class ShelfController { constructor (shelfModel, shelfItemModel) { this.model = shelfModel; this.itemModel = shelfItemModel; } static newShelfNameIsValid (name, existingNames = []) { if (name.length < 1) { return { error: true, message: 'api.shelf.create.name_too_short', }; } if (existingNames.includes(name)) { return { error: true, message: 'api.shelf.create.name_already_exists', }; } return true; } async createDefaultShelves (user) { try { const defaultShelvesCreated = await this.model.bulkCreate([ { userId:, name: 'Reading', isDeletable: false, }, { userId:, name: 'Want to Read', isDeletable: false, }, { userId:, name: 'Finished', isDeletable: false, }, { userId:, name: 'Did Not Finish', isDeletable: false, } ]); if (defaultShelvesCreated.some(result => !result)) { return { error: true, shelfResults: defaultShelvesCreated, }; } return defaultShelvesCreated; } catch (error) { return { error, } } } async createShelf (user, name) { try { return await user.addShelf({ name, }); } catch(error) { return { error, } } } async renameShelf (userId, id, name) { try { return await this.model.update({ name, }, { where: { id, userId, isDeletable: true, // You can only rename shelves not created by the system } }); } catch(error) { return { error, } } } async getLastUpdatedTimestamp (shelf) { const lastEditedItem = await shelf.getShelfItems({ attributes: ['updatedAt'], order: [ [ 'updatedAt', 'DESC' ], ], limit: 1, }); if (lastEditedItem.length > 0 && (lastEditedItem[0].updatedAt > shelf.updatedAt)) { return lastEditedItem.updatedAt; } return shelf.updatedAt; } } module.exports = ShelfController;