## vcard.py (has Vcard_window class) ## ## Gajim Team: ## - Yann Le Boulanger ## - Vincent Hanquez ## - Nikos Kouremenos ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## import gtk import gtk.glade import urllib import base64 import mimetypes import os from common import gajim from common import i18n _ = i18n._ APP = i18n.APP gtk.glade.bindtextdomain (APP, i18n.DIR) gtk.glade.textdomain (APP) GTKGUI_GLADE = 'gtkgui.glade' class Vcard_window: '''Class for contact's information window''' def on_user_information_window_destroy(self, widget = None): del self.plugin.windows[self.account]['infos'][self.jid] def on_vcard_information_window_key_press_event(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Escape: # ESCAPE self.window.destroy() def on_close_button_clicked(self, widget): '''Save user's informations and update the roster on the Jabber server''' if self.vcard: self.window.destroy() return #update user.name if it's not '' name_entry = self.xml.get_widget('nickname_entry') new_name = name_entry.get_text() if new_name != self.user.name and new_name != '': self.user.name = new_name for i in self.plugin.roster.get_user_iter(self.user.jid, self.account): self.plugin.roster.tree.get_model().set_value(i, 1, new_name) gajim.connections[self.account].update_user(self.user.jid, self.user.name, self.user.groups) #log history ? oldlog = True no_log_for = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for').split() if self.user.jid in no_log_for: oldlog = False log = self.xml.get_widget('log_checkbutton').get_active() if not log and not self.user.jid in no_log_for: no_log_for.append(self.user.jid) if log and self.user.jid in no_log_for: no_log_for.remove(self.user.jid) if oldlog != log: gajim.config.set_per('accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for', ' '.join(no_log_for)) self.window.destroy() def on_clear_button_clicked(self, widget): # empty the image self.xml.get_widget('PHOTO_image').set_from_pixbuf(None) self.avatar_encoded = None def image_is_ok(self, image): if not os.path.exists(image): return False return True def update_preview(self, widget): path_to_file = widget.get_preview_filename() widget.get_preview_widget().set_from_file(path_to_file) def on_set_avatar_button_clicked(self, widget): file = None dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(_('Choose avatar'), None, gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name(_('All files')) filter.add_pattern('*') dialog.add_filter(filter) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name(_('Images')) filter.add_mime_type('image/png') filter.add_mime_type('image/jpeg') filter.add_mime_type('image/gif') filter.add_pattern('*.png') filter.add_pattern('*.jpg') filter.add_pattern('*.gif') filter.add_pattern('*.tif') filter.add_pattern('*.xpm') dialog.add_filter(filter) dialog.set_filter(filter) dialog.set_use_preview_label(False) dialog.set_preview_widget(gtk.Image()) dialog.set_preview_widget(True) dialog.connect('selection-changed', self.update_preview) ok = False while not ok: response = dialog.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: file = dialog.get_filename() if self.image_is_ok(file): ok = True else: ok = True dialog.destroy() if file: fd = open(file) data = fd.read() pixbufloader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() pixbufloader.write(data) pixbufloader.close() pixbuf = pixbufloader.get_pixbuf() image = self.xml.get_widget('PHOTO_image') image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) self.avatar_encoded = base64.encodestring(data) self.avatar_mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(file)[0] def set_value(self, entry_name, value): try: self.xml.get_widget(entry_name).set_text(value) except AttributeError, e: pass def set_values(self, vcard): for i in vcard.keys(): if i == 'PHOTO': if not type(vcard[i]) == type({}): continue img_decoded = None if vcard[i].has_key('BINVAL') and vcard[i].has_key('TYPE'): img_encoded = vcard[i]['BINVAL'] self.avatar_encoded = img_encoded self.avatar_mime_type = vcard[i]['TYPE'] try: img_decoded = base64.decodestring(img_encoded) except: pass elif vcard[i].has_key('EXTVAL'): url = vcard[i]['EXTVAL'] try: fd = urllib.urlopen(url) img_decoded = fd.read() except: pass if img_decoded: pixbufloader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() pixbufloader.write(img_decoded) pixbufloader.close() pixbuf = pixbufloader.get_pixbuf() image = self.xml.get_widget('PHOTO_image') image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) continue if i == 'ADR' or i == 'TEL' or i == 'EMAIL': for entry in vcard[i]: add_on = '_HOME' if 'WORK' in entry: add_on = '_WORK' for j in entry.keys(): self.set_value(i + add_on + '_' + j + '_entry', entry[j]) if type(vcard[i]) == type({}): for j in vcard[i].keys(): self.set_value(i + '_' + j + '_entry', vcard[i][j]) else: if i == 'DESC': self.xml.get_widget('DESC_textview').get_buffer().set_text( vcard[i], 0) else: self.set_value(i + '_entry', vcard[i]) def set_os_info(self, resource, client_info, os_info): i = 0 client = '' os = '' while self.os_info.has_key(i): if self.os_info[i]['resource'] == resource: self.os_info[i]['client'] = client_info self.os_info[i]['os'] = os_info if i > 0: client += '\n' os += '\n' client += self.os_info[i]['client'] os += self.os_info[i]['os'] i += 1 if client == '': client = 'N/A' if os == '': os = 'N/A' self.xml.get_widget('client_name_version_label').set_text(client) self.xml.get_widget('os_label').set_text(os) def fill_jabber_page(self): self.xml.get_widget('nickname_label').set_text(self.user.name) self.xml.get_widget('jid_label').set_text(self.user.jid) self.xml.get_widget('subscription_label').set_text(self.user.sub) label = self.xml.get_widget('ask_label') if self.user.ask: label.set_text(self.user.ask) else: label.set_text('None') self.xml.get_widget('nickname_entry').set_text(self.user.name) log = 1 if self.user.jid in gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for').split(' '): log = 0 self.xml.get_widget('log_checkbutton').set_active(log) resources = self.user.resource + ' (' + str(self.user.priority) + ')' if not self.user.status: self.user.status = '' stats = self.user.show if self.user.status: stats += ': ' + self.user.status gajim.connections[self.account].request_os_info(self.user.jid, self.user.resource) self.os_info = {0: {'resource': self.user.resource, 'client': '', 'os': ''}} i = 1 for u in self.plugin.roster.contacts[self.account][self.user.jid]: if u.resource != self.user.resource: resources += '\n' + u.resource + ' (' + str(u.priority) + ')' if not u.status: u.status = '' stats += '\n' + u.show + ': ' + u.status gajim.connections[self.account].request_os_info(self.user.jid, u.resource) self.os_info[i] = {'resource': u.resource, 'client': '', 'os': ''} i += 1 self.xml.get_widget('resource_label').set_text(resources) self.xml.get_widget('status_label').set_text(stats) gajim.connections[self.account].request_vcard(self.user.jid) def add_to_vcard(self, vcard, entry, txt): '''Add an information to the vCard dictionary''' entries = entry.split('_') loc = vcard if len(entries) == 3: # We need to use lists if not loc.has_key(entries[0]): loc[entries[0]] = [] found = False for e in loc[entries[0]]: if entries[1] in e: found = True break if found: e[entries[2]] = txt else: loc[entries[0]].append({entries[1]: '', entries[2]: txt}) return vcard while len(entries) > 1: if not loc.has_key(entries[0]): loc[entries[0]] = {} loc = loc[entries[0]] del entries[0] loc[entries[0]] = txt return vcard def make_vcard(self): '''make the vCard dictionary''' entries = ['FN', 'NICKNAME', 'BDAY', 'EMAIL_HOME_USERID', 'URL', 'TEL_HOME_NUMBER', 'N_FAMILY', 'N_GIVEN', 'N_MIDDLE', 'N_PREFIX', 'N_SUFFIX', 'ADR_HOME_STREET', 'ADR_HOME_EXTADR', 'ADR_HOME_LOCALITY', 'ADR_HOME_REGION', 'ADR_HOME_PCODE', 'ADR_HOME_CTRY', 'ORG_ORGNAME', 'ORG_ORGUNIT', 'TITLE', 'ROLE', 'ADR_WORK_STREET', 'ADR_WORK_EXTADR', 'ADR_WORK_LOCALITY', 'ADR_WORK_REGION', 'ADR_WORK_PCODE', 'ADR_WORK_CTRY'] vcard = {} for e in entries: txt = self.xml.get_widget(e + '_entry').get_text() if txt != '': vcard = self.add_to_vcard(vcard, e, txt) # DESC textview buffer = self.xml.get_widget('DESC_textview').get_buffer() start_iter = buffer.get_start_iter() end_iter = buffer.get_end_iter() txt = buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, 0) if txt != '': vcard['DESC'] = txt # Avatar if self.avatar_encoded: vcard['PHOTO'] = {'TYPE': self.avatar_mime_type, 'BINVAL': self.avatar_encoded} return vcard def on_publish_button_clicked(self, widget): if gajim.connections[self.account].connected < 2: Error_dialog(_('You are not connected to the server'), _('Without a connection you can not publish your contact information.')).get_response() return vcard = self.make_vcard() nick = '' if vcard.has_key('NICKNAME'): nick = vcard['NICKNAME'] if nick == '': nick = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', self.account, 'name') self.plugin.nicks[self.account] = nick gajim.connections[self.account].send_vcard(vcard) def on_retrieve_button_clicked(self, widget): entries = ['FN', 'NICKNAME', 'BDAY', 'EMAIL_HOME_USERID', 'URL', 'TEL_HOME_NUMBER', 'N_FAMILY', 'N_GIVEN', 'N_MIDDLE', 'N_PREFIX', 'N_SUFFIX', 'ADR_HOME_STREET', 'ADR_HOME_EXTADR', 'ADR_HOME_LOCALITY', 'ADR_HOME_REGION', 'ADR_HOME_PCODE', 'ADR_HOME_CTRY', 'ORG_ORGNAME', 'ORG_ORGUNIT', 'TITLE', 'ROLE', 'ADR_WORK_STREET', 'ADR_WORK_EXTADR', 'ADR_WORK_LOCALITY', 'ADR_WORK_REGION', 'ADR_WORK_PCODE', 'ADR_WORK_CTRY'] if gajim.connections[self.account].connected > 1: # clear all entries for e in entries: self.xml.get_widget(e + '_entry').set_text('') self.xml.get_widget('DESC_textview').get_buffer().set_text('') self.xml.get_widget('PHOTO_image').set_from_pixbuf(None) gajim.connections[self.account].request_vcard(self.jid) else: Error_dialog(_('You are not connected to the server'), _('Without a connection, you can not get your contact information.')).get_response() def change_to_vcard(self): self.xml.get_widget('information_notebook').remove_page(0) self.xml.get_widget('nickname_label').set_text('Personal details') information_hbuttonbox = self.xml.get_widget('information_hbuttonbox') #publish button button = gtk.Button(stock = gtk.STOCK_GOTO_TOP) button.get_children()[0].get_children()[0].get_children()[1].set_text( _('Publish')) button.connect('clicked', self.on_publish_button_clicked) button.show_all() information_hbuttonbox.pack_start(button) #retrieve button button = gtk.Button(stock = gtk.STOCK_GOTO_BOTTOM) button.get_children()[0].get_children()[0].get_children()[1].set_text( _('Retrieve')) button.connect('clicked', self.on_retrieve_button_clicked) button.show_all() information_hbuttonbox.pack_start(button) #close button at the end button = self.xml.get_widget('close_button') information_hbuttonbox.reorder_child(button, 2) #photo_vbuttonbox visible self.xml.get_widget('photo_vbuttonbox').show() #make all entries editable entries = ['FN', 'NICKNAME', 'BDAY', 'EMAIL_HOME_USERID', 'URL', 'TEL_HOME_NUMBER', 'N_FAMILY', 'N_GIVEN', 'N_MIDDLE', 'N_PREFIX', 'N_SUFFIX', 'ADR_HOME_STREET', 'ADR_HOME_EXTADR', 'ADR_HOME_LOCALITY', 'ADR_HOME_REGION', 'ADR_HOME_PCODE', 'ADR_HOME_CTRY', 'ORG_ORGNAME', 'ORG_ORGUNIT', 'TITLE', 'ROLE', 'ADR_WORK_STREET', 'ADR_WORK_EXTADR', 'ADR_WORK_LOCALITY', 'ADR_WORK_REGION', 'ADR_WORK_PCODE', 'ADR_WORK_CTRY'] for e in entries: self.xml.get_widget(e + '_entry').set_property('editable', True) description_textview = self.xml.get_widget('DESC_textview') description_textview.set_editable(True) description_textview.set_cursor_visible(True) #the user variable is the jid if vcard is true def __init__(self, user, plugin, account, vcard = False): self.xml = gtk.glade.XML(GTKGUI_GLADE, 'vcard_information_window', APP) self.window = self.xml.get_widget('vcard_information_window') self.xml.get_widget('photo_vbuttonbox').set_no_show_all(True) self.plugin = plugin self.user = user #don't use it if vcard is true self.account = account self.vcard = vcard self.avatar_mime_type = None self.avatar_encoded = None if vcard: self.jid = user self.change_to_vcard() else: self.jid = user.jid self.fill_jabber_page() self.xml.signal_autoconnect(self) self.window.show_all()