# Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org> # Copyright (C) 2005 Vincent Hanquez <tab AT snarc.org> # Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT gmail.com> # Copyright (C) 2006 Dimitur Kirov <dkirov AT gmail.com> # Travis Shirk <travis AT pobox.com> # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org> # Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de> # Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT gmail.com> # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import time import datetime from enum import IntEnum from enum import unique from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common import exceptions from gajim.common.i18n import _ from gajim.common.const import ShowConstant from gajim.common.const import KindConstant from gajim.common.const import StyleAttr from gajim import conversation_textview from gajim.gtk.util import python_month from gajim.gtk.util import gtk_month from gajim.gtk.util import resize_window from gajim.gtk.util import move_window from gajim.gtk.util import get_icon_name from gajim.gtk.util import get_completion_liststore from gajim.gtk.util import get_builder from gajim.gtk.util import scroll_to_end from gajim.gtk.dialogs import ErrorDialog @unique class InfoColumn(IntEnum): '''Completion dict''' JID = 0 ACCOUNT = 1 NAME = 2 COMPLETION = 3 @unique class Column(IntEnum): LOG_JID = 0 CONTACT_NAME = 1 UNIXTIME = 2 MESSAGE = 3 TIME = 4 LOG_LINE_ID = 5 class HistoryWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow): def __init__(self, jid=None, account=None): Gtk.ApplicationWindow.__init__(self) self.set_application(app.app) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) self.set_show_menubar(False) self.set_title(_('Conversation History')) self._ui = get_builder('history_window.ui') self.add(self._ui.history_box) self.history_textview = conversation_textview.ConversationTextview( account, used_in_history_window=True) self._ui.scrolledwindow.add(self.history_textview.tv) self.history_buffer = self.history_textview.tv.get_buffer() highlight_color = app.css_config.get_value( '.gajim-highlight-message', StyleAttr.COLOR) self.history_buffer.create_tag('highlight', background=highlight_color) self.history_buffer.create_tag('invisible', invisible=True) self.clearing_search = False # jid, contact_name, date, message, time, log_line_id model = Gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str, str, int) self._ui.results_treeview.set_model(model) col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name')) self._ui.results_treeview.append_column(col) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer, True) col.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', Column.CONTACT_NAME) # user can click this header and sort col.set_sort_column_id(Column.CONTACT_NAME) col.set_resizable(True) col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Date')) self._ui.results_treeview.append_column(col) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer, True) col.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', Column.UNIXTIME) # user can click this header and sort col.set_sort_column_id(Column.UNIXTIME) col.set_resizable(True) col = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Message')) self._ui.results_treeview.append_column(col) renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer, True) col.add_attribute(renderer, 'text', Column.MESSAGE) col.set_resizable(True) self.jid = None # The history we are currently viewing self.account = account self.completion_dict = {} self.accounts_seen_online = [] # Update dict when new accounts connect self.jids_to_search = [] # This will load history too task = self._fill_completion_dict() GLib.idle_add(next, task) if jid: self._ui.query_entry.get_child().set_text(jid) else: self._load_history(None) resize_window(self, app.config.get('history_window_width'), app.config.get('history_window_height')) move_window(self, app.config.get('history_window_x-position'), app.config.get('history_window_y-position')) self._ui.connect_signals(self) self.connect('delete-event', self._on_delete) self.connect('destroy', self._on_destroy) self.connect('key-press-event', self._on_key_press) self.show_all() # PluginSystem: adding GUI extension point for # HistoryWindow instance object app.plugin_manager.gui_extension_point( 'history_window', self) def _fill_completion_dict(self): """ Fill completion_dict for key auto completion. Then load history for current jid (by calling another function) Key will be either jid or full_completion_name (contact name or long description like "pm-contact from groupchat...."). {key : (jid, account, nick_name, full_completion_name} This is a generator and does pseudo-threading via idle_add(). """ liststore = get_completion_liststore( self._ui.query_entry.get_child()) liststore.set_sort_column_id(1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) self._ui.query_entry.get_child().get_completion().connect( 'match-selected', self.on_jid_entry_match_selected) self._ui.query_entry.set_model(liststore) # Add all jids in logs.db: db_jids = app.logger.get_jids_in_db() completion_dict = dict.fromkeys(db_jids) self.accounts_seen_online = list(app.contacts.get_accounts()) # Enhance contacts of online accounts with contact. # Needed for mapping below for account in self.accounts_seen_online: completion_dict.update( helpers.get_contact_dict_for_account(account)) muc_active_icon = get_icon_name('muc-active') online_icon = get_icon_name('online') keys = list(completion_dict.keys()) # Move the actual jid at first so we load history faster actual_jid = self._ui.query_entry.get_child().get_text() if actual_jid in keys: keys.remove(actual_jid) keys.insert(0, actual_jid) if '' in keys: keys.remove('') if None in keys: keys.remove(None) # Map jid to info tuple # Warning : This for is time critical with big DB for key in keys: completed = key completed2 = None contact = completion_dict[completed] if contact: info_name = contact.get_shown_name() info_completion = info_name info_jid = contact.jid else: # Corresponding account is offline, we know nothing info_name = completed.split('@')[0] info_completion = completed info_jid = completed info_acc = self._get_account_for_jid(info_jid) if (app.logger.jid_is_room_jid(completed) or app.logger.jid_is_from_pm(completed)): icon = muc_active_icon if app.logger.jid_is_from_pm(completed): # It's PM. Make it easier to find room, nick = app.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(completed) info_completion = '%s from %s' % (nick, room) completed = info_completion info_completion2 = '%s/%s' % (room, nick) completed2 = info_completion2 info_name = nick else: icon = online_icon if len(completed) > 70: completed = completed[:70] + '[\u2026]' liststore.append((icon, completed)) self.completion_dict[key] = ( info_jid, info_acc, info_name, info_completion) self.completion_dict[completed] = ( info_jid, info_acc, info_name, info_completion) if completed2: if len(completed2) > 70: completed2 = completed2[:70] + '[\u2026]' liststore.append((icon, completed2)) self.completion_dict[completed2] = ( info_jid, info_acc, info_name, info_completion2) if key == actual_jid: self._load_history(info_jid, self.account or info_acc) yield True keys.sort() yield False def _get_account_for_jid(self, jid): """ Return the corresponding account of the jid. May be None if an account could not be found """ accounts = app.contacts.get_accounts() account = None for acc in accounts: jid_list = app.contacts.get_jid_list(acc) gc_list = app.contacts.get_gc_list(acc) if jid in jid_list or jid in gc_list: account = acc break return account def _on_delete(self, widget, *args): self.save_state() def _on_destroy(self, widget): # PluginSystem: removing GUI extension points connected with # HistoryWindow instance object app.plugin_manager.remove_gui_extension_point( 'history_window', self) self.history_textview.del_handlers() def _on_key_press(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == Gdk.KEY_Escape: self.save_state() self.destroy() def on_jid_entry_match_selected(self, widget, model, iter_, *args): self._jid_entry_search(model[iter_][1]) return True def on_jid_entry_changed(self, widget): # only if selected from combobox jid = self._ui.query_entry.get_child().get_text() if jid == self._ui.query_entry.get_active_id(): self._jid_entry_search(jid) def on_jid_entry_activate(self, widget): self._jid_entry_search(self._ui.query_entry.get_child().get_text()) def _jid_entry_search(self, jid): self._load_history(jid, self.account) self._ui.results_scrolledwindow.set_property('visible', False) def _load_history(self, jid_or_name, account=None): """ Load history for the given jid/name and show it """ if jid_or_name and jid_or_name in self.completion_dict: # a full qualified jid or a contact name was entered info_jid, info_account, _info_name, info_completion = self.completion_dict[jid_or_name] self.jids_to_search = [info_jid] self.jid = info_jid if account: self.account = account else: self.account = info_account if self.account is None: # We don't know account. Probably a gc not opened or an # account not connected. # Disable possibility to say if we want to log or not self._ui.log_history_checkbutton.set_sensitive(False) else: # Are log disabled for account ? if self.account in app.config.get_per( 'accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for').split(' '): self._ui.log_history_checkbutton.set_active(False) self._ui.log_history_checkbutton.set_sensitive(False) else: # Are log disabled for jid ? log = True if self.jid in app.config.get_per( 'accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for').split(' '): log = False self._ui.log_history_checkbutton.set_active(log) self._ui.log_history_checkbutton.set_sensitive(True) self.jids_to_search = [info_jid] # Get first/last date we have logs with contact self.first_log = app.logger.get_first_date_that_has_logs( self.account, self.jid) self.first_day = self._get_date_from_timestamp(self.first_log) self.last_log = app.logger.get_last_date_that_has_logs( self.account, self.jid) self.last_day = self._get_date_from_timestamp(self.last_log) # Select logs for last date we have logs with contact self._ui.search_menu_button.set_sensitive(True) month = gtk_month(self.last_day.month) self._ui.calendar.select_month(month, self.last_day.year) self._ui.calendar.select_day(self.last_day.day) self._ui.button_previous_day.set_sensitive(True) self._ui.button_next_day.set_sensitive(True) self._ui.button_first_day.set_sensitive(True) self._ui.button_last_day.set_sensitive(True) self._ui.search_entry.set_sensitive(True) self._ui.search_entry.grab_focus() self._ui.query_entry.get_child().set_text(info_completion) else: # neither a valid jid, nor an existing contact name was entered # we have got nothing to show or to search in self.jid = None self.account = None self.history_buffer.set_text('') # clear the buffer self._ui.search_entry.set_sensitive(False) self._ui.log_history_checkbutton.set_sensitive(False) self._ui.search_menu_button.set_sensitive(False) self._ui.calendar.clear_marks() self._ui.button_previous_day.set_sensitive(False) self._ui.button_next_day.set_sensitive(False) self._ui.button_first_day.set_sensitive(False) self._ui.button_last_day.set_sensitive(False) self._ui.results_scrolledwindow.set_property('visible', False) def on_calendar_day_selected(self, widget): if not self.jid: return year, month, day = self._ui.calendar.get_date() # integers month = python_month(month) date_str = datetime.date(year, month, day).strftime('%x') self._ui.date_label.set_text(date_str) self._load_conversation(year, month, day) GLib.idle_add(scroll_to_end, self._ui.scrolledwindow) def on_calendar_month_changed(self, widget): """ Ask for days in this month, if they have logs it bolds them (marks them) """ if not self.jid: return year, month, _day = widget.get_date() # integers if year < 1900: widget.select_month(0, 1900) widget.select_day(1) return widget.clear_marks() month = python_month(month) try: log_days = app.logger.get_days_with_logs( self.account, self.jid, year, month) except exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError as error: ErrorDialog(_('Disk Error'), str(error)) return for date in log_days: widget.mark_day(date.day) def _get_date_from_timestamp(self, timestamp): # Conversion from timestamp to date log = time.localtime(timestamp) y, m, d = log[0], log[1], log[2] date = datetime.datetime(y, m, d) return date def _change_date(self, widget): # Get day selected in calendar y, m, d = self._ui.calendar.get_date() py_m = python_month(m) _date = datetime.datetime(y, py_m, d) if widget is self._ui.button_first_day: gtk_m = gtk_month(self.first_day.month) self._ui.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, self.first_day.year) self._ui.calendar.select_day(self.first_day.day) return if widget is self._ui.button_last_day: gtk_m = gtk_month( self.last_day.month) self._ui.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, self.last_day.year) self._ui.calendar.select_day(self.last_day.day) return if widget is self._ui.button_previous_day: end_date = self.first_day timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=-1) if end_date >= _date: return elif widget is self._ui.button_next_day: end_date = self.last_day timedelta = datetime.timedelta(days=1) if end_date <= _date: return # Iterate through days until log entry found or # supplied end_date (first_log / last_log) reached logs = None while logs is None: _date = _date + timedelta if _date == end_date: break try: logs = app.logger.get_date_has_logs( self.account, self.jid, _date) except exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError as e: ErrorDialog(_('Disk Error'), str(e)) return gtk_m = gtk_month(_date.month) self._ui.calendar.select_month(gtk_m, _date.year) self._ui.calendar.select_day(_date.day) def _get_string_show_from_constant_int(self, show): if show == ShowConstant.ONLINE: show = 'online' elif show == ShowConstant.CHAT: show = 'chat' elif show == ShowConstant.AWAY: show = 'away' elif show == ShowConstant.XA: show = 'xa' elif show == ShowConstant.DND: show = 'dnd' elif show == ShowConstant.OFFLINE: show = 'offline' return show def _load_conversation(self, year, month, day): """ Load the conversation between `self.jid` and `self.account` held on the given date into the history textbuffer. Values for `month` and `day` are 1-based. """ self.history_buffer.set_text('') self.last_time_printout = 0 show_status = self._ui.show_status_checkbutton.get_active() date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) conversation = app.logger.get_conversation_for_date( self.account, self.jid, date) for message in conversation: if not show_status and message.kind in (KindConstant.GCSTATUS, KindConstant.STATUS): continue self._add_message(message) def _add_message(self, msg): if not msg.message and msg.kind not in (KindConstant.STATUS, KindConstant.GCSTATUS): return tim = msg.time kind = msg.kind show = msg.show message = msg.message subject = msg.subject log_line_id = msg.log_line_id contact_name = msg.contact_name additional_data = msg.additional_data buf = self.history_buffer end_iter = buf.get_end_iter() # Make the beginning of every message searchable by its log_line_id buf.create_mark(str(log_line_id), end_iter, left_gravity=True) if app.config.get('print_time') == 'always': timestamp_str = app.config.get('time_stamp') timestamp_str = helpers.from_one_line(timestamp_str) tim = time.strftime(timestamp_str, time.localtime(float(tim))) buf.insert(end_iter, tim) elif app.config.get('print_time') == 'sometimes': every_foo_seconds = 60 * app.config.get( 'print_ichat_every_foo_minutes') seconds_passed = tim - self.last_time_printout if seconds_passed > every_foo_seconds: self.last_time_printout = tim tim = time.strftime('%X ', time.localtime(float(tim))) buf.insert_with_tags_by_name( end_iter, tim + '\n', 'time_sometimes') # print the encryption icon if kind in (KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_SENT, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_RECV): self.history_textview.print_encryption_status( end_iter, additional_data) tag_name = '' tag_msg = '' show = self._get_string_show_from_constant_int(show) if kind == KindConstant.GC_MSG: tag_name = 'incoming' elif kind in (KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_RECV, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_RECV): contact_name = self.completion_dict[self.jid][InfoColumn.NAME] tag_name = 'incoming' tag_msg = 'incomingtxt' elif kind in (KindConstant.SINGLE_MSG_SENT, KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_SENT): if self.account: contact_name = app.nicks[self.account] else: # we don't have roster, we don't know our own nick, use first # account one (urk!) account = list(app.contacts.get_accounts())[0] contact_name = app.nicks[account] tag_name = 'outgoing' tag_msg = 'outgoingtxt' elif kind == KindConstant.GCSTATUS: # message here (if not None) is status message if message: message = _('%(nick)s is now %(status)s: %(status_msg)s') % { 'nick': contact_name, 'status': helpers.get_uf_show(show), 'status_msg': message} else: message = _('%(nick)s is now %(status)s') % { 'nick': contact_name, 'status': helpers.get_uf_show(show)} tag_msg = 'status' else: # 'status' # message here (if not None) is status message if show is None: # it means error if message: message = _('Error: %s') % message else: message = _('Error') elif message: message = _('Status is now: %(status)s: %(status_msg)s') % { 'status': helpers.get_uf_show(show), 'status_msg': message} else: message = _('Status is now: %(status)s') % { 'status': helpers.get_uf_show(show)} tag_msg = 'status' if message.startswith('/me ') or message.startswith('/me\n'): tag_msg = tag_name else: # do not do this if gcstats, avoid dupping contact_name # eg. nkour: nkour is now Offline if contact_name and kind != KindConstant.GCSTATUS: # add stuff before and after contact name before_str = app.config.get('before_nickname') before_str = helpers.from_one_line(before_str) after_str = app.config.get('after_nickname') after_str = helpers.from_one_line(after_str) format_ = before_str + contact_name + after_str + ' ' if tag_name: buf.insert_with_tags_by_name(end_iter, format_, tag_name) else: buf.insert(end_iter, format_) if subject: message = _('Subject: %s\n') % subject + message xhtml = None if message.startswith('<body '): xhtml = message if tag_msg: self.history_textview.print_real_text( message, [tag_msg], name=contact_name, xhtml=xhtml, additional_data=additional_data) else: self.history_textview.print_real_text( message, name=contact_name, xhtml=xhtml, additional_data=additional_data) self.history_textview.print_real_text('\n', text_tags=['eol']) def on_search_complete_history_toggled(self, widget): self._ui.date_label.get_style_context().remove_class('tagged') def on_search_in_date_toggled(self, widget): self._ui.date_label.get_style_context().add_class('tagged') def on_search_entry_activate(self, widget): text = self._ui.search_entry.get_text() model = self._ui.results_treeview.get_model() self.clearing_search = True model.clear() self.clearing_search = False start = self.history_buffer.get_start_iter() end = self.history_buffer.get_end_iter() self.history_buffer.remove_tag_by_name('highlight', start, end) if text == '': self._ui.results_scrolledwindow.set_property('visible', False) return self._ui.results_scrolledwindow.set_property('visible', True) # perform search in preselected jids # jids are preselected with the query_entry for jid in self.jids_to_search: account = self.completion_dict[jid][InfoColumn.ACCOUNT] if account is None: # We do not know an account. This can only happen if # the contact is offine, or if we browse a groupchat history. # The account is not needed, a dummy can be set. # This may leed to wrong self nick in the displayed history account = list(app.contacts.get_accounts())[0] date = None if self._ui.search_in_date.get_active(): year, month, day = self._ui.calendar.get_date() # integers month = python_month(month) date = datetime.datetime(year, month, day) show_status = self._ui.show_status_checkbutton.get_active() results = app.logger.search_log(account, jid, text, date) result_found = False # FIXME: # add "subject: | message: " in message column if kind is single # also do we need show at all? (we do not search on subject) for row in results: if not show_status and row.kind in (KindConstant.GCSTATUS, KindConstant.STATUS): continue contact_name = row.contact_name if not contact_name: if row.kind == KindConstant.CHAT_MSG_SENT: contact_name = app.nicks[account] else: contact_name = self.completion_dict[jid][InfoColumn.NAME] local_time = time.localtime(row.time) date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', local_time) result_found = True model.append((jid, contact_name, date, row.message, str(row.time), row.log_line_id)) if result_found: self._ui.results_treeview.set_cursor(0) def on_results_treeview_cursor_changed(self, *args): """ A row was selected, get date from row, and select it in calendar which results to showing conversation logs for that date """ if self.clearing_search: return # get currently selected date cur_year, cur_month, cur_day = self._ui.calendar.get_date() cur_month = python_month(cur_month) model, paths = self._ui.results_treeview.get_selection().get_selected_rows() if not paths: return path = paths[0] # make it a tuple (Y, M, D, 0, 0, 0...) tim = time.strptime(model[path][Column.UNIXTIME], '%Y-%m-%d') year = tim[0] gtk_m = tim[1] month = gtk_month(gtk_m) day = tim[2] # switch to belonging logfile if necessary log_jid = model[path][Column.LOG_JID] if log_jid != self.jid: self._load_history(log_jid, None) # avoid reruning mark days algo if same month and year! if year != cur_year or gtk_m != cur_month: self._ui.calendar.select_month(month, year) if year != cur_year or gtk_m != cur_month or day != cur_day: self._ui.calendar.select_day(day) self._scroll_to_message_and_highlight(model[path][Column.LOG_LINE_ID]) def _scroll_to_message_and_highlight(self, log_line_id): """ Scroll to a message and highlight it """ def iterator_has_mark(iterator, mark_name): for mark in iterator.get_marks(): if mark.get_name() == mark_name: return True return False # Clear previous search result by removing the highlighting. The scroll # mark is automatically removed when the new one is set. start = self.history_buffer.get_start_iter() end = self.history_buffer.get_end_iter() self.history_buffer.remove_tag_by_name('highlight', start, end) log_line_id = str(log_line_id) line = start while not iterator_has_mark(line, log_line_id): if not line.forward_line(): return match_start = line match_end = match_start.copy() match_end.forward_to_tag_toggle(self.history_buffer.eol_tag) self.history_buffer.apply_tag_by_name( 'highlight', match_start, match_end) mark = self.history_buffer.create_mark('match', match_start, True) GLib.idle_add( self.history_textview.tv.scroll_to_mark, mark, 0, True, 0.0, 0.5) def on_log_history_checkbutton_toggled(self, widget, *args): # log conversation history? oldlog = True no_log_for = app.config.get_per( 'accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for').split() if self.jid in no_log_for: oldlog = False log = widget.get_active() if not log and self.jid not in no_log_for: no_log_for.append(self.jid) if log and self.jid in no_log_for: no_log_for.remove(self.jid) if oldlog != log: app.config.set_per( 'accounts', self.account, 'no_log_for', ' '.join(no_log_for)) def on_show_status_checkbutton_toggled(self, widget): # reload logs self.on_calendar_day_selected(None) def open_history(self, jid, account): """ Load chat history of the specified jid """ self._ui.query_entry.get_child().set_text(jid) if account and account not in self.accounts_seen_online: # Update dict to not only show bare jid GLib.idle_add(next, self._fill_completion_dict()) else: # Only in that case because it's called by # self._fill_completion_dict() otherwise self._load_history(jid, account) self._ui.results_scrolledwindow.set_property('visible', False) def save_state(self): x, y = self.get_window().get_root_origin() width, height = self.get_size() app.config.set('history_window_x-position', x) app.config.set('history_window_y-position', y) app.config.set('history_window_width', width) app.config.set('history_window_height', height)