## history_window.py ## ## Contributors for this file: ## - Yann Leboulanger ## - Nikos Kouremenos ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Yann Leboulanger ## Vincent Hanquez ## Copyright (C) 2005 Yann Leboulanger ## Vincent Hanquez ## Nikos Kouremenos ## Dimitur Kirov ## Travis Shirk ## Norman Rasmussen ## Copyright (C) 2007 Stephan Erb ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see . ## import gtk import gobject import time import calendar import gtkgui_helpers import conversation_textview from common import gajim from common import helpers from common.logger import Constants constants = Constants() # contact_name, date, message, time ( C_LOG_JID, C_CONTACT_NAME, C_UNIXTIME, C_MESSAGE, C_TIME ) = range(5) class HistoryWindow: '''Class for browsing logs of conversations with contacts''' def __init__(self, jid = None, account = None): if jid is None: # Use self.jid to pass text to input_entry self.jid = 'Enter jid or contact name here' else: self.jid = jid self.account = account self.mark_days_idle_call_id = None xml = gtkgui_helpers.get_glade('history_window.glade') self.window = xml.get_widget('history_window') self.jid_entry = xml.get_widget('jid_entry') self.calendar = xml.get_widget('calendar') scrolledwindow = xml.get_widget('scrolledwindow') self.history_textview = conversation_textview.ConversationTextview( account, used_in_history_window = True) scrolledwindow.add(self.history_textview.tv) self.history_buffer = self.history_textview.tv.get_buffer() self.history_buffer.create_tag('highlight', background = 'yellow') self.checkbutton = xml.get_widget('log_history_checkbutton') self.checkbutton.connect('toggled', self.on_log_history_checkbutton_toggled) self.query_entry = xml.get_widget('query_entry') self.expander_vbox = xml.get_widget('expander_vbox') self.query_combobox = xml.get_widget('query_combobox') self.query_combobox.set_active(0) self.results_treeview = xml.get_widget('results_treeview') # create jid dict for auto completion self.completion_dict = {} liststore = gtkgui_helpers.get_completion_liststore(self.jid_entry) # Add all jids in logs.db: # he only info we have got to fill the dict is the JID, use it as key db_jids = gajim.logger.get_jids_in_db() for jid in db_jids: self.completion_dict[jid] = None # Enhance contacts of online accounts with their contact reference and their name for account in gajim.contacts.get_accounts(): self.completion_dict.update(helpers.get_contact_dict_for_account(account)) keys = self.completion_dict.keys() keys.sort() # Add icons for jid in keys: if gajim.logger.jid_is_room_jid(jid): img = gajim.interface.roster.load_icon('muc_active') else: img = gajim.interface.roster.jabber_state_images['16']['online'] liststore.append((img.get_pixbuf(), jid)) # contact_name, date, message, time model = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str, str) self.results_treeview.set_model(model) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name')) self.results_treeview.append_column(col) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = C_CONTACT_NAME) col.set_sort_column_id(C_CONTACT_NAME) # user can click this header and sort col.set_resizable(True) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Date')) self.results_treeview.append_column(col) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = C_UNIXTIME) col.set_sort_column_id(C_UNIXTIME) # user can click this header and sort col.set_resizable(True) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Message')) self.results_treeview.append_column(col) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = C_MESSAGE) col.set_resizable(True) self.jid_entry.set_text(self.jid) xml.signal_autoconnect(self) self.load_history() self.window.show_all() def on_history_window_destroy(self, widget): if self.mark_days_idle_call_id: # if user destroys the window, and we have a generator filling mark days # stop him! gobject.source_remove(self.mark_days_idle_call_id) self.history_textview.del_handlers() del gajim.interface.instances['logs'] def on_history_window_key_press_event(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Escape: self.window.destroy() def on_close_button_clicked(self, widget): self.window.destroy() def on_jid_entry_activate(self, widget): self.jid = self.jid_entry.get_text().decode('utf-8') self.account = None # Could be a new account, will be searched self.load_history() def load_history(self): if self.completion_dict.has_key(self.jid): # a full qualified jid or a contact name was entered contact = self.completion_dict[self.jid] if contact: # we have got additional info, jid enhanced with contact self.jid = contact.jid self.jid_entry.set_text(contact.get_shown_name()) self.jids_to_search = [contact.jid] else: self.jids_to_search = [self.jid] if self.account is None: # Try to find the corresponding account of the jid accounts = gajim.contacts.get_accounts() self.account = None for account in accounts: jid_list = gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(account) gc_list = gajim.contacts.get_gc_list(account) if self.jid in jid_list or self.jid in gc_list: self.account = account break if self.account is None: # We still don't know account ! Probably a gc not opened or an # account not connected. # Disable possibility to say if we want to log or not self.checkbutton.set_sensitive(False) else: # Are log disabled for account ? if self.account in gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for').split(' '): self.checkbutton.set_active(False) self.checkbutton.set_sensitive(False) else: # Are log disabled for jid ? log = True if self.jid in gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for').split(' '): log = False self.checkbutton.set_active(log) self.checkbutton.set_sensitive(True) # select logs for last date we have logs with contact self.calendar.set_sensitive(True) self.calendar.emit('month-changed') lastlog = gajim.logger.get_last_date_that_has_logs(self.jid, self.account) tim = lastlog date = time.localtime(tim) y, m, d = date[0], date[1], date[2] gtk_month = gtkgui_helpers.make_python_month_gtk_month(m) self.calendar.select_month(gtk_month, y) self.calendar.select_day(d) self.query_entry.set_sensitive(True) if contact: title = _('Conversation History with %s') % contact.get_shown_name() else: title = _('Conversation History with %s') % self.jid self.window.set_title(title) else: # neither a valid jid, nor an existing contact name was entered # we have got nothing to show or to search in self.history_buffer.set_text('') # clear the buffer self.query_entry.set_sensitive(False) self.checkbutton.set_sensitive(False) self.calendar.set_sensitive(False) self.calendar.clear_marks() title = _('Conversation History') self.window.set_title(title) def on_calendar_day_selected(self, widget): year, month, day = widget.get_date() # integers month = gtkgui_helpers.make_gtk_month_python_month(month) self.add_lines_for_date(year, month, day) def do_possible_mark_for_days_in_this_month(self, widget, year, month): '''this is a generator and does pseudo-threading via idle_add() so it runs progressively! yea :) asks for days in this month if they have logs it bolds them (marks them)''' weekday, days_in_this_month = calendar.monthrange(year, month) log_days = gajim.logger.get_days_with_logs(self.jid, year, month, days_in_this_month, self.account) for day in log_days: widget.mark_day(day) yield True yield False def on_calendar_month_changed(self, widget): year, month, day = widget.get_date() # integers # in gtk January is 1, in python January is 0, # I want the second # first day of month is 1 not 0 if self.mark_days_idle_call_id: # if user changed month, and we have a generator filling mark days # stop him from marking dates for the previously selected month gobject.source_remove(self.mark_days_idle_call_id) widget.clear_marks() month = gtkgui_helpers.make_gtk_month_python_month(month) self.mark_days_idle_call_id = gobject.idle_add( self.do_possible_mark_for_days_in_this_month(widget, year, month).next) def get_string_show_from_constant_int(self, show): if show == constants.SHOW_ONLINE: show = 'online' elif show == constants.SHOW_CHAT: show = 'chat' elif show == constants.SHOW_AWAY: show = 'away' elif show == constants.SHOW_XA: show = 'xa' elif show == constants.SHOW_DND: show = 'dnd' elif show == constants.SHOW_OFFLINE: show = 'offline' return show def add_lines_for_date(self, year, month, day): '''adds all the lines for given date in textbuffer''' self.history_buffer.set_text('') # clear the buffer first self.last_time_printout = 0 lines = gajim.logger.get_conversation_for_date(self.jid, year, month, day, self.account) # lines holds list with tupples that have: # contact_name, time, kind, show, message for line in lines: # line[0] is contact_name, line[1] is time of message # line[2] is kind, line[3] is show, line[4] is message self.add_new_line(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3], line[4]) def add_new_line(self, contact_name, tim, kind, show, message): '''add a new line in textbuffer''' if not message and kind not in (constants.KIND_STATUS, constants.KIND_GCSTATUS): return buf = self.history_buffer end_iter = buf.get_end_iter() if gajim.config.get('print_time') == 'always': timestamp_str = gajim.config.get('time_stamp') timestamp_str = helpers.from_one_line(timestamp_str) tim = time.strftime(timestamp_str, time.localtime(float(tim))) buf.insert(end_iter, tim) # add time elif gajim.config.get('print_time') == 'sometimes': every_foo_seconds = 60 * gajim.config.get( 'print_ichat_every_foo_minutes') seconds_passed = tim - self.last_time_printout if seconds_passed > every_foo_seconds: self.last_time_printout = tim tim = time.strftime('%X ', time.localtime(float(tim))) buf.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, tim + '\n', 'time_sometimes') tag_name = '' tag_msg = '' show = self.get_string_show_from_constant_int(show) if kind == constants.KIND_GC_MSG: tag_name = 'incoming' elif kind in (constants.KIND_SINGLE_MSG_RECV, constants.KIND_CHAT_MSG_RECV): contact = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(self.account, self.jid) if contact: # he is in our roster, use the name contact_name = contact.get_shown_name() else: room_jid, nick = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(self.jid) # do we have him as gc_contact? gc_contact = gajim.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, room_jid, nick) if gc_contact: # so yes, it's pm! contact_name = nick else: contact_name = self.jid.split('@')[0] tag_name = 'incoming' elif kind in (constants.KIND_SINGLE_MSG_SENT, constants.KIND_CHAT_MSG_SENT): contact_name = gajim.nicks[self.account] tag_name = 'outgoing' elif kind == constants.KIND_GCSTATUS: # message here (if not None) is status message if message: message = _('%(nick)s is now %(status)s: %(status_msg)s') %\ {'nick': contact_name, 'status': helpers.get_uf_show(show), 'status_msg': message } else: message = _('%(nick)s is now %(status)s') % {'nick': contact_name, 'status': helpers.get_uf_show(show) } tag_msg = 'status' else: # 'status' # message here (if not None) is status message if message: message = _('Status is now: %(status)s: %(status_msg)s') % \ {'status': helpers.get_uf_show(show), 'status_msg': message} else: message = _('Status is now: %(status)s') % { 'status': helpers.get_uf_show(show) } tag_msg = 'status' # do not do this if gcstats, avoid dupping contact_name # eg. nkour: nkour is now Offline if contact_name and kind != constants.KIND_GCSTATUS: # add stuff before and after contact name before_str = gajim.config.get('before_nickname') before_str = helpers.from_one_line(before_str) after_str = gajim.config.get('after_nickname') after_str = helpers.from_one_line(after_str) format = before_str + contact_name + after_str + ' ' buf.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, format, tag_name) message = message + '\n' if tag_msg: self.history_textview.print_real_text(message, [tag_msg]) else: self.history_textview.print_real_text(message) def set_unset_expand_on_expander(self, widget): '''expander has to have expand to TRUE so scrolledwindow resizes properly and does not have a static size. when expander is not expanded we set expand property (note the Box one) to FALSE to do this, we first get the box and then apply to expander widget the True/False thingy depending if it's expanded or not this function is called in a timeout just after expanded state changes''' parent = widget.get_parent() # vbox if not parent: # Windows closed since we launch timeout return expanded = widget.get_expanded() w, h = self.window.get_size() if expanded: # resize to larger in height the window self.window.resize(w, int(h*1.3)) else: # resize to smaller in height the window self.window.resize(w, int(h/1.3)) # now set expand so if manually resizing scrolledwindow resizes too parent.child_set_property(widget, 'expand', expanded) def on_search_expander_activate(self, widget): if widget.get_expanded(): # it's the OPPOSITE!, it's not expanded gobject.timeout_add(200, self.set_unset_expand_on_expander, widget) else: gobject.timeout_add(200, self.set_unset_expand_on_expander, widget) self.query_entry.grab_focus() def on_query_entry_activate(self, widget): text = self.query_entry.get_text() model = self.results_treeview.get_model() model.clear() if text == '': return # perform search in preselected jids. jids are preselected with the query_combobox (all, current...) for jid in self.jids_to_search: accounts = gajim.contacts.get_accounts() account = None for acc in accounts: contact = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(acc ,jid) if contact: account = acc break if account is None: # We do not know an account. This can only happen if the contact is offine, # or if we browse a groupchat history. The account is not needed, a dummy can # be set. # FIXME: This may leed to wrong self nick in the displayed history account = gajim.contacts.get_accounts()[0] # contact_name, time, kind, show, message, subject results = gajim.logger.get_search_results_for_query( jid, text, account) #FIXME: # add "subject: | message: " in message column if kind is single # also do we need show at all? (we do not search on subject) for row in results: contact_name = row[0] if not contact_name: kind = row[2] if kind == constants.KIND_CHAT_MSG_SENT: # it's us! :) contact_name = gajim.nicks[account] else: contact = self.completion_dict[jid] if contact: contact_name = contact.get_shown_name() else: contact_name = jid tim = row[1] message = row[4] local_time = time.localtime(tim) date = time.strftime('%x', local_time) # jid (to which log is assigned to), name, date, message, time (full unix time) model.append((jid, contact_name, date, message, tim)) def on_query_combobox_changed(self, widget): self.jids_to_search = [] if self.query_combobox.get_active() == 0: # Search current contact if self.completion_dict.has_key(self.jid): self.query_entry.set_sensitive(True) contact = self.completion_dict[self.jid] if contact: self.jids_to_search = [contact.jid] else: self.jids_to_search = [self.jid] else: # We cannot search in logs of an non-existing jid self.query_entry.set_sensitive(False) if self.query_combobox.get_active() == 1: # Search all histories self.query_entry.set_sensitive(True) self.jids_to_search = gajim.logger.get_jids_in_db() def on_results_treeview_row_activated(self, widget, path, column): '''a row was double clicked, get date from row, and select it in calendar which results to showing conversation logs for that date''' # get currently selected date cur_year, cur_month, cur_day = self.calendar.get_date() cur_month = gtkgui_helpers.make_gtk_month_python_month(cur_month) model = widget.get_model() # make it a tupple (Y, M, D, 0, 0, 0...) tim = time.strptime(model[path][C_UNIXTIME], '%x') year = tim[0] gtk_month = tim[1] month = gtkgui_helpers.make_python_month_gtk_month(gtk_month) day = tim[2] # switch to belonging logfile if necessary log_jid = model[path][C_LOG_JID] if log_jid != self.jid: self.open_history(log_jid, None) # avoid reruning mark days algo if same month and year! if year != cur_year or gtk_month != cur_month: self.calendar.select_month(month, year) self.calendar.select_day(day) unix_time = model[path][C_TIME] self.scroll_to_result(unix_time) #FIXME: one day do not search just for unix_time but the whole and user # specific format of the textbuffer line [time] nick: message # and highlight all that def scroll_to_result(self, unix_time): '''scrolls to the result using unix_time and highlight line''' start_iter = self.history_buffer.get_start_iter() local_time = time.localtime(float(unix_time)) tim = time.strftime('%X', local_time) result = start_iter.forward_search(tim, gtk.TEXT_SEARCH_VISIBLE_ONLY, None) if result is not None: match_start_iter, match_end_iter = result match_start_iter.backward_char() # include '[' or other character before time match_end_iter.forward_line() # highlight all message not just time self.history_buffer.apply_tag_by_name('highlight', match_start_iter, match_end_iter) match_start_mark = self.history_buffer.create_mark('match_start', match_start_iter, True) self.history_textview.tv.scroll_to_mark(match_start_mark, 0, True) def on_log_history_checkbutton_toggled(self, widget): # log conversation history? oldlog = True no_log_for = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for').split() if self.jid in no_log_for: oldlog = False log = widget.get_active() if not log and not self.jid in no_log_for: no_log_for.append(self.jid) if log and self.jid in no_log_for: no_log_for.remove(self.jid) if oldlog != log: gajim.config.set_per('accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for', ' '.join(no_log_for)) def open_history(self, jid, account): '''Simulate that the jid was entered by hand''' self.jid_entry.set_text(jid) self.jid_entry.emit('activate')