# Copyright (C) 2018 Philipp Hörist <philipp AT hoerist.com> # # This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os import math import logging import cssutils from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import Pango from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import configpaths from gajim.common.const import StyleAttr, CSSPriority from gajim.gtk.const import Theme log = logging.getLogger('gajim.gtk.css') settings = Gtk.Settings.get_default() class CSSConfig(): def __init__(self): """CSSConfig handles loading and storing of all relevant Gajim style files The order in which CSSConfig loads the styles 1. gajim.css 2. gajim-dark.css (Only if gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = True) 3. default.css or default-dark.css (from gajim/data/style) 4. user-theme.css (from ~/.config/Gajim/theme) # gajim.css: This is the main style and the application default # gajim-dark.css Has only entrys which we want to override in gajim.css # default.css or default-dark.css Has all the values that are changeable via UI (see themes.py). Depending on `gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme` either default.css or default-dark.css gets loaded # user-theme.css These are the themes the Themes Dialog stores. Because they are loaded at last they overwrite everything else. Users should add custom css here.""" # Delete empty rules cssutils.ser.prefs.keepEmptyRules = False # Holds the currently selected theme in the Theme Editor self._pre_css = None self._pre_css_path = None # Holds the default theme, its used if values are not found # in the selected theme self._default_css = None self._default_css_path = None # Holds the currently selected theme self._css = None self._css_path = None # User Theme CSS Provider self._provider = Gtk.CssProvider() # Cache of recently requested values self._cache = {} # Holds all currently available themes self.themes = [] self.set_dark_theme() self._load_css() self._gather_available_themes() self._load_default() self._load_selected() self._activate_theme() Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen( Gdk.Screen.get_default(), self._provider, CSSPriority.USER_THEME) @property def prefer_dark(self): setting = app.config.get('dark_theme') if setting == Theme.SYSTEM: if settings is None: return False return settings.get_property('gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme') return setting == Theme.DARK @staticmethod def set_dark_theme(value=None): if value is None: value = app.config.get('dark_theme') else: app.config.set('dark_theme', value) if settings is None: return if value == Theme.SYSTEM: settings.reset_property('gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme') return settings.set_property('gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme', bool(value)) def _load_css(self): self._load_css_from_file('gajim.css', CSSPriority.APPLICATION) if self.prefer_dark: self._load_css_from_file('gajim-dark.css', CSSPriority.APPLICATION_DARK) self._load_css_from_file('default.css', CSSPriority.DEFAULT_THEME) if self.prefer_dark: self._load_css_from_file('default-dark.css', CSSPriority.DEFAULT_THEME_DARK) def _load_css_from_file(self, filename, priority): path = os.path.join(configpaths.get('STYLE'), filename) try: with open(path, "r") as f: css = f.read() except Exception as exc: log.error('Error loading css: %s', exc) return self._activate_css(css, priority) def _activate_css(self, css, priority): try: provider = Gtk.CssProvider() provider.load_from_data(bytes(css.encode('utf-8'))) Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(Gdk.Screen.get_default(), provider, priority) except Exception: log.exception('Error loading application css') @staticmethod def _pango_to_css_weight(number): # Pango allows for weight values between 100 and 1000 # CSS allows only full hundred numbers like 100, 200 .. number = int(number) if number < 100: return 100 if number > 900: return 900 return int(math.ceil(number / 100.0)) * 100 def _gather_available_themes(self): files = os.listdir(configpaths.get('MY_THEME')) self.themes = [file[:-4] for file in files if file.endswith('.css')] if 'default' in self.themes: # Ignore user created themes that are named 'default' self.themes.remove('default') def get_theme_path(self, theme, user=True): if theme == 'default' and self.prefer_dark: theme = 'default-dark' if user: return os.path.join(configpaths.get('MY_THEME'), '%s.css' % theme) return os.path.join(configpaths.get('STYLE'), '%s.css' % theme) def _determine_theme_path(self): # Gets the path of the currently active theme. # If it does not exist, it falls back to the default theme theme = app.config.get('roster_theme') if theme == 'default': return self.get_theme_path(theme, user=False) theme_path = self.get_theme_path(theme) if not theme or not os.path.exists(theme_path): log.warning('Theme %s not found, fallback to default', theme) app.config.set('roster_theme', 'default') log.info('Use Theme: default') return self.get_theme_path('default', user=False) log.info('Use Theme: %s', theme) return theme_path def _load_selected(self, new_path=None): if new_path is None: self._css_path = self._determine_theme_path() else: self._css_path = new_path self._css = cssutils.parseFile(self._css_path) def _load_default(self): self._default_css_path = self.get_theme_path('default', user=False) self._default_css = cssutils.parseFile(self._default_css_path) def _load_pre(self, theme): log.info('Preload theme %s', theme) self._pre_css_path = self.get_theme_path(theme) self._pre_css = cssutils.parseFile(self._pre_css_path) def _write(self, pre): path = self._css_path css = self._css if pre: path = self._pre_css_path css = self._pre_css with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(css.cssText.decode('utf-8')) active = self._pre_css_path == self._css_path if not pre or active: self._load_selected() self._activate_theme() def set_value(self, selector, attr, value, pre=False): if attr == StyleAttr.FONT: # forward to set_font() for convenience return self.set_font(selector, value, pre) if isinstance(attr, StyleAttr): attr = attr.value css = self._css if pre: css = self._pre_css for rule in css: if rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE: continue if rule.selectorText == selector: log.info('Set %s %s %s', selector, attr, value) rule.style[attr] = value if not pre: self._add_to_cache(selector, attr, value) self._write(pre) return # The rule was not found, so we add it to this theme log.info('Set %s %s %s', selector, attr, value) rule = cssutils.css.CSSStyleRule(selectorText=selector) rule.style[attr] = value css.add(rule) self._write(pre) def set_font(self, selector, description, pre=False): css = self._css if pre: css = self._pre_css family, size, style, weight = self._get_attr_from_description( description) for rule in css: if rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE: continue if rule.selectorText == selector: log.info('Set Font for: %s %s %s %s %s', selector, family, size, style, weight) rule.style['font-family'] = family rule.style['font-style'] = style rule.style['font-size'] = '%spt' % size rule.style['font-weight'] = weight if not pre: self._add_to_cache( selector, 'fontdescription', description) self._write(pre) return # The rule was not found, so we add it to this theme log.info('Set Font for: %s %s %s %s %s', selector, family, size, style, weight) rule = cssutils.css.CSSStyleRule(selectorText=selector) rule.style['font-family'] = family rule.style['font-style'] = style rule.style['font-size'] = '%spt' % size rule.style['font-weight'] = weight css.add(rule) self._write(pre) def _get_attr_from_description(self, description): size = description.get_size() / Pango.SCALE style = self._get_string_from_pango_style(description.get_style()) weight = self._pango_to_css_weight(int(description.get_weight())) family = description.get_family() return family, size, style, weight def _get_default_rule(self, selector, attr): for rule in self._default_css: if rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE: continue if rule.selectorText == selector: log.info('Get Default Rule %s', selector) return rule def get_font(self, selector, pre=False): if pre: css = self._pre_css else: css = self._css try: return self._get_from_cache(selector, 'fontdescription') except KeyError: pass if css is None: return for rule in css: if rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE: continue if rule.selectorText == selector: log.info('Get Font for: %s', selector) style = rule.style.getPropertyValue('font-style') or None size = rule.style.getPropertyValue('font-size') or None weight = rule.style.getPropertyValue('font-weight') or None family = rule.style.getPropertyValue('font-family') or None desc = self._get_description_from_css( family, size, style, weight) if not pre: self._add_to_cache(selector, 'fontdescription', desc) return desc def _get_description_from_css(self, family, size, style, weight): if family is None: return desc = Pango.FontDescription() desc.set_family(family) if weight is not None: desc.set_weight(Pango.Weight(int(weight))) if style is not None: desc.set_style(self._get_pango_style_from_string(style)) if size is not None: desc.set_size(int(size[:-2]) * Pango.SCALE) return desc @staticmethod def _get_pango_style_from_string(style: str) -> int: if style == 'normal': return Pango.Style(0) if style == 'oblique': return Pango.Style(1) # Pango.Style.ITALIC: return Pango.Style(2) @staticmethod def _get_string_from_pango_style(style: Pango.Style) -> str: if style == Pango.Style.NORMAL: return 'normal' if style == Pango.Style.ITALIC: return 'italic' # Pango.Style.OBLIQUE: return 'oblique' def get_value(self, selector, attr, pre=False): if attr == StyleAttr.FONT: # forward to get_font() for convenience return self.get_font(selector, pre) if isinstance(attr, StyleAttr): attr = attr.value if pre: css = self._pre_css else: css = self._css try: return self._get_from_cache(selector, attr) except KeyError: pass if css is not None: for rule in css: if rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE: continue if rule.selectorText == selector: log.info('Get %s %s: %s', selector, attr, rule.style[attr] or None) value = rule.style.getPropertyValue(attr) or None if not pre: self._add_to_cache(selector, attr, value) return value # We didnt find the selector in the selected theme # search in default theme if not pre: rule = self._get_default_rule(selector, attr) if rule is not None: self._add_to_cache(selector, attr, rule.style[attr]) return rule.style[attr] def remove_value(self, selector, attr, pre=False): if attr == StyleAttr.FONT: # forward to remove_font() for convenience return self.remove_font(selector, pre) if isinstance(attr, StyleAttr): attr = attr.value css = self._css if pre: css = self._pre_css for rule in css: if rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE: continue if rule.selectorText == selector: log.info('Remove %s %s', selector, attr) rule.style.removeProperty(attr) break self._write(pre) def remove_font(self, selector, pre=False): css = self._css if pre: css = self._pre_css for rule in css: if rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE: continue if rule.selectorText == selector: log.info('Remove Font from: %s', selector) rule.style.removeProperty('font-family') rule.style.removeProperty('font-size') rule.style.removeProperty('font-style') rule.style.removeProperty('font-weight') break self._write(pre) def change_theme(self, theme): user = not theme == 'default' theme_path = self.get_theme_path(theme, user=user) if not os.path.exists(theme_path): log.error('Change Theme: Theme %s does not exist', theme_path) return False self._load_selected(theme_path) self._activate_theme() app.config.set('roster_theme', theme) log.info('Change Theme: Successful switched to %s', theme) return True def change_preload_theme(self, theme): theme_path = self.get_theme_path(theme) if not os.path.exists(theme_path): log.error('Change Preload Theme: Theme %s does not exist', theme_path) return False self._load_pre(theme) log.info('Successful switched to %s', theme) return True def rename_theme(self, old_theme, new_theme): if old_theme not in self.themes: log.error('Rename Theme: Old theme %s not found', old_theme) return False if new_theme in self.themes: log.error('Rename Theme: New theme %s exists already', new_theme) return False old_theme_path = self.get_theme_path(old_theme) new_theme_path = self.get_theme_path(new_theme) os.rename(old_theme_path, new_theme_path) self.themes.remove(old_theme) self.themes.append(new_theme) self._load_pre(new_theme) log.info('Rename Theme: Successful renamed theme from %s to %s', old_theme, new_theme) return True def _activate_theme(self): log.info('Activate theme') self._invalidate_cache() self._provider.load_from_data(self._css.cssText) def add_new_theme(self, theme): theme_path = self.get_theme_path(theme) if os.path.exists(theme_path): log.error('Add Theme: %s exists already', theme_path) return False with open(theme_path, 'w', encoding='utf8'): pass self.themes.append(theme) log.info('Add Theme: Successful added theme %s', theme) return True def remove_theme(self, theme): theme_path = self.get_theme_path(theme) if os.path.exists(theme_path): os.remove(theme_path) self.themes.remove(theme) log.info('Remove Theme: Successful removed theme %s', theme) def _add_to_cache(self, selector, attr, value): self._cache[selector + attr] = value def _get_from_cache(self, selector, attr): return self._cache[selector + attr] def _invalidate_cache(self): self._cache = {}