## setup_osx.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2007 James Newton ## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Yann Leboulanger ## Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see . ## """ Usage: python setup_osx.py [build | dist] """ from setuptools import setup import sys, glob, os, commands, types from os import system, unlink, symlink, getcwd, mkdir, utime from shutil import move, copy, copytree, rmtree ### ### Globals ### GTK_DIR="/Library/Frameworks/GTK+.framework/Versions/Current" NAME = 'Gajim' VERSION = '0.12-alpha1' DESCRIPTION = 'A full featured Jabber client' AUTHOR = 'Gajim Development Team' URL = 'http://www.gajim.org/' DOWNLOAD_URL = 'http://www.gajim.org/downloads.php' LICENSE = 'GPL' PWD = getcwd() APP_RS = "dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Resources" GAJIM_SCRIPT = \ '#!/bin/bash \n\ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/lib \n\ export PATH=%s/bin:$PATH \n\ export PYTHONPATH=%s/lib/python2.5/site-packages:%s/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0 \n\ exec ${0}.bin \n\ ' % (GTK_DIR, GTK_DIR, GTK_DIR, GTK_DIR) GAJIM_REMOTE_SCRIPT = \ '#!/bin/bash \n\ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s/lib \n\ TOPDIR=${0%%/MacOS/gajim-remote} \n\ echo "${TOPDIR}" | grep -e "^/" \n\ [ $? -ne 0 ] && TOPDIR=`pwd`/${TOPDIR} \n\ export RESOURCEPATH=${TOPDIR}/Resources \n\ export PYTHONHOME=${RESOURCEPATH}/lib/python2.5 \n\ export PYTHONPATH=${RESOURCEPATH}/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload:${RESOURCEPATH}/lib/python2.5/site-packages.zip:${PYTHONPATH} \n\ cd ${RESOURCEPATH} \n\ exec ${TOPDIR}/MacOS/Python ${RESOURCEPATH}/gajim-remote.py $* \n\ ' % GTK_DIR ### ### Functions ### def check(ret): if type(ret) == types.ListType: if ret[0] != 0: raise Exception("Command failed: " + ret[1]) elif type(ret) == types.IntType: if ret != 0: raise Exception("Command failed") return def force(func): try: func() except Exception: pass return def writeScript(filename, contents): script = file(filename, "w+") script.write(contents) script.close() system("chmod +x %s" % filename) return def cleanup(): force(lambda:rmtree("build")) force(lambda:rmtree("dist")) def stageInstall(): check(system("make DATADIR=%s/build/inst LIBDIR=%s/build/inst prefix=%s/build/inst DOCDIR=%s/build/inst/share/doc install" % (PWD, PWD, PWD, PWD))) force(lambda:unlink("src/osx/growl/_growl.so")) force(lambda:unlink("src/osx/growl/_growlImage.so")) force(lambda:unlink("src/osx/idle.so")) force(lambda:unlink("src/osx/nsapp.so")) force(lambda:unlink("src/osx/syncmenu.so")) force(lambda:unlink("src/gtkspell.so")) symlink("%s/build/inst/lib/gajim/_growl.so" % PWD, "src/osx/growl/_growl.so") symlink("%s/build/inst/lib/gajim/_growlImage.so" % PWD, "src/osx/growl/_growlImage.so") symlink("%s/build/inst/lib/gajim/idle.so" % PWD, "src/osx/idle.so") symlink("%s/build/inst/lib/gajim/nsapp.so" % PWD, "src/osx/nsapp.so") symlink("%s/build/inst/lib/gajim/syncmenu.so" % PWD, "src/osx/syncmenu.so") if os.path.isfile("build/inst/lib/gajim/gtkspell.so"): symlink("%s/build/inst/lib/gajim/gtkspell.so" % PWD, "src/gtkspell.so") return def buildApp(): sys.path.append('src') sys.path.append(GTK_DIR + "/lib/python2.5/site-packages") sys.path.append(GTK_DIR + "/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gtk-2.0") OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation':True, 'excludes':'docutils,Crypto,dbus,OpenSSL,cairo,gtk,gobject,atk,pangocairo', 'iconfile':'data/pixmaps/gajim.icns', 'includes':'osx,ConfigParser,compiler,UserString,history_manager', 'plist':{'LSMinimumSystemVersion':'10.4.0', 'NSHumanReadableCopyright':'GNU General Public License', 'CFBundleIdentifier':'org.gajim', 'NSMainNibFile':'Gajim', }, } setup( name = NAME, version = VERSION, description = DESCRIPTION, author = AUTHOR, url = URL, download_url = DOWNLOAD_URL, license = LICENSE, app=['src/gajim.py'], data_files=['data/nibs/Gajim.nib'], options={'py2app': OPTIONS}, setup_requires=['py2app'], ) return def setupPrep(): copy("src/osx/prep_py2app.py", APP_RS) move("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", "dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py.org") new = file("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", "w+") org = file("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py.org") for line in org: new.write(line) if (('site.addsitedir' in line) and ('Python' in line)): new.write(" import prep_py2app\n") new.close() org.close() unlink("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py.org") return def finishApp(): # setup gajim dirs copytree("build/inst/share/gajim/data", APP_RS + "/data") copy("data/pixmaps/gajim.icns", APP_RS + "/data/pixmaps") copytree("build/inst/share/locale", APP_RS + "/locale") copytree("build/inst/share/man", APP_RS + "/man") force(lambda:unlink("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/data")) symlink("Resources/data", "dist/Gajim.app/Contents/data") copy("src/gajim-remote.py", "dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Resources") # Nuke libs that are in the framework move("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework", "dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Python.framework") rmtree("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Frameworks") mkdir("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Frameworks") move("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Python.framework", "dist/Gajim.app/Contents/Frameworks/Python.framework") # Adjust the running of the app move("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/MacOS/Gajim", "dist/Gajim.app/Contents/MacOS/Gajim.bin") writeScript("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/MacOS/Gajim", GAJIM_SCRIPT) setupPrep() # Setup the gajim-remote script writeScript("dist/Gajim.app/Contents/MacOS/gajim-remote", GAJIM_REMOTE_SCRIPT) # Touch the top dir so Finder knows to update its idea of this bundle utime("dist/Gajim.app", None) return def distApp(): force(lambda:rmtree("dist/Gajim")) force(lambda:rmtree("dist/Gajim.tar.bz2")) mkdir("dist/Gajim") check(system("tar -cf - -C dist Gajim.app | tar -xf - -C dist/Gajim")) copy("README.osx", "dist/Gajim/README") copy("TODO.osx", "dist/Gajim/TODO") check(system("tar -C dist -jcf dist/Gajim-OSX-`date | awk '{printf(\"%s-%s-%s\", $6, $2, $3);}'`.tar.bz2 Gajim")) rmtree("dist/Gajim") return ### ### Start ### if ((len(sys.argv) != 2) or ((sys.argv[1] != "build") and (sys.argv[1] != "dist"))): print "usage: python setup_osx.py [build]" print " or: python setup_osx.py [dist]" sys.exit(1) elif sys.argv[1] == "build": sys.argv[1] = "py2app" sys.argv.append('--use-pythonpath') cleanup() stageInstall() buildApp() finishApp() elif sys.argv[1] == "dist": distApp() # vim: se ts=3: