/* X-Tray * Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Hotaling * * X-Tray is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * X-Tray is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with X-Tray; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "xchat-plugin.h" #include "utility.h" #include "xtray.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "resource.h" TCHAR BACKUP_INI_FILE[] = _T(".\\plugins\\config\\xtray.conf"); struct HOTKEY g_hHotKey; /* we need to convert ALT and SHIFT modifiers // from #define MOD_ALT 0x0001 #define MOD_CONTROL 0x0002 #define MOD_SHIFT 0x0004 // from #define HOTKEYF_SHIFT 0x01 #define HOTKEYF_CONTROL 0x02 #define HOTKEYF_ALT 0x04 */ WORD HotkeyfToMod(WORD modifiers) { WORD newmods = 0; if (modifiers & HOTKEYF_SHIFT) newmods |= MOD_SHIFT; if (modifiers & HOTKEYF_CONTROL) newmods |= MOD_CONTROL; if (modifiers & HOTKEYF_ALT) newmods |= MOD_ALT; return newmods; } WORD ModToHotkeyf(WORD modifiers) { WORD newmods = 0; if (modifiers & MOD_SHIFT) newmods |= HOTKEYF_SHIFT; if (modifiers & MOD_CONTROL) newmods |= HOTKEYF_CONTROL; if (modifiers & MOD_ALT) newmods |= HOTKEYF_ALT; return newmods; } void SavePrefs(int iDlg) { /**************************************************************************************************/ /********** allocate space for our string, and then set it to the currently logged on user ********/ /**************************************************************************************************/ DWORD dBuff = 257; TCHAR szUser[257]; GetUserName(szUser, &dBuff); /**************************************************************************************************/ /*********************** Test if the file exists, If it doesn't, Create It ************************/ /**************************************************************************************************/ TCHAR XTRAY_INI_FILE[1024]; #ifdef UNICODE char temp[1024]; TCHAR TEMP_INI_FILE[1024]; _snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s\\xtray.conf", xchat_get_info(ph, "xchatdir")); ConvertString(temp, TEMP_INI_FILE, 1024); // ok this one is really ugly // it checks to see if the file exists in two locations // X-Chat default config dir, if that fails it trys xchat\plugins\config // if neither one exists it tries to create it in // X-Chat default config dir, if that fails it trys xchat\plugins\config // In either case it writes \xFF\xFE to the file ( on creation ) // so that we can save unicode away messages WritePrivateProfile doesn't // do this for us, though I think it really should if(FileExists(TEMP_INI_FILE)) { _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, TEMP_INI_FILE); } else { if(FileExists(BACKUP_INI_FILE)) { _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, BACKUP_INI_FILE); } else { HANDLE xTemp; DWORD dwBytesTemp; if(xTemp = CreateFile(TEMP_INI_FILE, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { WriteFile(xTemp, _T("\xFF\xFE"), 4, &dwBytesTemp, NULL); } CloseHandle(xTemp); } if(FileExists(TEMP_INI_FILE)) { _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, TEMP_INI_FILE); } else { HANDLE xBackup; DWORD dwBytesBackup; if(xBackup = CreateFile(TEMP_INI_FILE, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { WriteFile(xBackup, _T("\xFF\xFE"), 4, &dwBytesBackup, NULL); } CloseHandle(xBackup); } if(FileExists(BACKUP_INI_FILE)) { _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, BACKUP_INI_FILE); } } } } #else _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, BACKUP_INI_FILE); #endif WritePrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("SETTINGS"), g_dwPrefs, XTRAY_INI_FILE); WritePrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("AOT"), g_iTime, XTRAY_INI_FILE); WritePrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("KEY"), g_hHotKey.key, XTRAY_INI_FILE); WritePrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("MOD"), g_hHotKey.mod, XTRAY_INI_FILE); WritePrivateProfileString(szUser, _T("AWAY"), g_szAway, XTRAY_INI_FILE); } void LoadPrefs() { /**************************************************************************************************/ /*********************** Our Settings Section *****************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************************/ DWORD dBuff = 257; TCHAR szUser[257]; GetUserName(szUser, &dBuff); /**************************************************************************************************/ /*********************** Test if the file exists, If it doesn't, Create It ************************/ /**************************************************************************************************/ TCHAR XTRAY_INI_FILE[1024]; #ifdef UNICODE char temp[1024]; TCHAR TEMP_INI_FILE[1024]; _snprintf(temp, 1024, "%s\\xtray.conf", xchat_get_info(ph, "xchatdir")); ConvertString(temp, TEMP_INI_FILE, 1024); if(FileExists(TEMP_INI_FILE)) { _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, TEMP_INI_FILE); } else { if(FileExists(BACKUP_INI_FILE)) { _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, BACKUP_INI_FILE); } else { HANDLE xTemp; DWORD dwBytesTemp; if(xTemp = CreateFile(TEMP_INI_FILE, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { WriteFile(xTemp, _T("\xFF\xFE"), 4, &dwBytesTemp, NULL); } CloseHandle(xTemp); } if(FileExists(TEMP_INI_FILE)) { _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, TEMP_INI_FILE); } else { HANDLE xBackup; DWORD dwBytesBackup; if(xBackup = CreateFile(TEMP_INI_FILE, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) { if(GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { WriteFile(xBackup, _T("\xFF\xFE"), 4, &dwBytesBackup, NULL); } CloseHandle(xBackup); } if(FileExists(BACKUP_INI_FILE)) { _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, BACKUP_INI_FILE); } } } } #else _tcscpy(XTRAY_INI_FILE, BACKUP_INI_FILE); #endif /**************************************************************************************************/ /*************************** Get the value for each of our preferances ****************************/ /**************************************************************************************************/ g_dwPrefs = GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("SETTINGS"), 0, XTRAY_INI_FILE); // backwards compatability // also allows us to set defaults if its a new installation // disable topic change, channel message and server notice by default if(g_dwPrefs == 0) { g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("HILIGHT"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<1); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("INVITE"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<2); /* g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("TOPIC"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<3); */ g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("BANNED"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<4); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("KICKED"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<5); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("CTCP"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<6); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("PMSG"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<7); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("KILLED"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<8); /* g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("NOTICE"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<9); */ g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("DISCONNECT"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<10); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("AOM"), 0, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<11); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("TOT"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<12); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("AMAE"), 1, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<13); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("OSBWM"), 0, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<14); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("UWIOB"), 0, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<15); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("KAOI"), 0, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<16); g_dwPrefs |= (GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("MIOC"), 0, XTRAY_INI_FILE)<<17); } g_hHotKey.key = GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("KEY"), 84, XTRAY_INI_FILE); g_hHotKey.mod = GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("MOD"), (MOD_CONTROL | MOD_SHIFT), XTRAY_INI_FILE); g_iTime = GetPrivateProfileInt(szUser, _T("AOT"), 5, XTRAY_INI_FILE); GetPrivateProfileString(szUser, _T("AWAY"), _T(""), g_szAway, 1024, XTRAY_INI_FILE); /**************************************************************************************************/ /******************************** Register our hotkey with windows ********************************/ /**************************************************************************************************/ if(g_dwPrefs & (1<