import { addMessage } from "../utilities"; import { saveDictionary } from "../dictionaryManagement"; import { request, saveToken } from "./helpers"; /* Outline for syncing login -> check local dictionary id (DONE!) ? no id -> upload dictionary -> make new dictionary current ? mismatched id -> sync local dictionary (see 'same id' below) -> if no matching remote id, ignore (assume deleted) -> clear local dictionary -> insert downloaded dictionary ? same id -> compare detail last updated timestamp ? downloaded details are newer -> replace local details ? local details are newer -> flag to upload details -> filter deleted words from current words -- check id and compare deletedOn with createdOn -> compare each word and by lastUpdated/createdOn ? downloaded word is newer -> update local word ? local word is newer -> put word in an array to upload -> upload anything that needs update */ export function syncDictionary() { if (!window.currentDictionary.hasOwnProperty('externalId')) { uploadWholeDictionary(true); } else { console.log('Do a sync comparison!'); // request({ // action: 'get-current-dictionary', // }, remote => { // console.log(remote); // syncDetails(remote.details).then(success => { // if (success) { // } // }); // }, error => { // console.error(error); // }).catch(err => console.error(err)); } } export function uploadWholeDictionary(asNew = false) { let promise; if (asNew) { promise = request({ action: 'create-new-dictionary', }, successData => { saveToken(successData.token); }, errorData => { console.error(errorData); }); } else { promise = Promise.resolve(); } const dictionary = { details: Object.assign({}, window.currentDictionary), words: window.currentDictionary.words, }; delete dictionary.details.words; // Ugly way to easily get the data I need. promise.then(() => { request({ action: 'set-whole-current-dictionary', dictionary, }, remoteId => { window.currentDictionary.externalId = remoteId; saveDictionary(); addMessage('Dictionary Uploaded Successfully'); }, errorData => { console.error(errorData); addMessage(errorData); }) .catch(err => console.error('set-whole-current-dictionary: ', err)); }) .catch(err => console.error('create-new-dictionary: ', err)); } export function syncDetails(remoteDetails) { if (remoteDetails.hasOwnProperty('lastUpdated') && remoteDetails.lastUpdated > window.currentDictionary.lastUpdated) { } } export function syncWords(remoteWords, deletedWords) { const words = window.currentDictionary.words.filter(word => { const deleted = deletedWords.find(deletedWord => === word.wordId); if (deleted) { return deleted.deletedOn < word.createdOn; } return true; }); const newLocalWords = words.filter(word => { const remote = remoteWords.find(remoteWord => === word.wordId); return typeof remote === 'undefined'; }); remoteWords.forEach(remoteWord => { const localWord = words.find(word => word.wordId === remoteWord.wordId); if (localWord) { } }); }