import { ViewController } from '../controller'; export class ShelvesController extends ViewController { constructor(state, i18n) { // Super passes state, view name, and default state to ViewController, // which stores state in this.appState and the view controller's state to this.state super(state, i18n, 'shelves', { openModal: null, // state value for edit modals myShelves: [], // array of objects in sort order with name, id, and deletability. loadedShelves: {}, // object key is shelf id with name and shelfItems }); // If using controller methods in an input's onchange or onclick instance, // either bind the class's 'this' instance to the method first... // or use `onclick=${() => controller.submit()}` to maintain the 'this' of the class instead. } get openModal () { return this.state.openModal; } set openModal (modalId) { this.state.openModal = modalId; } get targetShelf () { return typeof this.appState.query.shelf !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(this.appState.query.shelf) : null; } get targetDomain () { return typeof this.appState.query.domain !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(this.appState.query.domain) : null; } getUserShelves () { return fetch('/api/shelf/getAll').then(response => response.json()).then(shelves => { this.state.myShelves = shelves; }); } getTargetShelf () { const target = this.targetShelf + '/' + (this.targetDomain !== null ? `${this.targetDomain}` : ''); return fetch('/api/shelf/get/' + target).then(response => response.json()).then(shelf => { this.state.loadedShelves[this.targetShelf] = shelf; }); } async addItemToShelf (book, shelfId) { let bookId; if (typeof book.source !== 'undefined' && typeof book.uri !== 'undefined') { const bookSearchResult = await fetch('/api/books/getId', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(book), }).then(response => response.json()); if (typeof bookSearchResult.error !== 'undefined') { console.error(bookSearchResult); return bookSearchResult; } bookId = bookSearchResult; } else { bookId =; } return fetch('/api/shelf/addItem', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ shelfId, bookId, }), }) } }