# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Alexander Cherniuk <ts33kr@gmail.com> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Provides an actual implementation for the standard commands. """ from time import localtime, strftime from datetime import date from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.common.const import KindConstant from gajim.command_system.errors import CommandError from gajim.command_system.framework import CommandContainer, command, doc from gajim.command_system.mapping import generate_usage from gajim.command_system.implementation.hosts import ChatCommands, PrivateChatCommands, GroupChatCommands class StandardCommonCommands(CommandContainer): """ This command container contains standard commands which are common to all - chat, private chat, group chat. """ AUTOMATIC = True HOSTS = ChatCommands, PrivateChatCommands, GroupChatCommands @command(overlap=True) @doc(_("Show help on a given command or a list of available commands if -a is given")) def help(self, cmd=None, all_=False): if cmd: cmd = self.get_command(cmd) documentation = _(cmd.extract_documentation()) usage = generate_usage(cmd) text = [] if documentation: text.append(documentation) if cmd.usage: text.append(usage) return '\n\n'.join(text) if all_: for cmd_ in self.list_commands(): names = ', '.join(cmd_.names) description = cmd_.extract_description() self.echo("%s - %s" % (names, description)) else: help_ = self.get_command('help') self.echo(help_(self, 'help')) @command(raw=True) @doc(_("Send a message to the contact")) def say(self, message): self.send(message) @command(raw=True) @doc(_("Send action (in the third person) to the current chat")) def me(self, action): self.send("/me %s" % action) @command('lastlog', overlap=True) @doc(_("Show logged messages which mention given text")) def grep(self, text, limit=None): results = app.logger.search_log(self.account, self.contact.jid, text) if not results: raise CommandError(_("%s: Nothing found") % text) if limit: try: results = results[len(results) - int(limit):] except ValueError: raise CommandError(_("Limit must be an integer")) for row in results: contact = row.contact_name if not contact: if row.kind == KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_SENT: contact = app.nicks[self.account] else: contact = self.contact.name time_obj = localtime(row.time) date_obj = date.fromtimestamp(row.time) date_ = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time_obj) time_ = strftime('%H:%M:%S', time_obj) if date_obj == date.today(): formatted = "[%s] %s: %s" % (time_, contact, row.message) else: formatted = "[%s, %s] %s: %s" % (date_, time_, contact, row.message) self.echo(formatted) @command(raw=True, empty=True) #Do not translate online, away, chat, xa, dnd @doc(_(""" Set the current status Status can be given as one of the following values: online, away, chat, xa, dnd. """)) def status(self, status, message): if status not in ('online', 'away', 'chat', 'xa', 'dnd'): raise CommandError("Invalid status given") for connection in app.connections.values(): if not app.config.get_per('accounts', connection.name, 'sync_with_global_status'): continue if connection.connected < 2: continue connection.change_status(status, message) @command(raw=True, empty=True) @doc(_("Set the current status to away")) def away(self, message): if not message: message = _("Away") for connection in app.connections.values(): if not app.config.get_per('accounts', connection.name, 'sync_with_global_status'): continue if connection.connected < 2: continue connection.change_status('away', message) @command('back', raw=True, empty=True) @doc(_("Set the current status to online")) def online(self, message): if not message: message = _("Available") for connection in app.connections.values(): if not app.config.get_per('accounts', connection.name, 'sync_with_global_status'): continue if connection.connected < 2: continue connection.change_status('online', message) class StandardCommonChatCommands(CommandContainer): """ This command container contains standard commands, which are common to a chat and a private chat only. """ AUTOMATIC = True HOSTS = ChatCommands, PrivateChatCommands @command @doc(_("Clear the text window")) def clear(self): self.conv_textview.clear() @command @doc(_("Send a ping to the contact")) def ping(self): if self.account == app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME: raise CommandError(_('Command is not supported for zeroconf accounts')) app.connections[self.account].get_module('Ping').send_ping(self.contact) @command @doc(_("Send DTMF sequence through an open audio session")) def dtmf(self, sequence): if not self.audio_sid: raise CommandError(_("No open audio sessions with the contact")) for tone in sequence: if not (tone in ("*", "#") or tone.isdigit()): raise CommandError(_("%s is not a valid tone") % tone) gjs = self.connection.get_jingle_session session = gjs(self.full_jid, self.audio_sid) content = session.get_content("audio") content.batch_dtmf(sequence) @command @doc(_("Toggle audio session")) def audio(self): if not self.audio_available: raise CommandError(_("Audio sessions are not available")) # An audio session is toggled by inverting the state of the # appropriate button. state = self._audio_button.get_active() self._audio_button.set_active(not state) @command @doc(_("Toggle video session")) def video(self): if not self.video_available: raise CommandError(_("Video sessions are not available")) # A video session is toggled by inverting the state of the # appropriate button. state = self._video_button.get_active() self._video_button.set_active(not state) @command(raw=True) @doc(_("Send a message to the contact that will attract their attention")) def attention(self, message): self.send_message(message, process_commands=False, attention=True) class StandardChatCommands(CommandContainer): """ This command container contains standard commands which are unique to a chat. """ AUTOMATIC = True HOSTS = (ChatCommands,) class StandardPrivateChatCommands(CommandContainer): """ This command container contains standard commands which are unique to a private chat. """ AUTOMATIC = True HOSTS = (PrivateChatCommands,) class StandardGroupChatCommands(CommandContainer): """ This command container contains standard commands which are unique to a group chat. """ AUTOMATIC = True HOSTS = (GroupChatCommands,) @command @doc(_("Clear the text window")) def clear(self): self.conv_textview.clear() self.gc_count_nicknames_colors = -1 self.gc_custom_colors = {} @command(raw=True) @doc(_("Change your nickname in a group chat")) def nick(self, new_nick): try: new_nick = helpers.parse_resource(new_nick) except Exception: raise CommandError(_("Invalid nickname")) self.connection.join_gc(new_nick, self.room_jid, None, change_nick=True) self.new_nick = new_nick @command('query', raw=True) @doc(_("Open a private chat window with a specified occupant")) def chat(self, nick): nicks = app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid) if nick in nicks: self.on_send_pm(nick=nick) else: raise CommandError(_("Nickname not found")) @command('msg', raw=True) @doc(_("Open a private chat window with a specified occupant and send him a message")) def message(self, nick, a_message): nicks = app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid) if nick in nicks: self.on_send_pm(nick=nick, msg=a_message) else: raise CommandError(_("Nickname not found")) @command(raw=True, empty=True) @doc(_("Display or change a group chat topic")) def topic(self, new_topic): if new_topic: self.connection.get_module('MUC').set_subject( self.room_jid, new_topic) else: return self.subject @command(raw=True, empty=True) @doc(_("Invite a user to a room for a reason")) def invite(self, jid, reason): self.connection.get_module('MUC').invite(self.room_jid, jid, reason) return _("Invited %(jid)s to %(room_jid)s") % {'jid': jid, 'room_jid': self.room_jid} @command(raw=True, empty=True) @doc(_("Join a group chat given by a JID")) def join(self, jid): if '@' not in jid: jid = jid + '@' + app.get_server_from_jid(self.room_jid) app.interface.join_gc_minimal(self.account, room_jid=jid) @command('part', 'close', raw=True, empty=True) @doc(_("Leave the groupchat, optionally giving a reason, and close tab or window")) def leave(self, reason): self.parent_win.remove_tab(self, self.parent_win.CLOSE_COMMAND, reason) @command(raw=True, empty=True) @doc(_(""" Ban user by a nick or a JID from a groupchat If given nickname is not found it will be treated as a JID. """)) def ban(self, who, reason=''): if who in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, who) who = contact.jid self.connection.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {who: {'affiliation': 'outcast', 'reason': reason}}) @command(raw=True, empty=True) @doc(_("Kick user by a nick from a groupchat")) def kick(self, who, reason): if not who in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): raise CommandError(_("Nickname not found")) self.connection.get_module('MUC').set_role( self.room_jid, who, 'none', reason or str()) @command(raw=True) #Do not translate moderator, participant, visitor, none @doc(_("""Set occupant role in group chat. Role can be given as one of the following values: moderator, participant, visitor, none""")) def role(self, who, role): if role not in ('moderator', 'participant', 'visitor', 'none'): raise CommandError(_("Invalid role given")) if not who in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): raise CommandError(_("Nickname not found")) self.connection.get_module('MUC').set_role(self.room_jid, who, role) @command(raw=True) #Do not translate owner, admin, member, outcast, none @doc(_("""Set occupant affiliation in group chat. Affiliation can be given as one of the following values: owner, admin, member, outcast, none""")) def affiliate(self, who, affiliation): if affiliation not in ('owner', 'admin', 'member', 'outcast', 'none'): raise CommandError(_("Invalid affiliation given")) if who not in app.contacts.get_nick_list(self.account, self.room_jid): raise CommandError(_("Nickname not found")) contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, who) self.connection.get_module('MUC').set_affiliation( self.room_jid, {contact.jid: {'affiliation': affiliation}}) @command @doc(_("Display names of all group chat occupants")) def names(self, verbose=False): ggc = app.contacts.get_gc_contact gnl = app.contacts.get_nick_list get_contact = lambda nick: ggc(self.account, self.room_jid, nick) get_role = lambda nick: get_contact(nick).role nicks = gnl(self.account, self.room_jid) nicks = sorted(nicks) nicks = sorted(nicks, key=get_role) if not verbose: return ", ".join(nicks) for nick in nicks: contact = get_contact(nick) role = helpers.get_uf_role(contact.role) affiliation = helpers.get_uf_affiliation(contact.affiliation) self.echo("%s - %s - %s" % (nick, role, affiliation)) @command('ignore', raw=True) @doc(_("Forbid an occupant to send you public or private messages")) def block(self, who): self.on_block(None, who) @command('unignore', raw=True) @doc(_("Allow an occupant to send you public or private messages")) def unblock(self, who): self.on_unblock(None, who) @command @doc(_("Send a ping to the contact")) def ping(self, nick): if self.account == app.ZEROCONF_ACC_NAME: raise CommandError(_('Command is not supported for zeroconf accounts')) gc_c = app.contacts.get_gc_contact(self.account, self.room_jid, nick) app.connections[self.account].get_module('Ping').send_ping(gc_c)