# Example project Simple example that hopefully demonstrates how to use sphinx in autodoc. Map of important files: - `docs/` -- Where all docs-related content is kept. It doesn't have to be in its own folder, but it's a common convention. - `conf.py` -- The configuration file for sphinx. See this file for more details on how to configure Sphinx for use with autodoc. - `index.rst` -- Root document that will become `index.html` in the generated docs. It's conventional to put a `toctree` or at least some links to other pages in the docs here. - `module.rst` -- Where the autodoc for the example module is invoked. - `src/` -- Where all the Python sources are kept. Also not a requirement to have them separate, but a convention. - `module/` -- The example module (in this case, a folder-type module with an `__init__.py` specifying the exported names). - `__init__.py` -- Entry point for the module specifying the exported symbols. Sphinx autodoc uses this to figure out what parts of the module to add to the docs. - `module_class.py` -- Defines the Example class used to showcase the autodoc features. - `simple.py` -- A simple file-style module with a couple more exported names. ## Running Sphinx First, make sure Sphinx is installed. ``` python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Then, you can generate the docs: ``` sphinx-build -b html docs/ docs-out ``` And view them in your browser: ``` xdg-open docs-out/index.html ```