## chat.py ## ## Contributors for this file: ## - Yann Le Boulanger ## - Nikos Kouremenos ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Yann Le Boulanger ## Vincent Hanquez ## Copyright (C) 2005 Yann Le Boulanger ## Vincent Hanquez ## Nikos Kouremenos ## Dimitur Kirov ## Travis Shirk ## Norman Rasmussen ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## import gtk import gtk.glade import pango import gobject import time import math import os import dialogs import history_window import gtkgui_helpers import tooltips import conversation_textview import message_textview try: import gtkspell HAS_GTK_SPELL = True except: HAS_GTK_SPELL = False from common import gajim from common import helpers from common import i18n _ = i18n._ APP = i18n.APP gtk.glade.bindtextdomain(APP, i18n.DIR) gtk.glade.textdomain(APP) GTKGUI_GLADE = 'gtkgui.glade' class Chat: '''Class for chat/groupchat windows''' def __init__(self, account, widget_name): self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, widget_name, APP) self.window = self.xml.get_widget(widget_name) print type(self.window) self.widget_name = widget_name self.account = account self.xmls = {} self.conversation_textviews = {} # holds per jid conversation textview self.message_textviews = {} # holds per jid message (where we write) textview self.nb_unread = {} self.print_time_timeout_id = {} self.names = {} # what is printed in the tab (eg. contact.name) self.childs = {} # holds the contents for every tab (VBox) # the following vars are used to keep history of user's messages self.sent_history = {} self.sent_history_pos = {} self.typing_new = {} self.orig_msg = {} # alignment before notebook (to control top padding for when showing tabs) self.alignment = self.xml.get_widget('alignment') # notebook customizations self.notebook = self.xml.get_widget('chat_notebook') # Remove the page that is in glade self.notebook.remove_page(0) pref_pos = gajim.config.get('tabs_position') if pref_pos != 'top': if pref_pos == 'bottom': nb_pos = gtk.POS_BOTTOM elif pref_pos == 'left': nb_pos = gtk.POS_LEFT elif pref_pos == 'right': nb_pos = gtk.POS_RIGHT else: nb_pos = gtk.POS_TOP else: nb_pos = gtk.POS_TOP self.notebook.set_tab_pos(nb_pos) if gajim.config.get('tabs_always_visible'): self.notebook.set_show_tabs(True) self.alignment.set_property('top-padding', 2) else: self.notebook.set_show_tabs(False) self.notebook.set_show_border(gajim.config.get('tabs_border')) if gajim.config.get('useemoticons'): self.emoticons_menu = self.prepare_emoticons_menu() # muc attention states (when we are mentioned in a muc) # if the room jid is in the list, the room has mentioned us self.muc_attentions = [] def toggle_emoticons(self): '''hide show emoticons_button and make sure emoticons_menu is always there when needed''' if gajim.config.get('useemoticons'): self.emoticons_menu = self.prepare_emoticons_menu() for jid in self.xmls: emoticons_button = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('emoticons_button') if gajim.config.get('useemoticons'): emoticons_button.show() emoticons_button.set_no_show_all(False) else: emoticons_button.hide() emoticons_button.set_no_show_all(True) def update_font(self): font = pango.FontDescription(gajim.config.get('conversation_font')) for jid in self.xmls: self.conversation_textviews[jid].modify_font(font) msg_textview = self.message_textviews[jid] msg_textview.modify_font(font) def update_tags(self): for jid in self.conversation_textviews: self.conversation_textviews[jid].update_tags() def update_print_time(self): if gajim.config.get('print_time') != 'sometimes': list_jid = self.print_time_timeout_id.keys() for jid in list_jid: gobject.source_remove(self.print_time_timeout_id[jid]) del self.print_time_timeout_id[jid] else: for jid in self.xmls: if not self.print_time_timeout_id.has_key(jid): self.print_time_timeout(jid) self.print_time_timeout_id[jid] = gobject.timeout_add(300000, self.print_time_timeout, jid) def print_time_timeout(self, jid): if not jid in self.xmls.keys(): return False if gajim.config.get('print_time') == 'sometimes': conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] buffer = conv_textview.get_buffer() end_iter = buffer.get_end_iter() tim = time.localtime() tim_format = time.strftime('%H:%M', tim) buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, '\n' + tim_format, 'time_sometimes') # scroll to the end of the textview if conv_textview.at_the_end(): # we are at the end conv_textview.scroll_to_end() return True # loop again if self.print_time_timeout_id.has_key(jid): del self.print_time_timeout_id[jid] return False def show_title(self, urgent = True): '''redraw the window's title''' unread = 0 for jid in self.nb_unread: unread += self.nb_unread[jid] start = '' if unread > 1: start = '[' + unicode(unread) + '] ' elif unread == 1: start = '* ' if len(self.xmls) > 1: # if more than one tab in the same window if self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': add = _('Chat') elif self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': add = _('Group Chat') elif len(self.xmls) == 1: # just one tab if self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': c = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(self.account, jid) if c is None: add = '' else: add = c.name elif self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': name = gajim.get_nick_from_jid(jid) add = name title = start + add if len(gajim.connections) >= 2: # if we have 2 or more accounts title += ' (' + _('account: ') + self.account + ')' self.window.set_title(title) if urgent: gtkgui_helpers.set_unset_urgency_hint(self.window, unread) def redraw_tab(self, jid, chatstate = None): '''redraw the label of the tab if chatstate is given that means we have HE SENT US a chatstate''' # Update status images self.set_state_image(jid) unread = '' num_unread = 0 child = self.childs[jid] hb = self.notebook.get_tab_label(child).get_children()[0] if self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': nickname = hb.get_children()[1] close_button = hb.get_children()[2] num_unread = self.nb_unread[jid] if num_unread == 1 and not gajim.config.get('show_unread_tab_icon'): unread = '*' elif num_unread > 1: unread = '[' + unicode(num_unread) + ']' # Draw tab label using chatstate theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') color = None if chatstate is not None: if chatstate == 'composing': color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_composing_color') elif chatstate == 'inactive': color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_inactive_color') elif chatstate == 'gone': color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_gone_color') elif chatstate == 'paused': color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_paused_color') else: color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_active_color') if color: color = gtk.gdk.colormap_get_system().alloc_color(color) # We set the color for when it's the current tab or not nickname.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) if chatstate in ('inactive', 'gone'): # Adjust color to be lighter against the darker inactive # background p = 0.4 mask = 0 color.red = int((color.red * p) + (mask * (1 - p))) color.green = int((color.green * p) + (mask * (1 - p))) color.blue = int((color.blue * p) + (mask * (1 - p))) nickname.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, color) elif self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': nickname = hb.get_children()[1] close_button = hb.get_children()[2] has_focus = self.window.get_property('has-toplevel-focus') current_tab = (self.notebook.page_num(child) == self.notebook.get_current_page()) color = None theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') if chatstate == 'attention' and (not has_focus or not current_tab): if jid not in self.muc_attentions: self.muc_attentions.append(jid) color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_muc_directed_msg') elif chatstate: if chatstate == 'active' or (current_tab and has_focus): if jid in self.muc_attentions: self.muc_attentions.remove(jid) color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_active_color') elif chatstate == 'newmsg' and (not has_focus or not current_tab) and\ jid not in self.muc_attentions: color = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'state_muc_msg') if color: color = gtk.gdk.colormap_get_system().alloc_color(color) # The widget state depend on whether this tab is the "current" tab if current_tab: nickname.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) else: nickname.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_ACTIVE, color) if gajim.config.get('tabs_close_button'): close_button.show() else: close_button.hide() nickname.set_max_width_chars(10) lbl = gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(self.names[jid]) if num_unread: # if unread, text in the label becomes bold lbl = '' + unread + lbl + '' nickname.set_markup(lbl) def get_message_type(self, jid): if self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': return 'gc' if gajim.contacts.is_pm_from_jid(self.account, jid): return 'pm' return 'chat' def get_nth_jid(self, page_number = None): notebook = self.notebook if page_number == None: page_number = notebook.get_current_page() nth_child = notebook.get_nth_page(page_number) nth_jid = '' for jid in self.xmls: if self.childs[jid] == nth_child: nth_jid = jid break return nth_jid def move_to_next_unread_tab(self, forward): ind = self.notebook.get_current_page() current = ind found = False # loop until finding an unread tab or having done a complete cycle while True: if forward == True: # look for the first unread tab on the right ind = ind + 1 if ind >= self.notebook.get_n_pages(): ind = 0 else: # look for the first unread tab on the right ind = ind - 1 if ind < 0: ind = self.notebook.get_n_pages() - 1 if ind == current: break # a complete cycle without finding an unread tab jid = self.get_nth_jid(ind) if self.nb_unread[jid] > 0: found = True break # found if found: self.notebook.set_current_page(ind) else: # not found if forward: # CTRL + TAB if current < (self.notebook.get_n_pages() - 1): self.notebook.next_page() else: # traverse for ever (eg. don't stop at last tab) self.notebook.set_current_page(0) else: # CTRL + SHIFT + TAB if current > 0: self.notebook.prev_page() else: # traverse for ever (eg. don't stop at first tab) self.notebook.set_current_page( self.notebook.get_n_pages() - 1) def on_window_destroy(self, widget, kind): #kind is 'chats' or 'gc' '''clean gajim.interface.instances[self.account][kind]''' for jid in self.xmls: windows = gajim.interface.instances[self.account][kind] if kind == 'chats': # send 'gone' chatstate to every tabbed chat tab windows[jid].send_chatstate('gone', jid) gobject.source_remove(self.possible_paused_timeout_id[jid]) gobject.source_remove(self.possible_inactive_timeout_id[jid]) if gajim.interface.systray_enabled and self.nb_unread[jid] > 0: gajim.interface.systray.remove_jid(jid, self.account, self.get_message_type(jid)) del windows[jid] if self.print_time_timeout_id.has_key(jid): gobject.source_remove(self.print_time_timeout_id[jid]) if windows.has_key('tabbed'): del windows['tabbed'] def get_active_jid(self): return self.get_nth_jid() def on_close_button_clicked(self, button, jid): '''When close button is pressed: close a tab''' self.remove_tab(jid) def on_history_menuitem_clicked(self, widget = None, jid = None): '''When history menuitem is pressed: call history window''' if jid is None: # None when viewing room and tc history jid = self.get_active_jid() if gajim.interface.instances['logs'].has_key(jid): gajim.interface.instances['logs'][jid].window.present() else: gajim.interface.instances['logs'][jid] = history_window.HistoryWindow( jid, self.account) def on_chat_window_focus_in_event(self, widget, event): '''When window gets focus''' jid = self.get_active_jid() textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] if textview.at_the_end(): #we are at the end if self.nb_unread[jid] > 0: self.nb_unread[jid] = 0 + self.get_specific_unread(jid) self.show_title() if gajim.interface.systray_enabled: gajim.interface.systray.remove_jid(jid, self.account, self.get_message_type(jid)) '''TC/GC window received focus, so if we had urgency REMOVE IT NOTE: we do not have to read the message (it maybe in a bg tab) to remove urgency hint so this functions does that''' if gtk.gtk_version >= (2, 8, 0) and gtk.pygtk_version >= (2, 8, 0): if widget.props.urgency_hint: widget.props.urgency_hint = False # Undo "unread" state display, etc. if self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': self.redraw_tab(jid, 'active') else: # NOTE: we do not send any chatstate to preserve inactive, gone, etc. self.redraw_tab(jid) def on_compact_view_menuitem_activate(self, widget): isactive = widget.get_active() self.set_compact_view(isactive) def on_actions_button_clicked(self, widget): '''popup action menu''' #FIXME: BUG http://bugs.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=316786 self.button_clicked = widget menu = self.prepare_context_menu() menu.show_all() menu.popup(None, None, self.position_menu_under_button, 1, 0) def on_emoticons_button_clicked(self, widget): '''popup emoticons menu''' #FIXME: BUG http://bugs.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=316786 self.button_clicked = widget self.emoticons_menu.popup(None, None, self.position_menu_under_button, 1, 0) def position_menu_under_button(self, menu): #FIXME: BUG http://bugs.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=316786 # pass btn instance when this bug is over button = self.button_clicked # here I get the coordinates of the button relative to # window (self.window) button_x, button_y = button.allocation.x, button.allocation.y # now convert them to X11-relative window_x, window_y = self.window.window.get_origin() x = window_x + button_x y = window_y + button_y menu_width, menu_height = menu.size_request() ## should we pop down or up? if (y + button.allocation.height + menu_height < gtk.gdk.screen_height()): # now move the menu below the button y += button.allocation.height else: # now move the menu above the button y -= menu_height # push_in is True so all the menuitems are always inside screen push_in = True return (x, y, push_in) def remove_possible_switch_to_menuitems(self, menu): ''' remove duplicate 'Switch to' if they exist and return clean menu''' childs = menu.get_children() if self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': jid = self.get_active_jid() c = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(self.account, jid) if _('not in the roster') in c.groups: # for add_to_roster_menuitem childs[5].show() childs[5].set_no_show_all(False) else: childs[5].hide() childs[5].set_no_show_all(True) start_removing_from = 6 # this is from the seperator and after else: start_removing_from = 7 # # this is from the seperator and after for child in childs[start_removing_from:]: menu.remove(child) return menu def prepare_context_menu(self): '''sets compact view menuitem active state sets active and sensitivity state for toggle_gpg_menuitem and remove possible 'Switch to' menuitems''' if self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': menu = self.gc_popup_menu childs = menu.get_children() # compact_view_menuitem childs[5].set_active(self.compact_view_current_state) elif self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': menu = self.tabbed_chat_popup_menu childs = menu.get_children() # check if gpg capabitlies or else make gpg toggle insensitive jid = self.get_active_jid() gpg_btn = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gpg_togglebutton') isactive = gpg_btn.get_active() issensitive = gpg_btn.get_property('sensitive') childs[3].set_active(isactive) childs[3].set_property('sensitive', issensitive) # If we don't have resource, we can't do file transfert c = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(self.account, jid) if not c.resource: childs[2].set_sensitive(False) else: childs[2].set_sensitive(True) # compact_view_menuitem childs[4].set_active(self.compact_view_current_state) menu = self.remove_possible_switch_to_menuitems(menu) return menu def prepare_emoticons_menu(self): menu = gtk.Menu() def append_emoticon(w, d): jid = self.get_active_jid() message_textview = self.message_textviews[jid] buffer = message_textview.get_buffer() if buffer.get_char_count(): buffer.insert_at_cursor(' %s ' % d) else: # we are the beginning of buffer buffer.insert_at_cursor('%s ' % d) message_textview.grab_focus() counter = 0 # Calculate the side lenght of the popup to make it a square size = int(round(math.sqrt(len(gajim.interface.emoticons_images)))) for image in gajim.interface.emoticons_images: item = gtk.MenuItem() img = gtk.Image() if type(image[1]) == gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation: img.set_from_animation(image[1]) else: img.set_from_pixbuf(image[1]) item.add(img) item.connect('activate', append_emoticon, image[0]) #FIXME: add tooltip with ascii menu.attach(item, counter % size, counter % size + 1, counter / size, counter / size + 1) counter += 1 menu.show_all() return menu def popup_menu(self, event): menu = self.prepare_context_menu() # common menuitems (tab switches) if len(self.xmls) > 1: # if there is more than one tab menu.append(gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()) # seperator for jid in self.xmls: if jid != self.get_active_jid(): item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(_('Switch to %s') % self.names[jid]) img = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_JUMP_TO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) item.set_image(img) item.connect('activate', lambda obj, jid:self.set_active_tab( jid), jid) menu.append(item) # show the menu menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) menu.show_all() def on_banner_eventbox_button_press_event(self, widget, event): '''If right-clicked, show popup''' if event.button == 3: # right click self.popup_menu(event) def on_chat_notebook_switch_page(self, notebook, page, page_num): # get the index of the page and then the page that we're leaving old_no = notebook.get_current_page() old_child = notebook.get_nth_page(old_no) new_child = notebook.get_nth_page(page_num) old_jid = '' new_jid = '' for jid in self.xmls: if self.childs[jid] == new_child: new_jid = jid elif self.childs[jid] == old_child: old_jid = jid if old_jid != '' and new_jid != '': # we found both jids break # so stop looping if self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': # send chatstate inactive to the one we're leaving # and active to the one we visit if old_jid != '': self.send_chatstate('inactive', old_jid) self.send_chatstate('active', new_jid) conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[new_jid] if conv_textview.at_the_end(): #we are at the end if self.nb_unread[new_jid] > 0: self.nb_unread[new_jid] = 0 + self.get_specific_unread(new_jid) self.redraw_tab(new_jid) self.show_title() if gajim.interface.systray_enabled: gajim.interface.systray.remove_jid(new_jid, self.account, self.get_message_type(new_jid)) conv_textview.grab_focus() def set_active_tab(self, jid): self.notebook.set_current_page(self.notebook.page_num(self.childs[jid])) def remove_tab(self, jid, kind): #kind is 'chats' or 'gc' if len(self.xmls) == 1: # only one tab when we asked to remove # so destroy window # we check and possibly save positions here, because Ctrl+W, Escape # etc.. call remove_tab so similar code in delete_event callbacks # is not enough if gajim.config.get('saveposition'): if kind == 'chats': x, y = self.window.get_position() gajim.config.set('chat-x-position', x) gajim.config.set('chat-y-position', y) width, height = self.window.get_size() gajim.config.set('chat-width', width) gajim.config.set('chat-height', height) elif kind == 'gc': gajim.config.set('gc-hpaned-position', self.hpaned_position) x, y = self.window.get_position() gajim.config.set('gc-x-position', x) gajim.config.set('gc-y-position', y) width, height = self.window.get_size() gajim.config.set('gc-width', width) gajim.config.set('gc-height', height) self.window.destroy() else: if self.nb_unread[jid] > 0: self.nb_unread[jid] = 0 if gajim.interface.systray_enabled: gajim.interface.systray.remove_jid(jid, self.account, self.get_message_type(jid)) if self.print_time_timeout_id.has_key(jid): gobject.source_remove(self.print_time_timeout_id[jid]) del self.print_time_timeout_id[jid] self.notebook.remove_page(self.notebook.page_num(self.childs[jid])) if gajim.interface.instances[self.account][kind].has_key(jid): del gajim.interface.instances[self.account][kind][jid] del self.nb_unread[jid] del gajim.last_message_time[self.account][jid] del self.xmls[jid] del self.childs[jid] del self.sent_history[jid] del self.sent_history_pos[jid] del self.typing_new[jid] del self.orig_msg[jid] if len(self.xmls) == 1: # we now have only one tab show_tabs_if_one_tab = gajim.config.get('tabs_always_visible') self.notebook.set_show_tabs(show_tabs_if_one_tab) if not show_tabs_if_one_tab: self.alignment.set_property('top-padding', 0) self.show_title() def bring_scroll_to_end(self, textview, diff_y = 0): ''' scrolls to the end of textview if end is not visible ''' buffer = textview.get_buffer() end_iter = buffer.get_end_iter() end_rect = textview.get_iter_location(end_iter) visible_rect = textview.get_visible_rect() # scroll only if expected end is not visible if end_rect.y >= (visible_rect.y + visible_rect.height + diff_y): gobject.idle_add(self.scroll_to_end_iter, textview) def scroll_to_end_iter(self, textview): buffer = textview.get_buffer() end_iter = buffer.get_end_iter() textview.scroll_to_iter(end_iter, 0, False, 1, 1) return False def size_request(self, msg_textview , requisition, xml_top): ''' When message_textview changes its size. If the new height will enlarge the window, enable the scrollbar automatic policy Also enable scrollbar automatic policy for horizontal scrollbar if message we have in message_textview is too big''' if msg_textview.window is None: return message_scrolledwindow = xml_top.get_widget('message_scrolledwindow') conversation_scrolledwindow = xml_top.get_widget( 'conversation_scrolledwindow') conv_textview = conversation_scrolledwindow.get_children()[0] min_height = conversation_scrolledwindow.get_property('height-request') conversation_height = conv_textview.window.get_size()[1] message_height = msg_textview.window.get_size()[1] message_width = msg_textview.window.get_size()[0] # new tab is not exposed yet if conversation_height < 2: return if conversation_height < min_height: min_height = conversation_height # we don't want to always resize in height the message_textview # so we have minimum on conversation_textview's scrolled window # but we also want to avoid window resizing so if we reach that # minimum for conversation_textview and maximum for message_textview # we set to automatic the scrollbar policy diff_y = message_height - requisition.height if diff_y != 0: if conversation_height + diff_y < min_height: if message_height + conversation_height - min_height > min_height: message_scrolledwindow.set_property('vscrollbar-policy', gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) message_scrolledwindow.set_property('height-request', message_height + conversation_height - min_height) self.bring_scroll_to_end(msg_textview) else: message_scrolledwindow.set_property('vscrollbar-policy', gtk.POLICY_NEVER) message_scrolledwindow.set_property('height-request', -1) conv_textview.bring_scroll_to_end(diff_y - 18) # enable scrollbar automatic policy for horizontal scrollbar # if message we have in message_textview is too big if requisition.width > message_width: message_scrolledwindow.set_property('hscrollbar-policy', gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) else: message_scrolledwindow.set_property('hscrollbar-policy', gtk.POLICY_NEVER) return True def on_tab_eventbox_button_press_event(self, widget, event, child): if event.button == 3: n = self.notebook.page_num(child) self.notebook.set_current_page(n) self.popup_menu(event) def new_tab(self, jid): #FIXME: text formating buttons will be hidden in 0.8 release for w in ('bold_togglebutton', 'italic_togglebutton', 'underline_togglebutton'): self.xmls[jid].get_widget(w).set_no_show_all(True) # add ConversationTextView to UI and connect signals conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] = \ conversation_textview.ConversationTextview(self.account) conv_textview.show_all() conversation_scrolledwindow = self.xmls[jid].get_widget( 'conversation_scrolledwindow') conversation_scrolledwindow.add(conv_textview) conv_textview.connect('key_press_event', self.on_conversation_textview_key_press_event) # add MessageTextView to UI and connect signals message_scrolledwindow = self.xmls[jid].get_widget( 'message_scrolledwindow') msg_textview = self.message_textviews[jid] = \ message_textview.MessageTextView() msg_textview.connect('mykeypress', self.on_message_textview_mykeypress_event) message_scrolledwindow.add(msg_textview) msg_textview.connect('key_press_event', self.on_message_textview_key_press_event) self.set_compact_view(self.always_compact_view) self.nb_unread[jid] = 0 gajim.last_message_time[self.account][jid] = 0 font = pango.FontDescription(gajim.config.get('conversation_font')) if gajim.config.get('use_speller') and HAS_GTK_SPELL: try: gtkspell.Spell(msg_textview) except gobject.GError, msg: #FIXME: add a ui for this use spell.set_language() dialogs.ErrorDialog(unicode(msg), _('If that is not your language for which you want to highlight misspelled words, then please set your $LANG as appropriate. Eg. for French do export LANG=fr_FR or export LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 in ~/.bash_profile or to make it global in /etc/profile.\n\nHighlighting misspelled words feature will not be used')).get_response() gajim.config.set('use_speller', False) emoticons_button = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('emoticons_button') # set image no matter if user wants at this time emoticons or not # (so toggle works ok) img = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('emoticons_button_image') img.set_from_file(os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'emoticons', 'smile.png')) if gajim.config.get('useemoticons'): emoticons_button.show() emoticons_button.set_no_show_all(False) else: emoticons_button.hide() emoticons_button.set_no_show_all(True) conv_textview.modify_font(font) conv_buffer = conv_textview.get_buffer() end_iter = conv_buffer.get_end_iter() self.xmls[jid].signal_autoconnect(self) conversation_scrolledwindow.get_vadjustment().connect('value-changed', self.on_conversation_vadjustment_value_changed) if len(self.xmls) > 1: self.notebook.set_show_tabs(True) self.alignment.set_property('top-padding', 2) if self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': xm = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'chats_eventbox', APP) tab_hbox = xm.get_widget('chats_eventbox') elif self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': xm = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'gc_eventbox', APP) tab_hbox = xm.get_widget('gc_eventbox') child = self.childs[jid] xm.signal_connect('on_close_button_clicked', self.on_close_button_clicked, jid) xm.signal_connect('on_tab_eventbox_button_press_event', self.on_tab_eventbox_button_press_event, child) self.notebook.append_page(child, tab_hbox) msg_textview.modify_font(font) msg_textview.connect('size-request', self.size_request, self.xmls[jid]) # init new sent history for this conversation self.sent_history[jid] = [] self.sent_history_pos[jid] = 0 self.typing_new[jid] = True self.orig_msg[jid] = '' self.show_title() def on_message_textview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): jid = self.get_active_jid() conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] if self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': if event.keyval not in (gtk.keysyms.ISO_Left_Tab, gtk.keysyms.Tab): room_jid = self.get_active_jid() self.last_key_tabs[room_jid] = False if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Down: # PAGE DOWN if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + PAGE DOWN self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # SHIFT + PAGE DOWN conv_textview.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Up: # PAGE UP if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + PAGE UP self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # SHIFT + PAGE UP conv_textview.emit('key_press_event', event) def on_conversation_textview_key_press_event(self, widget, event): '''Do not block these events and send them to the notebook''' if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Tab: # CTRL + TAB self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.ISO_Left_Tab: # CTRL + SHIFT + TAB self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Down: # CTRL + PAGE DOWN self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Up: # CTRL + PAGE UP self.notebook.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.l or \ event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.L: # CTRL + L jid = self.get_active_jid() conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] conv_textview.get_buffer().set_text('') elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.v: # CTRL + V jid = self.get_active_jid() msg_textview = self.message_textviews[jid] if not msg_textview.is_focus(): msg_textview.grab_focus() msg_textview.emit('key_press_event', event) def on_chat_notebook_key_press_event(self, widget, event): st = '1234567890' # alt+1 means the first tab (tab 0) jid = self.get_active_jid() if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Escape: # ESCAPE if self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': self.remove_tab(jid) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.F4 and \ (event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK): # CTRL + F4 self.remove_tab(jid) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.w and \ (event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK): # CTRL + W self.remove_tab(jid) elif event.string and event.string in st and \ (event.state & gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK): # alt + 1,2,3.. self.notebook.set_current_page(st.index(event.string)) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.c and \ (event.state & gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK): # alt + C toggles compact view self.set_compact_view(not self.compact_view_current_state) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.e and \ (event.state & gtk.gdk.MOD1_MASK): # alt + E opens emoticons menu if gajim.config.get('useemoticons'): msg_tv = self.message_textviews[jid] def set_emoticons_menu_position(w, msg_tv = msg_tv): window = msg_tv.get_window(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_WIDGET) # get the window position origin = window.get_origin() size = window.get_size() buf = msg_tv.get_buffer() # get the cursor position cursor = msg_tv.get_iter_location(buf.get_iter_at_mark( buf.get_insert())) cursor = msg_tv.buffer_to_window_coords(gtk.TEXT_WINDOW_TEXT, cursor.x, cursor.y) x = origin[0] + cursor[0] y = origin[1] + size[1] menu_width, menu_height = self.emoticons_menu.size_request() #FIXME: get_line_count is not so good #get the iter of cursor, then tv.get_line_yrange # so we know in which y we are typing (not how many lines we have # then go show just above the current cursor line for up # or just below the current cursor line for down #TEST with having 3 lines and writing in the 2nd if y + menu_height > gtk.gdk.screen_height(): # move menu just above cursor y -= menu_height + (msg_tv.allocation.height / buf.get_line_count()) #else: # move menu just below cursor # y -= (msg_tv.allocation.height / buf.get_line_count()) return (x, y, True) # push_in True self.emoticons_menu.popup(None, None, set_emoticons_menu_position, 1, 0) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Down: if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # SHIFT + PAGE DOWN conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] rect = conv_textview.get_visible_rect() iter = conv_textview.get_iter_at_location(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height) conv_textview.scroll_to_iter(iter, 0.1, True, 0, 0) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Page_Up: if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # SHIFT + PAGE UP conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] rect = conv_textview.get_visible_rect() iter = conv_textview.get_iter_at_location(rect.x, rect.y) conv_textview.scroll_to_iter(iter, 0.1, True, 0, 1) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up: if event.state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: # SHIFT + UP conversation_scrolledwindow = self.xml.get_widget('conversation_scrolledwindow') conversation_scrolledwindow.emit('scroll-child', gtk.SCROLL_PAGE_BACKWARD, False) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.ISO_Left_Tab: # SHIFT + TAB if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + SHIFT + TAB self.move_to_next_unread_tab(False) elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Tab: # TAB if event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + TAB self.move_to_next_unread_tab(True) elif (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.l or event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.L) \ and event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + L conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] conv_textview.get_buffer().set_text('') elif event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.v and event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: # CTRL + V msg_textview = self.message_textviews[jid] if not msg_textview.is_focus(): msg_textview.grab_focus() msg_textview.emit('key_press_event', event) elif event.state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK or \ (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Control_L) or \ (event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Control_R): # we pressed a control key or ctrl+sth: we don't block # the event in order to let ctrl+c (copy text) and # others do their default work pass else: # it's a normal key press make sure message_textview has focus msg_textview = self.message_textviews[jid] if msg_textview.get_property('sensitive'): if not msg_textview.is_focus(): msg_textview.grab_focus() msg_textview.emit('key_press_event', event) def on_conversation_vadjustment_value_changed(self, widget): jid = self.get_active_jid() if not self.nb_unread[jid]: return conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] if conv_textview.at_the_end() and self.window.is_active(): #we are at the end self.nb_unread[jid] = self.get_specific_unread(jid) self.redraw_tab(jid) self.show_title() if gajim.interface.systray_enabled: gajim.interface.systray.remove_jid(jid, self.account, self.get_message_type(jid)) def clear(self, tv): buffer = tv.get_buffer() start, end = buffer.get_bounds() buffer.delete(start, end) def print_conversation_line(self, text, jid, kind, name, tim, other_tags_for_name = [], other_tags_for_time = [], other_tags_for_text = [], count_as_new = True, subject = None): '''prints 'chat' type messages''' textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] end = False if textview.at_the_end() or kind == 'outgoing': end = True textview.print_conversation_line(text, jid, kind, name, tim, other_tags_for_name, other_tags_for_time, other_tags_for_text, subject) if not count_as_new: return if kind == 'incoming_queue': gajim.last_message_time[self.account][jid] = time.time() urgent = True if (jid != self.get_active_jid() or \ not self.window.is_active() or \ not end) and kind in ('incoming', 'incoming_queue'): if self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': if not self.needs_visual_notification(text, self.nicks[jid]): # Do not notify us for gc messages that are not for us urgent = False if not gajim.config.get('notify_on_all_muc_messages'): return self.nb_unread[jid] += 1 if gajim.interface.systray_enabled and gajim.config.get( 'trayicon_notification_on_new_messages'): gajim.interface.systray.add_jid(jid, self.account, self.get_message_type(jid)) self.redraw_tab(jid) self.show_title(urgent) def save_sent_message(self, jid, message): #save the message, so user can scroll though the list with key up/down size = len(self.sent_history[jid]) #we don't want size of the buffer to grow indefinately max_size = gajim.config.get('key_up_lines') if size >= max_size: for i in xrange(0, size - 1): self.sent_history[jid][i] = self.sent_history[jid][i+1] self.sent_history[jid][max_size - 1] = message else: self.sent_history[jid].append(message) self.sent_history_pos[jid] = size + 1 self.typing_new[jid] = True self.orig_msg[jid] = '' def sent_messages_scroll(self, jid, direction, conv_buf): size = len(self.sent_history[jid]) if self.typing_new[jid]: #user was typing something and then went into history, so save #whatever is already typed start_iter = conv_buf.get_start_iter() end_iter = conv_buf.get_end_iter() self.orig_msg[jid] = conv_buf.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, 0).decode('utf-8') self.typing_new[jid] = False if direction == 'up': if self.sent_history_pos[jid] == 0: return self.sent_history_pos[jid] = self.sent_history_pos[jid] - 1 conv_buf.set_text(self.sent_history[jid][self.sent_history_pos[jid]]) elif direction == 'down': if self.sent_history_pos[jid] >= size - 1: conv_buf.set_text(self.orig_msg[jid]); self.typing_new[jid] = True self.sent_history_pos[jid] = size return self.sent_history_pos[jid] = self.sent_history_pos[jid] + 1 conv_buf.set_text(self.sent_history[jid][self.sent_history_pos[jid]]) def paint_banner(self, jid): theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') bgcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannerbgcolor') textcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannertextcolor') # the backgrounds are colored by using an eventbox by # setting the bg color of the eventbox and the fg of the name_label banner_eventbox = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('banner_eventbox') banner_name_label = self.xmls[jid].get_widget('banner_name_label') if bgcolor: banner_eventbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse(bgcolor)) else: banner_eventbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, None) if textcolor: banner_name_label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse(textcolor)) else: banner_name_label.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, None) def repaint_colored_widgets(self): '''Repaint widgets (banner) in the window/tab with theme color''' # iterate through tabs/windows and repaint for jid in self.xmls: self.paint_banner(jid) def set_compact_view(self, state): '''Toggle compact view. state is bool''' for jid in self.xmls: if self.widget_name == 'tabbed_chat_window': widgets = [ self.xmls[jid].get_widget('banner_eventbox'), self.xmls[jid].get_widget('actions_hbox'), ] elif self.widget_name == 'groupchat_window': widgets = [self.xmls[jid].get_widget('banner_eventbox'), self.xmls[jid].get_widget('gc_actions_hbox'), self.xmls[jid].get_widget('list_scrolledwindow'), ] for widget in widgets: if state: widget.set_no_show_all(True) widget.hide() else: widget.set_no_show_all(False) widget.show_all() # make the last message visible, when changing to "full view" if not state: conv_textview = self.conversation_textviews[jid] gobject.idle_add(conv_textview.scroll_to_end_iter)