#!/bin/env python """ LastFM Python class Copyright (C) 2007 Olivier Mehani $Id: lastfm.py 52 2007-11-03 23:19:00Z shtrom $ Python class to handily retrieve song information from a Last.fm account. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ __version__ = '$Revision: 64 $' from urllib import urlopen from xml.dom import minidom from time import time class LastFM: # Where to fetch the played song information LASTFM_FORMAT_URL = \ 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/1.0/user/%s/recenttracks.xml' # Delay in seconds after which the last song entry is considered too old tox # be displayed. MAX_DELAY = 600 ARTIST = 0 NAME = 1 ALBUM = 2 TIME = 3 def __init__(self, username, proxies=None): """ Create a new LastFM object. username, the Last.fm username proxies, the list of proxies to use to connect to the Last.fm data, as expected by urllib.urlopen() """ self.setUsername(username) self._proxies = proxies self.scrobbling = False self.updateData() def __str__(self): return 'Last.fm song tracker for user %s.%s' % (self._username, self.formatSongTitle( ' Last song was \"%(n)s\" by \"%(a)s\" in album \"%(b)s\".')) def getUsername(self): return self._username def setUsername(self, username): self._username = username self.lastSongs = [] def updateData(self): """ Fetch the last recent tracks list and update the object accordingly. Return True if the last played time has changed, False otherwise. """ try: xmldocument = urlopen(self.LASTFM_FORMAT_URL % self._username, self._proxies) xmltree = minidom.parse(xmldocument) except: print 'Error parsing XML from Last.fm...' return False if xmltree.childNodes.length != 1: raise Exception('XML document not formed as expected') recenttracks = xmltree.childNodes[0] tracklist = recenttracks.getElementsByTagName('track') # do not update if nothing more has been scrobbled since last time if len(tracklist) > 0 and \ int(tracklist[0].getElementsByTagName('date')[0]. getAttribute('uts')) != self.getLastScrobbledTime(): self.lastSongs = [] for track in tracklist: artistNode = track.getElementsByTagName('artist')[0] if artistNode.firstChild: artist = artistNode.firstChild.data else: artist = None nameNode = track.getElementsByTagName('name')[0] if nameNode.firstChild: name = nameNode.firstChild.data else: name = None albumNode = track.getElementsByTagName('album')[0] if albumNode.firstChild: album = albumNode.firstChild.data else: album = None timeNode = track.getElementsByTagName('date')[0] self.lastSongs.append((artist, name, album, int(timeNode.getAttribute('uts')))) self.scrobbling = True return True # if nothing has been scrobbled for too long, an update to the # "currently" playing song should be made if self.scrobbling and not self.lastSongIsRecent(): self.scrobbling = False return True return False def getLastSong(self): """ Return the last played song as a tuple of (ARTIST, SONG, ALBUM, TIME). """ if len(self.lastSongs) < 1: return None return self.lastSongs[0] def getLastScrobbledTime(self): """ Return the Unix time the last song was played. """ if len(self.lastSongs) < 1: return 0 return self.lastSongs[0][self.TIME] def timeSinceLastScrobbled(self, lst=None): """ Return the time in seconds since the last song has been scrobbled. lst, the Unix time at which a song has been scrobbled, defaults to that of the last song """ if lst is None: lst = self.getLastScrobbledTime() return int(time()) - lst def lastSongIsRecent(self, delay=None): """ Return a boolean stating whether the last song has been played less the specified delay earlier. delay, the delay to use, defaults to self.MAX_DELAY """ if delay is None: delay = self.MAX_DELAY return self.timeSinceLastScrobbled() < delay def getLastRecentSong(self, delay=None): """ Return the last *recently* played song. "Recently" means that the song has been played less than delay earlier. delay, the delay to use, see lastSongIsRecent for the semantics """ self.updateData() if self.lastSongIsRecent(delay): return self.getLastSong() return None def formatSongTitle(self, formatString='%(a)s - %(n)s', songTuple=None): """ Format a song tuple according to a format string. This makes use of the basic Python string formatting operations. formatString, the string according to which the song should be formated: "%(a)s" is replaced by the artist; "%(n)s" is replaced by the name of the song; "%(b)s" is replaced by the album; defaults to "%s - %t". songTuple, the tuple representing the song, defaults to the last song """ str = '' if songTuple is None: songTuple = self.getLastRecentSong() if songTuple is not None: dict = { 'a': songTuple[0], 'n': songTuple[1], 'b': songTuple[2] } str = formatString % dict return str # Fallback if the script is called directly if __name__ == '__main__': from sys import argv from time import sleep if len(argv) != 2: raise Exception('Incorrect number of arguments. Only the Last.fm username is required.') lfm = LastFM(argv[1]) print lfm while 1: if lfm.updateData(): print lfm.formatSongTitle() sleep(60)