const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const snarkdown = require('snarkdown'); const fecha = require('fecha'); const settings = require('../settings.json'); module.exports = function (app) { app.server.get('/', (req, res) => { const files = fs.readdirSync(app.fileLocation).filter(fileName => fileName.includes('.json')) .map(fileName => { // Cache the file data so sorting doesn't need to re-check each file const stats = fs.statSync(path.resolve(app.fileLocation, fileName)); return { name: fileName, size: stats.size / (1000 * 1000), time: stats.mtime.getTime(), }; }).sort((a, b) => a.time - b.time); // Sort from oldest to newest. let books = => { const bookData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(app.fileLocation,, 'utf8')); if (bookData.hasOwnProperty('fileName')) return ''; = ? : 'author not provided'; bookData.contributor = bookData.contributor ? bookData.contributor : 'Anonymous'; const id ='.json', ''); const confirmId = 'confirm_' + id; const added = fecha.format(new Date(bookData.added), 'hh:mm:ssA on dddd MMMM Do, YYYY'); const modal = app.templater.fill('./templates/elements/modalCard.html', { id, header: '

' + bookData.title + '

' + + '

', content: app.templater.fill('./templates/elements/bookInfo.html', { contributor: bookData.contributor, fileFormat: bookData.fileType, added, summary: snarkdown(bookData.summary), }) + app.templater.fill('./templates/elements/modal.html', { id: confirmId, content: app.templater.fill('./templates/elements/messageBox.html', { header: 'Download Your Book', message: app.templater.fill('./templates/elements/takeConfirm.html', { id }), }), }), footer: 'Close Take Book', }); const maxSize = settings.maxFileSize > 0 ? settings.maxFileSize : 10; return app.templater.fill('./templates/elements/book.html', { id, title: bookData.title, author:, thickness: fileDetails.size > (maxSize * 0.3) ? 'is-thick' : (fileDetails.size < (maxSize * 0.6) ? 'is-thin' : ''), tallness: bookData.title.length > 15 ? 'is-tall' : (bookData.title.length < 8 ? 'is-short' : ''), fileType: bookData.fileType, modal, }); }).join(''); if (books == '') { books = '
The shelf is empty. Would you like to add a book?
'; } const body = '

Available Books

' + books + '
'; const html = app.templater.fill('./templates/htmlContainer.html', { title: 'View', resourcePath: (req.url.substr(-1) === '/' ? '../' : './'), body }); if (html) { res.send(html); } else { res.send('Something went wrong!'); } }); }