# This file is part of Gajim. # # Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. # # Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Gajim. If not, see . # XEP-0085: Chat State Notifications from typing import Any from typing import Dict # pylint: disable=unused-import from typing import List # pylint: disable=unused-import from typing import Optional from typing import Tuple import time from functools import wraps import nbxmpp from nbxmpp.structs import StanzaHandler from gi.repository import GLib from gajim.common import app from gajim.common.nec import NetworkEvent from gajim.common.const import Chatstate as State from gajim.common.modules.base import BaseModule from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import MessageOutgoingEvent from gajim.common.connection_handlers_events import GcMessageOutgoingEvent from gajim.common.types import ContactT from gajim.common.types import ConnectionT INACTIVE_AFTER = 60 PAUSED_AFTER = 10 def ensure_enabled(func): @wraps(func) def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.enabled: return return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return func_wrapper def parse_chatstate(stanza: nbxmpp.Message) -> Optional[str]: if stanza.getTag('delay', namespace=nbxmpp.NS_DELAY2) is not None: return None children = stanza.getChildren() for child in children: if child.getNamespace() == nbxmpp.NS_CHATSTATES: return child.getName() return None class Chatstate(BaseModule): def __init__(self, con: ConnectionT) -> None: BaseModule.__init__(self, con) self.handlers = [ StanzaHandler(name='presence', callback=self._presence_received), ] # Our current chatstate with a specific contact self._chatstates = {} # type: Dict[str, State] self._last_keyboard_activity = {} # type: Dict[str, float] self._last_mouse_activity = {} # type: Dict[str, float] self._timeout_id = None self._delay_timeout_ids = {} # type: Dict[str, str] self._blocked = [] # type: List[str] self._enabled = False @property def enabled(self): return self._enabled @enabled.setter def enabled(self, value): if self._enabled == value: return self._log.info('Chatstate module %s', 'enabled' if value else 'disabled') self._enabled = value if value: self._timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add_seconds( 2, self._check_last_interaction) else: self.cleanup() self._chatstates = {} self._last_keyboard_activity = {} self._last_mouse_activity = {} self._blocked = [] @ensure_enabled def _presence_received(self, _con: ConnectionT, stanza: nbxmpp.Presence, _properties: Any) -> None: if stanza.getType() not in ('unavailable', 'error'): return full_jid = stanza.getFrom() if full_jid is None or self._con.get_own_jid().bareMatch(full_jid): # Presence from ourself return contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( self._account, full_jid.getStripped(), full_jid.getResource()) if contact is None: contact = app.contacts.get_contact_from_full_jid( self._account, str(full_jid)) if contact is None: return if contact.chatstate is None: return if contact.is_gc_contact: jid = contact.get_full_jid() else: jid = contact.jid contact.chatstate = None self._chatstates.pop(jid, None) self._last_mouse_activity.pop(jid, None) self._last_keyboard_activity.pop(jid, None) self._log.info('Reset chatstate for %s', jid) app.nec.push_outgoing_event( NetworkEvent('chatstate-received', account=self._account, contact=contact)) def delegate(self, event: Any) -> None: if self._con.get_own_jid().bareMatch(event.jid) or event.sent: # Dont show chatstates from our own resources return if event.mtype == 'groupchat': # Not implemented yet return chatstate = parse_chatstate(event.stanza) if chatstate is None: return if event.muc_pm: contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( self._account, event.jid, event.resource) else: contact = app.contacts.get_contact_from_full_jid( self._account, event.fjid) if contact is None: return contact.chatstate = chatstate self._log.info('Recv: %-10s - %s', chatstate, event.fjid) app.nec.push_outgoing_event( NetworkEvent('chatstate-received', account=self._account, contact=contact)) @ensure_enabled def _check_last_interaction(self) -> GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE: now = time.time() for jid in list(self._last_mouse_activity.keys()): time_ = self._last_mouse_activity[jid] current_state = self._chatstates.get(jid) if current_state is None: self._last_mouse_activity.pop(jid, None) self._last_keyboard_activity.pop(jid, None) continue if current_state in (State.GONE, State.INACTIVE): continue new_chatstate = None if now - time_ > INACTIVE_AFTER: new_chatstate = State.INACTIVE elif current_state == State.COMPOSING: key_time = self._last_keyboard_activity[jid] if now - key_time > PAUSED_AFTER: new_chatstate = State.PAUSED if new_chatstate is not None: if self._chatstates.get(jid) != new_chatstate: contact = app.contacts.get_contact(self._account, jid) if contact is None: room, nick = app.get_room_and_nick_from_fjid(jid) contact = app.contacts.get_gc_contact( self._account, room, nick) if contact is not None: contact = contact.as_contact() else: # Contact not found, maybe we left the group chat # or the contact was removed from the roster self._log.info( 'Contact %s not found, reset chatstate', jid) self._chatstates.pop(jid, None) self._last_mouse_activity.pop(jid, None) self._last_keyboard_activity.pop(jid, None) continue self.set_chatstate(contact, new_chatstate) return GLib.SOURCE_CONTINUE @ensure_enabled def set_active(self, contact: ContactT) -> None: if self._get_chatstate_setting(contact) == 'disabled': return self._last_mouse_activity[contact.jid] = time.time() self._chatstates[contact.jid] = State.ACTIVE def get_active_chatstate(self, contact: ContactT) -> Optional[str]: # determines if we add 'active' on outgoing messages if self._get_chatstate_setting(contact) == 'disabled': return None if not contact.is_groupchat(): # Dont send chatstates to ourself if self._con.get_own_jid().bareMatch(contact.jid): return None if not contact.supports(nbxmpp.NS_CHATSTATES): return None self.set_active(contact) return 'active' @ensure_enabled def block_chatstates(self, contact: ContactT, block: bool) -> None: # Block sending chatstates to a contact # Used for example if we cycle through the MUC nick list, which # produces a lot of text-changed signals from the textview. This # Would lead to sending ACTIVE -> COMPOSING -> ACTIVE ... if block: self._blocked.append(contact.jid) else: self._blocked.remove(contact.jid) @ensure_enabled def set_chatstate_delayed(self, contact: ContactT, state: State) -> None: # Used when we go from Composing -> Active after deleting all text # from the Textview. We delay the Active state because maybe the # User starts writing again. self.remove_delay_timeout(contact) self._delay_timeout_ids[contact.jid] = GLib.timeout_add_seconds( 2, self.set_chatstate, contact, state) @ensure_enabled def set_chatstate(self, contact: ContactT, state: State) -> None: # Dont send chatstates to ourself if self._con.get_own_jid().bareMatch(contact.jid): return if contact.jid in self._blocked: return self.remove_delay_timeout(contact) current_state = self._chatstates.get(contact.jid) setting = self._get_chatstate_setting(contact) if setting == 'disabled': # Send a last 'active' state after user disabled chatstates if current_state is not None: self._log.info('Disabled for %s', contact.jid) self._log.info('Send last state: %-10s - %s', State.ACTIVE, contact.jid) event_attrs = {'account': self._account, 'jid': contact.jid, 'chatstate': str(State.ACTIVE)} if contact.is_groupchat(): if contact.is_connected: app.nec.push_outgoing_event( GcMessageOutgoingEvent(None, **event_attrs)) else: app.nec.push_outgoing_event( MessageOutgoingEvent(None, **event_attrs)) self._chatstates.pop(contact.jid, None) self._last_mouse_activity.pop(contact.jid, None) self._last_keyboard_activity.pop(contact.jid, None) return if not contact.is_groupchat(): # Dont leak presence to contacts # which are not allowed to see our status if not contact.is_pm_contact: if contact and contact.sub in ('to', 'none'): self._log.info('Contact not subscribed: %s', contact.jid) return if contact.show == 'offline': self._log.info('Contact offline: %s', contact.jid) return if not contact.supports(nbxmpp.NS_CHATSTATES): self._log.info('Chatstates not supported: %s', contact.jid) return if state in (State.ACTIVE, State.COMPOSING): self._last_mouse_activity[contact.jid] = time.time() if setting == 'composing_only': if state in (State.INACTIVE, State.GONE): state = State.ACTIVE if current_state == state: return self._log.info('Send: %-10s - %s', state, contact.jid) event_attrs = {'account': self._account, 'jid': contact.jid, 'chatstate': str(state)} if contact.is_groupchat(): if contact.is_connected: app.nec.push_outgoing_event( GcMessageOutgoingEvent(None, **event_attrs)) else: app.nec.push_outgoing_event( MessageOutgoingEvent(None, **event_attrs)) self._chatstates[contact.jid] = state @ensure_enabled def set_mouse_activity(self, contact: ContactT, was_paused: bool) -> None: if self._get_chatstate_setting(contact) == 'disabled': return self._last_mouse_activity[contact.jid] = time.time() if self._chatstates.get(contact.jid) == State.INACTIVE: if was_paused: self.set_chatstate(contact, State.PAUSED) else: self.set_chatstate(contact, State.ACTIVE) @ensure_enabled def set_keyboard_activity(self, contact: ContactT) -> None: self._last_keyboard_activity[contact.jid] = time.time() @staticmethod def _get_chatstate_setting(contact): if contact.is_groupchat(): return app.config.get_per( 'rooms', contact.jid, 'send_chatstate', 'composing_only') return app.config.get('outgoing_chat_state_notifications') def remove_delay_timeout(self, contact): timeout = self._delay_timeout_ids.get(contact.jid) if timeout is not None: GLib.source_remove(timeout) del self._delay_timeout_ids[contact.jid] def remove_all_delay_timeouts(self): for timeout in self._delay_timeout_ids.values(): GLib.source_remove(timeout) self._delay_timeout_ids = {} def cleanup(self): self.remove_all_delay_timeouts() if self._timeout_id is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._timeout_id) def get_instance(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[Chatstate, str]: return Chatstate(*args, **kwargs), 'Chatstate'