module ApplicationHelper def unique_tag(date, id, type) "tag:#{Rails.configuration.x.local_domain},#{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}:objectId=#{id}:objectType=#{type}" end def unique_tag_to_local_id(tag, expected_type) matches ="objectId=([\\d]+):objectType=#{expected_type}").match(tag) return matches[1] unless matches.nil? end def local_id?(id) id.start_with?("tag:#{Rails.configuration.x.local_domain}") end def content_for_status(actual_status) if actual_status.local? linkify(actual_status) else sanitize(actual_status.content, tags: %w(a br p), attributes: %w(href rel)) end end def account_from_mentions(search_string, mentions) mentions.each { |x| return x.account if x.account.acct.eql?(search_string) } nil # If that was unsuccessful, try fetching user from db separately # But this shouldn't ever happen if the mentions were created correctly! # username, domain = search_string.split('@') # if domain == Rails.configuration.x.local_domain # account = Account.find_local(username) # else # account = Account.find_remote(username, domain) # end # account end def linkify(status) auto_link(, link: :urls, html: { rel: 'nofollow noopener' }).gsub(Account::MENTION_RE) do |m| account = account_from_mentions(Account::MENTION_RE.match(m)[1], status.mentions) unless account.nil? "#{m.split('@').first}@#{account.acct}" else m end end.html_safe end def active_nav_class(path) current_page?(path) ? 'active' : '' end end