## plugins/logger.py ## ## Gajim Team: ## - Yann Le Boulanger ## - Vincent Hanquez ## ## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gajim Team ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## def usage(): #TODO: use i18n print "usage :", sys.argv[0], ' [OPTION]' print " -p\tport on whitch the sock plugin listen" print " -h, --help\tdisplay this help and exit" if __name__ == "__main__": import getopt, sys, pickle, socket try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "p:h", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: # print help information and exit: usage() sys.exit(2) port = 8255 for o, a in opts: if o == '-p': port = a if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: sock.connect(('', 8255)) except: #TODO: use i18n print "unable to connect to localhost on port "+str(port) else: evp = pickle.dumps(('EXEC_PLUGIN', '', 'logger')) sock.send('<'+evp+'>') sock.close() sys.exit() import os import time import common.optparser from common import i18n LOGPATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.gajim/logs/") _ = i18n._ class plugin: def read_queue(self): while 1: while self.queueIN.empty() == 0: if self.config.has_key('lognotsep'): lognotsep = self.config['lognotsep'] else: lognotsep = 1 if self.config.has_key('lognotusr'): lognotusr = self.config['lognotusr'] else: lognotusr = 1 tim = time.time() ev = self.queueIN.get() if ev[0] == 'QUIT': print _("plugin logger stopped") return elif ev[0] == 'NOTIFY': jid = ev[2][0].split('/')[0] if jid in self.no_log_for[ev[1]]: break if ev[1] in self.no_log_for[ev[1]]: break status = ev[2][2] if not status: status = "" status = status.replace('\n', '\\n') if lognotsep == 1: fic = open(LOGPATH + "notify.log", "a") fic.write("%s:%s:%s:%s\n" % (tim, ev[2][0] + '/' + ev[2][3], \ ev[2][1], status)) fic.close() if lognotusr == 1: fic = open(LOGPATH + jid, "a") fic.write("%s:%s:%s:%s\n" % (tim, ev[2][0] + '/' + ev[2][3], \ ev[2][1], status)) fic.close() elif ev[0] == 'MSG': jid = ev[2][0].split('/')[0] if jid in self.no_log_for[ev[1]]: break if ev[1] in self.no_log_for[ev[1]]: break if not msg: msg = '' msg = ev[2][1].replace('\n', '\\n') fic = open(LOGPATH + jid, "a") t = time.mktime(ev[2][2]) fic.write("%s:recv:%s\n" % (t, msg)) fic.close() elif ev[0] == 'MSGSENT': jid = ev[2][0].split('/')[0] if jid in self.no_log_for[ev[1]]: break if ev[1] in self.no_log_for[ev[1]]: break msg = ev[2][1].replace('\n', '\\n') fic = open(LOGPATH + jid, "a") fic.write("%s:sent:%s\n" % (tim, msg)) fic.close() elif ev[0] == 'GC_MSG': msg = ev[2][1].replace('\n', '\\n') jids = ev[2][0].split('/') jid = jids[0] nick = '' if len(jids) > 1: nick = ev[2][0].split('/')[1] fic = open(LOGPATH + jid, "a") t = time.mktime(ev[2][2]) fic.write("%s:recv:%s:%s\n" % (t, nick, msg)) fic.close() elif ev[0] == 'CONFIG': if ev[2][0] == 'Logger': self.config = ev[2][1] if ev[2][0] == 'accounts': accounts = ev[2][1] self.no_log_for = {} for acct in accounts.keys(): self.no_log_for[acct] = [] if accounts[acct].has_key('no_log_for'): self.no_log_for[acct] = \ accounts[acct]['no_log_for'].split() time.sleep(0.1) def wait(self, what): """Wait for a message from Core""" #TODO: timeout, save messages that don't fit while 1: if not self.queueIN.empty(): ev = self.queueIN.get() if ev[0] == what and ev[2][0] == 'Logger': return ev[2][1] time.sleep(0.1) def __init__(self, quIN, quOUT): self.queueIN = quIN self.queueOUT = quOUT quOUT.put(('REG_MESSAGE', 'logger', ['CONFIG', 'NOTIFY', 'MSG', \ 'MSGSENT', 'GC_MSG', 'QUIT'])) quOUT.put(('ASK_CONFIG', None, ('Logger', 'Logger', {\ 'lognotsep':1, 'lognotusr':1}))) self.config = self.wait('CONFIG') quOUT.put(('ASK_CONFIG', None, ('Logger', 'accounts'))) accounts = self.wait('CONFIG') self.no_log_for = {} for acct in accounts.keys(): self.no_log_for[acct] = [] if accounts[acct].has_key('no_log_for'): self.no_log_for[acct] = \ accounts[acct]['no_log_for'].split() #create ~/.gajim/logs/ if it doesn't exist try: os.stat(os.path.expanduser("~/.gajim")) except OSError: os.mkdir(os.path.expanduser("~/.gajim")) print _("creating ~/.gajim/") try: os.stat(LOGPATH) except OSError: os.mkdir(LOGPATH) print _("creating ~/.gajim/logs/") self.read_queue() print _("plugin logger loaded")