import Inferno from 'inferno'; import { Component } from 'inferno'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import marked from 'marked'; import { Modal } from '../../structure/Modal'; import { EditDictionaryForm } from './EditDictionaryForm'; import { EditLinguisticsForm } from './EditLinguisticsForm'; import { EditSettingsForm } from './EditSettingsForm'; const DISPLAY = { DETAILS: 1, LINGUISTICS: 2, SETTINGS: 3, } export class EditDictionaryModal extends Component { constructor (props) { super(props); PropTypes.checkPropTypes({ name: PropTypes.string, specification: PropTypes.string, description: PropTypes.string, alphabeticalOrder: PropTypes.array, partsOfSpeech: PropTypes.array, details: PropTypes.object, settings: PropTypes.object, isLoggedIn: PropTypes.bool, updateDisplay: PropTypes.func, }, props, 'prop', 'EditDictionaryModal'); this.state = { currentDisplay: DISPLAY.DETAILS, name:, specification: props.specification, description: props.description, alphabeticalOrder: props.alphabeticalOrder.join('\n'), partsOfSpeech: props.partsOfSpeech.join('\n'), consonants: props.details.phonology.consonants.join(' '), vowels: props.details.phonology.vowels.join(' '), blends: props.details.phonology.blends.join(' '), onset: props.details.phonology.phonotactics.onset.join('\n'), nucleus: props.details.phonology.phonotactics.nucleus.join('\n'), coda: props.details.phonology.phonotactics.coda.join('\n'), exceptions: props.details.phonology.phonotactics.exceptions, orthographyNotes: props.details.orthography.notes, grammarNotes: props.details.grammar.notes, allowDuplicates: props.settings.allowDuplicates, caseSensitive: props.settings.caseSensitive, sortByDefinition: props.settings.sortByDefinition, isComplete: props.settings.isComplete, isPublic: props.settings.isPublic, hasChanged: false, } } hasChanged () { return ( != || this.state.specification != this.props.specification || this.state.description != this.props.description || this.state.partsOfSpeech != this.props.partsOfSpeech.join('\n') ); } toggleDisplay (display) { this.setState({ currentDisplay: display, }); } displaySection () { let displayJSX; switch(this.state.currentDisplay) { case DISPLAY.DETAILS : { displayJSX = ( ); break; } case DISPLAY.LINGUISTICS : { displayJSX = ( ); break; } case DISPLAY.SETTINGS : { displayJSX = ( ); break; } } return (
{ displayJSX }
); } save () { const updatedDetails = {}; if ( !== { updatedDetails['name'] =; } if (this.state.specification !== this.props.specification) { updatedDetails['specification'] = this.state.specification.trim(); } if (this.state.description !== this.props.description) { updatedDetails['description'] = this.state.description; } if (this.state.alphabeticalOrder !== this.props.alphabeticalOrder.join('\n')) { updatedDetails['alphabeticalOrder'] = this.state.alphabeticalOrder.split('\n') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.partsOfSpeech !== this.props.partsOfSpeech.join('\n')) { updatedDetails['partsOfSpeech'] = this.state.partsOfSpeech.split('\n') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.alphabeticalOrder !== this.props.alphabeticalOrder.join('\n')) { updatedDetails['alphabeticalOrder'] = this.state.alphabeticalOrder.split('\n') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.consonants !== this.props.details.phonology.consonants.join(' ')) { updatedDetails['consonants'] = this.state.consonants.split(' ') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.vowels !== this.props.details.phonology.vowels.join(' ')) { updatedDetails['vowels'] = this.state.vowels.split(' ') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.blends !== this.props.details.phonology.blends.join(' ')) { updatedDetails['blends'] = this.state.blends.split(' ') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.onset !== this.props.details.phonology.phonotactics.onset.join('\n')) { updatedDetails['onset'] = this.state.onset.split('\n') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.nucleus !== this.props.details.phonology.phonotactics.nucleus.join('\n')) { updatedDetails['nucleus'] = this.state.nucleus.split('\n') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.coda !== this.props.details.phonology.phonotactics.coda.join('\n')) { updatedDetails['coda'] = this.state.coda.split('\n') .filter((value) => { return value !== '' }) .map((value) => { return value.trim() }); } if (this.state.exceptions !== this.props.details.phonology.phonotactics.exceptions) { updatedDetails['exceptions'] = this.state.exceptions; } if (this.state.orthographyNotes !== this.props.details.orthography.notes) { updatedDetails['orthographyNotes'] = this.state.orthographyNotes; } if (this.state.grammarNotes !== this.props.details.grammar.notes) { updatedDetails['grammarNotes'] = this.state.grammarNotes; } if (this.state.allowDuplicates !== this.props.settings.allowDuplicates) { updatedDetails['allowDuplicates'] = this.state.allowDuplicates; } if (this.state.caseSensitive !== this.props.settings.caseSensitive) { updatedDetails['caseSensitive'] = this.state.caseSensitive; } if (this.state.sortByDefinition !== this.props.settings.sortByDefinition) { updatedDetails['sortByDefinition'] = this.state.sortByDefinition; } if (this.state.isComplete !== this.props.settings.isComplete) { updatedDetails['isComplete'] = this.state.isComplete; } if (this.state.isPublic !== this.props.settings.isPublic) { updatedDetails['isPublic'] = this.state.isPublic; } // console.log(updatedDetails); this.props.updater.updateDictionaryDetails(updatedDetails) .then(() => { this.setState({ hasChanged: false }, () => { // If setting that alters word display is changed, update the display. if (updatedDetails.hasOwnProperty('sortByDefinition')) { this.props.updateDisplay(); } }); }) .catch(errorMessage => { console.error(errorMessage); }); } render () { const { currentDisplay, hasChanged } = this.state; const { specification, settings, isLoggedIn } = this.props; return ( ) } > {!settings.isComplete ? [(
), this.displaySection(), ] : (
{isLoggedIn && ( )}
) }
); } }