## src/common/proxy65_manager.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov ## Jean-Marie Traissard ## Copyright (C) 2007 Yann Leboulanger ## Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Schleifer ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see . ## import socket import struct import errno import common.xmpp from common import gajim from common import helpers from socks5 import Socks5 from common.xmpp.idlequeue import IdleObject S_INITIAL = 0 S_STARTED = 1 S_RESOLVED = 2 S_ACTIVATED = 3 S_FINISHED = 4 CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 20 class Proxy65Manager: ''' keep records for file transfer proxies. Each time account establishes a connection to its server call proxy65manger.resolve(proxy) for every proxy that is convigured within the account. The class takes care to resolve and test each proxy only once.''' def __init__(self, idlequeue): # dict {proxy: proxy properties} self.idlequeue = idlequeue self.proxies = {} # dict {account: proxy} default proxy for account self.default_proxies = {} def resolve(self, proxy, connection, default = None): ''' start ''' if self.proxies.has_key(proxy): resolver = self.proxies[proxy] else: # proxy is being ressolved for the first time resolver = ProxyResolver(proxy) self.proxies[proxy] = resolver resolver.add_connection(connection) if default: # add this proxy as default for account self.default_proxies[default] = proxy def disconnect(self, connection): for resolver in self.proxies.values(): resolver.disconnect(connection) def resolve_result(self, proxy, query): if not self.proxies.has_key(proxy): return jid = None for item in query.getChildren(): if item.getName() == 'streamhost': host = item.getAttr('host') port = item.getAttr('port') jid = item.getAttr('jid') self.proxies[proxy].resolve_result(host, port, jid) # we can have only one streamhost raise common.xmpp.NodeProcessed def error_cb(self, proxy, query): sid = query.getAttr('sid') for resolver in self.proxies.values(): if resolver.sid == sid: resolver.keep_conf() break def get_default_for_name(self, account): if self.default_proxies.has_key(account): return self.default_proxies[account] def get_proxy(self, proxy, account): if self.proxies.has_key(proxy): resolver = self.proxies[proxy] if resolver.state == S_FINISHED: return (resolver.host, resolver.port, resolver.jid) return (None, 0, None) class ProxyResolver: def resolve_result(self, host, port, jid): ''' test if host has a real proxy65 listening on port ''' self.host = unicode(host) self.port = int(port) self.jid = unicode(jid) self.state = S_RESOLVED self.host_tester = HostTester(self.host, self.port, self.jid, self._on_connect_success, self._on_connect_failure) self.host_tester.connect() def _on_connect_success(self): iq = common.xmpp.Protocol(name = 'iq', to = self.jid, typ = 'set') query = iq.setTag('query') query.setNamespace(common.xmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM) query.setAttr('sid', self.sid) activate = query.setTag('activate') activate.setData(self.jid + "/" + self.sid) if self.active_connection: self.active_connection.send(iq) self.state = S_ACTIVATED else: self.state = S_INITIAL def keep_conf(self): self.state = S_FINISHED def _on_connect_failure(self): self.state = S_FINISHED self.host = None self.port = 0 self.jid = None def disconnect(self, connection): if self.host_tester: self.host_tester.disconnect() self.host_tester = None try: self.connections.remove(connection) except ValueError: pass if connection == self.active_connection: self.active_connection = None if self.state != S_FINISHED: self.state = S_INITIAL self.try_next_connection() def try_next_connection(self): ''' try to resolve proxy with the next possible connection ''' if self.connections: connection = self.connections.pop(0) self.start_resolve(connection) def add_connection(self, connection): ''' add a new connection in case the first fails ''' self.connections.append(connection) if self.state == S_INITIAL: self.start_resolve(connection) def start_resolve(self, connection): ''' request network address from proxy ''' self.state = S_STARTED self.active_connection = connection iq = common.xmpp.Protocol(name = 'iq', to = self.proxy, typ = 'get') query = iq.setTag('query') query.setNamespace(common.xmpp.NS_BYTESTREAM) connection.send(iq) def __init__(self, proxy): self.proxy = proxy self.state = S_INITIAL self.active_connection = None self.connections = [] self.host_tester = None self.jid = None self.host = None self.port = None self.sid = helpers.get_random_string_16() class HostTester(Socks5, IdleObject): ''' fake proxy tester. ''' def __init__(self, host, port, jid, on_success, on_failure): ''' try to establish and auth to proxy at (host, port) call on_success, or on_failure according to the result''' self.host = host self.port = port self.jid = jid self.on_success = on_success self.on_failure = on_failure self._sock = None self.file_props = {} Socks5.__init__(self, gajim.idlequeue, host, port, None, None, None) def connect(self): ''' create the socket and plug it to the idlequeue ''' if self.host is None: self.on_failure() return None self._sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._sock.setblocking(False) self.fd = self._sock.fileno() self.state = 0 # about to be connected gajim.idlequeue.plug_idle(self, True, False) self.do_connect() self.idlequeue.set_read_timeout(self.fd, CONNECT_TIMEOUT) return None def read_timeout(self): self.idlequeue.remove_timeout(self.fd) self.pollend() def pollend(self): self.disconnect() self.on_failure() def pollout(self): self.idlequeue.remove_timeout(self.fd) if self.state == 0: self.do_connect() return elif self.state == 1: # send initially: version and auth types data = self._get_auth_buff() self.send_raw(data) else: return self.state += 1 # unplug and plug for reading gajim.idlequeue.plug_idle(self, False, True) gajim.idlequeue.set_read_timeout(self.fd, CONNECT_TIMEOUT) def pollin(self): self.idlequeue.remove_timeout(self.fd) if self.state == 2: self.idlequeue.set_read_timeout(self.fd, CONNECT_TIMEOUT) # begin negotiation. on success 'address' != 0 buff = self.receive() if buff == '': # end connection self.pollend() return # read auth response if buff is None or len(buff) != 2: return None version, method = struct.unpack('!BB', buff[:2]) if version != 0x05 or method == 0xff: self.pollend() self.disconnect() self.on_success() else: self.disconnect() def do_connect(self): try: self._sock.connect((self.host, self.port)) self._sock.setblocking(False) self._send=self._sock.send self._recv=self._sock.recv except Exception, ee: (errnum, errstr) = ee # 56 is for freebsd if errnum in (errno.EINPROGRESS, errno.EALREADY, errno.EWOULDBLOCK): # still trying to connect return # win32 needs this if errnum not in (0, 10056, errno.EISCONN): # connection failed self.on_failure() return # socket is already connected self._sock.setblocking(False) self._send=self._sock.send self._recv=self._sock.recv self.buff = '' self.state = 1 # connected self.idlequeue.plug_idle(self, True, False) return # vim: se ts=3: