# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## config.py ## ## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Yann Le Boulanger ## Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Nikos Kouremenos ## Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Stéphan Kochen ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## # The appearance of the treeview, and parts of the dialog, are controlled by # AgentBrowser (sub-)classes. Methods that probably should be overridden when # subclassing are: (look at the docstrings and source for additional info) # - def cleanup(self) * # - def _create_treemodel(self) * # - def _add_actions(self) # - def _clean_actions(self) # - def update_theme(self) * # - def update_actions(self) # - def default_action(self) # - def _find_item(self, jid, node) # - def _add_item(self, jid, node, item, force) # - def _update_item(self, iter, jid, node, item) # - def _update_info(self, iter, jid, node, identities, features, data) # - def _update_error(self, iter, jid, node) # # * Should call the super class for this method. # All others do not have to call back to the super class. (but can if they want # the functionality) # There are more methods, of course, but this is a basic set. import os import inspect import weakref import gobject import gtk import gobject import pango import dialogs import tooltips import gtkgui_helpers import groups import adhoc_commands import search_window from common import gajim from common import xmpp from common.exceptions import GajimGeneralException # Dictionary mapping category, type pairs to browser class, image pairs. # This is a function, so we can call it after the classes are declared. # For the browser class, None means that the service will only be browsable # when it advertises disco as it's feature, False means it's never browsable. def _gen_agent_type_info(): return { # Defaults (0, 0): (None, None), # Jabber server ('server', 'im'): (ToplevelAgentBrowser, 'jabber.png'), ('services', 'jabber'): (ToplevelAgentBrowser, 'jabber.png'), # Services ('conference', 'text'): (MucBrowser, 'conference.png'), ('headline', 'rss'): (AgentBrowser, 'rss.png'), ('headline', 'weather'): (False, 'weather.png'), ('gateway', 'weather'): (False, 'weather.png'), ('_jid', 'weather'): (False, 'weather.png'), ('gateway', 'sip'): (False, 'sip.png'), ('directory', 'user'): (None, 'jud.png'), ('pubsub', 'generic'): (PubSubBrowser, 'pubsub.png'), ('pubsub', 'service'): (PubSubBrowser, 'pubsub.png'), ('proxy', 'bytestreams'): (None, 'bytestreams.png'), # Socks5 FT proxy # Transports ('conference', 'irc'): (ToplevelAgentBrowser, 'irc.png'), ('_jid', 'irc'): (False, 'irc.png'), ('gateway', 'aim'): (False, 'aim.png'), ('_jid', 'aim'): (False, 'aim.png'), ('gateway', 'gadu-gadu'): (False, 'gadu-gadu.png'), ('_jid', 'gadugadu'): (False, 'gadu-gadu.png'), ('gateway', 'http-ws'): (False, 'http-ws.png'), ('gateway', 'icq'): (False, 'icq.png'), ('_jid', 'icq'): (False, 'icq.png'), ('gateway', 'msn'): (False, 'msn.png'), ('_jid', 'msn'): (False, 'msn.png'), ('gateway', 'sms'): (False, 'sms.png'), ('_jid', 'sms'): (False, 'sms.png'), ('gateway', 'smtp'): (False, 'mail.png'), ('gateway', 'yahoo'): (False, 'yahoo.png'), ('_jid', 'yahoo'): (False, 'yahoo.png'), } # Category type to "human-readable" description string, and sort priority _cat_to_descr = { 'other': (_('Others'), 2), 'gateway': (_('Transports'), 0), '_jid': (_('Transports'), 0), #conference is a category for listing mostly groupchats in service discovery 'conference': (_('Conference'), 1), } class CacheDictionary: '''A dictionary that keeps items around for only a specific time. Lifetime is in minutes. Getrefresh specifies whether to refresh when an item is merely accessed instead of set aswell.''' def __init__(self, lifetime, getrefresh = True): self.lifetime = lifetime * 1000 * 60 self.getrefresh = getrefresh self.cache = {} class CacheItem: '''An object to store cache items and their timeouts.''' def __init__(self, value): self.value = value self.source = None def __call__(self): return self.value def cleanup(self): for key in self.cache.keys(): item = self.cache[key] if item.source: gobject.source_remove(item.source) del self.cache[key] def _expire_timeout(self, key): '''The timeout has expired, remove the object.''' if key in self.cache: del self.cache[key] return False def _refresh_timeout(self, key): '''The object was accessed, refresh the timeout.''' item = self.cache[key] if item.source: gobject.source_remove(item.source) if self.lifetime: source = gobject.timeout_add(self.lifetime, self._expire_timeout, key) item.source = source def __getitem__(self, key): item = self.cache[key] if self.getrefresh: self._refresh_timeout(key) return item() def __setitem__(self, key, value): item = self.CacheItem(value) self.cache[key] = item self._refresh_timeout(key) def __delitem__(self, key): item = self.cache[key] if item.source: gobject.source_remove(item.source) del self.cache[key] def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.cache has_key = __contains__ _icon_cache = CacheDictionary(15) def get_agent_address(jid, node = None): '''Returns an agent's address for displaying in the GUI.''' if node: return '%s@%s' % (node, str(jid)) else: return str(jid) class Closure(object): '''A weak reference to a callback with arguments as an object. Weak references to methods immediatly die, even if the object is still alive. Besides a handy way to store a callback, this provides a workaround that keeps a reference to the object instead. Userargs and removeargs must be tuples.''' def __init__(self, cb, userargs = (), remove = None, removeargs = ()): self.userargs = userargs self.remove = remove self.removeargs = removeargs if inspect.ismethod(cb): self.meth_self = weakref.ref(cb.im_self, self._remove) self.meth_name = cb.func_name elif callable(cb): self.meth_self = None self.cb = weakref.ref(cb, self._remove) else: raise TypeError('Object is not callable') def _remove(self, ref): if self.remove: self.remove(self, *self.removeargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.meth_self: obj = self.meth_self() cb = getattr(obj, self.meth_name) else: cb = self.cb() args = args + self.userargs return cb(*args, **kwargs) class ServicesCache: '''Class that caches our query results. Each connection will have it's own ServiceCache instance.''' def __init__(self, account): self.account = account self._items = CacheDictionary(0, getrefresh = False) self._info = CacheDictionary(0, getrefresh = False) self._subscriptions = CacheDictionary(5, getrefresh=False) self._cbs = {} def cleanup(self): self._items.cleanup() self._info.cleanup() def _clean_closure(self, cb, type, addr): # A closure died, clean up cbkey = (type, addr) try: self._cbs[cbkey].remove(cb) except KeyError: return except ValueError: return # Clean an empty list if not self._cbs[cbkey]: del self._cbs[cbkey] def get_icon(self, identities = []): '''Return the icon for an agent.''' # Grab the first identity with an icon for identity in identities: try: cat, type = identity['category'], identity['type'] info = _agent_type_info[(cat, type)] except KeyError: continue filename = info[1] if filename: break else: # Loop fell through, default to unknown cat = type = 0 info = _agent_type_info[(0, 0)] filename = info[1] if not filename: # we don't have an image to show for this type return # Use the cache if possible if filename in _icon_cache: return _icon_cache[filename] # Or load it filepath = os.path.join(gajim.DATA_DIR, 'pixmaps', 'agents', filename) pix = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(filepath) # Store in cache _icon_cache[filename] = pix return pix def get_browser(self, identities = [], features = []): '''Return the browser class for an agent.''' # Grab the first identity with a browser browser = None for identity in identities: try: cat, type = identity['category'], identity['type'] info = _agent_type_info[(cat, type)] except KeyError: continue browser = info[0] if browser: break # Note: possible outcome here is browser=False if browser is None: # NS_BROWSE is deprecated, but we check for it anyways. # Some services list it in features and respond to # NS_DISCO_ITEMS anyways. # Allow browsing for unknown types aswell. if (not features and not identities) or\ xmpp.NS_DISCO_ITEMS in features or\ xmpp.NS_BROWSE in features: browser = AgentBrowser return browser def get_info(self, jid, node, cb, force = False, nofetch = False, args = ()): '''Get info for an agent.''' addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) # Check the cache if self._info.has_key(addr): args = self._info[addr] + args cb(jid, node, *args) return if nofetch: return # Create a closure object cbkey = ('info', addr) cb = Closure(cb, userargs = args, remove = self._clean_closure, removeargs = cbkey) # Are we already fetching this? if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): self._cbs[cbkey].append(cb) else: self._cbs[cbkey] = [cb] gajim.connections[self.account].discoverInfo(jid, node) def get_items(self, jid, node, cb, force = False, nofetch = False, args = ()): '''Get a list of items in an agent.''' addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) # Check the cache if self._items.has_key(addr): args = (self._items[addr],) + args cb(jid, node, *args) return if nofetch: return # Create a closure object cbkey = ('items', addr) cb = Closure(cb, userargs = args, remove = self._clean_closure, removeargs = cbkey) # Are we already fetching this? if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): self._cbs[cbkey].append(cb) else: self._cbs[cbkey] = [cb] gajim.connections[self.account].discoverItems(jid, node) def agent_info(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): '''Callback for when we receive an agent's info.''' addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) # Store in cache self._info[addr] = (identities, features, data) # Call callbacks cbkey = ('info', addr) if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): for cb in self._cbs[cbkey]: cb(jid, node, identities, features, data) # clean_closure may have beaten us to it if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): del self._cbs[cbkey] def agent_items(self, jid, node, items): '''Callback for when we receive an agent's items.''' addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) # Store in cache self._items[addr] = items # Call callbacks cbkey = ('items', addr) if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): for cb in self._cbs[cbkey]: cb(jid, node, items) # clean_closure may have beaten us to it if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): del self._cbs[cbkey] def agent_info_error(self, jid): '''Callback for when a query fails. (even after the browse and agents namespaces)''' addr = get_agent_address(jid) # Call callbacks cbkey = ('info', addr) if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): for cb in self._cbs[cbkey]: cb(jid, '', 0, 0, 0) # clean_closure may have beaten us to it if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): del self._cbs[cbkey] def agent_items_error(self, jid): '''Callback for when a query fails. (even after the browse and agents namespaces)''' addr = get_agent_address(jid) # Call callbacks cbkey = ('items', addr) if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): for cb in self._cbs[cbkey]: cb(jid, '', 0) # clean_closure may have beaten us to it if self._cbs.has_key(cbkey): del self._cbs[cbkey] # object is needed so that @property works class ServiceDiscoveryWindow(object): '''Class that represents the Services Discovery window.''' def __init__(self, account, jid = '', node = '', address_entry = False, parent = None): self.account = account self.parent = parent if not jid: jid = gajim.config.get_per('accounts', account, 'hostname') node = '' self.jid = None self.browser = None self.children = [] self.dying = False # Check connection if gajim.connections[account].connected < 2: dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('You are not connected to the server'), _('Without a connection, you can not browse available services')) raise RuntimeError, 'You must be connected to browse services' # Get a ServicesCache object. try: self.cache = gajim.connections[account].services_cache except AttributeError: self.cache = ServicesCache(account) gajim.connections[account].services_cache = self.cache self.xml = gtkgui_helpers.get_glade('service_discovery_window.glade') self.window = self.xml.get_widget('service_discovery_window') self.services_treeview = self.xml.get_widget('services_treeview') self.model = None # This is more reliable than the cursor-changed signal. selection = self.services_treeview.get_selection() selection.connect_after('changed', self.on_services_treeview_selection_changed) self.services_scrollwin = self.xml.get_widget('services_scrollwin') self.progressbar = self.xml.get_widget('services_progressbar') self.progressbar.set_no_show_all(True) self.progressbar.hide() self.banner = self.xml.get_widget('banner_agent_label') self.banner_icon = self.xml.get_widget('banner_agent_icon') self.banner_eventbox = self.xml.get_widget('banner_agent_eventbox') self.style_event_id = 0 self.banner.realize() self.paint_banner() self.filter_hbox = self.xml.get_widget('filter_hbox') self.filter_hbox.set_no_show_all(True) self.filter_hbox.hide() self.action_buttonbox = self.xml.get_widget('action_buttonbox') # Address combobox self.address_comboboxentry = None address_table = self.xml.get_widget('address_table') if address_entry: self.address_comboboxentry = self.xml.get_widget( 'address_comboboxentry') self.address_comboboxentry_entry = self.address_comboboxentry.child self.address_comboboxentry_entry.set_activates_default(True) liststore = gtk.ListStore(str) self.address_comboboxentry.set_model(liststore) self.latest_addresses = gajim.config.get( 'latest_disco_addresses').split() if jid in self.latest_addresses: self.latest_addresses.remove(jid) self.latest_addresses.insert(0, jid) if len(self.latest_addresses) > 10: self.latest_addresses = self.latest_addresses[0:10] for j in self.latest_addresses: self.address_comboboxentry.append_text(j) self.address_comboboxentry.child.set_text(jid) else: # Don't show it at all if we didn't ask for it address_table.set_no_show_all(True) address_table.hide() self._initial_state() self.xml.signal_autoconnect(self) self.travel(jid, node) self.window.show_all() @property def _get_account(self): return self.account @property def _set_account(self, value): self.account = value self.cache.account = value if self.browser: self.browser.account = value def _initial_state(self): '''Set some initial state on the window. Separated in a method because it's handy to use within browser's cleanup method.''' self.progressbar.hide() title_text = _('Service Discovery using account %s') % self.account self.window.set_title(title_text) self._set_window_banner_text(_('Service Discovery')) self.banner_icon.clear() self.banner_icon.hide() # Just clearing it doesn't work def _set_window_banner_text(self, text, text_after = None): theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') bannerfont = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannerfont') bannerfontattrs = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannerfontattrs') if bannerfont: font = pango.FontDescription(bannerfont) else: font = pango.FontDescription('Normal') if bannerfontattrs: # B is attribute set by default if 'B' in bannerfontattrs: font.set_weight(pango.WEIGHT_HEAVY) if 'I' in bannerfontattrs: font.set_style(pango.STYLE_ITALIC) font_attrs = 'font_desc="%s"' % font.to_string() font_size = font.get_size() # in case there is no font specified we use x-large font size if font_size == 0: font_attrs = '%s size="large"' % font_attrs markup = '%s' % (font_attrs, text) if text_after: font.set_weight(pango.WEIGHT_NORMAL) markup = '%s\n%s' % \ (markup, font.to_string(), text_after) self.banner.set_markup(markup) def paint_banner(self): '''Repaint the banner with theme color''' theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') bgcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannerbgcolor') textcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'bannertextcolor') self.disconnect_style_event() if bgcolor: color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(bgcolor) self.banner_eventbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) default_bg = False else: default_bg = True if textcolor: color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(textcolor) self.banner.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) default_fg = False else: default_fg = True if default_fg or default_bg: self._on_style_set_event(self.banner, None, default_fg, default_bg) if self.browser: self.browser.update_theme() def disconnect_style_event(self): if self.style_event_id: self.banner.disconnect(self.style_event_id) self.style_event_id = 0 def connect_style_event(self, set_fg = False, set_bg = False): self.disconnect_style_event() self.style_event_id = self.banner.connect('style-set', self._on_style_set_event, set_fg, set_bg) def _on_style_set_event(self, widget, style, *opts): ''' set style of widget from style class *.Frame.Eventbox opts[0] == True -> set fg color opts[1] == True -> set bg color ''' self.disconnect_style_event() if opts[1]: bg_color = widget.style.bg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED] self.banner_eventbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, bg_color) if opts[0]: fg_color = widget.style.fg[gtk.STATE_SELECTED] self.banner.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, fg_color) self.banner.ensure_style() self.connect_style_event(opts[0], opts[1]) def destroy(self, chain = False): '''Close the browser. This can optionally close its children and propagate to the parent. This should happen on actions like register, or join to kill off the entire browser chain.''' if self.dying: return self.dying = True # self.browser._get_agent_address() would break when no browser. addr = get_agent_address(self.jid, self.node) del gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['disco'][addr] if self.browser: self.window.hide() self.browser.cleanup() self.browser = None self.window.destroy() for child in self.children[:]: child.parent = None if chain: child.destroy(chain = chain) self.children.remove(child) if self.parent: if self in self.parent.children: self.parent.children.remove(self) if chain and not self.parent.children: self.parent.destroy(chain = chain) self.parent = None else: self.cache.cleanup() def travel(self, jid, node): '''Travel to an agent within the current services window.''' if self.browser: self.browser.cleanup() self.browser = None # Update the window list if self.jid: old_addr = get_agent_address(self.jid, self.node) if gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['disco'].has_key(old_addr): del gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['disco'][old_addr] addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['disco'][addr] = self # We need to store these, self.browser is not always available. self.jid = jid self.node = node self.cache.get_info(jid, node, self._travel) def _travel(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): '''Continuation of travel.''' if self.dying or jid != self.jid or node != self.node: return if not identities: if not self.address_comboboxentry: # We can't travel anywhere else. self.destroy() dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('The service could not be found'), _('There is no service at the address you entered, or it is not responding. Check the address and try again.')) return klass = self.cache.get_browser(identities, features) if not klass: dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('The service is not browsable'), _('This type of service does not contain any items to browse.')) return elif klass is None: klass = AgentBrowser self.browser = klass(self.account, jid, node) self.browser.prepare_window(self) self.browser.browse() def open(self, jid, node): '''Open an agent. By default, this happens in a new window.''' try: win = gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['disco']\ [get_agent_address(jid, node)] win.window.present() return except KeyError: pass try: win = ServiceDiscoveryWindow(self.account, jid, node, parent=self) except RuntimeError: # Disconnected, perhaps return self.children.append(win) def on_service_discovery_window_destroy(self, widget): self.destroy() def on_close_button_clicked(self, widget): self.destroy() def on_address_comboboxentry_changed(self, widget): if self.address_comboboxentry.get_active() != -1: # user selected one of the entries so do auto-visit jid = self.address_comboboxentry.child.get_text().decode('utf-8') self.travel(jid, '') def on_go_button_clicked(self, widget): jid = self.address_comboboxentry.child.get_text().decode('utf-8') if jid == self.jid: # jid has not changed return if jid in self.latest_addresses: self.latest_addresses.remove(jid) self.latest_addresses.insert(0, jid) if len(self.latest_addresses) > 10: self.latest_addresses = self.latest_addresses[0:10] self.address_comboboxentry.get_model().clear() for j in self.latest_addresses: self.address_comboboxentry.append_text(j) gajim.config.set('latest_disco_addresses', ' '.join(self.latest_addresses)) gajim.interface.save_config() self.travel(jid, '') def on_services_treeview_row_activated(self, widget, path, col = 0): self.browser.default_action() def on_services_treeview_selection_changed(self, widget): self.browser.update_actions() class AgentBrowser: '''Class that deals with browsing agents and appearance of the browser window. This class and subclasses should basically be treated as "part" of the ServiceDiscoveryWindow class, but had to be separated because this part is dynamic.''' def __init__(self, account, jid, node): self.account = account self.jid = jid self.node = node self._total_items = 0 self.browse_button = None # This is for some timeout callbacks self.active = False def _get_agent_address(self): '''Returns the agent's address for displaying in the GUI.''' return get_agent_address(self.jid, self.node) def _set_initial_title(self): '''Set the initial window title based on agent address.''' self.window.window.set_title(_('Browsing %s using account %s') % \ (self._get_agent_address(), self.account)) self.window._set_window_banner_text(self._get_agent_address()) def _create_treemodel(self): '''Create the treemodel for the services treeview. When subclassing, note that the first two columns should ALWAYS be of type string and contain the JID and node of the item respectively.''' # JID, node, name, address self.model = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str) self.model.set_sort_column_id(3, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) self.window.services_treeview.set_model(self.model) # Name column col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name')) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = 2) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) col.set_resizable(True) # Address column col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('JID')) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = 3) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) col.set_resizable(True) self.window.services_treeview.set_headers_visible(True) def _clean_treemodel(self): self.model.clear() for col in self.window.services_treeview.get_columns(): self.window.services_treeview.remove_column(col) self.window.services_treeview.set_headers_visible(False) def _add_actions(self): '''Add the action buttons to the buttonbox for actions the browser can perform.''' self.browse_button = gtk.Button() image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) label = gtk.Label(_('_Browse')) label.set_use_underline(True) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(image, False, True, 6) hbox.pack_end(label, True, True) self.browse_button.add(hbox) self.browse_button.connect('clicked', self.on_browse_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.browse_button) self.browse_button.show_all() def _clean_actions(self): '''Remove the action buttons specific to this browser.''' if self.browse_button: self.browse_button.destroy() self.browse_button = None def _set_title(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): '''Set the window title based on agent info.''' # Set the banner and window title if identities[0].has_key('name'): name = identities[0]['name'] self.window._set_window_banner_text(self._get_agent_address(), name) # Add an icon to the banner. pix = self.cache.get_icon(identities) self.window.banner_icon.set_from_pixbuf(pix) self.window.banner_icon.show() def _clean_title(self): # Everything done here is done in window._initial_state # This is for subclasses. pass def prepare_window(self, window): '''Prepare the service discovery window. Called when a browser is hooked up with a ServiceDiscoveryWindow instance.''' self.window = window self.cache = window.cache self._set_initial_title() self._create_treemodel() self._add_actions() # This is a hack. The buttonbox apparently doesn't care about pack_start # or pack_end, so we repack the close button here to make sure it's last close_button = self.window.xml.get_widget('close_button') self.window.action_buttonbox.remove(close_button) self.window.action_buttonbox.pack_end(close_button) close_button.show_all() self.update_actions() self.active = True self.cache.get_info(self.jid, self.node, self._set_title) def cleanup(self): '''Cleanup when the window intends to switch browsers.''' self.active = False self._clean_actions() self._clean_treemodel() self._clean_title() self.window._initial_state() def update_theme(self): '''Called when the default theme is changed.''' pass def on_browse_button_clicked(self, widget = None): '''When we want to browse an agent: Open a new services window with a browser for the agent type.''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return jid = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') if jid: node = model[iter][1].decode('utf-8') self.window.open(jid, node) def update_actions(self): '''When we select a row: activate action buttons based on the agent's info.''' if self.browse_button: self.browse_button.set_sensitive(False) model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return jid = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') node = model[iter][1].decode('utf-8') if jid: self.cache.get_info(jid, node, self._update_actions, nofetch = True) def _update_actions(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): '''Continuation of update_actions.''' if not identities or not self.browse_button: return klass = self.cache.get_browser(identities, features) if klass: self.browse_button.set_sensitive(True) def default_action(self): '''When we double-click a row: perform the default action on the selected item.''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return jid = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') node = model[iter][1].decode('utf-8') if jid: self.cache.get_info(jid, node, self._default_action, nofetch = True) def _default_action(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): '''Continuation of default_action.''' if self.cache.get_browser(identities, features): # Browse if we can self.on_browse_button_clicked() return True return False def browse(self, force = False): '''Fill the treeview with agents, fetching the info if necessary.''' self.model.clear() self._total_items = self._progress = 0 self.window.progressbar.show() self._pulse_timeout = gobject.timeout_add(250, self._pulse_timeout_cb) self.cache.get_items(self.jid, self.node, self._agent_items, force = force, args = (force,)) def _pulse_timeout_cb(self, *args): '''Simple callback to keep the progressbar pulsing.''' if not self.active: return False self.window.progressbar.pulse() return True def _find_item(self, jid, node): '''Check if an item is already in the treeview. Return an iter to it if so, None otherwise.''' iter = self.model.get_iter_root() while iter: cjid = self.model.get_value(iter, 0).decode('utf-8') cnode = self.model.get_value(iter, 1).decode('utf-8') if jid == cjid and node == cnode: break iter = self.model.iter_next(iter) if iter: return iter return None def _agent_items(self, jid, node, items, force): '''Callback for when we receive a list of agent items.''' self.model.clear() self._total_items = 0 gobject.source_remove(self._pulse_timeout) self.window.progressbar.hide() # The server returned an error if items == 0: if not self.window.address_comboboxentry: # We can't travel anywhere else. self.window.destroy() dialogs.ErrorDialog(_('The service is not browsable'), _('This service does not contain any items to browse.')) return # We got a list of items self.window.services_treeview.set_model(None) for item in items: jid = item['jid'] node = item.get('node', '') self._total_items += 1 self._add_item(jid, node, item, force) self.window.services_treeview.set_model(self.model) def _agent_info(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): '''Callback for when we receive info about an agent's item.''' addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) iter = self._find_item(jid, node) if not iter: # Not in the treeview, stop return if identities == 0: # The server returned an error self._update_error(iter, jid, node) else: # We got our info self._update_info(iter, jid, node, identities, features, data) self.update_actions() def _add_item(self, jid, node, item, force): '''Called when an item should be added to the model. The result of a disco#items query.''' self.model.append((jid, node, item.get('name', ''), get_agent_address(jid, node))) def _update_item(self, iter, jid, node, item): '''Called when an item should be updated in the model. The result of a disco#items query. (seldom)''' if item.has_key('name'): self.model[iter][2] = item['name'] def _update_info(self, iter, jid, node, identities, features, data): '''Called when an item should be updated in the model with further info. The result of a disco#info query.''' self.model[iter][2] = identities[0].get('name', '') def _update_error(self, iter, jid, node): '''Called when a disco#info query failed for an item.''' pass class ToplevelAgentBrowser(AgentBrowser): '''This browser is used at the top level of a jabber server to browse services such as transports, conference servers, etc.''' def __init__(self, *args): AgentBrowser.__init__(self, *args) self._progressbar_sourceid = None self._renderer = None self._progress = 0 self.tooltip = tooltips.ServiceDiscoveryTooltip() self.register_button = None self.join_button = None self.execute_button = None self.search_button = None # Keep track of our treeview signals self._view_signals = [] self._scroll_signal = None def _pixbuf_renderer_data_func(self, col, cell, model, iter): '''Callback for setting the pixbuf renderer's properties.''' jid = model.get_value(iter, 0) if jid: pix = model.get_value(iter, 2) cell.set_property('visible', True) cell.set_property('pixbuf', pix) else: cell.set_property('visible', False) def _text_renderer_data_func(self, col, cell, model, iter): '''Callback for setting the text renderer's properties.''' jid = model.get_value(iter, 0) markup = model.get_value(iter, 3) state = model.get_value(iter, 4) cell.set_property('markup', markup) if jid: cell.set_property('cell_background_set', False) if state > 0: # 1 = fetching, 2 = error cell.set_property('foreground_set', True) else: # Normal/succes cell.set_property('foreground_set', False) else: theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') bgcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'groupbgcolor') if bgcolor: cell.set_property('cell_background_set', True) cell.set_property('foreground_set', False) def _treemodel_sort_func(self, model, iter1, iter2): '''Sort function for our treemodel.''' # Compare state statecmp = cmp(model.get_value(iter1, 4), model.get_value(iter2, 4)) if statecmp == 0: # These can be None, apparently descr1 = model.get_value(iter1, 3) if descr1: descr1 = descr1.decode('utf-8') descr2 = model.get_value(iter2, 3) if descr2: descr2 = descr2.decode('utf-8') # Compare strings return cmp(descr1, descr2) return statecmp def _show_tooltip(self, state): view = self.window.services_treeview pointer = view.get_pointer() props = view.get_path_at_pos(pointer[0], pointer[1]) # check if the current pointer is at the same path # as it was before setting the timeout if props and self.tooltip.id == props[0]: # bounding rectangle of coordinates for the cell within the treeview rect = view.get_cell_area(props[0], props[1]) # position of the treeview on the screen position = view.window.get_origin() self.tooltip.show_tooltip(state, rect.height, position[1] + rect.y) else: self.tooltip.hide_tooltip() # These are all callbacks to make tooltips work def on_treeview_leave_notify_event(self, widget, event): props = widget.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y)) if self.tooltip.timeout > 0: if not props or self.tooltip.id == props[0]: self.tooltip.hide_tooltip() def on_treeview_motion_notify_event(self, widget, event): props = widget.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x), int(event.y)) if self.tooltip.timeout > 0: if not props or self.tooltip.id != props[0]: self.tooltip.hide_tooltip() if props: [row, col, x, y] = props iter = None try: iter = self.model.get_iter(row) except: self.tooltip.hide_tooltip() return jid = self.model[iter][0] state = self.model[iter][4] # Not a category, and we have something to say about state if jid and state > 0 and \ (self.tooltip.timeout == 0 or self.tooltip.id != props[0]): self.tooltip.id = row self.tooltip.timeout = gobject.timeout_add(500, self._show_tooltip, state) def on_treeview_event_hide_tooltip(self, widget, event): ''' This happens on scroll_event, key_press_event and button_press_event ''' self.tooltip.hide_tooltip() def _create_treemodel(self): # JID, node, icon, description, state # State means 2 when error, 1 when fetching, 0 when succes. view = self.window.services_treeview self.model = gtk.TreeStore(str, str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, int) self.model.set_sort_func(4, self._treemodel_sort_func) self.model.set_sort_column_id(4, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) view.set_model(self.model) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn() # Icon Renderer renderer = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() renderer.set_property('xpad', 6) col.pack_start(renderer, expand = False) col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self._pixbuf_renderer_data_func) # Text Renderer renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer, expand = True) col.set_cell_data_func(renderer, self._text_renderer_data_func) renderer.set_property('foreground', 'dark gray') # Save this so we can go along with theme changes self._renderer = renderer self.update_theme() view.insert_column(col, -1) col.set_resizable(True) # Connect signals scrollwin = self.window.services_scrollwin self._view_signals.append(view.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_treeview_leave_notify_event)) self._view_signals.append(view.connect('motion-notify-event', self.on_treeview_motion_notify_event)) self._view_signals.append(view.connect('key-press-event', self.on_treeview_event_hide_tooltip)) self._view_signals.append(view.connect('button-press-event', self.on_treeview_event_hide_tooltip)) self._scroll_signal = scrollwin.connect('scroll-event', self.on_treeview_event_hide_tooltip) def _clean_treemodel(self): # Disconnect signals view = self.window.services_treeview for sig in self._view_signals: view.disconnect(sig) self._view_signals = [] if self._scroll_signal: scrollwin = self.window.services_scrollwin scrollwin.disconnect(self._scroll_signal) self._scroll_signal = None AgentBrowser._clean_treemodel(self) def _add_actions(self): AgentBrowser._add_actions(self) self.execute_button = gtk.Button() image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) label = gtk.Label(_('_Execute Command')) label.set_use_underline(True) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(image, False, True, 6) hbox.pack_end(label, True, True) self.execute_button.add(hbox) self.execute_button.connect('clicked', self.on_execute_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.execute_button) self.execute_button.show_all() self.register_button = gtk.Button(label=_("Re_gister"), use_underline=True) self.register_button.connect('clicked', self.on_register_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.register_button) self.register_button.show_all() self.join_button = gtk.Button() image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_CONNECT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) label = gtk.Label(_('_Join')) label.set_use_underline(True) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(image, False, True, 6) hbox.pack_end(label, True, True) self.join_button.add(hbox) self.join_button.connect('clicked', self.on_join_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.join_button) self.join_button.show_all() self.search_button = gtk.Button() image = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_FIND, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) label = gtk.Label(_('_Search')) label.set_use_underline(True) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(image, False, True, 6) hbox.pack_end(label, True, True) self.search_button.add(hbox) self.search_button.connect('clicked', self.on_search_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.search_button) self.search_button.show_all() def _clean_actions(self): if self.execute_button: self.execute_button.destroy() self.execute_button = None if self.register_button: self.register_button.destroy() self.register_button = None if self.join_button: self.join_button.destroy() self.join_button = None if self.search_button: self.search_button.destroy() self.search_button = None AgentBrowser._clean_actions(self) def cleanup(self): self.tooltip.hide_tooltip() AgentBrowser.cleanup(self) def update_theme(self): theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') bgcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'groupbgcolor') if bgcolor: self._renderer.set_property('cell-background', bgcolor) self.window.services_treeview.queue_draw() def on_execute_button_clicked(self, widget = None): '''When we want to execute a command: open adhoc command window''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return service = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') adhoc_commands.CommandWindow(self.account, service) def on_search_button_clicked(self, widget = None): '''When we want to search something: open search window''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return service = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') if gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['search'].has_key(service): gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['search'][service].present() else: gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['search'][service] = \ search_window.SearchWindow(self.account, service) def on_register_button_clicked(self, widget = None): '''When we want to register an agent: request information about registering with the agent and close the window.''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return jid = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') if jid: gajim.connections[self.account].request_register_agent_info(jid) self.window.destroy(chain = True) AgentBrowser._clean_actions(self) def cleanup(self): self.tooltip.hide_tooltip() AgentBrowser.cleanup(self) def update_theme(self): theme = gajim.config.get('roster_theme') bgcolor = gajim.config.get_per('themes', theme, 'groupbgcolor') if bgcolor: self._renderer.set_property('cell-background', bgcolor) self.window.services_treeview.queue_draw() def on_execute_button_clicked(self, widget = None): '''When we want to execute a command: open adhoc command window''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return service = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') adhoc_commands.CommandWindow(self.account, service) def on_register_button_clicked(self, widget = None): '''When we want to register an agent: request information about registering with the agent and close the window.''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return jid = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') if jid: gajim.connections[self.account].request_register_agent_info(jid) self.window.destroy(chain = True) def on_join_button_clicked(self, widget): '''When we want to join an IRC room or create a new MUC room: Opens the join_groupchat_window.''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return service = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') if not gajim.interface.instances[self.account].has_key('join_gc'): try: dialogs.JoinGroupchatWindow(self.account, service) except GajimGeneralException: pass else: gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['join_gc'].window.present() self.window.destroy(chain = True) def update_actions(self): if self.execute_button: self.execute_button.set_sensitive(False) if self.register_button: self.register_button.set_sensitive(False) if self.browse_button: self.browse_button.set_sensitive(False) if self.join_button: self.join_button.set_sensitive(False) if self.search_button: self.search_button.set_sensitive(False) model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return if not model[iter][0]: # We're on a category row return if model[iter][4] != 0: # We don't have the info (yet) # It's either unknown or a transport, register button should be active if self.register_button: self.register_button.set_sensitive(True) # Guess what kind of service we're dealing with if self.browse_button: jid = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') type = gajim.get_transport_name_from_jid(jid, use_config_setting = False) if type: identity = {'category': '_jid', 'type': type} klass = self.cache.get_browser([identity]) if klass: self.browse_button.set_sensitive(True) else: # We couldn't guess self.browse_button.set_sensitive(True) else: # Normal case, we have info AgentBrowser.update_actions(self) def _update_actions(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): AgentBrowser._update_actions(self, jid, node, identities, features, data) if self.execute_button and xmpp.NS_COMMANDS in features: self.execute_button.set_sensitive(True) if self.search_button and xmpp.NS_SEARCH in features: self.search_button.set_sensitive(True) if self.register_button and xmpp.NS_REGISTER in features: # We can register this agent registered_transports = [] jid_list = gajim.contacts.get_jid_list(self.account) for jid in jid_list: contact = gajim.contacts.get_first_contact_from_jid( self.account, jid) if _('Transports') in contact.groups: registered_transports.append(jid) if jid in registered_transports: self.register_button.set_label(_('_Edit')) else: self.register_button.set_label(_('Re_gister')) self.register_button.set_sensitive(True) if self.join_button and xmpp.NS_MUC in features: self.join_button.set_sensitive(True) def _default_action(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): if AgentBrowser._default_action(self, jid, node, identities, features, data): return True if xmpp.NS_REGISTER in features: # Register if we can't browse self.on_register_button_clicked() return True return False def browse(self, force = False): self._progress = 0 AgentBrowser.browse(self, force = force) def _expand_all(self): '''Expand all items in the treeview''' # GTK apparently screws up here occasionally. :/ #def expand_all(*args): # self.window.services_treeview.expand_all() # self.expanding = False # return False #self.expanding = True #gobject.idle_add(expand_all) self.window.services_treeview.expand_all() def _update_progressbar(self): '''Update the progressbar.''' # Refresh this every update if self._progressbar_sourceid: gobject.source_remove(self._progressbar_sourceid) fraction = 0 if self._total_items: self.window.progressbar.set_text(_("Scanning %d / %d..") %\ (self._progress, self._total_items)) fraction = float(self._progress) / float(self._total_items) if self._progress >= self._total_items: # We show the progressbar for just a bit before hiding it. id = gobject.timeout_add(1500, self._hide_progressbar_cb) self._progressbar_sourceid = id else: self.window.progressbar.show() # Hide the progressbar if we're timing out anyways. (20 secs) id = gobject.timeout_add(20000, self._hide_progressbar_cb) self._progressbar_sourceid = id self.window.progressbar.set_fraction(fraction) def _hide_progressbar_cb(self, *args): '''Simple callback to hide the progressbar a second after we finish.''' if self.active: self.window.progressbar.hide() return False def _friendly_category(self, category, type=None): '''Get the friendly category name and priority.''' cat = None if type: # Try type-specific override try: cat, prio = _cat_to_descr[(category, type)] except KeyError: pass if not cat: try: cat, prio = _cat_to_descr[category] except KeyError: cat, prio = _cat_to_descr['other'] return cat, prio def _create_category(self, cat, type=None): '''Creates a category row.''' cat, prio = self._friendly_category(cat, type) return self.model.append(None, ('', '', None, cat, prio)) def _find_category(self, cat, type=None): '''Looks up a category row and returns the iterator to it, or None.''' cat, prio = self._friendly_category(cat, type) iter = self.model.get_iter_root() while iter: if self.model.get_value(iter, 3).decode('utf-8') == cat: break iter = self.model.iter_next(iter) if iter: return iter return None def _find_item(self, jid, node): iter = None cat_iter = self.model.get_iter_root() while cat_iter and not iter: iter = self.model.iter_children(cat_iter) while iter: cjid = self.model.get_value(iter, 0).decode('utf-8') cnode = self.model.get_value(iter, 1).decode('utf-8') if jid == cjid and node == cnode: break iter = self.model.iter_next(iter) cat_iter = self.model.iter_next(cat_iter) if iter: return iter return None def _add_item(self, jid, node, item, force): # Row text addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) if item.has_key('name'): descr = "%s\n%s" % (item['name'], addr) else: descr = "%s" % addr # Guess which kind of service this is identities = [] type = gajim.get_transport_name_from_jid(jid, use_config_setting = False) if type: identity = {'category': '_jid', 'type': type} identities.append(identity) cat_args = ('_jid', type) else: # Put it in the 'other' category for now cat_args = ('other',) # Set the pixmap for the row pix = self.cache.get_icon(identities) # Put it in the right category cat = self._find_category(*cat_args) if not cat: cat = self._create_category(*cat_args) self.model.append(cat, (item['jid'], item.get('node', ''), pix, descr, 1)) self._expand_all() # Grab info on the service self.cache.get_info(jid, node, self._agent_info, force = force) self._update_progressbar() def _update_item(self, iter, jid, node, item): addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) if item.has_key('name'): descr = "%s\n%s" % (item['name'], addr) else: descr = "%s" % addr self.model[iter][3] = descr def _update_info(self, iter, jid, node, identities, features, data): addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) name = identities[0].get('name', '') if name: descr = "%s\n%s" % (name, addr) else: descr = "%s" % addr # Update progress self._progress += 1 self._update_progressbar() # Search for an icon and category we can display pix = self.cache.get_icon(identities) for identity in identities: try: cat, type = identity['category'], identity['type'] except KeyError: continue break # Check if we have to move categories old_cat_iter = self.model.iter_parent(iter) old_cat = self.model.get_value(old_cat_iter, 3).decode('utf-8') if self.model.get_value(old_cat_iter, 3) == cat: # Already in the right category, just update self.model[iter][2] = pix self.model[iter][3] = descr self.model[iter][4] = 0 return # Not in the right category, move it. self.model.remove(iter) # Check if the old category is empty if not self.model.iter_is_valid(old_cat_iter): old_cat_iter = self._find_category(old_cat) if not self.model.iter_children(old_cat_iter): self.model.remove(old_cat_iter) cat_iter = self._find_category(cat, type) if not cat_iter: cat_iter = self._create_category(cat, type) self.model.append(cat_iter, (jid, node, pix, descr, 0)) self._expand_all() def _update_error(self, iter, jid, node): addr = get_agent_address(jid, node) self.model[iter][4] = 2 self._progress += 1 self._update_progressbar() class MucBrowser(AgentBrowser): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): AgentBrowser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.join_button = None def _create_treemodel(self): # JID, node, name, users_int, users_str, description, fetched # This is rather long, I'd rather not use a data_func here though. # Users is a string, because want to be able to leave it empty. self.model = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, int, str, str, bool) self.model.set_sort_column_id(2, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) self.window.services_treeview.set_model(self.model) # Name column col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name')) col.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED) col.set_fixed_width(100) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = 2) col.set_sort_column_id(2) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) col.set_resizable(True) # Users column col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Users')) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = 4) col.set_sort_column_id(3) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) col.set_resizable(True) # Description column col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Description')) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = 5) col.set_sort_column_id(4) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) col.set_resizable(True) # Id column col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Id')) renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, text = 0) col.set_sort_column_id(0) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) col.set_resizable(True) self.window.services_treeview.set_headers_visible(True) self.window.services_treeview.set_headers_clickable(True) # Source id for idle callback used to start disco#info queries. self._fetch_source = None # Query failure counter self._broken = 0 # Connect to scrollwindow scrolling self.vadj = self.window.services_scrollwin.get_property('vadjustment') self.vadj_cbid = self.vadj.connect('value-changed', self.on_scroll) # And to size changes self.size_cbid = self.window.services_scrollwin.connect( 'size-allocate', self.on_scroll) def _clean_treemodel(self): if self.size_cbid: self.window.services_scrollwin.disconnect(self.size_cbid) self.size_cbid = None if self.vadj_cbid: self.vadj.disconnect(self.vadj_cbid) self.vadj_cbid = None AgentBrowser._clean_treemodel(self) def _add_actions(self): self.join_button = gtk.Button(label=_('_Join'), use_underline=True) self.join_button.connect('clicked', self.on_join_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.join_button) self.join_button.show_all() def _clean_actions(self): if self.join_button: self.join_button.destroy() self.join_button = None def on_join_button_clicked(self, *args): '''When we want to join a conference: Ask specific informations about the selected agent and close the window''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter: return service = model[iter][0].decode('utf-8') room = model[iter][1].decode('utf-8') if 'join_gc' not in gajim.interface.instances[self.account]: try: room_jid = '%s@%s' % (service, room) dialogs.JoinGroupchatWindow(self.account, service) except GajimGeneralException: pass else: gajim.interface.instances[self.account]['join_gc'].window.present() self.window.destroy(chain = True) def update_actions(self): if self.join_button: sens = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().count_selected_rows() self.join_button.set_sensitive(sens > 0) def default_action(self): self.on_join_button_clicked() def _start_info_query(self): '''Idle callback to start checking for visible rows.''' self._fetch_source = None self._query_visible() return False def on_scroll(self, *args): '''Scrollwindow callback to trigger new queries on scolling.''' # This apparently happens when inactive sometimes self._query_visible() def _query_visible(self): '''Query the next visible row for info.''' if self._fetch_source: # We're already fetching return view = self.window.services_treeview if not view.flags() & gtk.REALIZED: # Prevent a silly warning, try again in a bit. self._fetch_source = gobject.timeout_add(100, self._start_info_query) return # We have to do this in a pygtk <2.8 compatible way :/ #start, end = self.window.services_treeview.get_visible_range() rect = view.get_visible_rect() iter = end = None # Top row try: sx, sy = view.tree_to_widget_coords(rect.x, rect.y) spath = view.get_path_at_pos(sx, sy)[0] iter = self.model.get_iter(spath) except TypeError: self._fetch_source = None return # Bottom row # Iter compare is broke, use the path instead try: ex, ey = view.tree_to_widget_coords(rect.x + rect.height, rect.y + rect.height) end = view.get_path_at_pos(ex, ey)[0] # end is the last visible, we want to query that aswell end = (end[0] + 1,) except TypeError: # We're at the end of the model, we can leave end=None though. pass while iter and self.model.get_path(iter) != end: if not self.model.get_value(iter, 6): jid = self.model.get_value(iter, 0).decode('utf-8') node = self.model.get_value(iter, 1).decode('utf-8') self.cache.get_info(jid, node, self._agent_info) self._fetch_source = True return iter = self.model.iter_next(iter) self._fetch_source = None def _channel_altinfo(self, jid, node, items, name = None): '''Callback for the alternate disco#items query. We try to atleast get the amount of users in the room if the service does not support MUC dataforms.''' if items == 0: # The server returned an error self._broken += 1 if self._broken >= 3: # Disable queries completely after 3 failures if self.size_cbid: self.window.services_scrollwin.disconnect(self.size_cbid) self.size_cbid = None if self.vadj_cbid: self.vadj.disconnect(self.vadj_cbid) self.vadj_cbid = None self._fetch_source = None return else: iter = self._find_item(jid, node) if iter: if name: self.model[iter][2] = name self.model[iter][3] = len(items) # The number of users self.model[iter][4] = str(len(items)) # The number of users self.model[iter][6] = True self._fetch_source = None self._query_visible() def _add_item(self, jid, node, item, force): self.model.append((jid, node, item.get('name', ''), -1, '', '', False)) if not self._fetch_source: self._fetch_source = gobject.idle_add(self._start_info_query) def _update_info(self, iter, jid, node, identities, features, data): name = identities[0].get('name', '') for form in data: typefield = form.getField('FORM_TYPE') if typefield and typefield.getValue() ==\ 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#roominfo': # Fill model row from the form's fields users = form.getField('muc#roominfo_occupants') descr = form.getField('muc#roominfo_description') if users: self.model[iter][3] = int(users.getValue()) self.model[iter][4] = users.getValue() if descr: self.model[iter][5] = descr.getValue() # Only set these when we find a form with additional info # Some servers don't support forms and put extra info in # the name attribute, so we preserve it in that case. self.model[iter][2] = name self.model[iter][6] = True break else: # We didn't find a form, switch to alternate query mode self.cache.get_items(jid, node, self._channel_altinfo, args = (name,)) return # Continue with the next self._fetch_source = None self._query_visible() def _update_error(self, iter, jid, node): # switch to alternate query mode self.cache.get_items(jid, node, self._channel_altinfo) def PubSubBrowser(account, jid, node): ''' Returns an AgentBrowser subclass that will display service discovery for particular pubsub service. Different pubsub services may need to present different data during browsing. ''' # for now, only discussion groups are supported... # TODO: check if it has appropriate features to be such kind of service return DiscussionGroupsBrowser(account, jid, node) class DiscussionGroupsBrowser(AgentBrowser): ''' For browsing pubsub-based discussion groups service. ''' def __init__(self, account, jid, node): AgentBrowser.__init__(self, account, jid, node) # this will become set object when we get subscriptions; None means # we don't know yet which groups are subscribed self.subscriptions = None # this will become our action widgets when we create them; None means # we don't have them yet (needed for check in callback) self.subscribe_button = None self.unsubscribe_button = None gajim.connections[account].send_pb_subscription_query(jid, self._subscriptionsCB) def _create_treemodel(self): ''' Create treemodel for the window. ''' # JID, node, name (with description) - pango markup, dont have info?, subscribed? self.model = gtk.TreeStore(str, str, str, bool, bool) # sort by name self.model.set_sort_column_id(2, gtk.SORT_ASCENDING) self.window.services_treeview.set_model(self.model) # Name column # Pango markup for name and description, description printed with # font renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name')) col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, markup=2) col.set_resizable(True) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) self.window.services_treeview.set_headers_visible(True) # Subscription state renderer = gtk.CellRendererToggle() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Subscribed')) col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, inconsistent=3, active=4) col.set_resizable(False) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) # Node Column renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Node')) col.pack_start(renderer) col.set_attributes(renderer, markup=1) col.set_resizable(True) self.window.services_treeview.insert_column(col, -1) def _add_items(self, jid, node, items, force): for item in items: jid = item['jid'] node = item.get('node', '') self._total_items += 1 self._add_item(jid, node, item, force) def _in_list_foreach(self, model, path, iter, node): if model[path][1] == node: self.in_list = True def _in_list(self, node): self.in_list = False self.model.foreach(self._in_list_foreach, node) return self.in_list def _add_item(self, jid, node, item, force): ''' Called when we got basic information about new node from query. Show the item. ''' name = item.get('name', '') if self.subscriptions is not None: dunno = False subscribed = node in self.subscriptions else: dunno = True subscribed = False name = gobject.markup_escape_text(name) name = '%s' % name node_splitted = node.split('/') parent_iter = None while len(node_splitted) > 1: parent_node = node_splitted.pop(0) parent_iter = self._get_child_iter(parent_iter, parent_node) node_splitted[0] = parent_node + '/' + node_splitted[0] if not self._in_list(node): self.model.append(parent_iter, (jid, node, name, dunno, subscribed)) self.cache.get_items(jid, node, self._add_items, force = force, args = (force,)) def _get_child_iter(self, parent_iter, node): child_iter = self.model.iter_children(parent_iter) while child_iter: if self.model[child_iter][1] == node: return child_iter child_iter = self.model.iter_next(child_iter) return None def _add_actions(self): self.post_button = gtk.Button(label=_('New post'), use_underline=True) self.post_button.set_sensitive(False) self.post_button.connect('clicked', self.on_post_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.post_button) self.post_button.show_all() self.subscribe_button = gtk.Button(label=_('_Subscribe'), use_underline=True) self.subscribe_button.set_sensitive(False) self.subscribe_button.connect('clicked', self.on_subscribe_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.subscribe_button) self.subscribe_button.show_all() self.unsubscribe_button = gtk.Button(label=_('_Unsubscribe'), use_underline=True) self.unsubscribe_button.set_sensitive(False) self.unsubscribe_button.connect('clicked', self.on_unsubscribe_button_clicked) self.window.action_buttonbox.add(self.unsubscribe_button) self.unsubscribe_button.show_all() def _clean_actions(self): if self.post_button is not None: self.post_button.destroy() self.post_button = None if self.subscribe_button is not None: self.subscribe_button.destroy() self.subscribe_button = None if self.unsubscribe_button is not None: self.unsubscribe_button.destroy() self.unsubscribe_button = None def update_actions(self): '''Called when user selected a row. Make subscribe/unsubscribe buttons sensitive appropriatelly.''' # we have nothing to do if we don't have buttons... if self.subscribe_button is None: return model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if not iter or self.subscriptions is None: # no item selected or no subscriptions info, all buttons are insensitive self.post_button.set_sensitive(False) self.subscribe_button.set_sensitive(False) self.unsubscribe_button.set_sensitive(False) else: subscribed = model.get_value(iter, 4) # 4 = subscribed? self.post_button.set_sensitive(subscribed) self.subscribe_button.set_sensitive(not subscribed) self.unsubscribe_button.set_sensitive(subscribed) def on_post_button_clicked(self, widget): '''Called when 'post' button is pressed. Open window to create post''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if iter is None: return groupnode = model.get_value(iter, 1) # 1 = groupnode groups.GroupsPostWindow(self.account, self.jid, groupnode) def on_subscribe_button_clicked(self, widget): '''Called when 'subscribe' button is pressed. Send subscribtion request.''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if iter is None: return groupnode = model.get_value(iter, 1) # 1 = groupnode gajim.connections[self.account].send_pb_subscribe(self.jid, groupnode, self._subscribeCB, groupnode) def on_unsubscribe_button_clicked(self, widget): '''Called when 'unsubscribe' button is pressed. Send unsubscription request.''' model, iter = self.window.services_treeview.get_selection().get_selected() if iter is None: return groupnode = model.get_value(iter, 1) # 1 = groupnode gajim.connections[self.account].send_pb_unsubscribe(self.jid, groupnode, self._unsubscribeCB, groupnode) def _subscriptionsCB(self, conn, request): ''' We got the subscribed groups list stanza. Now, if we already have items on the list, we should actualize them. ''' try: subscriptions = request.getTag('pubsub').getTag('subscriptions') except: return groups = set() for child in subscriptions.getTags('subscription'): groups.add(child['node']) self.subscriptions = groups # try to setup existing items in model model = self.window.services_treeview.get_model() for row in model: # 1 = group node # 3 = insensitive checkbox for subscribed # 4 = subscribed? groupnode = row[1] row[3]=False row[4]=groupnode in groups # we now know subscriptions, update button states self.update_actions() raise xmpp.NodeProcessed def _subscribeCB(self, conn, request, groupnode): '''We have just subscribed to a node. Update UI''' self.subscriptions.add(groupnode) model = self.window.services_treeview.get_model() for row in model: if row[1] == groupnode: # 1 = groupnode row[4]=True break self.update_actions() raise xmpp.NodeProcessed def _unsubscribeCB(self, conn, request, groupnode): '''We have just unsubscribed from a node. Update UI''' self.subscriptions.remove(groupnode) model = self.window.services_treeview.get_model() for row in model: if row[1] == groupnode: # 1 = groupnode row[4]=False break self.update_actions() raise xmpp.NodeProcessed # Fill the global agent type info dictionary _agent_type_info = _gen_agent_type_info()