Welcome and thanks for trying out Gajim. =RUNTIME REQUIREMENTS= python2.4 (python2.3 should work too) pygtk2.5 or higher (NOTE: pygtk2.5 is devel so pygtk2.6 in case of problems) python-libglade some distros also split too much python standard library. I know SUSE does. In such distros you also need python-xml the xml lib that *comes* with python and not pyxml or whatever =COMPILE-TIME REQUIREMENTS= python-dev python-gtk2-dev libgtk2.0-dev # aka. gtk2-devel libxss-dev # for idle detection module (Some distributions (f.e. Debian) split xscreensaver) libgtkspell-dev # for gtkspell module intltool NOTE: if you still have problems compiling, you may want to try removing the gtk1 series of the above dependencies Optionally: dnspython or pydns for SRV support; if you don't know what that is, you don't need it gtkspell and aspell-LANG where lang is your locale eg. en, fr etc GnomePythonExtras 2.10 or above so you can avoid compiling trayicon and gtkspell NOTE TO PACKAGERS: Gajim is a GTK+ app and not a gnome one. Just do 'make' so you don't require gnomepythonextras which is gnome dep =INSTALLATION PROCEDURE= tar jxvf gajim-version.tar.bz2 cd gajim make # builds all modules su -c make install To specify what modules to build do: make help To specify where to install do: su -c make PREFIX=custom_path install =RUNNING GAJIM= gajim or if you didn't 'make install' you can also run from gajim folder with ./launch.sh Last but not least, you can run Gajim from your GNOME/XFCE/KDE/whatever menus. =UNINSTALLATION PROCEDURE= su -c make uninstall this will try to remove Gajim from the default directories. If you want to remove it from custom directory provide it as: make PREFIX=custom_path uninstall =MISCELLANEOUS= XML & Debugging: If you want to see the xml stanzas and/or help us debugging you're advised to enable verbose via advanced configuration window. If you don't want to make this permanent, execute gajim with --verbose everytime you want to have verbose output. Cannot join room with password: please read the FAQ for the reply on this issue =FAQ/Wiki= FAQ can be found at http://trac.gajim.org/wiki/GajimFaq Wiki can be found at http://trac.gajim.org/wiki That is all, enjoy! (C) 2003-2005 The Gajim Team http://gajim.org PS. we use original art and parts of sounds and other art from Psi, Gossip If you think we're violating a license please inform us