CAP prefix/clog =============== Copyright (c) Soni L. \ This capability provides a mechanism for identifying and conveying a cryptographically secured list of messages to IRC clients. This specification also suggests a mechanism by which IRC clients can sync logs, using the information provided by this capability. Cap syntax ---------- The capability shall be specified as prefix/clog=hash_type,hash_type/tag,tag,tag Example: prefix/clog=sha1,sha256/server-time `server-time` is always implicitly specified, and should be omitted. The `HASH` S2C command ---------------------- The `HASH` command shall be sent for hashes associated with a channel. Each hash must be a cryptographic hash. Non-cryptographic hashes must be ignored. Broken hash algorithms should be avoided. MD5 is explicitly disallowed and must not be used. The counter must be able to store numbers in the `0..2^62-1` range. Syntax: HASH #channel :hash_type=counter/hash,type=counter/hash,... Example: >>> JOIN #channel <<< JOIN #channel <<< NAMES etc <<< HASH #channel :sha1=20,something_long <<< HASH #channel :sha1=60,something_else sha256=70,another Optionally, the server may include a server name with the HASH command: <<< HASH #channel :etc <<< HASH #channel :other The `hash` message tag ---------------------- The `hash` mesaage tag shall be sent with every `PRIVMSG`, `TOPIC` and `NOTICE`. Syntax: hash=type=counter/short_hash,type=counter/short_hash,... The use of `short_hash` lowers bandwidth requirements. Consult your cryptography expert for best practices on using cryptography. Example: TODO The `SYNC` CTCP (informative) ----------------------------- *This section is informative.* The `SYNC` CTCP is a hypothetical CTCP for syncing logs. Syntax: SYNC <...> -[nospam+checksum] This is a highly flexible command supporting ipv4, ipv6, hostname, tor, i2p and tox ID. Messages sent over non-tox channels must be encrypted with the tox-compatible public key.