## plugins/gtkgui.py ## ## Gajim Team: ## - Yann Le Boulanger ## - Vincent Hanquez ## - Nikos Kouremenos ## - Alex Podaras ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## if __name__ == "__main__": import getopt, pickle, sys, socket try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:h", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: # print help information and exit: usage() sys.exit(2) port = 8255 for o, a in opts: if o == '-p': port = a if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect(('', 8255)) except: #TODO: use i18n print "unable to connect to localhost on port ", port else: evp = pickle.dumps(('EXEC_PLUGIN', '', 'gtkgui')) sock.send('<'+evp+'>') sock.close() sys.exit() import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gtk.glade import pango import gobject import os import time import sys import Queue import common.sleepy class ImageCellRenderer(gtk.GenericCellRenderer): __gproperties__ = { "image": (gobject.TYPE_OBJECT, "Image", "Image", gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), } def __init__(self): self.__gobject_init__() self.image = None def do_set_property(self, pspec, value): setattr(self, pspec.name, value) def do_get_property(self, pspec): return getattr(self, pspec.name) def func(self, model, path, iter, (image, tree)): if model.get_value(iter, 0) == image: self.redraw = 1 cell_area = tree.get_cell_area(path, tree.get_column(0)) tree.queue_draw_area(cell_area.x, cell_area.y, cell_area.width, \ cell_area.height) def animation_timeout(self, tree, image): if image.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_ANIMATION: self.redraw = 0 image.get_data('iter').advance() model = tree.get_model() model.foreach(self.func, (image, tree)) if self.redraw: gobject.timeout_add(image.get_data('iter').get_delay_time(), \ self.animation_timeout, tree, image) else: image.set_data('iter', None) def on_render(self, window, widget, background_area,cell_area, \ expose_area, flags): if not self.image: return pix_rect = gtk.gdk.Rectangle() pix_rect.x, pix_rect.y, pix_rect.width, pix_rect.height = \ self.on_get_size(widget, cell_area) pix_rect.x += cell_area.x pix_rect.y += cell_area.y pix_rect.width -= 2 * self.get_property("xpad") pix_rect.height -= 2 * self.get_property("ypad") draw_rect = cell_area.intersect(pix_rect) draw_rect = expose_area.intersect(draw_rect) if self.image.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_ANIMATION: if not self.image.get_data('iter'): animation = self.image.get_animation() self.image.set_data('iter', animation.get_iter()) gobject.timeout_add(self.image.get_data('iter').get_delay_time(), \ self.animation_timeout, widget, self.image) pix = self.image.get_data('iter').get_pixbuf() elif self.image.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_PIXBUF: pix = self.image.get_pixbuf() else: return window.draw_pixbuf(widget.style.black_gc, pix, \ draw_rect.x-pix_rect.x, draw_rect.y-pix_rect.y, draw_rect.x, \ draw_rect.y+2, draw_rect.width, draw_rect.height, \ gtk.gdk.RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0) def on_get_size(self, widget, cell_area): if not self.image: return 0, 0, 0, 0 if self.image.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_ANIMATION: animation = self.image.get_animation() pix = animation.get_iter().get_pixbuf() elif self.image.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_PIXBUF: pix = self.image.get_pixbuf() else: return 0, 0, 0, 0 pixbuf_width = pix.get_width() pixbuf_height = pix.get_height() calc_width = self.get_property("xpad") * 2 + pixbuf_width calc_height = self.get_property("ypad") * 2 + pixbuf_height x_offset = 0 y_offset = 0 if cell_area and pixbuf_width > 0 and pixbuf_height > 0: x_offset = self.get_property("xalign") * (cell_area.width - \ calc_width - self.get_property("xpad")) y_offset = self.get_property("yalign") * (cell_area.height - \ calc_height - self.get_property("ypad")) return x_offset, y_offset, calc_width, calc_height gobject.type_register(ImageCellRenderer) class User: """Information concerning each users""" def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: self.jid = '' self.name = '' self.groups = [] self.show = '' self.status = '' self.sub = '' self.ask = '' self.resource = '' self.priority = 1 self.keyID = '' elif len(args) == 10: self.jid = args[0] self.name = args[1] self.groups = args[2] self.show = args[3] self.status = args[4] self.sub = args[5] self.ask = args[6] self.resource = args[7] self.priority = args[8] self.keyID = args[9] else: raise TypeError, _('bad arguments') from tabbed_chat_window import * from groupchat_window import * from history_window import * from roster_window import * from systray import * from dialogs import * from config import * from common import i18n _ = i18n._ APP = i18n.APP gtk.glade.bindtextdomain(APP, i18n.DIR) gtk.glade.textdomain(APP) def usage(): #TODO: use i18n print 'usage :', sys.argv[0], ' [OPTION]' print ' -p\tport on which the sock plugin listen' print ' -h, --help\tdisplay this help and exit' GTKGUI_GLADE='plugins/gtkgui/gtkgui.glade' class plugin: """Class called by the core in a new thread""" class accounts: """Class where are stored the accounts and users in them""" def __init__(self): self.__accounts = {} def add_account(self, account, users=()): #users must be like (user1, user2) self.__accounts[account] = users def add_user_to_account(self, account, user): if self.__accounts.has_key(account): self.__accounts[account].append(user) else : return 1 def get_accounts(self): return self.__accounts.keys(); def get_users(self, account): if self.__accounts.has_key(account): return self.__accounts[account] else : return None def which_account(self, user): for a in self.__accounts.keys(): if user in self.__accounts[a]: return a return None def launch_browser_mailer(self, kind, url): #kind = 'url' or 'mail' if self.config['openwith'] == 'gnome-open': app = 'gnome-open' args = ['gnome-open'] args.append(url) elif self.config['openwith'] == 'kfmclient exec': app = 'kfmclient' args = ['kfmclient', 'exec'] elif self.config['openwith'] == 'custom': if kind == 'url': conf = self.config['custombrowser'] if kind == 'mail': conf = self.config['custommailapp'] if conf == '': # if no app is configured return args = conf.split() app = args[0] args.append(url) if os.name == 'posix': os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, app, args) else: os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, app, args) def play_timeout(self, pid): pidp, r = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) return 0 def play_sound(self, event): if not os.name == 'posix': return if not self.config[event]: return file = self.config[event + '_file'] if not os.path.exists(file): return pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: argv = self.config['soundplayer'].split() argv.append(file) try: os.execvp(argv[0], argv) except: print _("error while running %s :") % ' '.join(argv), \ sys.exc_info()[1] os._exit(1) pidp, r = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG) if pidp == 0: gobject.timeout_add(10000, self.play_timeout, pid) def send(self, event, account, data): self.queueOUT.put((event, account, data)) def wait(self, what): """Wait for a message from Core""" #TODO: timeout temp_q = Queue.Queue(50) while 1: if not self.queueIN.empty(): ev = self.queueIN.get() if ev[0] == what and ev[2][0] == 'GtkGui': #Restore messages while not temp_q.empty(): ev2 = temp_q.get() self.queueIN.put(ev2) return ev[2][1] else: #Save messages temp_q.put(ev) def handle_event_roster(self, account, data): #('ROSTER', account, (state, array)) statuss = ['offline', 'online', 'away', 'xa', 'dnd', 'invisible'] self.roster.on_status_changed(account, statuss[data[0]]) self.roster.mklists(data[1], account) self.roster.draw_roster() def handle_event_warning(self, unused, msg): Warning_dialog(msg) def handle_event_status(self, account, status): #('STATUS', account, status) self.roster.on_status_changed(account, status) def handle_event_notify(self, account, array): #('NOTIFY', account, (jid, status, message, resource, priority, keyID, # role, affiliation, real_jid, reason, actor, statusCode)) statuss = ['offline', 'error', 'online', 'chat', 'away', 'xa', 'dnd', 'invisible'] old_show = 0 jid = array[0].split('/')[0] keyID = array[5] resource = array[3] if not resource: resource = '' priority = array[4] if jid.find("@") <= 0: #It must be an agent ji = jid.replace('@', '') else: ji = jid #Update user if self.roster.contacts[account].has_key(ji): luser = self.roster.contacts[account][ji] user1 = None resources = [] for u in luser: resources.append(u.resource) if u.resource == resource: user1 = u break if user1: if user1.show in statuss: old_show = statuss.index(user1.show) else: user1 = self.roster.contacts[account][ji][0] if user1.show in statuss: old_show = statuss.index(user1.show) if (resources != [''] and (len(luser) != 1 or luser[0].show != 'offline')) and not jid.find("@") <= 0: old_show = 0 user1 = User(user1.jid, user1.name, user1.groups, user1.show, \ user1.status, user1.sub, user1.ask, user1.resource, \ user1.priority, user1.keyID) luser.append(user1) user1.resource = resource user1.show = array[1] user1.status = array[2] user1.priority = priority user1.keyID = keyID if jid.find("@") <= 0: #It must be an agent if self.roster.contacts[account].has_key(ji): #Update existing iter self.roster.redraw_jid(ji, account) elif self.roster.contacts[account].has_key(ji): #It isn't an agent self.roster.chg_user_status(user1, array[1], array[2], account) #play sound if old_show < 2 and statuss.index(user1.show) > 1 and \ self.config['sound_contact_connected']: self.play_sound('sound_contact_connected') elif old_show > 1 and statuss.index(user1.show) < 2 and \ self.config['sound_contact_disconnected']: self.play_sound('sound_contact_disconnected') elif self.windows[account]['gc'].has_key(ji): #it is a groupchat presence self.windows[account]['gc'][ji].chg_user_status(ji, resource, \ array[1], array[2], array[6], array[7], array[8], array[9], \ array[10], array[11], account) def handle_event_msg(self, account, array): #('MSG', account, (user, msg, time)) jid = array[0].split('/')[0] if jid.find("@") <= 0: jid = jid.replace('@', '') if self.config['ignore_unknown_contacts'] and \ not self.roster.contacts[account].has_key(jid): return first = 0 if not self.windows[account]['chats'].has_key(jid) and \ not self.queues[account].has_key(jid): first = 1 self.roster.on_message(jid, array[1], array[2], account) if self.config['sound_first_message_received'] and first: self.play_sound('sound_first_message_received') if self.config['sound_next_message_received'] and not first: self.play_sound('sound_next_message_received') def handle_event_msgerror(self, account, array): #('MSGERROR', account, (user, error_code, error_msg, msg, time)) jid = array[0].split('/')[0] if jid.find("@") <= 0: jid = jid.replace('@', '') self.roster.on_message(jid, _("error while sending") + " \"%s\" ( %s )"%\ (array[3], array[2]), array[4], account) def handle_event_msgsent(self, account, array): #('MSG', account, (jid, msg, keyID)) self.play_sound('sound_message_sent') def handle_event_subscribe(self, account, array): #('SUBSCRIBE', account, (jid, text)) subscription_request_window(self, array[0], array[1], account) def handle_event_subscribed(self, account, array): #('SUBSCRIBED', account, (jid, resource)) jid = array[0] if self.roster.contacts[account].has_key(jid): u = self.roster.contacts[account][jid][0] u.resource = array[1] self.roster.remove_user(u, account) if 'not in the roster' in u.groups: u.groups.remove('not in the roster') if len(u.groups) == 0: u.groups = ['general'] self.roster.add_user_to_roster(u.jid, account) self.send('UPDUSER', account, (u.jid, u.name, u.groups)) else: user1 = User(jid, jid, ['general'], 'online', \ 'online', 'to', '', array[1], 0, '') self.roster.contacts[account][jid] = [user1] self.roster.add_user_to_roster(jid, account) Information_dialog(_("You are now authorized by %s") % jid) def handle_event_unsubscribed(self, account, jid): Information_dialog(_("You are now unsubscribed by %s") % jid) def handle_event_agents(self, account, agents): #('AGENTS', account, agents) if self.windows[account].has_key('browser'): self.windows[account]['browser'].agents(agents) def handle_event_agent_info(self, account, array): #('AGENT_INFO', account, (agent, identities, features, items)) if self.windows[account].has_key('browser'): self.windows[account]['browser'].agent_info(array[0], array[1], \ array[2], array[3]) def handle_event_reg_agent_info(self, account, array): #('REG_AGENTS_INFO', account, (agent, infos)) if not array[1].has_key('instructions'): Error_dialog(_("error contacting %s") % array[0]) else: agent_registration_window(array[0], array[1], self, account) def handle_event_acc_ok(self, account, array): #('ACC_OK', account, (hostname, login, pasword, name, resource, prio, #use_proxy, proxyhost, proxyport)) name = array[3] if self.windows['account_modification_window']: self.windows['account_modification_window'].account_is_ok(array[1]) else: self.accounts[name] = {'name': array[1], \ 'hostname': array[0],\ 'password': array[2],\ 'resource': array[4],\ 'priority': array[5],\ 'use_proxy': array[6],\ 'proxyhost': array[7], \ 'proxyport': array[8]} self.send('CONFIG', None, ('accounts', self.accounts, 'GtkGui')) self.windows[name] = {'infos': {}, 'chats': {}, 'gc': {}} self.queues[name] = {} self.connected[name] = 0 self.nicks[name] = array[1] self.roster.groups[name] = {} self.roster.contacts[name] = {} self.sleeper_state[name] = 0 if self.windows.has_key('accounts_window'): self.windows['accounts_window'].init_accounts() self.roster.draw_roster() def handle_event_quit(self, p1, p2): self.roster.on_quit() def handle_event_myvcard(self, account, array): nick = '' if array.has_key('NICKNAME'): nick = array['NICKNAME'] if nick == '': nick = self.accounts[account]['name'] self.nicks[account] = nick def handle_event_vcard(self, account, array): if self.windows[account]['infos'].has_key(array['jid']): self.windows[account]['infos'][array['jid']].set_values(array) def handle_event_log_nb_line(self, account, array): #('LOG_NB_LINE', account, (jid, nb_line)) if self.windows['logs'].has_key(array[0]): self.windows['logs'][array[0]].set_nb_line(array[1]) begin = 0 if array[1] > 50: begin = array[1] - 50 self.send('LOG_GET_RANGE', None, (array[0], begin, array[1])) def handle_event_log_line(self, account, array): #('LOG_LINE', account, (jid, num_line, date, type, data)) # if type = 'recv' or 'sent' data = [msg] # else type = jid and data = [status, away_msg] if self.windows['logs'].has_key(array[0]): self.windows['logs'][array[0]].new_line(array[1:]) def handle_event_gc_msg(self, account, array): #('GC_MSG', account, (jid, msg, time)) jids = array[0].split('/') jid = jids[0] if not self.windows[account]['gc'].has_key(jid): return if len(jids) == 1: #message from server self.windows[account]['gc'][jid].print_conversation(array[1], jid, \ tim = array[2]) else: #message from someone self.windows[account]['gc'][jid].print_conversation(array[1], jid, \ jids[1], array[2]) if not self.windows[account]['gc'][jid].window.\ get_property('is-active'): self.systray.add_jid(jid, account) def handle_event_gc_subject(self, account, array): #('GC_SUBJECT', account, (jid, subject)) jids = array[0].split('/') jid = jids[0] if not self.windows[account]['gc'].has_key(jid): return self.windows[account]['gc'][jid].set_subject(jid, array[1]) if len(jids) > 1: self.windows[account]['gc'][jid].print_conversation(\ '%s has set the subject to %s' % (jids[1], array[1]), jid) def handle_event_bad_passphrase(self, account, array): Warning_dialog(_("Your GPG passphrase is wrong, so you are connected without your GPG key.")) def handle_event_gpg_secrete_keys(self, account, keys): keys['None'] = 'None' if self.windows.has_key('gpg_keys'): self.windows['gpg_keys'].fill_tree(keys) def handle_event_roster_info(self, account, array): #('ROSTER_INFO', account, (jid, name, sub, ask, groups)) jid = array[0] if not self.roster.contacts[account].has_key(jid): return users = self.roster.contacts[account][jid] if not (array[2] or array[3]): self.roster.remove_user(users[0], account) del self.roster.contacts[account][jid] #TODO if it was the only one in its group, remove the group return for user in users: name = array[1] if name: user.name = name user.sub = array[2] user.ask = array[3] user.groups = array[4] self.roster.redraw_jid(jid, account) def read_queue(self): """Read queue from the core and execute commands from it""" while self.queueIN.empty() == 0: ev = self.queueIN.get() if ev[0] == 'ROSTER': self.handle_event_roster(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'WARNING': self.handle_event_warning(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'STATUS': self.handle_event_status(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'NOTIFY': self.handle_event_notify(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'MSG': self.handle_event_msg(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'MSGERROR': self.handle_event_msgerror(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'MSGSENT': self.handle_event_msgsent(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'SUBSCRIBE': self.handle_event_subscribe(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'SUBSCRIBED': self.handle_event_subscribed(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'UNSUBSCRIBED': self.handle_event_unsubscribed(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'AGENTS': self.handle_event_agents(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'AGENT_INFO': self.handle_event_agent_info(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'REG_AGENT_INFO': self.handle_event_reg_agent_info(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'ACC_OK': self.handle_event_acc_ok(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'QUIT': self.handle_event_quit(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'MYVCARD': self.handle_event_myvcard(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'VCARD': self.handle_event_vcard(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'LOG_NB_LINE': self.handle_event_log_nb_line(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'LOG_LINE': self.handle_event_log_line(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'GC_MSG': self.handle_event_gc_msg(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'GC_SUBJECT': self.handle_event_gc_subject(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'BAD_PASSPHRASE': self.handle_event_bad_passphrase(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'GPG_SECRETE_KEYS': self.handle_event_gpg_secrete_keys(ev[1], ev[2]) elif ev[0] == 'ROSTER_INFO': self.handle_event_roster_info(ev[1], ev[2]) return 1 def read_sleepy(self): """Check if we are idle""" if not self.sleeper.poll(): return 1 state = self.sleeper.getState() for account in self.accounts.keys(): if not self.sleeper_state[account]: continue if state == common.sleepy.STATE_AWAKE and \ self.sleeper_state[account] > 1: #we go online self.send('STATUS', account, ('online', 'Online')) self.sleeper_state[account] = 1 elif state == common.sleepy.STATE_AWAY and \ self.sleeper_state[account] == 1 and \ self.config['autoaway']: #we go away self.send('STATUS', account, ('away', 'auto away (idle)')) self.sleeper_state[account] = 2 elif state == common.sleepy.STATE_XAWAY and (\ self.sleeper_state[account] == 2 or \ self.sleeper_state[account] == 1) and \ self.config['autoxa']: #we go extended away self.send('STATUS', account, ('xa', 'auto away (idle)')) self.sleeper_state[account] = 3 return 1 def autoconnect(self): """auto connect at startup""" for a in self.accounts.keys(): if self.accounts[a].has_key('autoconnect'): if self.accounts[a]['autoconnect']: self.roster.send_status(a, 'online', 'Online', 1) return 0 def show_systray(self): self.systray.show_icon() self.systray_visible = 1 def hide_systray(self): self.systray.hide_icon() self.systray_visible = 0 def image_is_ok(self, image): if not os.path.exists(image): return False img = gtk.Image() try: img.set_from_file(image) except: return True if img.get_storage_type() == gtk.IMAGE_PIXBUF: pix = img.get_pixbuf() else: return False if pix.get_width() > 24 or pix.get_height() > 24: return False return True def make_pattern(self): # regexp meta characters are: . ^ $ * + ? { } [ ] \ | ( ) # one escapes the metachars with \ # \S matches anything but ' ' '\t' '\n' '\r' '\f' and '\v' # \s matches any whitespace character # \w any alphanumeric character # \W any non-alphanumeric character # \b means word boundary. This is a zero-width assertion that # matches only at the beginning or end of a word. # ^ matches at the beginning of lines # # * means 0 or more times # + means 1 or more times # ? means 0 or 1 time # | means or # [^*] anything but '*' (inside [] you don't have to escape metachars) # [^\s*] anything but whitespaces and '*' # (?\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/biggrin.png\t(T)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/phone.png\t:-S\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/frowing.png\t:-P\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/tongue.png\t(H)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t(D)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/drink.png\t:-O\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/oh.png\t(C)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coffee.png\t({)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/hugright.png\t(*)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/star.png\tB-)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t(Z)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/boy.png\t(E)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/mail.png\t(N)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/no.png\t(P)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/photo.png\t(K)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/kiss.png\t(R)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/rainbow.png\t:-|\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/stare.png\t;-)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/wink.png\t;-(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cry.png\t(6)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/devil.png\t(L)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/heart.png\t(W)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/brflower.png\t:|\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/stare.png\t:O\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/oh.png\t;)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/wink.png\t;(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cry.png\t:S\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/frowing.png\t;\'-(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cry.png\t:-(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/unhappy.png\t8-)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t(B)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/beer.png\t:D\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/biggrin.png\t(8)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/music.png\t:@\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/angry.png\tB)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/coolglasses.png\t:-$\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/blush.png\t:\'(\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cry.png\t:->\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/biggrin.png\t:[\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/bat.png\t(I)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/lamp.png\t:P\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/tongue.png\t(%)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/cuffs.png\t(S)\tplugins/gtkgui/emoticons/moon.png',\ 'soundplayer': 'play',\ 'sound_first_message_received': 1,\ 'sound_first_message_received_file': 'sounds/message1.wav',\ 'sound_next_message_received': 0,\ 'sound_next_message_received_file': 'sounds/message2.wav',\ 'sound_contact_connected': 1,\ 'sound_contact_connected_file': 'sounds/connected.wav',\ 'sound_contact_disconnected': 1,\ 'sound_contact_disconnected_file': 'sounds/disconnected.wav',\ 'sound_message_sent': 1,\ 'sound_message_sent_file': 'sounds/sent.wav',\ 'openwith': 'gnome-open',\ 'custombrowser' : 'firefox',\ 'custommailapp' : 'mozilla-thunderbird -compose',\ 'x-position': 0,\ 'y-position': 0,\ 'width': 150,\ 'height': 400} self.send('ASK_CONFIG', None, ('GtkGui', 'GtkGui', self.default_config)) self.config = self.wait('CONFIG') self.send('ASK_CONFIG', None, ('GtkGui', 'accounts')) self.accounts = self.wait('CONFIG') self.windows = {'logs':{}} self.queues = {} self.connected = {} self.nicks = {} self.sleeper_state = {} #whether we pass auto away / xa or not for a in self.accounts.keys(): self.windows[a] = {'infos': {}, 'chats': {}, 'gc': {}} self.queues[a] = {} self.connected[a] = 0 self.nicks[a] = self.accounts[a]['name'] self.sleeper_state[a] = 0 #0:don't use sleeper for this account #1:online and use sleeper #2:autoaway and use sleeper #3:autoxa and use sleeper self.send('ASK_ROSTER', a, self.queueIN) #in pygtk2.4 iconstyle = self.config['iconstyle'] if not iconstyle: iconstyle = 'sun' path = 'plugins/gtkgui/icons/' + iconstyle + '/' files = [path + 'online.gif', path + 'online.png', path + 'online.xpm'] pix = None for fname in files: if os.path.exists(fname): pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(fname) break if pix: gtk.window_set_default_icon(pix) self.roster = roster_window(self) gobject.timeout_add(100, self.read_queue) gobject.timeout_add(100, self.read_sleepy) self.sleeper = common.sleepy.Sleepy( \ self.config['autoawaytime']*60, \ self.config['autoxatime']*60) self.systray_visible = 0 try: import trayicon except: self.config['trayicon'] = 0 self.send('CONFIG', None, ('GtkGui', self.config, 'GtkGui')) self.systray = systrayDummy() else: self.systray = systray(self) if self.config['trayicon']: self.show_systray() if self.config['useemoticons']: """initialize emoticons dictionary""" self.emoticons = dict() split_line = self.config['emoticons'].split('\t') for i in range(0, len(split_line)/2): emot_file = split_line[2*i+1] if not self.image_is_ok(emot_file): continue pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(emot_file) self.emoticons[split_line[2*i]] = pix self.make_pattern() # at least one character in 3 parts (before @, after @, after .) self.sth_at_sth_dot_sth_re = sre.compile(r'\S+@\S+\.\S+') emoticons_pattern = '' for emoticon in self.emoticons: # travel tru emoticons list emoticon_escaped = sre.escape(emoticon) # espace regexp metachars emoticons_pattern += emoticon_escaped + '|'# | means or in regexp self.emot_and_basic_pattern =\ emoticons_pattern + self.basic_pattern print self.emot_and_basic_pattern gtk.gdk.threads_enter() self.autoconnect() gtk.main() gtk.gdk.threads_leave() print _('plugin gtkgui loaded')