from common import helpers from common import exceptions from common import gajim from common import stanza_session from common import contacts import common.xmpp import message_control import notify import dialogs import negotiation class ChatControlSession(stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession): def __init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type = 'chat'): stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession.__init__(self, conn, jid, thread_id, type = 'chat') self.control = None def acknowledge_termination(self): stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession.acknowledge_termination(self) if self.control: if self.enable_encryption: self.control.print_esession_details() self.control.set_session(None) def terminate(self): stanza_session.EncryptedStanzaSession.terminate(self) if self.control: self.control.set_session(None) # extracts chatstate from a stanza def get_chatstate(self, msg, msgtxt): composing_xep = None chatstate = None # chatstates - look for chatstate tags in a message if not delayed delayed = msg.getTag('x', namespace=common.xmpp.NS_DELAY) != None if not delayed: composing_xep = False children = msg.getChildren() for child in children: if child.getNamespace() == '': chatstate = child.getName() composing_xep = 'XEP-0085' break # No XEP-0085 support, fallback to XEP-0022 if not chatstate: chatstate_child = msg.getTag('x', namespace = common.xmpp.NS_EVENT) if chatstate_child: chatstate = 'active' composing_xep = 'XEP-0022' if not msgtxt and chatstate_child.getTag('composing'): chatstate = 'composing' return (composing_xep, chatstate) # dispatch a received stanza def received(self, full_jid_with_resource, msgtxt, tim, encrypted, msg): msg_type = msg.getType() subject = msg.getSubject() if not msg_type or msg_type not in ('chat', 'groupchat', 'error'): msg_type = 'normal' msg_id = None # XEP-0172 User Nickname user_nick = msg.getTagData('nick') if not user_nick: user_nick ='' form_node = None for xtag in msg.getTags('x'): if xtag.getNamespace() == common.xmpp.NS_DATA: form_node = xtag break composing_xep, chatstate = self.get_chatstate(msg, msgtxt) xhtml = msg.getXHTML() if msg_type == 'chat': if not msg.getTag('body') and chatstate is None: return log_type = 'chat_msg_recv' else: log_type = 'single_msg_recv' if self.is_loggable() and msgtxt: try: msg_id = gajim.logger.write(log_type, full_jid_with_resource, msgtxt, tim=tim, subject=subject) except exceptions.PysqliteOperationalError, e: gajim.dispatch('ERROR', (_('Disk WriteError'), str(e))) treat_as = gajim.config.get('treat_incoming_messages') if treat_as: msg_type = treat_as jid = gajim.get_jid_without_resource(full_jid_with_resource) resource = gajim.get_resource_from_jid(full_jid_with_resource) if gajim.config.get('ignore_incoming_xhtml'): xhtml = None if gajim.jid_is_transport(jid): jid = jid.replace('@', '') groupchat_control = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_gc_control(jid, if not groupchat_control and \ jid in gajim.interface.minimized_controls[]: groupchat_control = gajim.interface.minimized_controls[][jid] pm = False if groupchat_control and groupchat_control.type_id == \ message_control.TYPE_GC: # It's a Private message pm = True msg_type = 'pm' highest_contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(, jid) # does this resource have the highest priority of any available? is_highest = not highest_contact or not highest_contact.resource or \ resource == highest_contact.resource or == 'offline' # Handle chat states contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(, jid, resource) if contact: if contact.composing_xep != 'XEP-0085': # We cache xep85 support contact.composing_xep = composing_xep if self.control and self.control.type_id == message_control.TYPE_CHAT: if chatstate is not None: # other peer sent us reply, so he supports jep85 or jep22 contact.chatstate = chatstate if contact.our_chatstate == 'ask': # we were jep85 disco? contact.our_chatstate = 'active' # no more self.control.handle_incoming_chatstate() elif contact.chatstate != 'active': # got no valid jep85 answer, peer does not support it contact.chatstate = False elif chatstate == 'active': # Brand new message, incoming. contact.our_chatstate = chatstate contact.chatstate = chatstate if msg_id: # Do not overwrite an existing msg_id with None contact.msg_id = msg_id # THIS MUST BE AFTER chatstates handling # AND BEFORE playsound (else we ear sounding on chatstates!) if not msgtxt: # empty message text return if gajim.config.get('ignore_unknown_contacts') and \ not gajim.contacts.get_contacts(, jid) and not pm: return if not contact: # contact is not in the roster, create a fake one to display # notification contact = contacts.Contact(jid = jid, resource = resource) advanced_notif_num = notify.get_advanced_notification('message_received',, contact) if not pm and is_highest: jid_of_control = jid else: jid_of_control = full_jid_with_resource if not self.control: # look for an existing chat control without a session ctrl = gajim.interface.msg_win_mgr.get_sessionless_ctrl(, jid) if ctrl: self.control = ctrl self.control.set_session(self) # Is it a first or next message received ? first = False if not self.control and not, \ jid_of_control, [msg_type]): first = True if pm: nickname = resource groupchat_control.on_private_message(nickname, msgtxt, tim, xhtml, self, msg_id) else: self.roster_message(jid, msgtxt, tim, encrypted, msg_type, subject, resource, msg_id, user_nick, advanced_notif_num, xhtml=xhtml, form_node=form_node) nickname = gajim.get_name_from_jid(, jid) # Check and do wanted notifications msg = msgtxt if subject: msg = _('Subject: %s') % subject + '\n' + msg focused = False if self.control: parent_win = self.control.parent_win if self.control == parent_win.get_active_control() and \ parent_win.window.has_focus: focused = True notify.notify('new_message', jid_of_control,, [msg_type, first, nickname, msg, focused], advanced_notif_num) if gajim.interface.remote_ctrl: gajim.interface.remote_ctrl.raise_signal('NewMessage', (, [full_jid_with_resource, msgtxt, tim, encrypted, msg_type, subject, chatstate, msg_id, composing_xep, user_nick, xhtml, form_node])) # display the message or show notification in the roster def roster_message(self, jid, msg, tim, encrypted=False, msg_type='', subject=None, resource='', msg_id=None, user_nick='', advanced_notif_num=None, xhtml=None, form_node=None): contact = None # if chat window will be for specific resource resource_for_chat = resource fjid = jid # Try to catch the contact with correct resource if resource: fjid = jid + '/' + resource contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(, jid, resource) highest_contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact_with_highest_priority(, jid) if not contact: # If there is another resource, it may be a message from an invisible # resource lcontact = gajim.contacts.get_contacts(, jid) if (len(lcontact) > 1 or (lcontact and lcontact[0].resource and \ lcontact[0].show != 'offline')) and jid.find('@') > 0: contact = gajim.contacts.copy_contact(highest_contact) contact.resource = resource if resource: fjid = jid + '/' + resource contact.priority = 0 = 'offline' contact.status = '' gajim.contacts.add_contact(, contact) else: # Default to highest prio fjid = jid resource_for_chat = None contact = highest_contact if not contact: # contact is not in roster contact = gajim.interface.roster.add_to_not_in_the_roster(, jid, user_nick) if not self.control: # if no control exists and message comes from highest prio, the new # control shouldn't have a resource if highest_contact and contact.resource == highest_contact.resource \ and not jid == gajim.get_jid_from_account( fjid = jid resource_for_chat = None # Do we have a queue? no_queue = len(, fjid)) == 0 popup = helpers.allow_popup_window(, advanced_notif_num) if msg_type == 'normal' and popup: # it's single message to be autopopuped dialogs.SingleMessageWindow(, contact.jid, action='receive', from_whom=jid, subject=subject, message=msg, resource=resource, session=self, form_node=form_node) return # We print if window is opened and it's not a single message if self.control and msg_type != 'normal': typ = '' if msg_type == 'error': typ = 'status' self.control.print_conversation(msg, typ, tim=tim, encrypted=encrypted, subject=subject, xhtml=xhtml) if msg_id: gajim.logger.set_read_messages([msg_id]) return # We save it in a queue type_ = 'chat' event_type = 'message_received' if msg_type == 'normal': type_ = 'normal' event_type = 'single_message_received' show_in_roster = notify.get_show_in_roster(event_type,, contact, self) show_in_systray = notify.get_show_in_systray(event_type,, contact) event =, (msg, subject, msg_type, tim, encrypted, resource, msg_id, xhtml, self, form_node), show_in_roster=show_in_roster, show_in_systray=show_in_systray), fjid, event) if popup: if not self.control: self.control = gajim.interface.new_chat(contact,, resource=resource_for_chat, session=self) if len(, fjid)): self.control.read_queue() else: if no_queue: # We didn't have a queue: we change icons gajim.interface.roster.draw_contact(jid, gajim.interface.roster.show_title() # we show the * or [n] # Select contact row in roster. gajim.interface.roster.select_contact(jid, # ---- ESessions stuff --- def check_identity(self, on_success): negotiation.show_sas_dialog(self, self.jid,, on_success) def handle_negotiation(self, form): if form.getField('accept') and not form['accept'] in ('1', 'true'): self.cancelled_negotiation() return # encrypted session states. these are described in try: # bob responds if form.getType() == 'form' and 'security' in form.asDict(): def continue_with_negotiation(*args): if len(args): self.dialog.destroy() # we don't support 3-message negotiation as the responder if 'dhkeys' in form.asDict(): self.fail_bad_negotiation('3 message negotiation not supported when responding', ('dhkeys',)) return negotiated, not_acceptable, ask_user = self.verify_options_bob(form) if ask_user: def accept_nondefault_options(is_checked): self.dialog.destroy() negotiated.update(ask_user) self.respond_e2e_bob(form, negotiated, not_acceptable) def reject_nondefault_options(): self.dialog.destroy() for key in ask_user.keys(): not_acceptable.append(key) self.respond_e2e_bob(form, negotiated, not_acceptable) self.dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(_('Confirm these session options'), _('''The remote client wants to negotiate an session with these features: %s Are these options acceptable?''') % (negotiation.describe_features(ask_user)), on_response_yes=accept_nondefault_options, on_response_no=reject_nondefault_options) else: self.respond_e2e_bob(form, negotiated, not_acceptable) def ignore_negotiation(widget): self.dialog.destroy() return continue_with_negotiation() return # alice accepts elif self.status == 'requested-e2e' and form.getType() == 'submit': negotiated, not_acceptable, ask_user = self.verify_options_alice(form) if ask_user: def accept_nondefault_options(is_checked): dialog.destroy() negotiated.update(ask_user) try: self.accept_e2e_alice(form, negotiated) except exceptions.NegotiationError, details: self.fail_bad_negotiation(details) def reject_nondefault_options(): self.reject_negotiation() dialog.destroy() dialog = dialogs.YesNoDialog(_('Confirm these session options'), _('The remote client selected these options:\n\n%s\n\nContinue with the session?') % (negotiation.describe_features(ask_user)), on_response_yes = accept_nondefault_options, on_response_no = reject_nondefault_options) else: try: self.accept_e2e_alice(form, negotiated) except exceptions.NegotiationError, details: self.fail_bad_negotiation(details) return elif self.status == 'responded-e2e' and form.getType() == 'result': try: self.accept_e2e_bob(form) except exceptions.NegotiationError, details: self.fail_bad_negotiation(details) return elif self.status == 'identified-alice' and form.getType() == 'result': try: self.final_steps_alice(form) except exceptions.NegotiationError, details: self.fail_bad_negotiation(details) return except exceptions.Cancelled: # user cancelled the negotiation self.reject_negotiation() return if form.getField('terminate') and\ form.getField('terminate').getValue() in ('1', 'true'): self.acknowledge_termination() self.conn.delete_session(self.jid, self.thread_id) return # non-esession negotiation. this isn't very useful, but i'm keeping it around # to test my test suite. if form.getType() == 'form': if not self.control: jid, resource = gajim.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(self.jid) account = contact = gajim.contacts.get_contact(account, self.jid, resource) if not contact: contact = gajim.contacts.create_contact(jid = jidk, resource = resource, show = self.conn.get_status()) gajim.interface.new_chat(contact, account, resource = resource, session = self) negotiation.FeatureNegotiationWindow(account, self.jid, self, form)