# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
## src/common/events.py
## Copyright (C) 2006 Jean-Marie Traissard <jim AT lapin.org>
##                    Nikos Kouremenos <kourem AT gmail.com>
## Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Yann Leboulanger <asterix AT lagaule.org>
## Copyright (C) 2007 Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie AT gmail.com>
## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Stephan Erb <steve-e AT h3c.de>
## Copyright (C) 2008 Brendan Taylor <whateley AT gmail.com>
##                    Jonathan Schleifer <js-gajim AT webkeks.org>
## This file is part of Gajim.
## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only.
## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Gajim. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import time

class Event:
    Information concerning each event

    def __init__(self, time_=None, show_in_roster=False, show_in_systray=True):
        type_ in chat, normal, file-request, file-error, file-completed,
        file-request-error, file-send-error, file-stopped, gc_msg, pm,
        printed_chat, printed_gc_msg, printed_marked_gc_msg, printed_pm,
        gc-invitation, subscription_request, unsubscribedm jingle-incoming

        parameters is (per type_):
                chat, normal, pm: [message, subject, kind, time, encrypted, resource,
                        where kind in error, incoming
                file-*: file_props
                gc_msg: None
                printed_chat: [message, subject, control, msg_log_id]
                printed_*: None
                        messages that are already printed in chat, but not read
                gc-invitation: [room_jid, reason, password, is_continued, jid_from]
                subscription_request: [text, nick]
                unsubscribed: contact
                jingle-incoming: (fulljid, sessionid, content_types)
        if time_:
            self.time_ = time_
            self.time_ = time.time()
        self.show_in_roster = show_in_roster
        self.show_in_systray = show_in_systray
        # Set when adding the event
        self.jid = None
        self.account = None

class ChatEvent(Event):
    type_ = 'chat'
    def __init__ (self, message, subject, kind, time, encrypted, resource,
    msg_log_id, correct_id=None, xhtml=None, session=None, form_node=None,
    displaymarking=None, sent_forwarded=False, time_=None, show_in_roster=False,
    show_in_systray=True, additional_data=None):
        Event.__init__(self, time_, show_in_roster=show_in_roster,
        self.message = message
        self.subject = subject
        self.kind = kind
        self.time = time
        self.encrypted = encrypted
        self.resource = resource
        self.msg_log_id = msg_log_id
        self.correct_id = correct_id
        self.xhtml = xhtml
        self.session = session
        self.form_node = form_node
        self.displaymarking = displaymarking
        self.sent_forwarded = sent_forwarded
        self.additional_data = additional_data

class NormalEvent(ChatEvent):
    type_ = 'normal'

class PmEvent(ChatEvent):
    type_ = 'pm'

class PrintedChatEvent(Event):
    type_ = 'printed_chat'
    def __init__(self, message, subject, control, msg_log_id, time_=None,
    show_in_roster=False, show_in_systray=True):
        Event.__init__(self, time_, show_in_roster=show_in_roster,
        self.message = message
        self.subject = subject
        self.control = control
        self.msg_log_id = msg_log_id

class PrintedGcMsgEvent(PrintedChatEvent):
    type_ = 'printed_gc_msg'

class PrintedMarkedGcMsgEvent(PrintedChatEvent):
    type_ = 'printed_marked_gc_msg'

class PrintedPmEvent(PrintedChatEvent):
    type_ = 'printed_pm'

class SubscriptionRequestEvent(Event):
    type_ = 'subscription_request'
    def __init__(self, text, nick, time_=None, show_in_roster=False,
        Event.__init__(self, time_, show_in_roster=show_in_roster,
        self.text = text
        self.nick = nick

class UnsubscribedEvent(Event):
    type_ = 'unsubscribed'
    def __init__(self, contact, time_=None, show_in_roster=False,
        Event.__init__(self, time_, show_in_roster=show_in_roster,
        self.contact = contact

class GcInvitationtEvent(Event):
    type_ = 'gc-invitation'
    def __init__(self, room_jid, reason, password, is_continued, jid_from,
    time_=None, show_in_roster=False, show_in_systray=True):
        Event.__init__(self, time_, show_in_roster=show_in_roster,
        self.room_jid = room_jid
        self.reason = reason
        self.password = password
        self.is_continued = is_continued
        self.jid_from = jid_from

class FileRequestEvent(Event):
    type_ = 'file-request'
    def __init__(self, file_props, time_=None, show_in_roster=False, show_in_systray=True):
        Event.__init__(self, time_, show_in_roster=show_in_roster,
        self.file_props = file_props

class FileSendErrorEvent(FileRequestEvent):
    type_ = 'file-send-error'

class FileErrorEvent(FileRequestEvent):
    type_ = 'file-error'

class FileRequestErrorEvent(FileRequestEvent):
    type_ = 'file-request-error'

class FileCompletedEvent(FileRequestEvent):
    type_ = 'file-completed'

class FileStoppedEvent(FileRequestEvent):
    type_ = 'file-stopped'

class FileHashErrorEvent(FileRequestEvent):
    type_ = 'file-hash-error'

class JingleIncomingEvent(Event):
    type_ = 'jingle-incoming'
    def __init__(self, peerjid, sid, content_types, time_=None, show_in_roster=False, show_in_systray=True):
        Event.__init__(self, time_, show_in_roster=show_in_roster,
        self.peerjid = peerjid
        self.sid = sid
        self.content_types = content_types

class Events:
    Information concerning all events

    def __init__(self):
        self._events = {} # list of events {acct: {jid1: [E1, E2]}, }
        self._event_added_listeners = []
        self._event_removed_listeners = []

    def event_added_subscribe(self, listener):
        Add a listener when an event is added to the queue
        if not listener in self._event_added_listeners:

    def event_added_unsubscribe(self, listener):
        Remove a listener when an event is added to the queue
        if listener in self._event_added_listeners:

    def event_removed_subscribe(self, listener):
        Add a listener when an event is removed from the queue
        if not listener in self._event_removed_listeners:

    def event_removed_unsubscribe(self, listener):
        Remove a listener when an event is removed from the queue
        if listener in self._event_removed_listeners:

    def fire_event_added(self, event):
        for listener in self._event_added_listeners:

    def fire_event_removed(self, event_list):
        for listener in self._event_removed_listeners:

    def change_account_name(self, old_name, new_name):
        if old_name in self._events:
            self._events[new_name] = self._events[old_name]
            del self._events[old_name]

    def add_account(self, account):
        self._events[account] = {}

    def get_accounts(self):
        return self._events.keys()

    def remove_account(self, account):
        del self._events[account]

    def add_event(self, account, jid, event):
        # No such account before ?
        if account not in self._events:
            self._events[account] = {jid: [event]}
        # no such jid before ?
        elif jid not in self._events[account]:
            self._events[account][jid] = [event]
        event.jid = jid
        event.account = account

    def remove_events(self, account, jid, event=None, types=None):
        If event is not specified, remove all events from this jid, optionally
        only from given type return True if no such event found
        if types is None:
            types = []
        if account not in self._events:
            return True
        if jid not in self._events[account]:
            return True
        if event: # remove only one event
            if event in self._events[account][jid]:
                if len(self._events[account][jid]) == 1:
                    del self._events[account][jid]
                return True
        if types:
            new_list = [] # list of events to keep
            removed_list = [] # list of removed events
            for ev in self._events[account][jid]:
                if ev.type_ not in types:
            if len(new_list) == len(self._events[account][jid]):
                return True
            if new_list:
                self._events[account][jid] = new_list
                del self._events[account][jid]
        # no event nor type given, remove them all
        del self._events[account][jid]

    def change_jid(self, account, old_jid, new_jid):
        if account not in self._events:
        if old_jid not in self._events[account]:
        if new_jid in self._events[account]:
            self._events[account][new_jid] += self._events[account][old_jid]
            self._events[account][new_jid] = self._events[account][old_jid]
        del self._events[account][old_jid]

    def get_nb_events(self, types=None, account=None):
        if types is None:
            types = []
        return self._get_nb_events(types = types, account = account)

    def get_events(self, account, jid=None, types=None):
        Return all events from the given account of the form {jid1: [], jid2:
        []}. If jid is given, returns all events from the given jid in a list: []
        optionally only from given type
        if types is None:
            types = []
        if account not in self._events:
            return []
        if not jid:
            events_list = {} # list of events
            for jid_ in self._events[account]:
                events = []
                for ev in self._events[account][jid_]:
                    if not types or ev.type_ in types:
                if events:
                    events_list[jid_] = events
            return events_list
        if jid not in self._events[account]:
            return []
        events_list = [] # list of events
        for ev in self._events[account][jid]:
            if not types or ev.type_ in types:
        return events_list

    def get_first_event(self, account=None, jid=None, type_=None):
        Return the first event of type type_ if given
        if not account:
            return self._get_first_event_with_attribute(self._events)
        events_list = self.get_events(account, jid, type_)
        # be sure it's bigger than latest event
        first_event_time = time.time() + 1
        first_event = None
        for event in events_list:
            if event.time_ < first_event_time:
                first_event_time = event.time_
                first_event = event
        return first_event

    def _get_nb_events(self, account=None, jid=None, attribute=None, types=None):
        Return the number of pending events
        if types is None:
            types = []
        nb = 0
        if account:
            accounts = [account]
            accounts = self._events.keys()
        for acct in accounts:
            if acct not in self._events:
            if jid:
                jids = [jid]
                jids = self._events[acct].keys()
            for j in jids:
                if j not in self._events[acct]:
                for event in self._events[acct][j]:
                    if types and event.type_ not in types:
                    if not attribute or \
                    attribute == 'systray' and event.show_in_systray or \
                    attribute == 'roster' and event.show_in_roster:
                        nb += 1
        return nb

    def _get_some_events(self, attribute):
        Attribute in systray, roster
        events = {}
        for account in self._events:
            events[account] = {}
            for jid in self._events[account]:
                events[account][jid] = []
                for event in self._events[account][jid]:
                    if attribute == 'systray' and event.show_in_systray or \
                    attribute == 'roster' and event.show_in_roster:
                if not events[account][jid]:
                    del events[account][jid]
            if not events[account]:
                del events[account]
        return events

    def _get_first_event_with_attribute(self, events):
        Get the first event

        events is in the form {account1: {jid1: [ev1, ev2], },. }
        # be sure it's bigger than latest event
        first_event_time = time.time() + 1
        first_account = None
        first_jid = None
        first_event = None
        for account in events:
            for jid in events[account]:
                for event in events[account][jid]:
                    if event.time_ < first_event_time:
                        first_event_time = event.time_
                        first_account = account
                        first_jid = jid
                        first_event = event
        return first_account, first_jid, first_event

    def get_nb_systray_events(self, types=None):
        Return the number of events displayed in roster
        if types is None:
            types = []
        return self._get_nb_events(attribute='systray', types=types)

    def get_systray_events(self):
        Return all events that must be displayed in systray:
                {account1: {jid1: [ev1, ev2], },. }
        return self._get_some_events('systray')

    def get_first_systray_event(self):
        events = self.get_systray_events()
        return self._get_first_event_with_attribute(events)

    def get_nb_roster_events(self, account=None, jid=None, types=None):
        Return the number of events displayed in roster
        if types is None:
            types = []
        return self._get_nb_events(attribute='roster', account=account,
                jid=jid, types=types)

    def get_roster_events(self):
        Return all events that must be displayed in roster:
                {account1: {jid1: [ev1, ev2], },. }
        return self._get_some_events('roster')