import { confirmEditWord, submitWordForm } from "./wordManagement"; import { showSection, getIsDetailsPanelDisplayed, hideDetailsPanel } from "./displayToggles"; import { renderInfoModal, renderMaximizedTextbox } from "./render"; import { showSearchModal, clearSearchText } from "./search"; import { saveAndCloseSettingsModal, openSettingsModal, saveSettings } from "./settings"; import { saveAndCloseEditModal, openEditModal } from "./dictionaryManagement"; import { addMessage } from "./utilities"; export function enableHotKeys() { document.addEventListener('keydown', hotKeyActions); } export function disableHotKeys() { document.removeEventListener('keydown', hotKeyActions); } export function hotKeyActions(event) { if (typeof event.key === 'undefined' || typeof event.ctrlKey === 'undefined' || typeof event.altKey === 'undefined') { addMessage('Hotkeys disabled', undefined, 'error'); console.warn('Browser does not have required event properties for hotkeys.'); window.settings.useHotkeys = false; saveSettings(); disableHotKeys(); return false; } switch (event.key) { case 'Escape': hideAllModals(); break; case 'Return': case 'Enter': { if (event.ctrlKey) { if (document.getElementById('settingsModal').style.display !== 'none') { saveAndCloseSettingsModal(); } else if (document.getElementById('editModal').style.display !== 'none') { saveAndCloseEditModal(); } else { submitWord(); } } break; } case 'd': if (event.ctrlKey) {event.preventDefault(); toggleDetailsDisplay();} break; case 'e': if (event.ctrlKey) {event.preventDefault(); hideAllModals(); openEditModal();} break; case 'h': if (event.ctrlKey) {event.preventDefault(); hideAllModals(); showHelpModal();} break; case 'm': if (event.ctrlKey) {event.preventDefault(); maximizeTextarea();} break; case 's': { if (event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault(); hideAllModals(); if (event.shiftKey) { // This is a failsafe in case the 'S' case below doesn't work for certain browsers openSettingsModal(); } else { showSearchModal(); } } break; } case 'S': if (event.ctrlKey) {event.preventDefault(); hideAllModals(); openSettingsModal();} break; case 'x': if (event.ctrlKey) {event.preventDefault(); clearSearchText();} break; } } function hideAllModals() { const permanentModals = ['#searchModal', '#settingsModal', '#editModal']; const hideModals = document.querySelectorAll(permanentModals.join(',')), removeModals = document.querySelectorAll('.modal:not(' + permanentModals.join('):not(') + ')'); Array.from(hideModals).forEach(modal => = 'none'); Array.from(removeModals).forEach(modal => modal.parentElement.removeChild(modal)); } function toggleDetailsDisplay() { const activeTab = document.querySelector('#detailsSection nav'); console.log(activeTab); Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#detailsSection nav li')).forEach(li => li.classList.remove('active')); if (activeTab) { switch(activeTab.innerText.trim().toLowerCase()) { case 'description': { document.querySelector('#detailsSection nav li:nth-child(2)').classList.add('active'); showSection('details'); break; } case 'details': { document.querySelector('#detailsSection nav li:nth-child(3)').classList.add('active'); showSection('stats'); break; } case 'stats': { hideDetailsPanel(); break; } } } else { document.querySelector('#detailsSection nav li:nth-child(1)').classList.add('active'); showSection('description'); } } function submitWord() { const focused = document.activeElement; if (focused && { const isSubmittableField ='wordName') ||'wordDefinition') ||'wordDetails'); if (isSubmittableField) { if (focused.parentElement.parentElement.classList.contains('edit-form')) { const wordId = parseInt('editForm_', '')); confirmEditWord(wordId); } else { submitWordForm(); } } } } function showHelpModal() { import('../markdown/').then(html => { renderInfoModal(html); }); } function maximizeTextarea() { const focused = document.activeElement; if (focused) { const maximizeButton = focused.parentElement.querySelector('.maximize-button'); console.log(maximizeButton); console.log(maximizeButton.parentElement); if (maximizeButton) { renderMaximizedTextbox(maximizeButton); } } }