/* global markdown */
/* global Defiant */
var publicName = "Someone";
var currentDictionary = {
name: "New",
description: "A new dictionary.",
createdBy: publicName,
words: [],
nextWordId: 1,
settings: {
allowDuplicates: false,
caseSensitive: false,
partsOfSpeech: "Noun,Adjective,Verb,Adverb,Preposition,Pronoun,Conjunction",
sortByEquivalent: false,
isComplete: false,
isPublic: false
externalID: 0
var defaultDictionaryJSON = JSON.stringify(currentDictionary); //Saves a stringifyed default dictionary.
var previousDictionary = {};
var savedScroll = {
x: 0,
y: 0
function AddWord() {
var word = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("word").value).trim();
var pronunciation = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("pronunciation").value).trim();
var partOfSpeech = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("partOfSpeech").value).trim();
var simpleDefinition = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("simpleDefinition").value).trim();
var longDefinition = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("longDefinition").value);
// var editIndex = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("editIndex").value);
var errorMessageArea = document.getElementById("errorMessage");
var errorMessage = "";
var updateConflictArea = document.getElementById("updateConflict");
if (word != "" && (simpleDefinition != "" || longDefinition != "")) {
var wordIndex = (!currentDictionary.settings.allowDuplicates) ? WordIndex(word) : -1;
if (wordIndex >= 0) {
if (WordAtIndexWasChanged(wordIndex, word, pronunciation, partOfSpeech, simpleDefinition, longDefinition)) {
document.getElementById("newWordButtonArea").style.display = "none";
updateConflictArea.style.display = "block";
var updateConflictText = "\"" + word + "\" is already in the dictionary";
if (currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].name != word) {
updateConflictText += " as \"" + currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].name + "\", and your dictionary is set to ignore case.";
} else {
updateConflictText += "."
updateConflictText += " Do you want to update it to what you have set above?";
updateConflictText += '';
updateConflictText += ' ';
updateConflictArea.innerHTML = updateConflictText;
} else {
errorMessage = "\"" + word + "\" is already in the dictionary exactly as it is written above";
if (currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].name != word) {
errorMessage += ". (Your dictionary is currently set to ignore case.)"
} else {
currentDictionary.words.push({name: word, pronunciation: pronunciation, partOfSpeech: ((partOfSpeech.length > 0) ? partOfSpeech : " "), simpleDefinition: simpleDefinition, longDefinition: longDefinition, wordId: currentDictionary.nextWordId++});
errorMessageArea.innerHTML = "";
} else {
if (word == "") {
errorMessage += "Word cannot be blank";
if (simpleDefinition == "" && longDefinition == "") {
errorMessage += " and you need at least one definition.";
} else {
errorMessage += ".";
} else if (simpleDefinition == "" && longDefinition == "") {
errorMessage += "You need at least one definition."
errorMessageArea.innerHTML = errorMessage;
function ShowWordEditForm(index) {
var indexString = index.toString(); // Variable for reduced processing
var word = currentDictionary.words[index]; // Reference for easier reading
var editForm = '
document.getElementById("entry" + indexString).innerHTML = editForm;
SetPartsOfSpeech("partOfSpeech" + indexString);
document.getElementById("partOfSpeech" + indexString).value = htmlEntitiesParse(word.partOfSpeech);
function CancelEditForm(index) {
document.getElementById("entry" + index.toString()).innerHTML = DictionaryEntry(index).replace("", "").replace("", "");
function EditWord(indexString) {
var word = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("word" + indexString).value).trim();
var pronunciation = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("pronunciation" + indexString).value).trim();
var partOfSpeech = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("partOfSpeech" + indexString).value).trim();
var simpleDefinition = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("simpleDefinition" + indexString).value).trim();
var longDefinition = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("longDefinition" + indexString).value);
var errorMessageArea = document.getElementById("errorMessage" + indexString);
var errorMessage = "";
var updateConflictArea = document.getElementById("updateConflict" + indexString);
if (WordAtIndexWasChanged(indexString, word, pronunciation, partOfSpeech, simpleDefinition, longDefinition)) {
document.getElementById("editWordButtonArea" + indexString).style.display = "none";
updateConflictArea.style.display = "block";
updateConflictArea.innerHTML = "Do you really want to change the word \"" + currentDictionary.words[parseInt(indexString)].name + "\" to what you have set above? ";
updateConflictArea.innerHTML += '';
updateConflictArea.innerHTML += '';
} else {
errorMessage = "No change has been made to \"" + word + "\"";
if (currentDictionary.words[parseInt(indexString)].name != word) {
errorMessage += ". (Your dictionary is currently set to ignore case.)";
errorMessageArea.innerHTML = errorMessage;
function UpdateWord(wordIndex, word, pronunciation, partOfSpeech, simpleDefinition, longDefinition) {
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].name = word;
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].pronunciation = pronunciation;
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].partOfSpeech = ((partOfSpeech.length > 0) ? partOfSpeech : " ");
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].simpleDefinition = simpleDefinition;
currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].longDefinition = longDefinition;
SaveAndUpdateWords("update", wordIndex);
window.scroll(savedScroll.x, savedScroll.y);
if (!wordFormIsLocked()) {
function DeleteWord(index) {
var deleteWord = new XMLHttpRequest();
deleteWord.open('POST', "/php/ajax_dictionarymanagement.php?action=worddelete");
deleteWord.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
deleteWord.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (deleteWord.readyState == 4 && deleteWord.status == 200) {
if (deleteWord.responseText == "deleted successfully" || deleteWord.responseText == "not signed in") {
// If updated successfully, then reload the dictionary from server.
// if (document.getElementById("editIndex").value != "")
// ClearForm();
currentDictionary.words.splice(index, 1);
return true;
} else {
return false;
deleteWord.send("word=" + currentDictionary.words[index].wordId.toString());
function ShowDictionary() {
var filters = GetSelectedFilters();
var searchResults = [];
var search = htmlEntitiesParseForSearchEntry(document.getElementById("searchBox").value);
var searchByWord = document.getElementById("searchOptionWord").checked;
var searchBySimple = document.getElementById("searchOptionSimple").checked;
var searchByLong = document.getElementById("searchOptionLong").checked;
var searchIgnoreCase = !document.getElementById("searchCaseSensitive").checked; //It's easier to negate case here instead of negating it every use since ignore case is default.
var searchIgnoreDiacritics = document.getElementById("searchIgnoreDiacritics").checked;
if (search != "" && (searchByWord || searchBySimple || searchByLong)) {
var xpath = [];
var searchDictionaryJSON = htmlEntitiesParseForSearch(JSON.stringify(currentDictionary));
if (searchIgnoreCase) {
search = search.toLowerCase();
if (searchIgnoreDiacritics) {
search = removeDiacritics(search);
searchDictionaryJSON = removeDiacritics(searchDictionaryJSON);
if (searchByWord) {
xpath.push('contains('+ ((searchIgnoreCase) ? 'name' : 'translate(name, "", "")') +', "'+ search +'")');
if (searchBySimple) {
xpath.push('contains('+ ((searchIgnoreCase) ? 'simpleDefinition' : 'translate(simpleDefinition, "", "")') +', "'+ search +'")');
if (searchByLong) {
xpath.push('contains('+ ((searchIgnoreCase) ? 'longDefinition' : 'translate(longDefinition, "", "")') +', "'+ search +'")');
var searchDictionary = JSON.parse(searchDictionaryJSON);
searchResults = JSON.search(searchDictionary, '//words['+ xpath.join(' or ') +']/wordId');
var dictionaryNameArea = document.getElementById("dictionaryName");
dictionaryNameArea.innerHTML = htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.name) + " Dictionary";
var dictionaryDescriptionArea = document.getElementById("dictionaryDescription");
dictionaryDescriptionArea.innerHTML = marked(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.description));
var dictionaryArea = document.getElementById("theDictionary");
var dictionaryText = "";
var numberOfWordsDisplayed = 0;
if (currentDictionary.words.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < currentDictionary.words.length; i++) {
if (filters.length == 0 || (filters.length > 0 && filters.indexOf(currentDictionary.words[i].partOfSpeech) > -1)) {
if (search == "" || (search != "" && (searchByWord || searchBySimple || searchByLong) && searchResults.indexOf(currentDictionary.words[i].wordId) >= 0)) {
if (!currentDictionary.words[i].hasOwnProperty("pronunciation")) {
currentDictionary.words[i].pronunciation = ""; //Account for new property
if (!currentDictionary.words[i].hasOwnProperty("wordId")) {
currentDictionary.words[i].wordId = i + 1; //Account for new property
dictionaryText += DictionaryEntry(i);
} else {
dictionaryText = "There are no entries in the dictionary."
dictionaryArea.innerHTML = dictionaryText;
function DictionaryEntry(itemIndex) {
var searchTerm = regexParseForSearch(document.getElementById("searchBox").value);
var searchByWord = document.getElementById("searchOptionWord").checked;
var searchBySimple = document.getElementById("searchOptionSimple").checked;
var searchByLong = document.getElementById("searchOptionLong").checked;
var searchIgnoreCase = !document.getElementById("searchCaseSensitive").checked; //It's easier to negate case here instead of negating it every use since ignore case is default.
var searchIgnoreDiacritics = document.getElementById("searchIgnoreDiacritics").checked;
var searchRegEx = new RegExp("(" + ((searchIgnoreDiacritics) ? removeDiacritics(searchTerm) + "|" + searchTerm : searchTerm) + ")", "g" + ((searchIgnoreCase) ? "i" : ""));
var wordName = wordPronunciation = wordPartOfSpeech = wordSimpleDefinition = wordLongDefinition = "";
if (searchTerm != "" && searchByWord) {
wordName += htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].name).replace(searchRegEx, "$1");
} else {
wordName += currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].name.toString(); // Use toString() to prevent using a reference instead of the value.
if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].pronunciation != "") {
wordPronunciation += marked(htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].pronunciation)).replace("
} else {
// If it's not just an empty line, give an error.
if (row.data[0].word.trim().length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < row.errors.length; i++) {
resultsArea.innerHTML += "
Error on record #" + currentRow.toString() + ": " + row.errors[i].message + "
// Scroll to the bottom.
document.getElementById("importOptions").scrollTop = document.getElementById("importOptions").scrollHeight;
complete: function(results) {
resultsArea.innerHTML += "
The file has finished importing " + rowsImported.toString() + " words.
// Scroll to the bottom.
document.getElementById("importOptions").scrollTop = document.getElementById("importOptions").scrollHeight;
document.getElementById("numberOfWordsInDictionary").innerHTML = currentDictionary.words.length.toString();
} else {
alert("You must add a file to import.");
function WordIndex(word, byId) {
// Use byId = true to enter word id number instead of string.
for (var i = 0; i < currentDictionary.words.length; i++)
if ((!byId && (!currentDictionary.settings.caseSensitive && currentDictionary.words[i].name.toLowerCase() == word.toLowerCase()) ||
(currentDictionary.settings.caseSensitive && currentDictionary.words[i].name == word)) ||
(byId && currentDictionary.words[i].wordId == word)) {
return i;
return -1;
function WordAtIndexWasChanged(indexString, word, pronunciation, partOfSpeech, simpleDefinition, longDefinition) {
return (!currentDictionary.settings.caseSensitive && currentDictionary.words[parseInt(indexString)].name.toLowerCase() != word.toLowerCase()) ||
(currentDictionary.settings.caseSensitive && currentDictionary.words[parseInt(indexString)].name != word) ||
currentDictionary.words[parseInt(indexString)].pronunciation != pronunciation ||
currentDictionary.words[parseInt(indexString)].partOfSpeech != partOfSpeech ||
currentDictionary.words[parseInt(indexString)].simpleDefinition != simpleDefinition ||
currentDictionary.words[parseInt(indexString)].longDefinition != longDefinition;
function CheckForPartsOfSpeechChange() {
if (htmlEntities(document.getElementById("dictionaryPartsOfSpeechEdit").value) != currentDictionary.settings.partsOfSpeech) {
if (htmlEntities(document.getElementById("dictionaryPartsOfSpeechEdit").value) != "") {
currentDictionary.settings.partsOfSpeech = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("dictionaryPartsOfSpeechEdit").value);