var ani_ship_r = OS.A.Add("Ship Right", 64, 64, {columns: 2, speed: 1/60, yOffset: 64 * 4}); var ani_ship_ur = OS.A.Add("Ship Up-Right", 64, 64, {columns: 2, speed: 1/60, yOffset: 64 * 7}); var ani_ship_u = OS.A.Add("Ship Up", 64, 64, {columns: 2, speed: 1/60, yOffset: 64 * 5}); var ani_ship_ul = OS.A.Add("Ship Up-Left", 64, 64, {columns: 2, speed: 1/60, yOffset: 64 * 6}); var ani_ship_l = OS.A.Add("Ship Left", 64, 64, {columns: 2, speed: 1/60, yOffset: 64 * 3}); var ani_ship_dl = OS.A.Add("Ship Down-Left", 64, 64, {columns: 2, speed: 1/60, yOffset: 64 * 1}); var ani_ship_d = OS.A.Add("Ship Down", 64, 64, {columns: 2, speed: 1/60, yOffset: 64 * 0}); var ani_ship_dr = OS.A.Add("Ship Down-Right", 64, 64, {columns: 2, speed: 1/60, yOffset: 64 * 2}); function shipPrefab() {} var pr_ship = OS.P.Add("Ship", { solid: true, imageSrc: "images/ship_sheet.png", maskImageSrc: "images/ship_mask.png", animations: [ani_ship_r, ani_ship_ur, ani_ship_u, ani_ship_ul, ani_ship_l, ani_ship_dl, ani_ship_d, ani_ship_dr], direction: 0, currentSpeed: 0, pointInFront : {x: 0, y: 0 }, moveStepSize: 3, moveStepAmount: 5 * Oversimplified.R[Oversimplified.R.currentRoom].stepSpeed, moveStepProgress: 0, doTakeStep: false, energyRefillTimer: 0 }); pr_ship.Do = function () { if (! { if (ct_left().down) { this.direction += 45; } else if (ct_right().down) { this.direction -= 45; } this.direction = Math.clampAngle(this.direction); if (ct_up().down) { this.currentSpeed++; } else if (ct_down().down) { this.currentSpeed--; } this.AdjustSpeedBasedOnEnergy(); } this.currentSpeed = Math.clamp(this.currentSpeed, 0, 4); this.moveStepProgress += this.currentSpeed * this.moveStepAmount; if (this.moveStepProgress >= this.moveStepSize) { this.moveStepProgress -= this.moveStepSize; this.doTakeStep = true; } else { this.doTakeStep = false; } this.SeamlessScroll(); // console.log( + " created at " + G.player.x + ", " + G.player.y); } pr_ship.AfterDo = function () { this.CheckMovement(); this.UpdateEnergy(); } pr_ship.CheckInteraction = function () { if (ct_confirm().down) { var objectsFound = OS.GameObjectsAtPoint(this.pointInFront.x, this.pointInFront.y); if (objectsFound.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < objectsFound.length; i++) { if (objectsFound[i].canTrade) { // open the trading screen for the island. } } } } } pr_ship.CheckMovement = function () { var moveAmount = (G.stats.speed + this.currentSpeed) * OS.S.pixelScale; var movedSuccessfully = false; switch (this.direction) { case 0: if (this.image.currentAnimation != "Ship Right") this.SetAnimation("Ship Right"); if (this.doTakeStep) movedSuccessfully = this.SimpleMove(moveAmount, 0, true, 8); this.pointInFront.x = this.x + this.xBound + (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) + moveAmount; this.pointInFront.y = this.y; break; case 45: if (this.image.currentAnimation != "Ship Up-Right") this.SetAnimation("Ship Up-Right"); if (this.doTakeStep) movedSuccessfully = this.SimpleMove(moveAmount, -moveAmount, true, 8); this.pointInFront.x = this.x + this.xBound + (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) + moveAmount; this.pointInFront.y = this.y - this.yBound - (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) - moveAmount; break; case 90: if (this.image.currentAnimation != "Ship Up") this.SetAnimation("Ship Up"); if (this.doTakeStep) movedSuccessfully = this.SimpleMove(0, -moveAmount, true, 8); this.pointInFront.x = this.x; this.pointInFront.y = this.y - this.yBound - (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) - moveAmount; break; case 135: if (this.image.currentAnimation != "Ship Up-Left") this.SetAnimation("Ship Up-Left"); if (this.doTakeStep) movedSuccessfully = this.SimpleMove(-moveAmount, -moveAmount, true, 8); this.pointInFront.x = this.x - this.xBound - (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) - moveAmount; this.pointInFront.y = this.y - this.yBound - (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) - moveAmount; break; case 180: if (this.image.currentAnimation != "Ship Left") this.SetAnimation("Ship Left"); if (this.doTakeStep) movedSuccessfully = this.SimpleMove(-moveAmount, 0, true, 8); this.pointInFront.x = this.x - this.xBound - (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) - moveAmount; this.pointInFront.y = this.y; break; case 225: if (this.image.currentAnimation != "Ship Down-Left") this.SetAnimation("Ship Down-Left"); if (this.doTakeStep) movedSuccessfully = this.SimpleMove(-moveAmount, moveAmount, true, 8); this.pointInFront.x = this.x - this.xBound - (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) - moveAmount; this.pointInFront.y = this.y + this.yBound + (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) + moveAmount; break; case 270: if (this.image.currentAnimation != "Ship Down") this.SetAnimation("Ship Down"); if (this.doTakeStep) movedSuccessfully = this.SimpleMove(0, moveAmount, true, 8); this.pointInFront.x = this.x; this.pointInFront.y = this.y + this.yBound + (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) + moveAmount; break; case 315: if (this.image.currentAnimation != "Ship Down-Right") this.SetAnimation("Ship Down-Right"); if (this.doTakeStep) movedSuccessfully = this.SimpleMove(moveAmount, moveAmount, true, 8); this.pointInFront.x = this.x + this.xBound + (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) + moveAmount; this.pointInFront.y = this.y + this.yBound + (OS.S.pixelScale * 2) + moveAmount; break; default: console.log("No valid direction"); break; } if (this.doTakeStep && !movedSuccessfully) { this.currentSpeed = 0; } } pr_ship.UpdateEnergy = function () { this.energyRefillTimer++; if (this.energyRefillTimer >= (100 / G.stats.crew) + ((G.stats.illness) * (100 / G.stats.crew))) { += G.stats.crew; this.energyRefillTimer = 0; } if (this.doTakeStep) { -= ((this.currentSpeed / G.stats.speed) + ((G.stats.illness) * 0.1)) * 0.25; } if ( < 0) = 0; if ( > G.stats.maxEnergy) = G.stats.maxEnergy; } pr_ship.SeamlessScroll = function () { if (this.x <= rm_Ocean.mapLeftTrigger) { this.x = rm_Ocean.mapLeftTriggerTarget; OS.SetCamera({x: rm_Ocean.width}); } else if (this.x >= rm_Ocean.mapRightTrigger) { this.x = rm_Ocean.mapRightTriggerTarget; OS.SetCamera({x: 0}); } else if (this.y <= rm_Ocean.mapUpTrigger) { this.y = rm_Ocean.mapUpTriggerTarget; OS.SetCamera({y: rm_Ocean.height}); } else if (this.y >= rm_Ocean.mapDownTrigger) { this.y = rm_Ocean.mapDownTriggerTarget; OS.SetCamera({y: 0}); } } pr_ship.AdjustSpeedBasedOnEnergy = function () { if (this.currentSpeed > 3 && < (G.stats.maxEnergy * 0.3) || this.currentSpeed > 2 && < (G.stats.maxEnergy * 0.15) || this.currentSpeed > 1 && < (G.stats.maxEnergy * 0.05)) { this.currentSpeed--; } }