## fuzzyclock.py ## ## Contributors for this file: ## ## - Yann Leboulanger ## - Christoph Neuroth ## ## Copyright (C) 2006 Christoph Neuroth ## Yann Leboulanger ## Dimitur Kirov ## Travis Shirk ## ## This file is part of Gajim. ## ## Gajim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ## by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 only. ## ## Gajim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Gajim. If not, see . ## ''' Python class to show a "fuzzy clock". Homepage: http://home.gna.org/fuzzyclock/ Project Page: http://gna.org/projects/fuzzyclock The class has been ported from PHP code by Henrique Recidive which was in turn based on the Fuzzy Clock Applet of Frerich Raabe (KDE). So most of the credit goes to this guys, thanks :-) ''' import time class FuzzyClock: def __init__(self): self.__hour = 0 self.__minute = 0 self.__dayOfWeek = 0 self.__hourNames = [ _('one'), _('two'), _('three'), _('four'), _('five'), _('six'), _('seven'), _('eight'), _('nine'), _('ten'), _('eleven'), _('twelve')] #Strings to use for the output. %0 will be replaced with the preceding hour (e.g. "x PAST %0"), %1 with the coming hour (e.g. "x TO %1). ''' self.__normalFuzzy = [ _("$0 o'clock"), _('five past $0'), _('ten past $0'), _('quarter past $0'), _('twenty past $0'), _('twenty five past $0'), _('half past $0'), _('twenty five to $1'), _('twenty to $1'), _('quarter to $1'), _('ten to $1'), _('five to $1'), _("$1 o'clock") ] #A "singular-form". It is used when talking about hour 0 self.__normalFuzzyOne = [ _("$0 o'clock"), _('five past $0'), _('ten past $0'), _('quarter past $0'), _('twenty past $0'), _('twenty five past $0'), _('half past $0'), _('twenty five to $1'), _('twenty to $1'), _('quarter to $1'), _('ten to $1'), _('five to $1'), _("$1 o'clock") ] self.__dayTime = [ _('Night'), _('Early morning'), _('Morning'), _('Almost noon'), _('Noon'), _('Afternoon'), _('Evening'), _('Late evening') ] self.__fuzzyWeek = [ _('Start of week'), _('Middle of week'), _('End of week'), _('Weekend!') ] self.setCurrent() def setHour(self,hour): self.__hour = int(hour) def setMinute(self,minute): self.__minute=int(minute) def setDayOfWeek(self,day): self.__dayOfWeek=int(day) def setTime(self,time): timeArray = time.split(":") self.setHour(timeArray[0]) self.setMinute(timeArray[1]) def setCurrent(self): hour=time.strftime("%H") minute=time.strftime("%M") day=time.strftime("%w") self.setTime(hour+":"+minute) self.setDayOfWeek(day) def getFuzzyTime(self, fuzzyness = 1): sector = 0 realHour = 0 if fuzzyness == 1 or fuzzyness == 2: if fuzzyness == 1: if self.__minute >2: sector = (self.__minute - 3) / 5 +1 else: if self.__minute > 6: sector = ((self.__minute - 7) / 15 + 1) * 3 newTimeStr = self.__normalFuzzy[sector] #$0 or $1? deltaHour = int(newTimeStr[newTimeStr.find("$")+1]) if (self.__hour + deltaHour) % 12 > 0: realHour = (self.__hour + deltaHour) % 12 - 1 else: realHour = 12 - ((self.__hour + deltaHour) % 12 + 1) if realHour == 0: newTimeStr = self.__normalFuzzyOne[sector] newTimeStr = newTimeStr.replace("$"+str(deltaHour), self.__hourNames[realHour]) elif fuzzyness == 3: newTimeStr = self.__dayTime[self.__hour / 3] else: dayOfWeek = self.__dayOfWeek if dayOfWeek == 1: newTimeStr = self.__fuzzyWeek[0] elif dayOfWeek >= 2 and dayOfWeek <= 4: newTimeStr = self.__fuzzyWeek[1] elif dayOfWeek == 5: newTimeStr = self.__fuzzyWeek[2] else: newTimeStr = self.__fuzzyWeek[3] return newTimeStr