## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ''' Handles the jingle signalling protocol. ''' import gajim import xmpp import meta class JingleStates(object): ''' States in which jingle session may exist. ''' ended=0 pending=1 active=2 class Exception(object): pass class WrongState(Exception): pass class NoCommonCodec(Exception): pass class JingleSession(object): ''' This represents one jingle session. ''' __metaclass__=meta.VerboseClassType def __init__(self, con, weinitiate, jid): ''' con -- connection object, weinitiate -- boolean, are we the initiator? jid - jid of the other entity''' self.contents={} # negotiated contents self.connection=con # connection to use # our full jid self.ourjid=gajim.get_jid_from_account(self.connection.name)+'/'+con.server_resource self.peerjid=jid # jid we connect to # jid we use as the initiator self.initiator=weinitiate and self.ourjid or self.peerjid # jid we use as the responder self.responder=weinitiate and self.peerjid or self.ourjid # are we an initiator? self.weinitiate=weinitiate # what state is session in? (one from JingleStates) self.state=JingleStates.ended self.sid=con.connection.getAnID() # sessionid # callbacks to call on proper contents # use .prepend() to add new callbacks self.callbacks=dict((key, [self.__defaultCB]) for key in ('content-add', 'content-modify', 'content-remove', 'session-accept', 'session-info', 'session-initiate', 'session-terminate', 'transport-info')) self.callbacks['iq-result']=[] self.callbacks['iq-error']=[] self.callbacks['content-accept']=[self.__contentAcceptCB, self.__defaultCB] ''' Middle-level functions to manage contents. Handle local content cache and send change notifications. ''' def addContent(self, name, content, initiator='we'): ''' Add new content to session. If the session is active, this will send proper stanza to update session. The protocol prohibits changing that when pending. Initiator must be one of ('we', 'peer', 'initiator', 'responder')''' if self.state==JingleStates.pending: raise WrongState if (initiator=='we' and self.weinitiate) or (initiator=='peer' and not self.weinitiate): initiator='initiator' elif (initiator=='peer' and self.weinitiate) or (initiator=='we' and not self.weinitiate): initiator='responder' content.creator = initiator content.name = name self.contents[(initiator,name)]=content if self.state==JingleStates.active: pass # TODO: send proper stanza, shouldn't be needed now def removeContent(self, creator, name): ''' We do not need this now ''' pass def modifyContent(self, creator, name, *someother): ''' We do not need this now ''' pass ''' Middle-level function to do stanza exchange. ''' def startSession(self): ''' Start session. ''' self.__sessionInitiate(self) def sendSessionInfo(self): pass def sendTransportInfo(self): pass ''' Callbacks. ''' def stanzaCB(self, stanza): ''' A callback for ConnectionJingle. It gets stanza, then tries to send it to all internally registered callbacks. First one to raise xmpp.NodeProcessed breaks function.''' jingle = stanza.getTag('jingle') error = stanza.getTag('error') if error: # it's an iq-error stanza callables = 'iq-error' elif jingle: # it's a jingle action action = jingle.getAttr('action') callables = action else: # it's an iq-result (ack) stanza callables = 'iq-result' callables = self.callbacks[callables] try: for callable in callables: callable(stanza=stanza, jingle=jingle, error=error) except xmpp.NodeProcessed: pass def __defaultCB(self, stanza, jingle, error): ''' Default callback for action stanzas -- simple ack and stop processing. ''' response = stanza.buildReply('result') self.connection.send(response) raise xmpp.NodeProcessed def __contentAcceptCB(self, stanza, jingle, error): ''' Called when we get content-accept stanza or equivalent one (like session-accept).''' # check which contents are accepted, call their callbacks for content in jingle.iterTags('content'): creator = content['creator'] name = content['name'] ''' Methods that make/send proper pieces of XML. They check if the session is in appropriate state. ''' def __makeJingle(self, action): stanza = xmpp.Iq(typ='set', to=xmpp.JID(self.jid)) jingle = stanza.addChild('jingle', attrs={ 'xmlns': 'http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0166.html#ns', 'action': action, 'initiator': self.initiator, 'responder': self.responder, 'sid': self.sid}) return stanza, jingle def __appendContent(self, jingle, content, full=True): ''' Append element to element, with (full=True) or without (full=False) children. ''' if full: jingle.addChild(node=content.toXML()) else: jingle.addChild('content', attrs={'name': content.name, 'creator': content.creator}) return c def __appendContents(self, jingle, full=True): ''' Append all elements to .''' # TODO: integrate with __appendContent? # TODO: parameters 'name', 'content'? for content in self.contents.values(): self.__appendContent(jingle, content, full=full) def __sessionInitiate(self): assert self.state==JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__makeJingle('session-initiate') self.__appendContents(jingle) self.connection.send(jingle) def __sessionAccept(self): assert self.state==JingleStates.pending stanza, jingle = self.__jingle('session-accept') self.__appendContents(jingle, False) self.connection.send(stanza) self.state=JingleStates.active def __sessionInfo(self, payload=None): assert self.state!=JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__jingle('session-info') if payload: jingle.addChild(node=payload) self.connection.send(stanza) def __sessionTerminate(self): assert self.state!=JingleStates.ended stanza, jingle = self.__jingle('session-terminate') self.connection.send(stanza) def __contentAdd(self): assert self.state==JingleStates.active def __contentAccept(self): assert self.state!=JingleStates.ended def __contentModify(self): assert self.state!=JingleStates.ended def __contentRemove(self): assert self.state!=JingleStates.ended def __transportInfo(self): assert self.state!=JingleStates.ended '''Callbacks''' def sessionInitiateCB(self, stanza): ''' We got a jingle session request from other entity, therefore we are the receiver... Unpack the data. ''' jingle = stanza.getTag('jingle') self.initiator = jingle['initiator'] self.responder = self.ourjid self.jid = self.initiator self.state = JingleStates.pending self.sid = jingle['sid'] for element in jingle.iterTags('content'): content={'creator': 'initiator', 'name': element['name'], 'description': element.getTag('description'), 'transport': element.getTag('transport')} if element.has_attr('profile'): content['profile']=element['profile'] self.contents[('initiator', content['name'])]=content def sessionTerminateCB(self, stanza): pass class JingleAudioSession(object): __metaclass__=meta.VerboseClassType class Codec(object): ''' This class keeps description of a single codec. ''' def __init__(self, name, id=None, **params): ''' Create new codec description. ''' self.name = name self.id = id self.attrs = {'name': self.name, 'id': self.id, 'channels': 1} for key in ('channels', 'clockrate', 'maxptime', 'ptime'): if key in params: self.attrs[key]=params[key] del params[key] self.params = params def __eq__(a, b): ''' Compare two codec descriptions. ''' # TODO: check out what should be tested... if a.name!=b.name: return False # ... return True def toXML(self): return xmpp.Node('payload', attrs=self.attrs, payload=(xmpp.Node('parameter', {'name': k, 'value': v}) for k,v in self.params)) def __init__(self, content): self.content = content self.initiator_codecs=[] self.responder_codecs=[] def sessionInitiateCB(self, stanza, ourcontent): pass ''' "Negotiation" of codecs... simply presenting what *we* can do, nothing more... ''' def getOurCodecs(self, other=None): ''' Get a list of codecs we support. Try to get them in the same order as the codecs of our peer. If other!=None, raise a NoCommonCodec error if no codecs both sides support (None means we are initiating the connection and we don't know the other peer's codecs.) ''' # for now we "understand" only one codec -- speex with clockrate 16000 # so we have an easy job to do... (codecs sorted in order of preference) supported_codecs=[ Codec('speex', clockrate='16000'), ] other_l = other if other is not None else [] our_l = supported_codecs[:] out = [] ids = range(128) for codec in other: if codec in our_l: out.append(codec) our_l.remove(codec) try: ids.remove(codec.id) except ValueError: pass # when id is not a dynamic one if other is not None and len(out)==0: raise NoCommonCodec for codec in our_l: if not codec.id or codec.id not in ids: codec.id = ids.pop() out.append(codec) return out ''' Methods for making proper pieces of XML. ''' def __codecsList(self, codecs): ''' Prepares a description element with codecs given as a parameter. ''' return xmpp.Node('description', xmlns=xmpp.NS_JINGLE_AUDIO, payload=(codec.toXML() for codec in codecs)) def toXML(self): if not self.initiator_codecs: # we are the initiator, so just send our codecs self.initiator_codecs = self.getOurCodecs() return self.__codecsList(self.initiator_codecs) else: # we are the responder, we SHOULD adjust our codec list self.responder_codecs = self.getOurCodecs(self.initiator_codecs) return self.__codecsList(self.responder_codecs) class JingleICEUDPSession(object): __metaclass__=meta.VerboseClassType def __init__(self, content): self.content = content def _sessionInitiateCB(self): ''' Called when we initiate the session. ''' pass def toXML(self): ''' ICE-UDP doesn't send much in its transport stanza... ''' return xmpp.Node('transport', xmlns=xmpp.JINGLE_ICE_UDP) class JingleVoiP(object): ''' Jingle VoiP sessions consist of audio content transported over an ICE UDP protocol. ''' __metaclass__=meta.VerboseClassType def __init__(self): self.audio = JingleAudioSession(self) self.transport = JingleICEUDPSession(self) def toXML(self): ''' Return proper XML for element. ''' return xmpp.Node('content', attrs={'name': self.name, 'creator': self.creator, 'profile': 'RTP/AVP'}, childs=[self.audio.toXML(), self.transport.toXML()]) def _sessionInitiateCB(self): ''' Called when we initiate the session. ''' self.transport._sessionInitiateCB() class ConnectionJingle(object): ''' This object depends on that it is a part of Connection class. ''' def __init__(self): # dictionary: (jid, sessionid) => JingleSession object self.__sessions = {} # dictionary: (jid, iq stanza id) => JingleSession object, # one time callbacks self.__iq_responses = {} def addJingle(self, jingle): ''' Add a jingle session to a jingle stanza dispatcher jingle - a JingleSession object. ''' self.__sessions[(jingle.peerjid, jingle.sid)]=jingle def deleteJingle(self, jingle): ''' Remove a jingle session from a jingle stanza dispatcher ''' del self.__session[(jingle.peerjid, jingle.sid)] def _JingleCB(self, con, stanza): ''' The jingle stanza dispatcher. Route jingle stanza to proper JingleSession object, or create one if it is a new session. TODO: Also check if the stanza isn't an error stanza, if so route it adequatelly.''' # get data jid = stanza.getFrom() id = stanza.getID() if (jid, id) in self.__iq_responses.keys(): self.__iq_responses[(jid, id)].stanzaCB(stanza) del self.__iq_responses[(jid, id)] raise xmpp.NodeProcessed jingle = stanza.getTag('jingle') if not jingle: return sid = jingle.getAttr('sid') # do we need to create a new jingle object if (jid, sid) not in self.__sessions: # we should check its type here... newjingle = JingleAudioSession(con=self, weinitiate=False, jid=jid) self.addJingle(newjingle) # we already have such session in dispatcher... return self.__sessions[(jid, sid)].stanzaCB(stanza) def addJingleIqCallback(self, jid, id, jingle): self.__iq_responses[(jid, id)]=jingle def startVoiP(self, jid): jingle = JingleSession(self, weinitiate=True, jid=jid) self.addJingle(jingle) jingle.addContent('voice', JingleVoiP()) jingle.startSession()