const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const express = require('express'); const http = require('http'); const socketio = require(''); const helmet = require('helmet'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const fileUpload = require('express-fileupload'); const filenamify = require('filenamify'); const unusedFilename = require('unused-filename'); const settings = require('./settings.json'); function Server () { this.server = express(); this.http = http.Server(this.server); = socketio(this.http); this.fileLocation = path.resolve(settings.fileLocation); this.historyLocation = path.resolve(settings.historyLocation); this.takenBooks = []; this.server.use(helmet()); this.server.use(bodyParser.json()); // support json encoded bodies this.server.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); // support encoded bodies this.server.use(fileUpload({ // support file uploads abortOnLimit: true, limits: { fileSize: (settings.maxFileSize > 0 ? settings.maxFileSize * 1024 * 1024 : Infinity), // filesize in bytes (settings accepts MB) }, })); this.server.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, './public/files/'))); this.server.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, './public/history/'))); this.server.use('/js', express.static(path.join(__dirname, './public/js/'))); this.server.use('/js', express.static(path.resolve('./node_modules/jquery/dist/'))); this.server.use('/js', express.static(path.resolve('./node_modules/'))); this.server.use('/css', express.static(path.resolve('./node_modules/bulma/css/'))); this.server.use('/css', express.static(path.join(__dirname, './public/css/'))); this.server.get('/', (req, res) => { const body = this.fillTemplate('./templates/pages/uploadForm.html'); const html = this.fillTemplate('./templates/htmlContainer.html', { body }); if (html) { res.send(html); } else { res.send('Something went wrong!'); } });'/give', (req, res) => { console.log(req.body); console.log(req.files); let success = false; if (Object.keys(req.files).length > 0 && req.body.hasOwnProperty('title') && req.body.title.trim() !== '' && req.body.hasOwnProperty('summary') && req.body.summary.trim() !== '') { const { book } = req.files; const { title, author, summary } = req.body; const fileType ='.')); this.addBook({ book, title, author, summary, fileType }, () => { const messageBox = this.fillTemplate('./templates/elements/messageBox.html', { style: 'is-success', header: 'Upload Successful', message: 'Thank you for your contribution!' }); const modal = this.fillTemplate('./templates/elements/modal.html', { content: messageBox, }); const body = this.fillTemplate('./templates/pages/uploadForm.html'); const html = this.fillTemplate('./templates/htmlContainer.html', { body, modal }); res.send(html); }, (err) => { const messageBox = this.fillTemplate('./templates/elements/messageBox.html', { style: 'is-danger', header: 'Upload Failed', message: err, }); const modal = this.fillTemplate('./templates/elements/modal.html', { content: messageBox, }); const body = this.fillTemplate('./templates/pages/uploadForm.html'); const html = this.fillTemplate('./templates/htmlContainer.html', { body, modal }); res.send(html); }); } else { let errorMessage = ''; if (Object.keys(req.files).length <= 0) { errorMessage += 'You have not selected a file.'; } if (!req.body.hasOwnProperty('title') || req.body.title.trim() === '') { errorMessage += (errorMessage.length > 0 ? '
' : '') + 'You have not written a title.'; } if (!req.body.hasOwnProperty('summary') || req.body.summary.trim() === '') { errorMessage += (errorMessage.length > 0 ? '
' : '') + 'You have not written a summary.'; } const message = this.fillTemplate('./templates/elements/messageBox.html', { style: 'is-danger', header: 'Missing Required Fields', message: errorMessage, }); const body = this.fillTemplate('./templates/pages/uploadForm.html'); const html = this.fillTemplate('./templates/htmlContainer.html', { body, message }); res.send(html); } });'connection', socket => { this.broadcastVisitors(); socket.on('take book', bookId => { const fileLocation = this.takeBook(bookId,; if (fileLocation) { console.log( + ' removed ' + bookId); const downloadLocation = fileLocation.substr(fileLocation.lastIndexOf('/')); socket.emit('./files' + downloadLocation); } }); socket.on('disconnect', () => { this.broadcastVisitors(); this.deleteBooks(; }); }); } Server.prototype.fillTemplate = function (file, templateVars = {}) { const page = path.join(__dirname, file); const data = fs.readFileSync(page, 'utf8'); if (data) { let filledTemplate = data.replace(/\{\{allowedFormats\}\}/g, settings.allowedFormats.join(',')) .replace(/\{\{maxFileSize\}\}/g, (settings.maxFileSize > 0 ? settings.maxFileSize + 'MB' : 'no')); for (let templateVar in templateVars) { const regExp = new RegExp('\{\{' + templateVar + '\}\}', 'g') filledTemplate = filledTemplate.replace(regExp, templateVars[templateVar]); } // If any template variable is not provided, don't even render them. filledTemplate = filledTemplate.replace(/\{\{[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\}\}/g, ''); return filledTemplate; } return data; } Server.prototype.broadcastVisitors = function () { const numberConnected ='/').clients().connected.length;'connected', numberConnected); } Server.prototype.start = function () { this.http.listen(settings.port, () => { console.log('Started server on port ' + settings.port); }); } Server.prototype.addBook = function (uploadData = {}, success = () => {}, error = () => {}) { const { book } = uploadData; const bookId = this.uuid4(); const bookPath = path.resolve(this.fileLocation, bookId); const bookData = { title: uploadData.title.trim(), author:, summary: uploadData.summary.trim(), fileType:'.')), } const bookFilePath = unusedFilename.sync(path.resolve(bookPath + bookData.fileType)); return, function (err) { if (err) { console.log(err); error(err); } else { const bookDataPath = unusedFilename.sync(path.resolve(bookPath + '.json')); fs.writeFileSync(bookDataPath, JSON.stringify(bookData)); success(); console.log('uploaded ' + bookData.title + ' to ' + bookFilePath + ', and saved metadata to ' + bookDataPath); } }); } Server.prototype.takeBook = function (bookId, socketId) { return this.checkId(bookId, (bookPath, bookDataPath, bookData) => { const bookName = filenamify(bookData.title); const newFileName = unusedFilename.sync(path.resolve(this.fileLocation, bookName + bookData.fileType)); bookData.fileName = newFileName; fs.renameSync(bookPath, newFileName); fs.writeFileSync(bookDataPath, JSON.stringify(bookData)); takenBooks.push({ socketId, bookId }); return newFileName; }); } Server.prototype.checkId = function (bookId, callback = () => {}) { const bookDataPath = path.resolve(this.fileLocation, bookId + '.json'); if (fs.existsSync(bookDataPath)) { const bookDataRaw = fs.readFileSync(bookDataPath); if (bookDataRaw) { const bookData = JSON.parse(bookDataRaw); const bookPath = path.resolve(this.fileLocation, bookId + bookData.fileType); if (fs.existsSync(bookPath)) { return callback(bookPath, bookDataPath, bookData); } } } return false; } Server.prototype.deleteBooks = function (socketId) { this.takenBooks.forEach(data => { if (data.socketId === socketId) { this.checkId(data.bookId, (bookPath, bookDataPath) => { fs.unlinkSync(bookPath); fs.renameSync(bookDataPath, path.resolve(this.historyLocation, data.bookId + '.json')); }); } }); this.takenBooks = this.takenBooks.filter(data => data.socketId === socketId); } Server.prototype.uuid4 = function () { // return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); } const server = new Server(); server.start();