/*eslint no-console: "off"*/ const manageTranslations = require('react-intl-translations-manager').default; const fs = require('fs'); const testRFC5626 = function (reRFC5646) { return function (language) { if (!language.match(reRFC5646)) { throw new Error('Not RFC5626 name'); } }; }; const testAvailability = function (availableLanguages) { return function (language) { if ((argv.force !== true) && availableLanguages.indexOf(language) < 0) { throw new Error('Not an available language'); } }; }; const validateLanguages = function (languages, validators) { let invalidLanguages = languages.reduce((acc, language) => { try { for (let validator of validators) { validator(language); } } catch (error) { acc.push({ language, error, }); } return acc; }, []); if (invalidLanguages.length > 0) { console.log(`\nError: Specified invalid LANGUAGES:`); for (let {language, error} of invalidLanguages) { console.error(`* ${language}: ${error}`); } console.log(`\nUse yarn "manage:translations -- --help" for usage information\n`); process.exit(1); } }; const printHelpMessages = function () { console.log( `Usage: yarn manage:translations -- [OPTIONS] [LANGUAGES] Manage javascript translation files in mastodon. Generates and update translations in translationsDirectory: ${translationsDirectory} OPTIONS -h,--help show this message -f,--force force using the provided languages. create files if not exists. default: false LANGUAGES The RFC5646 language tag for the language you want to test or fix. If you want to input multiple languages, separate them with space. Available languages: ${availableLanguages} `); }; // parse arguments const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2), { 'boolean': [ 'force', 'help', ], 'alias': { 'f': 'force', 'h': 'help', }, }); const translationsDirectory = 'app/javascript/mastodon/locales'; const messagesDirectory = 'build/messages'; const localeFn = /^([a-z]{2,3}(|\-[A-Z]+))\.json$/; const reRFC5646 = /^[a-z]{2,3}(|\-[A-Z]+)$/; const availableLanguages = fs.readdirSync(`${process.cwd()}/${translationsDirectory}`).reduce((acc, fn) => { if (fn.match(localeFn)) { acc.push(fn.replace(localeFn, '$1')); } return acc; }, []); // print help message if (argv.help) { printHelpMessages(); process.exit(0); } // check if message directory exists if (!fs.existsSync(`${process.cwd()}/${messagesDirectory}`)) { console.error(`\nError: messageDirectory not exists\n(${process.cwd()}/${messagesDirectory})\n`); console.error(`Try to run "yarn build:development" first`); process.exit(1); } // determine the languages list const languages = (argv._.length === 0) ? availableLanguages : argv._; // validate languages validateLanguages(languages, [ testRFC5626(reRFC5646), testAvailability(availableLanguages), ]); // manage translations manageTranslations({ messagesDirectory, translationsDirectory, detectDuplicateIds: false, singleMessagesFile: true, languages, jsonOptions: { trailingNewline: true, }, });