# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . """ Handles Jingle Transports (currently only ICE-UDP) """ from typing import Any # pylint: disable=unused-import from typing import Dict # pylint: disable=unused-import import logging import socket from enum import IntEnum, unique import nbxmpp from gajim.common import app log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.jingle_transport') transports = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] def get_jingle_transport(node): namespace = node.getNamespace() if namespace in transports: return transports[namespace](node) @unique class TransportType(IntEnum): """ Possible types of a JingleTransport """ ICEUDP = 1 SOCKS5 = 2 IBB = 3 class JingleTransport: """ An abstraction of a transport in Jingle sessions """ __slots__ = ['type_', 'candidates', 'remote_candidates', 'connection', 'file_props', 'ourjid', 'sid'] def __init__(self, type_): self.type_ = type_ self.candidates = [] self.remote_candidates = [] self.connection = None self.file_props = None self.ourjid = None self.sid = None def _iter_candidates(self): for candidate in self.candidates: yield self.make_candidate(candidate) def make_candidate(self, candidate): """ Build a candidate stanza for the given candidate """ def make_transport(self, candidates=None): """ Build a transport stanza with the given candidates (or self.candidates if candidates is None) """ if not candidates: candidates = list(self._iter_candidates()) else: candidates = (self.make_candidate(candidate) for candidate in candidates) transport = nbxmpp.Node('transport', payload=candidates) return transport def parse_transport_stanza(self, transport): """ Return the list of transport candidates from a transport stanza """ return [] def set_connection(self, conn): self.connection = conn if not self.sid: self.sid = self.connection.connection.getAnID() def set_file_props(self, file_props): self.file_props = file_props def set_our_jid(self, jid): self.ourjid = jid def set_sid(self, sid): self.sid = sid class JingleTransportSocks5(JingleTransport): """ Socks5 transport in jingle scenario Note: Don't forget to call set_file_props after initialization """ def __init__(self, node=None): JingleTransport.__init__(self, TransportType.SOCKS5) self.connection = None self.remote_candidates = [] self.sid = None if node and node.getAttr('sid'): self.sid = node.getAttr('sid') def make_candidate(self, candidate): log.info('candidate dict, %s', candidate) attrs = { 'cid': candidate['candidate_id'], 'host': candidate['host'], 'jid': candidate['jid'], 'port': candidate['port'], 'priority': candidate['priority'], 'type': candidate['type'] } return nbxmpp.Node('candidate', attrs=attrs) def make_transport(self, candidates=None, add_candidates=True): if add_candidates: self._add_local_ips_as_candidates() self._add_additional_candidates() self._add_proxy_candidates() transport = JingleTransport.make_transport(self, candidates) else: transport = nbxmpp.Node('transport') transport.setNamespace(nbxmpp.NS_JINGLE_BYTESTREAM) transport.setAttr('sid', self.sid) if self.file_props.dstaddr: transport.setAttr('dstaddr', self.file_props.dstaddr) return transport def parse_transport_stanza(self, transport): candidates = [] for candidate in transport.iterTags('candidate'): typ = 'direct' # default value if candidate.has_attr('type'): typ = candidate['type'] cand = { 'state': 0, 'target': self.ourjid, 'host': candidate['host'], 'port': int(candidate['port']), 'candidate_id': candidate['cid'], 'type': typ, 'priority': candidate['priority'] } candidates.append(cand) # we need this when we construct file_props on session-initiation if candidates: self.remote_candidates = candidates return candidates def _add_candidates(self, candidates): for cand in candidates: in_remote = False for cand2 in self.remote_candidates: if cand['host'] == cand2['host'] and \ cand['port'] == cand2['port']: in_remote = True break if not in_remote: self.candidates.append(cand) def _add_local_ips_as_candidates(self): if not app.config.get_per('accounts', self.connection.name, 'ft_send_local_ips'): return if not self.connection: return port = int(app.config.get('file_transfers_port')) #type preference of connection type. XEP-0260 section 2.2 type_preference = 126 priority = (2**16) * type_preference hosts = set() local_ip_cand = [] candidate = { 'host': self.connection.peerhost[0], 'candidate_id': self.connection.connection.getAnID(), 'port': port, 'type': 'direct', 'jid': self.ourjid, 'priority': priority } hosts.add(self.connection.peerhost[0]) local_ip_cand.append(candidate) try: for addrinfo in socket.getaddrinfo(socket.gethostname(), None): addr = addrinfo[4][0] if not addr in hosts and not addr.startswith('127.') and \ addr != '::1': candidate = { 'host': addr, 'candidate_id': self.connection.connection.getAnID(), 'port': port, 'type': 'direct', 'jid': self.ourjid, 'priority': priority, 'initiator': self.file_props.sender, 'target': self.file_props.receiver } hosts.add(addr) local_ip_cand.append(candidate) except socket.gaierror: pass # ignore address-related errors for getaddrinfo try: from netifaces import interfaces, ifaddresses, AF_INET, AF_INET6 for ifaceName in interfaces(): addresses = ifaddresses(ifaceName) if AF_INET in addresses: for address in addresses[AF_INET]: addr = address['addr'] if addr in hosts or addr.startswith('127.'): continue candidate = { 'host': addr, 'candidate_id': self.connection.connection.getAnID(), 'port': port, 'type': 'direct', 'jid': self.ourjid, 'priority': priority, 'initiator': self.file_props.sender, 'target': self.file_props.receiver } hosts.add(addr) local_ip_cand.append(candidate) if AF_INET6 in addresses: for address in addresses[AF_INET6]: addr = address['addr'] if addr in hosts or addr.startswith('::1') or \ addr.count(':') != 7: continue candidate = { 'host': addr, 'candidate_id': self.connection.connection.getAnID(), 'port': port, 'type': 'direct', 'jid': self.ourjid, 'priority': priority, 'initiator': self.file_props.sender, 'target': self.file_props.receiver } hosts.add(addr) local_ip_cand.append(candidate) except ImportError: pass self._add_candidates(local_ip_cand) def _add_additional_candidates(self): if not self.connection: return type_preference = 126 priority = (2**16) * type_preference additional_ip_cand = [] port = int(app.config.get('file_transfers_port')) ft_add_hosts = app.config.get('ft_add_hosts_to_send') if ft_add_hosts: hosts = [e.strip() for e in ft_add_hosts.split(',')] for host in hosts: candidate = { 'host': host, 'candidate_id': self.connection.connection.getAnID(), 'port': port, 'type': 'direct', 'jid': self.ourjid, 'priority': priority, 'initiator': self.file_props.sender, 'target': self.file_props.receiver } additional_ip_cand.append(candidate) self._add_candidates(additional_ip_cand) def _add_proxy_candidates(self): if not self.connection: return type_preference = 10 priority = (2**16) * type_preference proxy_cand = [] socks5conn = self.connection proxyhosts = socks5conn._get_file_transfer_proxies_from_config(self.file_props) if proxyhosts: self.file_props.proxyhosts = proxyhosts for proxyhost in proxyhosts: candidate = { 'host': proxyhost['host'], 'candidate_id': self.connection.connection.getAnID(), 'port': int(proxyhost['port']), 'type': 'proxy', 'jid': proxyhost['jid'], 'priority': priority, 'initiator': self.file_props.sender, 'target': self.file_props.receiver } proxy_cand.append(candidate) self._add_candidates(proxy_cand) def get_content(self): sesn = self.connection.get_jingle_session(self.ourjid, self.file_props.sid) for content in sesn.contents.values(): if content.transport == self: return content def _on_proxy_auth_ok(self, proxy): log.info('proxy auth ok for %s', str(proxy)) # send activate request to proxy, send activated confirmation to peer if not self.connection: return sesn = self.connection.get_jingle_session(self.ourjid, self.file_props.sid) if sesn is None: return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(to=proxy['jid'], frm=self.ourjid, typ='set') auth_id = "au_" + proxy['sid'] iq.setID(auth_id) query = iq.setTag('query', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM) query.setAttr('sid', proxy['sid']) activate = query.setTag('activate') activate.setData(sesn.peerjid) iq.setID(auth_id) self.connection.connection.send(iq) content = nbxmpp.Node('content') content.setAttr('creator', 'initiator') content_object = self.get_content() content.setAttr('name', content_object.name) transport = nbxmpp.Node('transport') transport.setNamespace(nbxmpp.NS_JINGLE_BYTESTREAM) transport.setAttr('sid', proxy['sid']) activated = nbxmpp.Node('activated') cid = None if 'cid' in proxy: cid = proxy['cid'] else: for host in self.candidates: if host['host'] == proxy['host'] and host['jid'] == proxy['jid'] \ and host['port'] == proxy['port']: cid = host['candidate_id'] break if cid is None: raise Exception('cid is missing') activated.setAttr('cid', cid) transport.addChild(node=activated) content.addChild(node=transport) sesn.send_transport_info(content) class JingleTransportIBB(JingleTransport): def __init__(self, node=None, block_sz=None): JingleTransport.__init__(self, TransportType.IBB) if block_sz: self.block_sz = block_sz else: self.block_sz = '4096' self.connection = None self.sid = None if node and node.getAttr('sid'): self.sid = node.getAttr('sid') def make_transport(self): transport = nbxmpp.Node('transport') transport.setNamespace(nbxmpp.NS_JINGLE_IBB) transport.setAttr('block-size', self.block_sz) transport.setAttr('sid', self.sid) return transport try: from gi.repository import Farstream except ImportError: pass class JingleTransportICEUDP(JingleTransport): def __init__(self, node): JingleTransport.__init__(self, TransportType.ICEUDP) def make_candidate(self, candidate): types = { Farstream.CandidateType.HOST: 'host', Farstream.CandidateType.SRFLX: 'srflx', Farstream.CandidateType.PRFLX: 'prflx', Farstream.CandidateType.RELAY: 'relay', Farstream.CandidateType.MULTICAST: 'multicast' } attrs = { 'component': candidate.component_id, 'foundation': '1', # hack 'generation': '0', 'ip': candidate.ip, 'network': '0', 'port': candidate.port, 'priority': int(candidate.priority), # hack 'id': app.get_an_id() } if candidate.type in types: attrs['type'] = types[candidate.type] if candidate.proto == Farstream.NetworkProtocol.UDP: attrs['protocol'] = 'udp' else: # we actually don't handle properly different tcp options in jingle attrs['protocol'] = 'tcp' return nbxmpp.Node('candidate', attrs=attrs) def make_transport(self, candidates=None): transport = JingleTransport.make_transport(self, candidates) transport.setNamespace(nbxmpp.NS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP) if self.candidates and self.candidates[0].username and \ self.candidates[0].password: transport.setAttr('ufrag', self.candidates[0].username) transport.setAttr('pwd', self.candidates[0].password) return transport def parse_transport_stanza(self, transport): candidates = [] for candidate in transport.iterTags('candidate'): foundation = str(candidate['foundation']) component_id = int(candidate['component']) ip = str(candidate['ip']) port = int(candidate['port']) base_ip = None base_port = 0 if candidate['protocol'] == 'udp': proto = Farstream.NetworkProtocol.UDP else: # we actually don't handle properly different tcp options in # jingle proto = Farstream.NetworkProtocol.TCP priority = int(candidate['priority']) types = { 'host': Farstream.CandidateType.HOST, 'srflx': Farstream.CandidateType.SRFLX, 'prflx': Farstream.CandidateType.PRFLX, 'relay': Farstream.CandidateType.RELAY, 'multicast': Farstream.CandidateType.MULTICAST } if 'type' in candidate and candidate['type'] in types: type_ = types[candidate['type']] else: log.warning('Unknown type %s', candidate['type']) type_ = Farstream.CandidateType.HOST username = str(transport['ufrag']) password = str(transport['pwd']) ttl = 0 cand = Farstream.Candidate.new_full(foundation, component_id, ip, port, base_ip, base_port, proto, priority, type_, username, password, ttl) candidates.append(cand) self.remote_candidates.extend(candidates) return candidates transports[nbxmpp.NS_JINGLE_ICE_UDP] = JingleTransportICEUDP transports[nbxmpp.NS_JINGLE_BYTESTREAM] = JingleTransportSocks5 transports[nbxmpp.NS_JINGLE_IBB] = JingleTransportIBB