# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import Gtk from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import ged from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.gtk import ErrorDialog from gajim.gtk.util import get_builder class AddNewContactWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow): uid_labels = {'jabber': _('Jabber ID'), 'gadu-gadu': _('GG Number'), 'icq': _('ICQ Number')} def __init__(self, account=None, jid=None, user_nick=None, group=None): Gtk.ApplicationWindow.__init__(self) self.set_application(app.app) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) self.set_show_menubar(False) self.set_resizable(False) self.set_title(_('Add Contact')) self.connect('destroy', self._on_destroy) self.connect('key-press-event', self._on_key_press) self.account = account self.adding_jid = False # fill accounts with active accounts accounts = app.get_enabled_accounts_with_labels() if not accounts: return if not account: self.account = accounts[0][0] self.xml = get_builder('add_new_contact_window.ui') self.add(self.xml.get_object('add_contact_box')) self.xml.connect_signals(self) for w in ('account_combobox', 'account_label', 'prompt_label', 'uid_label', 'uid_entry', 'protocol_combobox', 'protocol_jid_combobox', 'protocol_label', 'nickname_entry', 'message_scrolledwindow', 'save_message_checkbutton', 'register_hbox', 'add_button', 'message_textview', 'connected_label', 'group_comboboxentry', 'auto_authorize_checkbutton', 'save_message_revealer', 'nickname_label', 'group_label'): self.__dict__[w] = self.xml.get_object(w) self.subscription_table = [self.uid_label, self.uid_entry, self.nickname_label, self.nickname_entry, self.group_label, self.group_comboboxentry] self.add_button.grab_default() self.agents = {'jabber': []} self.gateway_prompt = {} # types to which we are not subscribed but account has an agent for it self.available_types = [] for acct in accounts: for j in app.contacts.get_jid_list(acct[0]): if app.jid_is_transport(j): type_ = app.get_transport_name_from_jid(j, False) if not type_: continue if type_ in self.agents: self.agents[type_].append(j) else: self.agents[type_] = [j] self.gateway_prompt[j] = {'desc': None, 'prompt': None} # Now add the one to which we can register for acct in accounts: for type_ in app.connections[acct[0]].available_transports: if type_ in self.agents: continue self.agents[type_] = [] for jid_ in app.connections[acct[0]].available_transports[type_]: if jid_ not in self.agents[type_]: self.agents[type_].append(jid_) self.gateway_prompt[jid_] = {'desc': None, 'prompt': None} self.available_types.append(type_) uf_type = {'jabber': 'XMPP', 'gadu-gadu': 'Gadu Gadu', 'icq': 'ICQ'} # Jabber as first liststore = self.protocol_combobox.get_model() liststore.append(['XMPP', 'xmpp', 'jabber']) for type_ in self.agents: if type_ == 'jabber': continue if type_ in uf_type: liststore.append([uf_type[type_], type_ + '-online', type_]) else: liststore.append([type_, type_ + '-online', type_]) if account: for service in self.agents[type_]: app.connections[account].request_gateway_prompt(service) self.protocol_combobox.set_active(0) self.auto_authorize_checkbutton.show() if jid: self.jid_escaped = True type_ = app.get_transport_name_from_jid(jid) if not type_: type_ = 'jabber' if type_ == 'jabber': self.uid_entry.set_text(jid) else: uid, transport = app.get_name_and_server_from_jid(jid) self.uid_entry.set_text(uid.replace('%', '@', 1)) # set protocol_combobox model = self.protocol_combobox.get_model() iter_ = model.get_iter_first() i = 0 while iter_: if model[iter_][2] == type_: self.protocol_combobox.set_active(i) break iter_ = model.iter_next(iter_) i += 1 # set protocol_jid_combobox self.protocol_jid_combobox.set_active(0) model = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_model() iter_ = model.get_iter_first() i = 0 while iter_: if model[iter_][0] == transport: self.protocol_jid_combobox.set_active(i) break iter_ = model.iter_next(iter_) i += 1 if user_nick: self.nickname_entry.set_text(user_nick) self.nickname_entry.grab_focus() else: self.jid_escaped = False self.uid_entry.grab_focus() group_names = [] for acct in accounts: for g in app.groups[acct[0]].keys(): if g not in helpers.special_groups and g not in group_names: group_names.append(g) group_names.sort() i = 0 for g in group_names: self.group_comboboxentry.append_text(g) if group == g: self.group_comboboxentry.set_active(i) i += 1 if len(accounts) > 1: liststore = self.account_combobox.get_model() for acc in accounts: liststore.append(acc) self.account_combobox.set_active_id(self.account) self.account_label.show() self.account_combobox.show() if len(self.agents) > 1: self.protocol_label.show() self.protocol_combobox.show() if self.account: message_buffer = self.message_textview.get_buffer() msg = helpers.from_one_line(helpers.get_subscription_request_msg( self.account)) message_buffer.set_text(msg) self.show_all() app.ged.register_event_handler('gateway-prompt-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_gateway_prompt_received) app.ged.register_event_handler('presence-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_presence_received) def _on_destroy(self, widget): app.ged.remove_event_handler('presence-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_presence_received) app.ged.remove_event_handler('gateway-prompt-received', ged.GUI1, self._nec_gateway_prompt_received) def on_register_button_clicked(self, widget): model = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_model() row = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_active() jid = model[row][0] from gajim.gtk import ServiceRegistration ServiceRegistration(self.account, jid) def _on_key_press(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape: self.destroy() def on_cancel_button_clicked(self, widget): """ When Cancel button is clicked """ self.destroy() def on_message_textbuffer_changed(self, widget): self.save_message_revealer.show() self.save_message_revealer.set_reveal_child(True) def on_add_button_clicked(self, widget): """ When Subscribe button is clicked """ jid = self.uid_entry.get_text().strip() if not jid: ErrorDialog( _('%s Missing') % self.uid_label.get_text(), _('You must supply the %s of the new contact.' % self.uid_label.get_text()) ) return model = self.protocol_combobox.get_model() row = self.protocol_combobox.get_active_iter() type_ = model[row][2] if type_ != 'jabber': model = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_model() row = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_active() transport = model[row][0] if self.account and not self.jid_escaped: self.adding_jid = (jid, transport, type_) app.connections[self.account].request_gateway_prompt( transport, jid) else: jid = jid.replace('@', '%') + '@' + transport self._add_jid(jid, type_) else: self._add_jid(jid, type_) def _add_jid(self, jid, type_): # check if jid is conform to RFC and stringprep it try: jid = helpers.parse_jid(jid) except helpers.InvalidFormat as s: pritext = _('Invalid User ID') ErrorDialog(pritext, str(s)) return # No resource in jid if jid.find('/') >= 0: pritext = _('Invalid User ID') ErrorDialog(pritext, _('The user ID must not contain a resource.')) return if jid == app.get_jid_from_account(self.account): pritext = _('Invalid User ID') ErrorDialog(pritext, _('You cannot add yourself to your roster.')) return if not app.account_is_connected(self.account): ErrorDialog( _('Account Offline'), _('Your account must be online to add new contacts.') ) return nickname = self.nickname_entry.get_text() or '' # get value of account combobox, if account was not specified if not self.account: model = self.account_combobox.get_model() index = self.account_combobox.get_active() self.account = model[index][1] # Check if jid is already in roster if jid in app.contacts.get_jid_list(self.account): c = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid(self.account, jid) if _('Not in Roster') not in c.groups and c.sub in ('both', 'to'): ErrorDialog( _('Contact already in roster'), _('This contact is already listed in your roster.')) return if type_ == 'jabber': message_buffer = self.message_textview.get_buffer() start_iter = message_buffer.get_start_iter() end_iter = message_buffer.get_end_iter() message = message_buffer.get_text(start_iter, end_iter, True) if self.save_message_checkbutton.get_active(): msg = helpers.to_one_line(message) app.config.set_per('accounts', self.account, 'subscription_request_msg', msg) else: message = '' group = self.group_comboboxentry.get_child().get_text() groups = [] if group: groups = [group] auto_auth = self.auto_authorize_checkbutton.get_active() app.interface.roster.req_sub( self, jid, message, self.account, groups=groups, nickname=nickname, auto_auth=auto_auth) self.destroy() def on_account_combobox_changed(self, widget): account = widget.get_active_id() message_buffer = self.message_textview.get_buffer() message_buffer.set_text(helpers.get_subscription_request_msg(account)) self.account = account def on_protocol_jid_combobox_changed(self, widget): model = widget.get_model() iter_ = widget.get_active_iter() if not iter_: return jid_ = model[iter_][0] model = self.protocol_combobox.get_model() iter_ = self.protocol_combobox.get_active_iter() type_ = model[iter_][2] desc = None if self.agents[type_] and jid_ in self.gateway_prompt: desc = self.gateway_prompt[jid_]['desc'] if desc: self.prompt_label.set_markup(desc) self.prompt_label.show() else: self.prompt_label.hide() prompt = None if self.agents[type_] and jid_ in self.gateway_prompt: prompt = self.gateway_prompt[jid_]['prompt'] if not prompt: if type_ in self.uid_labels: prompt = self.uid_labels[type_] else: prompt = _('User ID:') self.uid_label.set_text(prompt) def on_protocol_combobox_changed(self, widget): model = widget.get_model() iter_ = widget.get_active_iter() type_ = model[iter_][2] model = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_model() model.clear() if len(self.agents[type_]): for jid_ in self.agents[type_]: model.append([jid_]) self.protocol_jid_combobox.set_active(0) desc = None if self.agents[type_]: jid_ = self.agents[type_][0] if jid_ in self.gateway_prompt: desc = self.gateway_prompt[jid_]['desc'] if desc: self.prompt_label.set_markup(desc) self.prompt_label.show() else: self.prompt_label.hide() if len(self.agents[type_]) > 1: self.protocol_jid_combobox.show() else: self.protocol_jid_combobox.hide() prompt = None if self.agents[type_]: jid_ = self.agents[type_][0] if jid_ in self.gateway_prompt: prompt = self.gateway_prompt[jid_]['prompt'] if not prompt: if type_ in self.uid_labels: prompt = self.uid_labels[type_] else: prompt = _('User ID:') self.uid_label.set_text(prompt) if type_ == 'jabber': self.message_scrolledwindow.show() self.save_message_checkbutton.show() else: self.message_scrolledwindow.hide() self.save_message_checkbutton.hide() if type_ in self.available_types: self.register_hbox.show() self.auto_authorize_checkbutton.hide() self.connected_label.hide() self._subscription_table_hide() self.add_button.set_sensitive(False) else: self.register_hbox.hide() if type_ != 'jabber': model = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_model() row = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_active() jid = model[row][0] contact = app.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid( self.account, jid) if contact is None or contact.show in ('offline', 'error'): self._subscription_table_hide() self.connected_label.show() self.add_button.set_sensitive(False) self.auto_authorize_checkbutton.hide() return self._subscription_table_show() self.auto_authorize_checkbutton.show() self.connected_label.hide() self.add_button.set_sensitive(True) def transport_signed_in(self, jid): model = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_model() row = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_active() _jid = model[row][0] if _jid == jid: self.register_hbox.hide() self.connected_label.hide() self._subscription_table_show() self.auto_authorize_checkbutton.show() self.add_button.set_sensitive(True) def transport_signed_out(self, jid): model = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_model() row = self.protocol_jid_combobox.get_active() _jid = model[row][0] if _jid == jid: self._subscription_table_hide() self.auto_authorize_checkbutton.hide() self.connected_label.show() self.add_button.set_sensitive(False) def _nec_presence_received(self, obj): if app.jid_is_transport(obj.jid): if obj.old_show == 0 and obj.new_show > 1: self.transport_signed_in(obj.jid) elif obj.old_show > 1 and obj.new_show == 0: self.transport_signed_out(obj.jid) def _nec_gateway_prompt_received(self, obj): if self.adding_jid: jid, transport, type_ = self.adding_jid if obj.stanza.getError(): ErrorDialog( _('Error while adding transport contact'), _('This error occured while adding a contact for transport ' '%(transport)s:\n\n%(error)s') % { 'transport': transport, 'error': obj.stanza.getErrorMsg()}) return if obj.prompt_jid: self._add_jid(obj.prompt_jid, type_) else: jid = jid.replace('@', '%') + '@' + transport self._add_jid(jid, type_) elif obj.jid in self.gateway_prompt: if obj.desc: self.gateway_prompt[obj.jid]['desc'] = obj.desc if obj.prompt: self.gateway_prompt[obj.jid]['prompt'] = obj.prompt def _subscription_table_hide(self): for widget in self.subscription_table: widget.hide() def _subscription_table_show(self): for widget in self.subscription_table: widget.show()