"text":"This refers to where the search tries to look for data. Each source can be easily contributed to if you want to add missing books or correct errors.",
"inventaire":"Sources and extends data from WikiData, the service structure that powers Wikipedia and the like. Offers as many language options as possible.",
"openLibrary":"Sources data from Internet Archive and may provide a digital copy to read. Only offers English unless a work is in another language."
"already_logged_in":"You are already logged in! You cannot create an account or log in again.",
"username_exists":"The username entered is already in use.",
"email_send_fail":"Your account was created successfully, but we were unable to send the confirmation email!",
"email_exists":"The email address entered is already in use.",
"fail":"Something went wrong and the account could not be created. Please try again later.",
"required_data_missing":"Could not create account because required data is missing.",
"invalid_email":"The email address entered is not valid.",
"invalid_username":"The username entered is not valid. Usernames must be at least 2 characters long and can only contain letters a–z, numbers 0–9, and underscores",
"success":"Account created successfully! You may now log in using the email address and password you provided."
"email":"A confirmation email has been sent to the address you specified. Please confirm your account using the link provided.",
"required_data_missing":"Could not confirm account because required data is missing.",
"invalid_code":"The specified confirmation code is not valid.",
"update_fail":"Something went wrong and we couldn't confirm your account. Please try again later!",
"email_send_fail":"Your account has been confirmed, but we were unable to send the email notification about it. You can log in anyway.",
"success_email":"Your account has been confirmed, and an email notification has been sent! You may now log in using your email address and password.",
"success":"Your account has been confirmed! You may now log in using your email address and password."
"required_data_missing":"Could not attempt login because required data is missing.",
"invalid_email":"The email address specified does not have an associated account.",
"not_confirmed":"The specified account has not been confirmed. Please use the link you received to confirm your email address.",
"invalid_password":"The password specified is not correct.",
"success":"You have been successfully logged in! You will now be redirected to the home screen."
"missing_token":"User not logged in: There is no login token to validate.",
"invalid_token":"User not logged in: The stored token is not a valid token.",
"renewed_token":"User logged in, and the token has been renewed."