# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ## src/history_manager.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT gmail.com> ## Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org> ## Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT gmail.com> ## Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org> ## Copyright (C) 2007 Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de> ## Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT webkeks.org> ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ## ## NOTE: some method names may match those of logger.py but that's it ## someday (TM) should have common class ## that abstracts db connections and helpers on it ## the same can be said for history_window.py import os import sys import signal import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib import time import getopt from common import i18n def parseOpts(): config_path = None try: shortargs = 'hc:' longargs = 'help config-path=' opts = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortargs, longargs.split())[0] except getopt.error as msg: print(str(msg)) print('for help use --help') sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ('-h', '--help'): print(_('Usage:') + \ '\n gajim-history-manager [options] filename\n\n' + \ _('Options:') + \ '\n -h, --help ' + \ _('Show this help message and exit') + \ '\n -c, --config-path ' + _('Choose folder for logfile') + '\n') sys.exit() elif o in ('-c', '--config-path'): config_path = a return config_path config_path = parseOpts() del parseOpts import common.configpaths common.configpaths.gajimpaths.init(config_path) del config_path from common import gajim import gtkgui_helpers from common.logger import LOG_DB_PATH, JIDConstant, KindConstant from common import helpers import dialogs from enum import IntEnum, unique @unique class Column(IntEnum): UNIXTIME = 2 MESSAGE = 3 SUBJECT = 4 NICKNAME = 5 import sqlite3 as sqlite class HistoryManager: def __init__(self): pixs = [] for size in (16, 32, 48, 64, 128): pix = gtkgui_helpers.get_icon_pixmap('org.gajim.Gajim', size) if pix: pixs.append(pix) if pixs: # set the icon to all windows Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_list(pixs) if not os.path.exists(LOG_DB_PATH): dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('Cannot find history logs database'), '%s does not exist.' % LOG_DB_PATH) sys.exit() xml = gtkgui_helpers.get_gtk_builder('history_manager.ui') self.window = xml.get_object('history_manager_window') self.jids_listview = xml.get_object('jids_listview') self.logs_listview = xml.get_object('logs_listview') self.search_results_listview = xml.get_object('search_results_listview') self.search_entry = xml.get_object('search_entry') self.logs_scrolledwindow = xml.get_object('logs_scrolledwindow') self.search_results_scrolledwindow = xml.get_object( 'search_results_scrolledwindow') self.welcome_vbox = xml.get_object('welcome_vbox') self.jids_already_in = [] # holds jids that we already have in DB self.AT_LEAST_ONE_DELETION_DONE = False self.con = sqlite.connect(LOG_DB_PATH, timeout=20.0, isolation_level='IMMEDIATE') self.cur = self.con.cursor() self._init_jids_listview() self._init_logs_listview() self._init_search_results_listview() self._fill_jids_listview() self.search_entry.grab_focus() self.window.show_all() xml.connect_signals(self) def _init_jids_listview(self): self.jids_liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str, str) # jid, jid_id self.jids_listview.set_model(self.jids_liststore) self.jids_listview.get_selection().set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.MULTIPLE) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds jid col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('JID'), renderer_text, text=0) self.jids_listview.append_column(col) self.jids_listview.get_selection().connect('changed', self.on_jids_listview_selection_changed) def _init_logs_listview(self): # log_line_id(HIDDEN), jid_id(HIDDEN), time, message, subject, nickname self.logs_liststore = Gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str, str, str) self.logs_listview.set_model(self.logs_liststore) self.logs_listview.get_selection().set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.MULTIPLE) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds time col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Date'), renderer_text, text=Column.UNIXTIME) # user can click this header and sort col.set_sort_column_id(Column.UNIXTIME) col.set_resizable(True) self.logs_listview.append_column(col) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds nickname col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Nickname'), renderer_text, text=Column.NICKNAME) # user can click this header and sort col.set_sort_column_id(Column.NICKNAME) col.set_resizable(True) col.set_visible(False) self.nickname_col_for_logs = col self.logs_listview.append_column(col) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds message col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Message'), renderer_text, markup=Column.MESSAGE) # user can click this header and sort col.set_sort_column_id(Column.MESSAGE) col.set_resizable(True) self.message_col_for_logs = col self.logs_listview.append_column(col) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds subject col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Subject'), renderer_text, text=Column.SUBJECT) col.set_sort_column_id(Column.SUBJECT) # user can click this header and sort col.set_resizable(True) col.set_visible(False) self.subject_col_for_logs = col self.logs_listview.append_column(col) def _init_search_results_listview(self): # log_line_id (HIDDEN), jid, time, message, subject, nickname self.search_results_liststore = Gtk.ListStore(int, str, str, str, str, str) self.search_results_listview.set_model(self.search_results_liststore) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds JID (who said this) col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('JID'), renderer_text, text=1) col.set_sort_column_id(1) # user can click this header and sort col.set_resizable(True) self.search_results_listview.append_column(col) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds time col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Date'), renderer_text, text=Column.UNIXTIME) # user can click this header and sort col.set_sort_column_id(Column.UNIXTIME) col.set_resizable(True) self.search_results_listview.append_column(col) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds message col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Message'), renderer_text, text=Column.MESSAGE) col.set_sort_column_id(Column.MESSAGE) # user can click this header and sort col.set_resizable(True) self.search_results_listview.append_column(col) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds subject col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Subject'), renderer_text, text=Column.SUBJECT) col.set_sort_column_id(Column.SUBJECT) # user can click this header and sort col.set_resizable(True) self.search_results_listview.append_column(col) renderer_text = Gtk.CellRendererText() # holds nickname col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Nickname'), renderer_text, text=Column.NICKNAME) # user can click this header and sort col.set_sort_column_id(Column.NICKNAME) col.set_resizable(True) self.search_results_listview.append_column(col) def on_history_manager_window_delete_event(self, widget, event): if not self.AT_LEAST_ONE_DELETION_DONE: Gtk.main_quit() return def on_yes(clicked): self.cur.execute('VACUUM') self.con.commit() Gtk.main_quit() def on_no(): Gtk.main_quit() dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog( _('Do you want to clean up the database? ' '(STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED IF GAJIM IS RUNNING)'), _('Normally allocated database size will not be freed, ' 'it will just become reusable. If you really want to reduce ' 'database filesize, click YES, else click NO.' '\n\nIn case you click YES, please wait…'), on_response_yes=on_yes, on_response_no=on_no) dialog.set_title(_('Database Cleanup')) button_box = dialog.get_children()[0].get_children()[1] button_box.get_children()[0].grab_focus() def _fill_jids_listview(self): # get those jids that have at least one entry in logs self.cur.execute('SELECT jid, jid_id FROM jids WHERE jid_id IN (' 'SELECT distinct logs.jid_id FROM logs) ORDER BY jid') # list of tuples: [('aaa@bbb',), ('cc@dd',)] rows = self.cur.fetchall() for row in rows: self.jids_already_in.append(row[0]) # jid self.jids_liststore.append([row[0], str(row[1])]) # jid, jid_id def on_jids_listview_selection_changed(self, widget, data=None): liststore, list_of_paths = self.jids_listview.get_selection()\ .get_selected_rows() paths_len = len(list_of_paths) if paths_len == 0: # nothing is selected return self.logs_liststore.clear() # clear the store self.welcome_vbox.hide() self.search_results_scrolledwindow.hide() self.logs_scrolledwindow.show() list_of_rowrefs = [] for path in list_of_paths: # make them treerowrefs (it's needed) list_of_rowrefs.append(Gtk.TreeRowReference.new(liststore, path)) for rowref in list_of_rowrefs: # FILL THE STORE, for all rows selected path = rowref.get_path() if path is None: continue jid = liststore[path][0] # jid self._fill_logs_listview(jid) def _get_jid_id(self, jid): """ jids table has jid and jid_id logs table has log_id, jid_id, contact_name, time, kind, show, message So to ask logs we need jid_id that matches our jid in jids table this method wants jid and returns the jid_id for later sql-ing on logs """ if jid.find('/') != -1: # if it has a / jid_is_from_pm = self._jid_is_from_pm(jid) if not jid_is_from_pm: # it's normal jid with resource jid = jid.split('/', 1)[0] # remove the resource self.cur.execute('SELECT jid_id FROM jids WHERE jid = ?', (jid,)) jid_id = self.cur.fetchone()[0] return str(jid_id) def _get_jid_from_jid_id(self, jid_id): """ jids table has jid and jid_id This method accepts jid_id and returns the jid for later sql-ing on logs """ self.cur.execute('SELECT jid FROM jids WHERE jid_id = ?', (jid_id,)) jid = self.cur.fetchone()[0] return jid def _jid_is_from_pm(self, jid): """ If jid is gajim@conf/nkour it's likely a pm one, how we know gajim@conf is not a normal guy and nkour is not his resource? We ask if gajim@conf is already in jids (with type room jid). This fails if user disables logging for room and only enables for pm (so higly unlikely) and if we fail we do not go chaos (user will see the first pm as if it was message in room's public chat) and after that everything is ok """ possible_room_jid = jid.split('/', 1)[0] self.cur.execute('SELECT jid_id FROM jids WHERE jid = ? AND type = ?', (possible_room_jid, JIDConstant.ROOM_TYPE)) row = self.cur.fetchone() if row is None: return False else: return True def _jid_is_room_type(self, jid): """ Return True/False if given id is room type or not eg. if it is room """ self.cur.execute('SELECT type FROM jids WHERE jid = ?', (jid,)) row = self.cur.fetchone() if row is None: raise elif row[0] == JIDConstant.ROOM_TYPE: return True else: # normal type return False def _fill_logs_listview(self, jid): """ Fill the listview with all messages that user sent to or received from JID """ # no need to lower jid in this context as jid is already lowered # as we use those jids from db jid_id = self._get_jid_id(jid) self.cur.execute(''' SELECT log_line_id, jid_id, time, kind, message, subject, contact_name, show FROM logs WHERE jid_id = ? ORDER BY time ''', (jid_id,)) results = self.cur.fetchall() if self._jid_is_room_type(jid): # is it room? self.nickname_col_for_logs.set_visible(True) self.subject_col_for_logs.set_visible(False) else: self.nickname_col_for_logs.set_visible(False) self.subject_col_for_logs.set_visible(True) for row in results: # exposed in UI (TreeViewColumns) are only # time, message, subject, nickname # but store in liststore # log_line_id, jid_id, time, message, subject, nickname log_line_id, jid_id, time_, kind, message, subject, nickname, \ show = row try: time_ = time.strftime('%x', time.localtime(float(time_))) except ValueError: pass else: color = None if kind in (KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_RECV, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_RECV, KindConstant.GC_MSG): # it is the other side color = gajim.config.get('inmsgcolor') # so incoming color elif kind in (KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_SENT, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_SENT): # it is us color = gajim.config.get('outmsgcolor') # so outgoing color elif kind in (KindConstant.STATUS, KindConstant.GCSTATUS): # is is statuses # so status color color = gajim.config.get('statusmsgcolor') # include status into (status) message if message is None: message = '' else: message = ' : ' + message message = helpers.get_uf_show(gajim.SHOW_LIST[show]) + \ message message_ = '<span' if color: message_ += ' foreground="%s"' % color message_ += '>%s</span>' % GLib.markup_escape_text(message) self.logs_liststore.append((str(log_line_id), str(jid_id), time_, message_, subject, nickname)) def _fill_search_results_listview(self, text): """ Ask db and fill listview with results that match text """ self.search_results_liststore.clear() like_sql = '%' + text + '%' self.cur.execute(''' SELECT log_line_id, jid_id, time, message, subject, contact_name FROM logs WHERE message LIKE ? OR subject LIKE ? ORDER BY time ''', (like_sql, like_sql)) results = self.cur.fetchall() for row in results: # exposed in UI (TreeViewColumns) are only # JID, time, message, subject, nickname # but store in liststore # log_line_id, jid (from jid_id), time, message, subject, nickname log_line_id, jid_id, time_, message, subject, nickname = row try: time_ = time.strftime('%x', time.localtime(float(time_))) except ValueError: pass else: jid = self._get_jid_from_jid_id(jid_id) self.search_results_liststore.append((log_line_id, jid, time_, message, subject, nickname)) def on_logs_listview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): liststore, list_of_paths = self.logs_listview.get_selection()\ .get_selected_rows() if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Delete: self._delete_logs(liststore, list_of_paths) def on_listview_button_press_event(self, widget, event): if event.button == 3: # right click xml = gtkgui_helpers.get_gtk_builder('history_manager.ui', 'context_menu') if Gtk.Buildable.get_name(widget) != 'jids_listview': xml.get_object('export_menuitem').hide() xml.get_object('delete_menuitem').connect('activate', self.on_delete_menuitem_activate, widget) xml.connect_signals(self) xml.get_object('context_menu').popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time) return True def on_export_menuitem_activate(self, widget): xml = gtkgui_helpers.get_gtk_builder('history_manager.ui', 'filechooserdialog') xml.connect_signals(self) dlg = xml.get_object('filechooserdialog') dlg.set_title(_('Exporting History Logs…')) dlg.set_current_folder(gajim.HOME_DIR) dlg.props.do_overwrite_confirmation = True response = dlg.run() if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: # user want us to export ;) liststore, list_of_paths = self.jids_listview.get_selection()\ .get_selected_rows() path_to_file = dlg.get_filename() self._export_jids_logs_to_file(liststore, list_of_paths, path_to_file) dlg.destroy() def on_delete_menuitem_activate(self, widget, listview): widget_name = Gtk.Buildable.get_name(listview) liststore, list_of_paths = listview.get_selection().get_selected_rows() if widget_name == 'jids_listview': self._delete_jid_logs(liststore, list_of_paths) elif widget_name in ('logs_listview', 'search_results_listview'): self._delete_logs(liststore, list_of_paths) else: # Huh ? We don't know this widget return def on_jids_listview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): liststore, list_of_paths = self.jids_listview.get_selection()\ .get_selected_rows() if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Delete: self._delete_jid_logs(liststore, list_of_paths) def _export_jids_logs_to_file(self, liststore, list_of_paths, path_to_file): paths_len = len(list_of_paths) if paths_len == 0: # nothing is selected return list_of_rowrefs = [] for path in list_of_paths: # make them treerowrefs (it's needed) list_of_rowrefs.append(Gtk.TreeRowReference.new(liststore, path)) for rowref in list_of_rowrefs: path = rowref.get_path() if path is None: continue jid_id = liststore[path][1] self.cur.execute(''' SELECT time, kind, message, contact_name FROM logs WHERE jid_id = ? ORDER BY time ''', (jid_id,)) # FIXME: we may have two contacts selected to export. fix that # AT THIS TIME FIRST EXECUTE IS LOST! WTH!!!!! results = self.cur.fetchall() #print results[0] file_ = open(path_to_file, 'w') for row in results: # in store: time, kind, message, contact_name FROM logs # in text: JID or You or nickname (if it's gc_msg), time, message time_, kind, message, nickname = row if kind in (KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_RECV, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_RECV): who = self._get_jid_from_jid_id(jid_id) elif kind in (KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_SENT, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_SENT): who = _('You') elif kind == KindConstant.GC_MSG: who = nickname else: # status or gc_status. do not save #print kind continue try: time_ = time.strftime('%c', time.localtime(float(time_))) except ValueError: pass file_.write(_('%(who)s on %(time)s said: %(message)s\n') % { 'who': who, 'time': time_, 'message': message}) def _delete_jid_logs(self, liststore, list_of_paths): paths_len = len(list_of_paths) if paths_len == 0: # nothing is selected return def on_ok(liststore, list_of_paths): # delete all rows from db that match jid_id list_of_rowrefs = [] for path in list_of_paths: # make them treerowrefs (it's needed) list_of_rowrefs.append(Gtk.TreeRowReference.new(liststore, path)) for rowref in list_of_rowrefs: path = rowref.get_path() if path is None: continue jid_id = liststore[path][1] del liststore[path] # remove from UI # remove from db self.cur.execute(''' DELETE FROM logs WHERE jid_id = ? ''', (jid_id,)) # now delete "jid, jid_id" row from jids table self.cur.execute(''' DELETE FROM jids WHERE jid_id = ? ''', (jid_id,)) self.con.commit() self.AT_LEAST_ONE_DELETION_DONE = True if paths_len == 1: jid_id = '<i>%s</i>' % liststore[list_of_paths[0]][0] pri_text = _('Do you wish to delete all correspondence with %(jid)s?') \ % {'jid': jid_id} else: pri_text = _( 'Do you wish to delete all correspondence with the selected contacts?') dialog = dialogs.ConfirmationDialog('', _('This can not be undone.'), on_response_ok=(on_ok, liststore, list_of_paths)) dialog.set_title(_('Deletion Confirmation')) dialog.set_markup(pri_text) ok_button = dialog.get_children()[0].get_children()[1].get_children()[0] ok_button.grab_focus() dialog.set_transient_for(self.window) def _delete_logs(self, liststore, list_of_paths): paths_len = len(list_of_paths) if paths_len == 0: # nothing is selected return def on_ok(liststore, list_of_paths): # delete rows from db that match log_line_id list_of_rowrefs = [] for path in list_of_paths: # make them treerowrefs (it's needed) list_of_rowrefs.append(Gtk.TreeRowReference.new(liststore, path)) for rowref in list_of_rowrefs: path = rowref.get_path() if path is None: continue log_line_id = liststore[path][0] del liststore[path] # remove from UI # remove from db self.cur.execute(''' DELETE FROM logs WHERE log_line_id = ? ''', (log_line_id,)) self.con.commit() self.AT_LEAST_ONE_DELETION_DONE = True pri_text = i18n.ngettext( 'Do you really want to delete the selected message?', 'Do you really want to delete the selected messages?', paths_len) dialog = dialogs.ConfirmationDialog(pri_text, _('This is an irreversible operation.'), on_response_ok=(on_ok, liststore, list_of_paths)) dialog.set_title(_('Deletion Confirmation')) ok_button = dialog.get_children()[0].get_children()[1].get_children()[0] ok_button.grab_focus() dialog.set_transient_for(self.window) def on_search_db_button_clicked(self, widget): text = self.search_entry.get_text() if not text: return self.welcome_vbox.hide() self.logs_scrolledwindow.hide() self.search_results_scrolledwindow.show() self._fill_search_results_listview(text) def on_search_results_listview_row_activated(self, widget, path, column): # get log_line_id, jid_id from row we double clicked log_line_id = self.search_results_liststore[path][0] jid = self.search_results_liststore[path][1] # make it string as in gtk liststores I have them all as strings # as this is what db returns so I don't have to fight with types jid_id = self._get_jid_id(jid) iter_ = self.jids_liststore.get_iter_first() while iter_: # self.jids_liststore[iter_][1] holds jid_ids if self.jids_liststore[iter_][1] == jid_id: break iter_ = self.jids_liststore.iter_next(iter_) if iter_ is None: return path = self.jids_liststore.get_path(iter_) self.jids_listview.set_cursor(path) iter_ = self.logs_liststore.get_iter_first() while iter_: # self.logs_liststore[iter_][0] holds lon_line_ids if self.logs_liststore[iter_][0] == log_line_id: break iter_ = self.logs_liststore.iter_next(iter_) path = self.logs_liststore.get_path(iter_) self.logs_listview.scroll_to_cell(path) if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # ^C exits the application HistoryManager() Gtk.main()