# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . # XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat # XEP-0249: Direct MUC Invitations import time import logging import nbxmpp from gajim.common import i18n from gajim.common.modules import dataforms from gajim.common import app from gajim.common import helpers from gajim.common.caps_cache import muc_caps_cache from gajim.common.nec import NetworkIncomingEvent log = logging.getLogger('gajim.c.m.muc') class MUC: def __init__(self, con): self._con = con self._account = con.name self.handlers = [ ('message', self._mediated_invite, '', nbxmpp.NS_MUC_USER), ('message', self._direct_invite, '', nbxmpp.NS_CONFERENCE), ] def pass_disco(self, from_, identities, features, data, node): for identity in identities: if identity.get('category') != 'conference': continue if identity.get('type') != 'text': continue if nbxmpp.NS_MUC in features: log.info('Discovered MUC: %s', from_) # TODO: make this nicer self._con.muc_jid['jabber'] = from_ raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def send_muc_join_presence(self, *args, room_jid=None, password=None, rejoin=False, **kwargs): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return presence = self._con.get_module('Presence').get_presence( *args, **kwargs) if room_jid is not None: self._add_history_query(presence, room_jid, rejoin) if password is not None: presence.setTagData('password', password) log.debug('Send MUC join presence:\n%s', presence) self._con.connection.send(presence) def _add_history_query(self, presence, room_jid, rejoin): last_date = app.logger.get_room_last_message_time( self._account, room_jid) if not last_date: last_date = 0 history = presence.setTag(nbxmpp.NS_MUC + ' x') if muc_caps_cache.has_mam(room_jid): # The room is MAM capable dont get MUC History history.setTag('history', {'maxchars': '0'}) else: # Request MUC History (not MAM) tags = {} timeout = app.config.get_per('rooms', room_jid, 'muc_restore_timeout') if timeout is None or timeout == -2: timeout = app.config.get('muc_restore_timeout') if last_date == 0 and timeout >= 0: last_date = time.time() - timeout * 60 elif not rejoin and timeout >= 0: last_date = max(last_date, time.time() - timeout * 60) last_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime( last_date)) tags['since'] = last_date nb = app.config.get_per('rooms', room_jid, 'muc_restore_lines') if nb is None or nb == -2: nb = app.config.get('muc_restore_lines') if nb >= 0: tags['maxstanzas'] = nb if tags: history.setTag('history', tags) def set_subject(self, room_jid, subject): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return message = nbxmpp.Message(room_jid, typ='groupchat', subject=subject) log.info('Set subject for %s', room_jid) self._con.connection.send(message) def request_config(self, room_jid): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='get', queryNS=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_OWNER, to=room_jid) iq.setAttr('xml:lang', i18n.LANG) log.info('Request config for %s', room_jid) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._config_received) def _config_received(self, stanza): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.info('Error: %s', stanza.getError()) return room_jid = stanza.getFrom().getStripped() payload = stanza.getQueryPayload() for form in payload: if form.getNamespace() == nbxmpp.NS_DATA: dataform = dataforms.ExtendForm(node=form) log.info('Config form received for %s', room_jid) app.nec.push_incoming_event(MucOwnerReceivedEvent( None, conn=self._con, form_node=form, dataform=dataform, jid=room_jid)) break def cancel_config(self, room_jid): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return cancel = nbxmpp.Node(tag='x', attrs={'xmlns': nbxmpp.NS_DATA, 'type': 'cancel'}) iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='set', queryNS=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_OWNER, payload=cancel, to=room_jid) log.info('Cancel config for %s', room_jid) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._default_response, {}) def destroy(self, room_jid, reason='', jid=''): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='set', queryNS=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_OWNER, to=room_jid) destroy = iq.setQuery().setTag('destroy') if reason: destroy.setTagData('reason', reason) if jid: destroy.setAttr('jid', jid) log.info('Destroy room: %s, reason: %s, alternate: %s', room_jid, reason, jid) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._default_response, {}) def set_config(self, room_jid, form): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='set', to=room_jid, queryNS=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_OWNER) query = iq.setQuery() form.setAttr('type', 'submit') query.addChild(node=form) log.info('Set config for %s', room_jid) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._default_response, {}) def set_affiliation(self, room_jid, users_dict): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='set', to=room_jid, queryNS=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_ADMIN) item = iq.setQuery() for jid in users_dict: affiliation = users_dict[jid].get('affiliation') reason = users_dict[jid].get('reason') or None item_tag = item.addChild('item', {'jid': jid, 'affiliation': affiliation}) if reason is not None: item_tag.setTagData('reason', reason) log.info('Set affiliation for %s: %s', room_jid, users_dict) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._default_response, {}) def get_affiliation(self, room_jid, affiliation): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='get', to=room_jid, queryNS=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_ADMIN) item = iq.setQuery().setTag('item') item.setAttr('affiliation', affiliation) log.info('Get affiliation %s for %s', affiliation, room_jid) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._affiliation_received) def _affiliation_received(self, stanza): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.info('Error: %s', stanza.getError()) return room_jid = stanza.getFrom().getStripped() query = stanza.getTag('query', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_ADMIN) items = query.getTags('item') users_dict = {} for item in items: try: jid = helpers.parse_jid(item.getAttr('jid')) except helpers.InvalidFormat: log.warning('Invalid JID: %s, ignoring it', item.getAttr('jid')) continue affiliation = item.getAttr('affiliation') users_dict[jid] = {'affiliation': affiliation} if item.has_attr('nick'): users_dict[jid]['nick'] = item.getAttr('nick') if item.has_attr('role'): users_dict[jid]['role'] = item.getAttr('role') reason = item.getTagData('reason') if reason: users_dict[jid]['reason'] = reason log.info('Affiliations received from %s: %s', room_jid, users_dict) app.nec.push_incoming_event(MucAdminReceivedEvent( None, conn=self._con, room_jid=room_jid, users_dict=users_dict)) def set_role(self, room_jid, nick, role, reason=''): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return iq = nbxmpp.Iq(typ='set', to=room_jid, queryNS=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_ADMIN) item = iq.setQuery().setTag('item') item.setAttr('nick', nick) item.setAttr('role', role) if reason: item.addChild(name='reason', payload=reason) log.info('Set role for %s: %s %s %s', room_jid, nick, role, reason) self._con.connection.SendAndCallForResponse( iq, self._default_response, {}) def _mediated_invite(self, con, stanza): muc_user = stanza.getTag('x', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_USER) if muc_user is None: return decline = muc_user.getTag('decline') if decline is not None: room_jid = stanza.getFrom().getStripped() from_ = self._get_from(room_jid, decline) reason = decline.getTagData('reason') log.info('Invite declined: %s, %s', reason, from_) app.nec.push_incoming_event( GcDeclineReceived(None, account=self._account, from_=from_, room_jid=room_jid, reason=reason)) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed invite = muc_user.getTag('invite') if invite is not None: room_jid = stanza.getFrom().getStripped() from_ = self._get_from(room_jid, invite) reason = invite.getTagData('reason') password = muc_user.getTagData('password') is_continued = invite.getTag('continue') is not None log.info('Mediated invite: continued: %s, reason: %s, from: %s', is_continued, reason, from_) if room_jid in app.gc_connected[self._account] and \ app.gc_connected[self._account][room_jid]: # We are already in groupchat. Ignore invitation log.info('We are already in this room') raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed app.nec.push_incoming_event( GcInvitationReceived(None, account=self._account, from_=from_, room_jid=room_jid, reason=reason, password=password, is_continued=is_continued)) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def _get_from(self, room_jid, stanza): try: from_ = nbxmpp.JID(helpers.parse_jid(stanza.getAttr('from'))) except helpers.InvalidFormat: log.warning('Invalid JID on invite: %s, ignoring it', stanza.getAttr('from')) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed known_contact = app.contacts.get_contacts(self._account, room_jid) ignore = app.config.get_per( 'accounts', self._account, 'ignore_unknown_contacts') if ignore and not known_contact: log.info('Ignore invite from unknown contact %s', from_) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed return from_ def _direct_invite(self, con, stanza): direct = stanza.getTag('x', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_CONFERENCE) if direct is None: return from_ = stanza.getFrom() try: room_jid = helpers.parse_jid(direct.getAttr('jid')) except helpers.InvalidFormat: log.warning('Invalid JID on invite: %s, ignoring it', direct.getAttr('jid')) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed reason = direct.getAttr('reason') password = direct.getAttr('password') is_continued = direct.getAttr('continue') == 'true' log.info('Direct invite: continued: %s, reason: %s, from: %s', is_continued, reason, from_) app.nec.push_incoming_event( GcInvitationReceived(None, account=self._account, from_=from_, room_jid=room_jid, reason=reason, password=password, is_continued=is_continued)) raise nbxmpp.NodeProcessed def invite(self, room, to, reason=None, continue_=False): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return contact = app.contacts.get_contact_from_full_jid(self._account, to) if contact and contact.supports(nbxmpp.NS_CONFERENCE): invite = self._build_direct_invite(room, to, reason, continue_) else: invite = self._build_mediated_invite(room, to, reason, continue_) self._con.connection.send(invite) def _build_direct_invite(self, room, to, reason, continue_): message = nbxmpp.Message(to=to) attrs = {'jid': room} if reason: attrs['reason'] = reason if continue_: attrs['continue'] = 'true' password = app.gc_passwords.get(room, None) if password: attrs['password'] = password message.addChild(name='x', attrs=attrs, namespace=nbxmpp.NS_CONFERENCE) return message def _build_mediated_invite(self, room, to, reason, continue_): message = nbxmpp.Message(to=room) muc_user = message.addChild('x', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_USER) invite = muc_user.addChild('invite', attrs={'to': to}) if continue_: invite.addChild(name='continue') if reason: invite.setTagData('reason', reason) password = app.gc_passwords.get(room, None) if password: muc_user.setTagData('password', password) return message def decline(self, room, to, reason=None): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return message = nbxmpp.Message(to=room) muc_user = message.addChild('x', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_MUC_USER) decline = muc_user.addChild('decline', attrs={'to': to}) if reason: decline.setTagData('reason', reason) self._con.connection.send(message) def request_voice(self, room): if not app.account_is_connected(self._account): return message = nbxmpp.Message(to=room) x = nbxmpp.DataForm(typ='submit') x.addChild(node=nbxmpp.DataField(name='FORM_TYPE', value=nbxmpp.NS_MUC + '#request')) x.addChild(node=nbxmpp.DataField(name='muc#role', value='participant', typ='text-single')) message.addChild(node=x) self._con.connection.send(message) def _default_response(self, conn, stanza, **kwargs): if not nbxmpp.isResultNode(stanza): log.info('Error: %s', stanza.getError()) class GcInvitationReceived(NetworkIncomingEvent): name = 'gc-invitation-received' class GcDeclineReceived(NetworkIncomingEvent): name = 'gc-decline-received' class MucAdminReceivedEvent(NetworkIncomingEvent): name = 'muc-admin-received' class MucOwnerReceivedEvent(NetworkIncomingEvent): name = 'muc-owner-received' def get_instance(*args, **kwargs): return MUC(*args, **kwargs), 'MUC'