diff --git a/src/dialogs.py b/src/dialogs.py
index 24184857e..18788ce2a 100644
--- a/src/dialogs.py
+++ b/src/dialogs.py
@@ -1069,11 +1069,11 @@ class PopupNotificationWindow:
txt = gajim.contacts[account][self.jid][0].name
txt = self.jid
# set colors [ http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp ]
self.window.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse('black'))
if event_type == _('Contact Signed In'):
limegreen = gtk.gdk.color_parse('limegreen')
close_button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, limegreen)
@@ -1093,6 +1093,7 @@ class PopupNotificationWindow:
close_button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, bg_color)
eventbox.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, bg_color)
txt = _('From %s') % txt
elif event_type in [_('File Transfer Completed'), _('File Transfer Stopped')]:
bg_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('coral')
close_button.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, bg_color)
@@ -1160,17 +1161,10 @@ class PopupNotificationWindow:
self.account, contact, self.file_props)
elif self.msg_type == 'file-completed': # it's file request # FIXME: comment
- sectext = '\t' + _('Filename: %s') % self.file_props['name']
- sectext += '\n\t' + _('Size: %s') % \
- gtkgui_helpers.convert_bytes(self.file_props['size'])
- sectext += '\n\t' +_('Sender: %s') % self.jid
- InformationDialog(_('File transfer completed'), sectext).get_response()
+ self.plugin.windows['file_transfers'].show_completed(self.jid, file_props)
elif self.msg_type == 'file-stopped': # it's file request # FIXME: comment
- sectext = '\t' + _('Filename: %s') % self.file_props['name']
- sectext += '\n\t' + _('Sender: %s') % self.jid
- ErrorDialog(_('File transfer stopped by the contact of the other side'), \
- sectext).get_response()
+ self.plugin.windows['file_transfers'].show_stopped(self.jid, file_props)
else: # 'chat'
self.plugin.roster.new_chat(contact, self.account)
@@ -1450,7 +1444,30 @@ class FileTransfersWindow:
+ def show_completed(self, jid, file_props):
+ self.window.present()
+ self.window.window.focus()
+ sectext = '\t' + _('Filename: %s') % \
+ gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(file_props['name'])
+ sectext += '\n\t' + _('Size: %s') % \
+ gtkgui_helpers.convert_bytes(file_props['size'])
+ sectext += '\n\t' +_('Sender: %s') % \
+ gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(jid)
+ InformationDialog(_('File transfer completed'), sectext).get_response()
+ self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
+ def show_stopped(self, jid, file_props):
+ self.window.present()
+ self.window.window.focus()
+ sectext = '\t' + _('Filename: %s') % \
+ gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(file_props['name'])
+ sectext += '\n\t' + _('Sender: %s') % \
+ gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(jid)
+ ErrorDialog(_('File transfer stopped by the contact of the other side'), \
+ sectext).get_response()
+ self.tree.get_selection().unselect_all()
def show_file_send_request(self, account, contact):
dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title=_('Open File...'),
@@ -1477,14 +1494,17 @@ class FileTransfersWindow:
def show_file_request(self, account, contact, file_props):
if file_props is None or not file_props.has_key('name'):
- sec_text = '\t' + _('File: %s') % file_props['name']
+ sec_text = '\t' + _('File: %s') % \
+ gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(file_props['name'])
if file_props.has_key('size'):
sec_text += '\n\t' + _('Size: %s') % \
if file_props.has_key('mime-type'):
- sec_text += '\n\t' + _('Type: %s') % file_props['mime-type']
+ sec_text += '\n\t' + _('Type: %s') % \
+ gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(file_props['mime-type'])
if file_props.has_key('desc'):
- sec_text += '\n\t' + _('Description: %s') % file_props['desc']
+ sec_text += '\n\t' + _('Description: %s') % \
+ gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(file_props['desc'])
prim_text = _('%s wants to send you a file:') % contact.jid
dialog = ConfirmationDialog(prim_text, sec_text)
if dialog.get_response() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
@@ -1497,18 +1517,26 @@ class FileTransfersWindow:
if self.last_save_dir and os.path.exists(self.last_save_dir) \
and os.path.isdir(self.last_save_dir):
- response = dialog.run()
- if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- file_path = dialog.get_filename()
- (file_dir, file_name) = os.path.split(file_path)
- if file_dir:
- self.last_save_dir = file_dir
- file_props['file-name'] = file_path
- self.add_transfer(account, contact, file_props)
- gajim.connections[account].send_file_approval(file_props)
- else:
- gajim.connections[account].send_file_rejection(file_props)
- dialog.destroy()
+ while True:
+ response = dialog.run()
+ if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ file_path = dialog.get_filename()
+ if os.path.exists(file_path):
+ primtext = _('This file already exists')
+ sectext = _('Would you like to overwrite it?')
+ dialog2 = ConfirmationDialog(primtext, sectext)
+ if dialog2.get_response() != gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+ continue
+ (file_dir, file_name) = os.path.split(file_path)
+ if file_dir:
+ self.last_save_dir = file_dir
+ file_props['file-name'] = file_path
+ self.add_transfer(account, contact, file_props)
+ gajim.connections[account].send_file_approval(file_props)
+ else:
+ gajim.connections[account].send_file_rejection(file_props)
+ dialog.destroy()
+ break
@@ -1605,8 +1633,8 @@ class FileTransfersWindow:
text_labels += '' + _('Sender: ') + ''
text_labels += '' + _('Recipient: ') + ''
- text_props = file_props['name'] + '\n'
- text_props += contact.name
+ text_props = gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(file_props['name']) + '\n'
+ text_props += gtkgui_helpers.escape_for_pango_markup(contact.name)
self.model.set(iter, 1, text_labels, 2, text_props, 4, \
file_props['type'] + file_props['sid'])
self.set_progress(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'], 0, iter)
diff --git a/src/gajim.py b/src/gajim.py
index 7955c670c..a84108a76 100755
--- a/src/gajim.py
+++ b/src/gajim.py
@@ -716,16 +716,21 @@ class Interface:
file_props = array[1]
if gajim.config.get('notify_on_new_message'):
- # check OUR status and if we allow notifications for that status
- if gajim.config.get('autopopupaway') or \
- gajim.connections[account].connected in (2, 3): # we're online or chat
- instance = dialogs.PopupNotificationWindow(self,
- _('File Transfer Request'), jid, account, 'file', file_props)
- self.roster.popup_notification_windows.append(instance)
+ # check if we should be notified
+ instance = dialogs.PopupNotificationWindow(self,
+ _('File Transfer Request'), jid, account, 'file', file_props)
+ self.roster.popup_notification_windows.append(instance)
+ elif (gajim.connections[account].connected in (2, 3)
+ and gajim.config.get('autopopup')) or \
+ gajim.config.get('autopopupaway'):
+ contact = gajim.contacts[account][jid][0]
+ self.windows['file_transfers'].show_file_request(
+ account, contact, file_props)
def handle_event_file_progress(self, account, file_props):
file_props['sid'], file_props['received-len'])
def handle_event_file_rcv_completed(self, account, file_props):
ft = self.windows['file_transfers']
if file_props['error'] == 0:
@@ -733,21 +738,28 @@ class Interface:
ft.set_status(file_props['type'], file_props['sid'], 'stop')
- if file_props['stalled'] or file_props['paused']:
+ if file_props.has_key('stalled') and file_props['stalled'] or \
+ file_props.has_key('paused') and file_props['paused']:
+ jid = str(file_props['sender'])
if gajim.config.get('notify_on_file_complete'):
- if gajim.config.get('autopopupaway') or \
- gajim.connections[account].connected in (2, 3): # we're online or chat
+ if (gajim.connections[account].connected in (2, 3)
+ and gajim.config.get('autopopup')) or \
+ gajim.config.get('autopopupaway'):
if file_props['error'] == 0:
- msg_type = 'file-completed'
- event_type = _('File Transfer Completed')
+ ft.show_completed(jid, file_props)
elif file_props['error'] == -1:
- msg_type = 'file-stopped'
- event_type = _('File Transfer Stopped')
- instance = dialogs.PopupNotificationWindow(self, event_type,
- str(file_props['sender']), account, msg_type, file_props)
- self.roster.popup_notification_windows.append(instance)
+ ft.show_stopped(jid, file_props)
+ return
+ if file_props['error'] == 0:
+ msg_type = 'file-completed'
+ event_type = _('File Transfer Completed')
+ elif file_props['error'] == -1:
+ msg_type = 'file-stopped'
+ event_type = _('File Transfer Stopped')
+ instance = dialogs.PopupNotificationWindow(self, event_type,
+ jid, account, msg_type, file_props)
+ self.roster.popup_notification_windows.append(instance)
def read_sleepy(self):
'''Check idle status and change that status if needed'''
if not self.sleeper.poll():