking, additional_data=obj.additional_data) else: # message from someone if obj.delayed: # don't print xhtml if it's an old message. # Like that xhtml messages are grayed too. self.print_old_conversation( obj.msgtxt, contact=obj.nick, tim=obj.timestamp, xhtml=None, encrypted=obj.encrypted, displaymarking=obj.displaymarking, msg_stanza_id=obj.id_, additional_data=obj.additional_data) else: if obj.nick == self.nick: self.last_sent_txt = obj.msgtxt self.print_conversation( obj.msgtxt, contact=obj.nick, tim=obj.timestamp, xhtml=obj.xhtml_msgtxt, displaymarking=obj.displaymarking, encrypted=obj.encrypted, correct_id=obj.correct_id, msg_stanza_id=obj.id_, additional_data=obj.additional_data) obj.needs_highlight = self.needs_visual_notification(obj.msgtxt) def on_private_message(self, nick, sent, msg, tim, xhtml, session, msg_log_id=None, encrypted=False, displaymarking=None): # Do we have a queue? fjid = self.room_jid + '/' + nick no_queue = len(app.events.get_events(self.account, fjid)) == 0 event = events.PmEvent(msg, '', 'incoming', tim, encrypted, '', msg_log_id, xhtml=xhtml, session=session, form_node=None, displaymarking=displaymarking, sent_forwarded=sent) app.events.add_event(self.account, fjid, event) autopopup = app.config.get('autopopup') autopopupaway = app.config.get('autopopupaway') iter_ = self.get_contact_iter(nick) path = self.model.get_path(iter_) if not autopopup or (not autopopupaway and \ app.connections[self.account].connected > 2): if no_queue: # We didn't have a queue: we change icons transport = None if app.jid_is_transport(self.room_jid): transport = app.get_transport_name_from_jid(self.room_jid) self.model[iter_][Column.IMG] = get_icon_name( 'event', transport=transport) if self.parent_win: self.parent_win.show_title() self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self) else: self._start_private_message(nick) # Scroll to line path_ = path.copy() path_.up() self.list_treeview.expand_row(path_, False) self.list_treeview.scroll_to_cell(path) self.list_treeview.set_cursor(path) contact = app.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority( self.account, self.room_jid) if contact: app.interface.roster.draw_contact(self.room_jid, self.account) def get_contact_iter(self, nick: str) -> Optional[Gtk.TreeIter]: try: ref = self._contact_refs[nick] except KeyError: return None path = ref.get_path() if path is None: return None return self.model.get_iter(path) def print_old_conversation(self, text, contact='', tim=None, xhtml=None, displaymarking=None, msg_stanza_id=None, encrypted=None, additional_data=None): if additional_data is None: additional_data = AdditionalDataDict() if contact: if contact == self.nick: # it's us kind = 'outgoing' else: kind = 'incoming' else: kind = 'status' if app.config.get('restored_messages_small'): small_attr = ['small'] else: small_attr = [] ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, text, kind, contact, tim, small_attr, small_attr + ['restored_message'], small_attr + ['restored_message'], count_as_new=False, xhtml=xhtml, displaymarking=displaymarking, msg_stanza_id=msg_stanza_id, encrypted=encrypted, additional_data=additional_data) def print_conversation(self, text, contact='', tim=None, xhtml=None, graphics=True, displaymarking=None, correct_id=None, msg_stanza_id=None, encrypted=None, additional_data=None): """ Print a line in the conversation If contact is set: it's a message from someone or an info message (contact = 'info' in such a case). If contact is not set: it's a message from the server or help. """ if additional_data is None: additional_data = AdditionalDataDict() other_tags_for_name = [] other_tags_for_text = [] if contact: if contact == self.nick: # it's us kind = 'outgoing' elif contact == 'info': kind = 'info' contact = None else: kind = 'incoming' # muc-specific chatstate if self.parent_win: self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self, 'newmsg') else: kind = 'status' if kind == 'incoming': # it's a message NOT from us # highlighting and sounds highlight, _sound = self.highlighting_for_message(text, tim) other_tags_for_name.append('muc_nickname_color_%s' % contact) if highlight: # muc-specific chatstate if self.parent_win: self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self, 'attention') else: self.attention_flag = True other_tags_for_name.append('bold') other_tags_for_text.append('marked') self._nick_completion.record_message(contact, highlight) self.check_and_possibly_add_focus_out_line() ChatControlBase.print_conversation_line(self, text, kind, contact, tim, other_tags_for_name, [], other_tags_for_text, xhtml=xhtml, graphics=graphics, displaymarking=displaymarking, correct_id=correct_id, msg_stanza_id=msg_stanza_id, encrypted=encrypted, additional_data=additional_data) def get_nb_unread(self): type_events = ['printed_marked_gc_msg'] if app.config.notify_for_muc(self.room_jid): type_events.append('printed_gc_msg') nb = len(app.events.get_events(self.account, self.room_jid, type_events)) nb += self.get_nb_unread_pm() return nb def get_nb_unread_pm(self): nb = 0 for nick in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): nb += len(app.events.get_events(self.account, self.room_jid + \ '/' + nick, ['pm'])) return nb def highlighting_for_message(self, text, tim): """ Returns a 2-Tuple. The first says whether or not to highlight the text, the second, what sound to play """ highlight, sound = None, None notify = app.config.notify_for_muc(self.room_jid) message_sound_enabled = app.config.get_per('soundevents', 'muc_message_received', 'enabled') # Are any of the defined highlighting words in the text? if self.needs_visual_notification(text): highlight = True if app.config.get_per('soundevents', 'muc_message_highlight', 'enabled'): sound = 'highlight' # Do we play a sound on every muc message? elif notify and message_sound_enabled: sound = 'received' # Is it a history message? Don't want sound-floods when we join. if tim is not None and time.mktime(time.localtime()) - tim > 1: sound = None return highlight, sound def check_and_possibly_add_focus_out_line(self): """ Check and possibly add focus out line for room_jid if it needs it and does not already have it as last event. If it goes to add this line - remove previous line first """ win = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_window(self.room_jid, self.account) if win and self.room_jid == win.get_active_jid() and\ win.window.get_property('has-toplevel-focus') and\ self.parent_win.get_active_control() == self: # it's the current room and it's the focused window. # we have full focus (we are reading it!) return self.conv_textview.show_focus_out_line() def needs_visual_notification(self, text): """ Check text to see whether any of the words in (muc_highlight_words and nick) appear """ special_words = app.config.get('muc_highlight_words').split(';') special_words.append(self.nick) con = app.connections[self.account] special_words.append(con.get_own_jid().getStripped()) # Strip empties: ''.split(';') == [''] and would highlight everything. # Also lowercase everything for case insensitive compare. special_words = [word.lower() for word in special_words if word] text = text.lower() for special_word in special_words: found_here = text.find(special_word) while found_here > -1: end_here = found_here + len(special_word) if (found_here == 0 or not text[found_here - 1].isalpha()) and \ (end_here == len(text) or not text[end_here].isalpha()): # It is beginning of text or char before is not alpha AND # it is end of text or char after is not alpha return True # continue searching start = found_here + 1 found_here = text.find(special_word, start) return False def set_subject(self, subject): self.subject = subject self.draw_banner_text() def _on_subject(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.jid != self.room_jid: return if self.subject == event.subject: # Probably a rejoin, we already showed that subject return self.set_subject(event.subject) text = _('%(nick)s has set the subject to %(subject)s') % { 'nick': event.nickname, 'subject': event.subject} if event.user_timestamp: date = time.strftime('%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(event.user_timestamp)) text = '%s - %s' % (text, date) just_joined = self.join_time > time.time() - 10 if app.config.get('show_subject_on_join') or not just_joined: self.print_conversation(text) if event.subject == '': self.subject_button.hide() else: self.subject_button.show() def _on_config_changed(self, event): # http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#roomconfig-notify if event.account != self.account: return if event.jid != self.room_jid: return changes = [] if StatusCode.SHOWING_UNAVAILABLE in event.status_codes: changes.append(_('Room now shows unavailable members')) if StatusCode.NOT_SHOWING_UNAVAILABLE in event.status_codes: changes.append(_('Room now does not show unavailable members')) if StatusCode.CONFIG_NON_PRIVACY_RELATED in event.status_codes: changes.append(_('A setting not related to privacy has been ' 'changed')) app.connections[self.account].get_module('Discovery').disco_muc( self.room_jid, self.update_actions, update=True) if StatusCode.CONFIG_ROOM_LOGGING in event.status_codes: # Can be a presence (see chg_contact_status in groupchat_control.py) changes.append(_('Room logging is now enabled')) if StatusCode.CONFIG_NO_ROOM_LOGGING in event.status_codes: changes.append(_('Room logging is now disabled')) if StatusCode.CONFIG_NON_ANONYMOUS in event.status_codes: changes.append(_('Room is now non-anonymous')) self.is_anonymous = False if StatusCode.CONFIG_SEMI_ANONYMOUS in event.status_codes: changes.append(_('Room is now semi-anonymous')) self.is_anonymous = True if StatusCode.CONFIG_FULL_ANONYMOUS in event.status_codes: changes.append(_('Room is now fully anonymous')) self.is_anonymous = True for change in changes: self.print_conversation(change) def _nec_signed_in(self, obj): if obj.conn.name != self.account: return password = app.gc_passwords.get(self.room_jid, '') obj.conn.join_gc(self.nick, self.room_jid, password, rejoin=True) def _nec_decrypted_message_received(self, obj): if obj.conn.name != self.account: return if obj.gc_control == self and obj.resource: # We got a pm from this room nick = obj.resource if obj.session.control: # print if a control is open frm = '' if obj.sent: frm = 'out' obj.session.control.print_conversation(obj.msgtxt, frm, tim=obj.timestamp, xhtml=obj.xhtml, encrypted=obj.encrypted, displaymarking=obj.displaymarking, msg_stanza_id=obj.id_, correct_id=obj.correct_id) else: # otherwise pass it off to the control to be queued self.on_private_message(nick, obj.sent, obj.msgtxt, obj.timestamp, obj.xhtml, self.session, msg_log_id=obj.msg_log_id, encrypted=obj.encrypted, displaymarking=obj.displaymarking) def _nec_ping(self, obj): if self.contact.jid != obj.contact.room_jid: return nick = obj.contact.get_shown_name() if obj.name == 'ping-sent': self.print_conversation(_('Ping? (%s)') % nick) elif obj.name == 'ping-reply': self.print_conversation( _('Pong! (%(nick)s %(delay)s s.)') % {'nick': nick, 'delay': obj.seconds}) elif obj.name == 'ping-error': self.print_conversation(_('Error.')) @property def is_connected(self) -> bool: return app.gc_connected[self.account][self.room_jid] @is_connected.setter def is_connected(self, value: bool) -> None: app.gc_connected[self.account][self.room_jid] = value def _disable_roster_sort(self): self.model.set_sort_column_id(Gtk.TREE_SORTABLE_UNSORTED_SORT_COLUMN_ID, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) self.list_treeview.set_model(None) def _enable_roster_sort(self): self.model.set_sort_column_id(Column.NICK, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) self.list_treeview.set_model(self.model) self.list_treeview.expand_all() def _reset_roster(self): self._contact_refs = {} self._role_refs = {} self.model.clear() def got_connected(self): self.join_time = time.time() # Make autorejoin stop. if self.autorejoin: GLib.source_remove(self.autorejoin) self.autorejoin = None if muc_caps_cache.has_mam(self.room_jid): # Request MAM con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MAM').request_archive_on_muc_join( self.room_jid) self.is_connected = True ChatControlBase.got_connected(self) # Sort model and assign it to treeview self._enable_roster_sort() # We don't redraw the whole banner here, because only icon change self._update_banner_state_image() if self.parent_win: self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self) formattings_button = self.xml.get_object('formattings_button') formattings_button.set_sensitive(True) self.update_actions() def got_disconnected(self): formattings_button = self.xml.get_object('formattings_button') formattings_button.set_sensitive(False) self._reset_roster() self._disable_roster_sort() for contact in app.contacts.get_gc_contact_list( self.account, self.room_jid): contact.presence = PresenceType.UNAVAILABLE ctrl = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_control(contact.get_full_jid, self.account) if ctrl: ctrl.got_disconnected() app.contacts.remove_gc_contact(self.account, contact) self.is_connected = False ChatControlBase.got_disconnected(self) con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('Chatstate').remove_delay_timeout(self.contact) contact = app.contacts.get_groupchat_contact(self.account, self.room_jid) if contact is not None: app.interface.roster.draw_contact(self.room_jid, self.account) # We don't redraw the whole banner here, because only icon change self._update_banner_state_image() if self.parent_win: self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self) # Autorejoin stuff goes here. # Notice that we don't need to activate autorejoin if connection is lost # or in progress. if self.autorejoin is None and app.account_is_connected(self.account): ar_to = app.config.get('muc_autorejoin_timeout') if ar_to: self.autorejoin = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(ar_to, self.rejoin) self.update_actions() def rejoin(self): if not self.autorejoin: return False password = app.gc_passwords.get(self.room_jid, '') app.connections[self.account].join_gc(self.nick, self.room_jid, password, rejoin=True) return True def draw_roster(self): self._reset_roster() self._disable_roster_sort() for nick in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): self.add_contact_to_roster(nick) self._enable_roster_sort() self.draw_all_roles() # Recalculate column width for ellipsizin self.list_treeview.columns_autosize() def on_send_pm(self, widget=None, model=None, iter_=None, nick=None, msg=None): """ Open a chat window and if msg is not None - send private message to a contact in a room """ if nick is None: nick = model[iter_][Column.NICK] ctrl = self._start_private_message(nick) if ctrl and msg: ctrl.send_message(msg) def draw_contact(self, nick): iter_ = self.get_contact_iter(nick) if not iter_: return gc_contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( self.account, self.room_jid, nick) if app.events.get_events(self.account, self.room_jid + '/' + nick): icon_name = get_icon_name('event') else: icon_name = get_icon_name(gc_contact.show.value) name = GLib.markup_escape_text(gc_contact.name) # Strike name if blocked fjid = self.room_jid + '/' + nick if helpers.jid_is_blocked(self.account, fjid): name = '%s' % name status = gc_contact.status # add status msg, if not empty, under contact name in the treeview if status and app.config.get('show_status_msgs_in_roster'): status = status.strip() if status != '': status = helpers.reduce_chars_newlines(status, max_lines=1) # escape markup entities and make them small italic and fg color name += ('\n' '{}'.format(GLib.markup_escape_text(status))) if (not gc_contact.affiliation.is_none and app.config.get('show_affiliation_in_groupchat')): icon_name += ':%s' % gc_contact.affiliation.value self.model[iter_][Column.IMG] = icon_name self.model[iter_][Column.TEXT] = name def draw_avatar(self, gc_contact): if not app.config.get('show_avatars_in_roster'): return iter_ = self.get_contact_iter(gc_contact.name) if not iter_: return surface = app.interface.get_avatar( gc_contact.avatar_sha, AvatarSize.ROSTER, self.scale_factor) image = Gtk.Image.new_from_surface(surface) self.model[iter_][Column.AVATAR_IMG] = image def draw_role(self, role): role_iter = self.get_role_iter(role) if not role_iter: return role_name = helpers.get_uf_role(role, plural=True) if app.config.get('show_contacts_number'): nbr_role, nbr_total = app.contacts.get_nb_role_total_gc_contacts( self.account, self.room_jid, role) role_name += ' (%s/%s)' % (repr(nbr_role), repr(nbr_total)) self.model[role_iter][Column.TEXT] = role_name def draw_all_roles(self): for role in (Role.VISITOR, Role.PARTICIPANT, Role.MODERATOR): self.draw_role(role) def _change_nick(self, new_nick: str) -> None: self.nick = new_nick self._nick_completion.change_nick(new_nick) def _on_self_presence(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return nick = event.properties.muc_nickname affiliation = event.properties.affiliation jid = str(event.properties.jid) status_codes = event.properties.muc_status_codes or [] if not self.is_connected: # We just joined the room self.print_conversation(_('You (%s) joined the room') % nick, 'info', graphics=False) self.add_contact_to_roster(nick) self.got_connected() if self.room_jid in app.automatic_rooms[self.account] and \ app.automatic_rooms[self.account][self.room_jid]['invities']: if self.room_jid not in app.interface.instances[self.account]['gc_config']: con = app.connections[self.account] if affiliation.is_owner: # We need to configure the room if it's a new one. # We cannot know it's a new one. Status 201 is not # sent by all servers. con.get_module('MUC').request_config(self.room_jid) elif 'continue_tag' in app.automatic_rooms[self.account][self.room_jid]: # We just need to invite contacts for jid in app.automatic_rooms[self.account][self.room_jid]['invities']: con.get_module('MUC').invite(self.room_jid, jid) self.print_conversation( _('%(jid)s has been ' 'invited in this room') % {'jid': jid}, graphics=False) if StatusCode.NON_ANONYMOUS in status_codes: self.print_conversation( _('Any occupant is allowed to see your full JID')) self.is_anonymous = False if StatusCode.CONFIG_ROOM_LOGGING in status_codes: self.print_conversation(_('Room logging is enabled')) if StatusCode.NICKNAME_MODIFIED in status_codes: self.print_conversation(\ _('The server has assigned or modified your roomnick')) if event.properties.is_new_room: app.connections[self.account].get_module('Discovery').disco_muc( self.room_jid, self._on_room_created, update=True) self.print_conversation(_('A new room has been created')) con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').request_config(self.room_jid) # Update Actions self.update_actions() def _on_nickname_changed(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return nick = event.properties.muc_nickname new_nick = event.properties.muc_user.nick if event.properties.is_muc_self_presence: self._change_nick(new_nick) message = _('You are now known as %s') % new_nick else: message = _('{nick} is now known ' 'as {new_nick}').format(nick=nick, new_nick=new_nick) self._nick_completion.contact_renamed(nick, new_nick) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) tv = self.conv_textview if nick in tv.last_received_message_id: tv.last_received_message_id[new_nick] = \ tv.last_received_message_id[nick] del tv.last_received_message_id[nick] self.remove_contact(nick) self.add_contact_to_roster(new_nick) def _on_status_show_changed(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return nick = event.properties.muc_nickname status = event.properties.status status = '' if status is None else ' (%s)' % status show = helpers.get_uf_show(event.properties.show.value) status_default = app.config.get('print_status_muc_default') if event.properties.is_muc_self_presence: message = _('You are now {show}{status}').format(show=show, status=status) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif app.config.get_per('rooms', self.room_jid, 'print_status', status_default): message = _('{nick} is now {show}{status}').format(nick=nick, show=show, status=status) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) self.draw_contact(nick) def _on_affiliation_changed(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return affiliation = helpers.get_uf_affiliation( event.properties.affiliation) nick = event.properties.muc_nickname reason = event.properties.muc_user.reason reason = '' if reason is None else ': {reason}'.format(reason=reason) actor = event.properties.muc_user.actor #Group Chat: You have been kicked by Alice actor = '' if actor is None else _(' by {actor}').format(actor=actor) if event.properties.is_muc_self_presence: message = _('** Your Affiliation has been set to ' '{affiliation}{actor}{reason}').format( affiliation=affiliation, actor=actor, reason=reason) else: message = _('** Affiliation of {nick} has been set to ' '{affiliation}{actor}{reason}').format( nick=nick, affiliation=affiliation, actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, graphics=False) self.draw_contact(nick) self.update_actions() def _on_role_changed(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return role = helpers.get_uf_role(event.properties.role) nick = event.properties.muc_nickname reason = event.properties.muc_user.reason reason = '' if reason is None else ': {reason}'.format(reason=reason) actor = event.properties.muc_user.actor #Group Chat: You have been kicked by Alice actor = '' if actor is None else _(' by {actor}').format(actor=actor) if event.properties.is_muc_self_presence: message = _('** Your Role has been set to ' '{role}{actor}{reason}').format(role=role, actor=actor, reason=reason) else: message = _('** Role of {nick} has been set to ' '{role}{actor}{reason}').format(nick=nick, role=role, actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, graphics=False) self.remove_contact(nick) self.add_contact_to_roster(nick) self.update_actions() def _on_self_kicked(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return self.autorejoin = False status_codes = event.properties.muc_status_codes or [] reason = event.properties.muc_user.reason reason = '' if reason is None else ': {reason}'.format(reason=reason) actor = event.properties.muc_user.actor #Group Chat: You have been kicked by Alice actor = '' if actor is None else _(' by {actor}').format(actor=actor) #Group Chat: We have been removed from the room by Alice: reason message = _('You have been removed from the room{actor}{reason}') if StatusCode.REMOVED_ERROR in status_codes: # Handle 333 before 307, some MUCs add both #Group Chat: Server kicked us because of an server error message = _('You have left due ' 'to an error{reason}').format(reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_KICKED in status_codes: #Group Chat: We have been kicked by Alice: reason message = _('You have been ' 'kicked{actor}{reason}').format(actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_BANNED in status_codes: #Group Chat: We have been banned by Alice: reason message = _('You have been ' 'banned{actor}{reason}').format(actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_AFFILIATION_CHANGE in status_codes: #Group Chat: We were removed because of an affiliation change reason = _(': Affiliation changed') message = message.format(actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_NONMEMBER_IN_MEMBERS_ONLY in status_codes: #Group Chat: Room configuration changed reason = _(': Room configuration changed to members-only') message = message.format(actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_SERVICE_SHUTDOWN in status_codes: #Group Chat: Kicked because of server shutdown reason = ': System shutdown' message = message.format(actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) self.autorejoin = True self.got_disconnected() # Update Actions self.update_actions() def _on_user_left(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return status_codes = event.properties.muc_status_codes or [] nick = event.properties.muc_nickname reason = event.properties.muc_user.reason reason = '' if reason is None else ': {reason}'.format(reason=reason) actor = event.properties.muc_user.actor #Group Chat: You have been kicked by Alice actor = '' if actor is None else _(' by {actor}').format(actor=actor) #Group Chat: We have been removed from the room message = _('{nick} has been removed from the room{by}{reason}') join_default = app.config.get('print_join_left_default') print_join_left = app.config.get_per( 'rooms', self.room_jid, 'print_join_left', join_default) if StatusCode.REMOVED_ERROR in status_codes: # Handle 333 before 307, some MUCs add both if print_join_left: #Group Chat: User was kicked because of an server error: reason message = _('{nick} has left due to ' 'an error{reason}').format(nick=nick, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_KICKED in status_codes: #Group Chat: User was kicked by Alice: reason message = _('{nick} has been ' 'kicked{actor}{reason}').format(nick=nick, actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_BANNED in status_codes: #Group Chat: User was banned by Alice: reason message = _('{nick} has been ' 'banned{actor}{reason}').format(nick=nick, actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_AFFILIATION_CHANGE in status_codes: reason = _(': Affiliation changed') message = message.format(nick=nick, actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif StatusCode.REMOVED_NONMEMBER_IN_MEMBERS_ONLY in status_codes: reason = _(': Room configuration changed to members-only') message = message.format(nick=nick, actor=actor, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) elif print_join_left: message = _('{nick} has left{reason}').format(nick=nick, reason=reason) self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) self.remove_contact(nick) self.draw_all_roles() def _on_user_joined(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return nick = event.properties.muc_nickname join_default = app.config.get('print_join_left_default') print_join_left = app.config.get_per( 'rooms', self.room_jid, 'print_join_left', join_default) self.add_contact_to_roster(nick) if self.is_connected and print_join_left: self.print_conversation(_('%s has joined the group chat') % nick, graphics=False) def _on_presence_error(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return nick = event.properties.muc_nickname error_type = event.properties.error.type error_message = event.properties.error.message if error_type == Error.NOT_AUTHORIZED: app.interface.handle_gc_password_required( self.account, self.room_jid, nick) elif error_type == Error.FORBIDDEN: # we are banned ErrorDialog( _('Unable to join group chat'), _('You are banned from group chat %s.') % self.room_jid) elif error_type == Error.REMOTE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND: ErrorDialog( _('Unable to join group chat'), _('Remote server %s does not exist.') % self.room_jid) elif error_type == Error.ITEM_NOT_FOUND: ErrorDialog( _('Unable to join group chat'), _('Group chat %s does not exist.') % self.room_jid) elif error_type == Error.NOT_ALLOWED: ErrorDialog( _('Unable to join group chat'), _('Group chat creation is not permitted.')) elif error_type == Error.NOT_ACCEPTABLE: ErrorDialog( _('Unable to join groupchat'), _('You must use your registered ' 'nickname in %s.') % self.room_jid) elif error_type == Error.REGISTRATION_REQUIRED: ErrorDialog( _('Unable to join group chat'), _('You are not in the members ' 'list in groupchat %s.') % self.room_jid) elif error_type == Error.CONFLICT: win = None if self.parent_win is None else self.parent_win.window app.interface.handle_ask_new_nick( self.account, self.room_jid, win) else: self.print_conversation( 'Error %s: %s' % (error_type.value, error_message)) self.autorejoin = False def add_contact_to_roster(self, nick): contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, nick) role_name = helpers.get_uf_role(contact.role, plural=True) # Create Role role_iter = self.get_role_iter(contact.role) if not role_iter: icon_name = get_icon_name('closed') ext_columns = [None] * self.nb_ext_renderers row = [icon_name, contact.role.value, 'role', role_name, None] + ext_columns role_iter = self.model.append(None, row) self._role_refs[contact.role] = Gtk.TreeRowReference( self.model, self.model.get_path(role_iter)) # Avatar image = None if app.config.get('show_avatars_in_roster'): surface = app.interface.get_avatar( contact.avatar_sha, AvatarSize.ROSTER, self.scale_factor) image = Gtk.Image.new_from_surface(surface) # Add to model ext_columns = [None] * self.nb_ext_renderers row = [None, nick, 'contact', nick, image] + ext_columns iter_ = self.model.append(role_iter, row) self._contact_refs[nick] = Gtk.TreeRowReference( self.model, self.model.get_path(iter_)) self.draw_all_roles() self.draw_contact(nick) if self.list_treeview.get_model(): self.list_treeview.expand_row( (self.model.get_path(role_iter)), False) if self.is_continued: self.draw_banner_text() def _on_destroyed(self, event): if event.account != self.account: return if event.room_jid != self.room_jid: return destroyed = event.properties.muc_destroyed reason = destroyed.reason reason = '' if reason is None else ': %s' % reason message = _('Room has been destroyed') self.print_conversation(message, 'info', graphics=False) alternate = destroyed.alternate if alternate is not None: join_message = _('You can join this room ' 'instead: xmpp:%s?join') % alternate self.print_conversation(join_message, 'info', graphics=False) self.autorejoin = False self.got_disconnected() con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('Bookmarks').remove(self.room_jid) if self._wait_for_destruction: self.force_non_minimizable = True self.parent_win.remove_tab(self, self.parent_win.CLOSE_COMMAND) self.force_non_minimizable = False def get_role_iter(self, role: str) -> Optional[Gtk.TreeIter]: try: ref = self._role_refs[role] except KeyError: return None path = ref.get_path() if path is None: return None return self.model.get_iter(path) def remove_contact(self, nick): """ Remove a user from the contacts_list """ iter_ = self.get_contact_iter(nick) if not iter_: return parent_iter = self.model.iter_parent(iter_) if parent_iter is None: # This is not a child, should never happen return self.model.remove(iter_) del self._contact_refs[nick] if self.model.iter_n_children(parent_iter) == 0: role = self.model[parent_iter][Column.NICK] del self._role_refs[Role(role)] self.model.remove(parent_iter) def _message_sent(self, obj): if not obj.message: return if obj.account != self.account: return if obj.jid != self.room_jid: return # we'll save sent message text when we'll receive it in # _nec_gc_message_received self.last_sent_msg = obj.stanza_id if self.correcting: self.correcting = False gtkgui_helpers.remove_css_class( self.msg_textview, 'gajim-msg-correcting') def send_message(self, message, xhtml=None, process_commands=True): """ Call this function to send our message """ if not message: return if self.encryption: self.sendmessage = True app.plugin_manager.extension_point( 'send_message' + self.encryption, self) if not self.sendmessage: return if process_commands and self.process_as_command(message): return message = helpers.remove_invalid_xml_chars(message) if not message: return label = self.get_seclabel() if message != '' or message != '\n': self.save_message(message, 'sent') if self.correcting and self.last_sent_msg: correct_id = self.last_sent_msg else: correct_id = None con = app.connections[self.account] chatstate = con.get_module('Chatstate').get_active_chatstate( self.contact) # Send the message app.nec.push_outgoing_event(GcMessageOutgoingEvent( None, account=self.account, jid=self.room_jid, message=message, xhtml=xhtml, label=label, chatstate=chatstate, correct_id=correct_id, automatic_message=False)) self.msg_textview.get_buffer().set_text('') self.msg_textview.grab_focus() def get_role(self, nick): gc_contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( self.account, self.room_jid, nick) if gc_contact: return gc_contact.role return Role.VISITOR def minimizable(self): if self.force_non_minimizable: return False return app.config.get_per('rooms', self.contact.jid, 'minimize_on_close', True) def minimize(self, status='offline'): # Minimize it win = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_window(self.contact.jid, self.account) ctrl = win.get_control(self.contact.jid, self.account) ctrl_page = win.notebook.page_num(ctrl.widget) control = win.notebook.get_nth_page(ctrl_page) win.notebook.remove_page(ctrl_page) control.unparent() ctrl.parent_win = None con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('Chatstate').set_chatstate(self.contact, Chatstate.INACTIVE) app.interface.roster.minimize_groupchat( self.account, self.contact.jid, status=self.subject) del win._controls[self.account][self.contact.jid] def shutdown(self, status='offline'): # PluginSystem: calling shutdown of super class (ChatControlBase) # to let it remove it's GUI extension points super(GroupchatControl, self).shutdown() # PluginSystem: removing GUI extension points connected with # GrouphatControl instance object app.plugin_manager.remove_gui_extension_point('groupchat_control', self) # Preventing autorejoin from being activated self.autorejoin = False # Unregister handlers for handler in self._event_handlers: app.ged.remove_event_handler(*handler) if self.is_connected: app.connections[self.account].send_gc_status(self.nick, self.room_jid, show='offline', status=status) nick_list = app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid) for nick in nick_list: # Update pm chat window fjid = self.room_jid + '/' + nick ctrl = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(fjid, self.account) if ctrl: contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, nick) contact.show = 'offline' contact.status = '' ctrl.update_ui() ctrl.parent_win.redraw_tab(ctrl) # They can already be removed by the destroy function if self.room_jid in app.contacts.get_gc_list(self.account): app.contacts.remove_room(self.account, self.room_jid) del app.gc_connected[self.account][self.room_jid] # Save hpaned position app.config.set('gc-hpaned-position', self.hpaned.get_position()) # remove all register handlers on wigets, created by self.xml # to prevent circular references among objects for i in list(self.handlers.keys()): if self.handlers[i].handler_is_connected(i): self.handlers[i].disconnect(i) del self.handlers[i] # Remove unread events from systray app.events.remove_events(self.account, self.room_jid) def safe_shutdown(self): if self.minimizable(): return True includes = app.config.get('confirm_close_muc_rooms').split(' ') excludes = app.config.get('noconfirm_close_muc_rooms').split(' ') # whether to ask for confirmation before closing muc if (app.config.get('confirm_close_muc') or self.room_jid in includes)\ and self.is_connected and self.room_jid not in excludes: return False return True def allow_shutdown(self, method, on_yes, on_no, on_minimize): if self.minimizable(): on_minimize(self) return if method == self.parent_win.CLOSE_ESC: iter_ = self.list_treeview.get_selection().get_selected()[1] if iter_: self.list_treeview.get_selection().unselect_all() on_no(self) return includes = app.config.get('confirm_close_muc_rooms').split(' ') excludes = app.config.get('noconfirm_close_muc_rooms').split(' ') # whether to ask for confirmation before closing muc if (app.config.get('confirm_close_muc') or self.room_jid in includes)\ and self.is_connected and self.room_jid \ not in excludes: def on_ok(clicked): if clicked: # user does not want to be asked again app.config.set('confirm_close_muc', False) on_yes(self) def on_cancel(clicked): if clicked: # user does not want to be asked again app.config.set('confirm_close_muc', False) on_no(self) pritext = _('Are you sure you want to leave group chat "%s"?')\ % self.name sectext = _('If you close this window, you will be disconnected ' 'from this group chat.') ConfirmationDialogCheck(pritext, sectext, _('_Do not ask me again'), on_response_ok=on_ok, on_response_cancel=on_cancel, transient_for=self.parent_win.window) return on_yes(self) def set_control_active(self, state): self.conv_textview.allow_focus_out_line = True self.attention_flag = False ChatControlBase.set_control_active(self, state) if not state: # add the focus-out line to the tab we are leaving self.check_and_possibly_add_focus_out_line() # Sending active to undo unread state self.parent_win.redraw_tab(self, 'active') def get_specific_unread(self): # returns the number of the number of unread msgs # for room_jid & number of unread private msgs with each contact # that we have nb = 0 for nick in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): fjid = self.room_jid + '/' + nick nb += len(app.events.get_events(self.account, fjid)) # gc can only have messages as event return nb def _on_change_subject_menuitem_activate(self, widget): def on_ok(subject): # Note, we don't update self.subject since we don't know whether it # will work yet con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_subject(self.room_jid, subject) InputTextDialog(_('Changing Subject'), _('Please specify the new subject:'), input_str=self.subject, ok_handler=on_ok, transient_for=self.parent_win.window) def _on_drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, target_type, timestamp): if not selection.get_data(): return # get contact info contact = contacts.Contact(jid=self.room_jid, account=self.account) if target_type == self.TARGET_TYPE_URI_LIST: # file drag and drop (handled in chat_control_base) self.drag_data_file_transfer(contact, selection, self) else: # Invite contact to groupchat treeview = app.interface.roster.tree model = treeview.get_model() data = selection.get_data() path = treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows()[1][0] iter_ = model.get_iter(path) type_ = model[iter_][2] if type_ != 'contact': # source is not a contact return contact_jid = data con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').invite(self.room_jid, contact_jid) self.print_conversation(_('%(jid)s has been invited in this room') % {'jid': contact_jid}, graphics=False) def _jid_not_blocked(self, bare_jid: str) -> bool: fjid = self.room_jid + '/' + bare_jid return not helpers.jid_is_blocked(self.account, fjid) def _on_message_textview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): res = ChatControlBase._on_message_textview_key_press_event(self, widget, event) if res: return True if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Tab: # TAB message_buffer = widget.get_buffer() start_iter, end_iter = message_buffer.get_bounds() cursor_position = message_buffer.get_insert() end_iter = message_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(cursor_position) text = message_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) splitted_text = text.split() # nick completion # check if tab is pressed with empty message if splitted_text: # if there are any words begin = splitted_text[-1] # last word we typed else: begin = '' gc_refer_to_nick_char = app.config.get('gc_refer_to_nick_char') with_refer_to_nick_char = False after_nick_len = 1 # the space that is printed after we type [Tab] # first part of this if : works fine even if refer_to_nick_char if gc_refer_to_nick_char and text.endswith( gc_refer_to_nick_char + ' '): with_refer_to_nick_char = True after_nick_len = len(gc_refer_to_nick_char + ' ') if self.nick_hits and self.last_key_tabs and \ text[:-after_nick_len].endswith(self.nick_hits[0]): # we should cycle # Previous nick in list may had a space inside, so we check text # and not splitted_text and store it into 'begin' var self.nick_hits.append(self.nick_hits[0]) begin = self.nick_hits.pop(0) else: list_nick = app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid) list_nick = list(filter(self._jid_not_blocked, list_nick)) log.debug("Nicks to be considered for autosuggestions: %s", list_nick) self.nick_hits = self._nick_completion.generate_suggestions( nicks=list_nick, beginning=begin) log.debug("Nicks filtered for autosuggestions: %s", self.nick_hits) if self.nick_hits: if len(splitted_text) < 2 or with_refer_to_nick_char: # This is the 1st word of the line or no word or we are cycling # at the beginning, possibly with a space in one nick add = gc_refer_to_nick_char + ' ' else: add = ' ' start_iter = end_iter.copy() if self.last_key_tabs and with_refer_to_nick_char or (text and \ text[-1] == ' '): # have to accommodate for the added space from last # completion # gc_refer_to_nick_char may be more than one char! start_iter.backward_chars(len(begin) + len(add)) elif self.last_key_tabs and not app.config.get( 'shell_like_completion'): # have to accommodate for the added space from last # completion start_iter.backward_chars(len(begin) + \ len(gc_refer_to_nick_char)) else: start_iter.backward_chars(len(begin)) con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('Chatstate').block_chatstates(self.contact, True) message_buffer.delete(start_iter, end_iter) # get a shell-like completion # if there's more than one nick for this completion, complete # only the part that all these nicks have in common if app.config.get('shell_like_completion') and \ len(self.nick_hits) > 1: end = False completion = '' add = "" # if nick is not complete, don't add anything while not end and len(completion) < len(self.nick_hits[0]): completion = self.nick_hits[0][:len(completion)+1] for nick in self.nick_hits: if completion.lower() not in nick.lower(): end = True completion = completion[:-1] break # if the current nick matches a COMPLETE existing nick, # and if the user tab TWICE, complete that nick (with the # "add") if self.last_key_tabs: for nick in self.nick_hits: if nick == completion: # The user seems to want this nick, so # complete it as if it were the only nick # available add = gc_refer_to_nick_char + ' ' else: completion = self.nick_hits[0] message_buffer.insert_at_cursor(completion + add) con.get_module('Chatstate').block_chatstates(self.contact, False) self.last_key_tabs = True return True self.last_key_tabs = False def on_list_treeview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape: selection = widget.get_selection() iter_ = selection.get_selected()[1] if iter_: widget.get_selection().unselect_all() return True def on_list_treeview_row_expanded(self, widget, iter_, path): """ When a row is expanded: change the icon of the arrow """ model = widget.get_model() model[iter_][Column.IMG] = get_icon_name('opened') def on_list_treeview_row_collapsed(self, widget, iter_, path): """ When a row is collapsed: change the icon of the arrow """ model = widget.get_model() model[iter_][Column.IMG] = get_icon_name('closed') def kick(self, widget, nick): """ Kick a user """ def on_ok(reason): con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_role(self.room_jid, nick, 'none', reason) # ask for reason InputDialog(_('Kicking %s') % nick, _('You may specify a reason below:'), ok_handler=on_ok, transient_for=self.parent_win.window) def mk_menu(self, event, iter_): """ Make contact's popup menu """ nick = self.model[iter_][Column.NICK] c = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, nick) fjid = self.room_jid + '/' + nick jid = c.jid target_affiliation = c.affiliation target_role = c.role # looking for user's affiliation and role user_nick = self.nick user_affiliation = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, user_nick).affiliation user_role = self.get_role(user_nick) # making menu from gtk builder xml = get_builder('gc_occupants_menu.ui') # these conditions were taken from JEP 0045 item = xml.get_object('kick_menuitem') if not user_role.is_moderator or \ (user_affiliation.is_admin and target_affiliation.is_owner) or \ (user_affiliation.is_member and target_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER)) or (user_affiliation.is_none and not target_affiliation.is_none): item.set_sensitive(False) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.kick, nick) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('voice_checkmenuitem') item.set_active(not target_role.is_visitor) if not user_role.is_moderator or \ user_affiliation.is_none or \ (user_affiliation.is_member and not target_affiliation.is_none) or \ target_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER): item.set_sensitive(False) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_voice_checkmenuitem_activate, nick) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('moderator_checkmenuitem') item.set_active(target_role.is_moderator) if not user_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER) or \ target_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER): item.set_sensitive(False) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_moderator_checkmenuitem_activate, nick) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('ban_menuitem') if not user_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER) or \ (target_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER) and\ not user_affiliation.is_owner): item.set_sensitive(False) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.ban, jid) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('member_checkmenuitem') item.set_active(not target_affiliation.is_none) if not user_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER) or \ (not user_affiliation.is_owner and target_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER)): item.set_sensitive(False) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_member_checkmenuitem_activate, jid) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('admin_checkmenuitem') item.set_active(target_affiliation in (Affiliation.ADMIN, Affiliation.OWNER)) if not user_affiliation.is_owner: item.set_sensitive(False) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_admin_checkmenuitem_activate, jid) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('owner_checkmenuitem') item.set_active(target_affiliation.is_owner) if not user_affiliation.is_owner: item.set_sensitive(False) id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_owner_checkmenuitem_activate, jid) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('invite_menuitem') if jid and c.name != self.nick: bookmarked = False contact = app.contacts.get_contact(self.account, jid, c.resource) if contact and contact.supports(nbxmpp.NS_CONFERENCE): bookmarked = True gui_menu_builder.build_invite_submenu(item, ((c, self.account),), ignore_rooms=[self.room_jid], show_bookmarked=bookmarked) else: item.set_sensitive(False) item = xml.get_object('information_menuitem') id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_info, nick) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('history_menuitem') item.set_action_name('app.browse-history') dict_ = {'jid': GLib.Variant('s', fjid), 'account': GLib.Variant('s', self.account)} variant = GLib.Variant('a{sv}', dict_) item.set_action_target_value(variant) item = xml.get_object('add_to_roster_menuitem') our_jid = app.get_jid_from_account(self.account) if not jid or jid == our_jid or not app.connections[self.account].\ roster_supported: item.set_sensitive(False) else: id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_add_to_roster, jid) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('execute_command_menuitem') id_ = item.connect('activate', self._on_execute_command_occupant, nick) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('block_menuitem') item2 = xml.get_object('unblock_menuitem') if not app.connections[self.account].get_module('PrivacyLists').supported: item2.set_no_show_all(True) item.set_no_show_all(True) item.hide() item2.hide() elif helpers.jid_is_blocked(self.account, fjid): item.set_no_show_all(True) item.hide() id_ = item2.connect('activate', self.on_unblock, nick) self.handlers[id_] = item2 else: id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_block, nick) self.handlers[id_] = item item2.set_no_show_all(True) item2.hide() item = xml.get_object('send_private_message_menuitem') id_ = item.connect('activate', self.on_send_pm, self.model, iter_) self.handlers[id_] = item item = xml.get_object('send_file_menuitem') if not c.jid: item.set_sensitive(False) else: item.set_sensitive(True) # ToDo: integrate HTTP File Upload id_ = item.connect('activate', lambda x: self._on_send_file_jingle(c)) self.handlers[id_] = item # show the popup now! menu = xml.get_object('gc_occupants_menu') menu.show_all() menu.attach_to_widget(app.interface.roster.window, None) menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time) def _start_private_message(self, nick): gc_c = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, nick) nick_jid = gc_c.get_full_jid() ctrl = app.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_control(nick_jid, self.account) if not ctrl: ctrl = app.interface.new_private_chat(gc_c, self.account) if ctrl: ctrl.parent_win.set_active_tab(ctrl) return ctrl def _on_execute_command_occupant(self, widget, nick): jid = self.room_jid + '/' + nick AdHocCommand(self.account, jid) def on_row_activated(self, widget, path): """ When an iter is activated (double click or single click if gnome is set this way) """ if path.get_depth() == 1: # It's a group if widget.row_expanded(path): widget.collapse_row(path) else: widget.expand_row(path, False) else: # We want to send a private message nick = self.model[path][Column.NICK] self._start_private_message(nick) def on_list_treeview_row_activated(self, widget, path, col=0): """ When an iter is double clicked: open the chat window """ if not app.single_click: self.on_row_activated(widget, path) def on_list_treeview_button_press_event(self, widget, event): """ Popup user's group's or agent menu """ try: pos = widget.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y)) path, x = pos[0], pos[2] except TypeError: widget.get_selection().unselect_all() return if event.button == 3: # right click widget.get_selection().select_path(path) iter_ = self.model.get_iter(path) if path.get_depth() == 2: self.mk_menu(event, iter_) return True if event.button == 2: # middle click widget.get_selection().select_path(path) iter_ = self.model.get_iter(path) if path.get_depth() == 2: nick = self.model[iter_][Column.NICK] self._start_private_message(nick) return True if event.button == 1: # left click if app.single_click and not event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: self.on_row_activated(widget, path) return True iter_ = self.model.get_iter(path) nick = self.model[iter_][Column.NICK] if not nick in app.contacts.get_nick_list( self.account, self.room_jid): # it's a group if x < 27: if widget.row_expanded(path): widget.collapse_row(path) else: widget.expand_row(path, False) elif event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: self.append_nick_in_msg_textview(self.msg_textview, nick) self.msg_textview.grab_focus() return True def append_nick_in_msg_textview(self, widget, nick): self.msg_textview.remove_placeholder() message_buffer = self.msg_textview.get_buffer() start_iter, end_iter = message_buffer.get_bounds() cursor_position = message_buffer.get_insert() end_iter = message_buffer.get_iter_at_mark(cursor_position) text = message_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, False) start = '' if text: # Cursor is not at first position if not text[-1] in (' ', '\n', '\t'): start = ' ' add = ' ' else: gc_refer_to_nick_char = app.config.get('gc_refer_to_nick_char') add = gc_refer_to_nick_char + ' ' message_buffer.insert_at_cursor(start + nick + add) def grant_voice(self, widget, nick): """ Grant voice privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_role(self.room_jid, nick, 'participant') def revoke_voice(self, widget, nick): """ Revoke voice privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_role(self.room_jid, nick, 'visitor') def grant_moderator(self, widget, nick): """ Grant moderator privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_role(self.room_jid, nick, 'moderator') def revoke_moderator(self, widget, nick): """ Revoke moderator privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_role(self.room_jid, nick, 'participant') def ban(self, widget, jid): """ Ban a user """ def on_ok(reason): con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {jid: {'affiliation': 'outcast', 'reason': reason}}) # to ban we know the real jid. so jid is not fakejid nick = app.get_nick_from_jid(jid) # ask for reason InputDialog(_('Banning %s') % nick, _('You may specify a reason below:'), ok_handler=on_ok, transient_for=self.parent_win.window) def grant_membership(self, widget, jid): """ Grant membership privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {jid: {'affiliation': 'member'}}) def revoke_membership(self, widget, jid): """ Revoke membership privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {jid: {'affiliation': 'none'}}) def grant_admin(self, widget, jid): """ Grant administrative privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {jid: {'affiliation': 'admin'}}) def revoke_admin(self, widget, jid): """ Revoke administrative privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {jid: {'affiliation': 'member'}}) def grant_owner(self, widget, jid): """ Grant owner privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {jid: {'affiliation': 'owner'}}) def revoke_owner(self, widget, jid): """ Revoke owner privilege to a user """ con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {jid: {'affiliation': 'admin'}}) def on_info(self, widget, nick): """ Call vcard_information_window class to display user's information """ gc_contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, nick) contact = gc_contact.as_contact() if contact.jid in app.interface.instances[self.account]['infos']: app.interface.instances[self.account]['infos'][contact.jid].\ window.present() else: app.interface.instances[self.account]['infos'][contact.jid] = \ vcard.VcardWindow(contact, self.account, gc_contact) def on_add_to_roster(self, widget, jid): AddNewContactWindow(self.account, jid) def on_block(self, widget, nick): fjid = self.room_jid + '/' + nick con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('PrivacyLists').block_gc_contact(fjid) self.draw_contact(nick) def on_unblock(self, widget, nick): fjid = self.room_jid + '/' + nick con = app.connections[self.account] con.get_module('PrivacyLists').unblock_gc_contact(fjid) self.draw_contact(nick) def on_voice_checkmenuitem_activate(self, widget, nick): if widget.get_active(): self.grant_voice(widget, nick) else: self.revoke_voice(widget, nick) def on_moderator_checkmenuitem_activate(self, widget, nick): if widget.get_active(): self.grant_moderator(widget, nick) else: self.revoke_moderator(widget, nick) def on_member_checkmenuitem_activate(self, widget, jid): if widget.get_active(): self.grant_membership(widget, jid) else: self.revoke_membership(widget, jid) def on_admin_checkmenuitem_activate(self, widget, jid): if widget.get_active(): self.grant_admin(widget, jid) else: self.revoke_admin(widget, jid) def on_owner_checkmenuitem_activate(self, widget, jid): if widget.get_active(): self.grant_owner(widget, jid) else: self.revoke_owner(widget, jid) class SubjectPopover(Gtk.Popover): def __init__(self): Gtk.Popover.__init__(self) self.set_name('SubjectPopover') scrolledwindow = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolledwindow.set_max_content_height(250) scrolledwindow.set_propagate_natural_height(True) scrolledwindow.set_propagate_natural_width(True) scrolledwindow.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.NEVER, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) self.label = Gtk.Label() self.label.set_line_wrap(True) self.label.set_line_wrap_mode(Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR) self.label.set_max_width_chars(80) self.label.connect('activate-link', self._on_activate_link) scrolledwindow.add(self.label) box = Gtk.Box() box.add(scrolledwindow) box.show_all() self.add(box) self.connect_after('show', self._after_show) def set_text(self, text): self.label.set_markup(text) def _after_show(self, *args): # Gtk Bug: If we set selectable True, on show # everything inside the Label is selected. # So we switch after show to False and again to True self.label.set_selectable(False) self.label.set_selectable(True) @staticmethod def _on_activate_link(_label, uri): # We have to use this, because the default GTK handler # is not cross-platform compatible launch_browser_mailer(None, uri) return Gdk.EVENT_STOP