import md from 'marked'; import { removeTags } from '../../helpers'; import { getHomonymnNumber, hasToken } from '../utilities'; import { getMatchingSearchWords, highlightSearchTerm, getSearchFilters, getSearchTerm } from '../search'; import { setupWordOptionButtons, setupPagination, setupWordOptionSelections, setupWordEditFormButtons, } from '../setupListeners/words'; import { getPaginationData } from '../pagination'; import { getOpenEditForms, translateOrthography, parseReferences, getWordReferenceMarkdown } from '../wordManagement'; import { renderAd } from '../ads'; import { getPublicLink } from '../account/utilities'; import { renderPartsOfSpeech } from './details'; export function renderWords() { let wordsHTML = ''; let openEditForms = getOpenEditForms(); let words = false; const isPublic = hasToken() && window.currentDictionary.settings.isPublic; if (window.currentDictionary.words.length === 0) { wordsHTML = `

No Words Created

Use the Word Form to create words or click the Help button below!
`; } else { words = getMatchingSearchWords(); if (words.length === 0) { wordsHTML = `

No Search Results

Edit your search or filter to show words.
`; } if (openEditForms.length > 0) { // Clone the dom nodes openEditForms.forEach((wordFormId, index) => { openEditForms[index] = document.getElementById(wordFormId.toString()).cloneNode(true); }); } // const { pageStart, pageEnd } = getPaginationData(words); // words.slice(pageStart, pageEnd).forEach(originalWord => { words.forEach((originalWord, displayIndex) => { const word = highlightSearchTerm({ name: removeTags(, pronunciation: removeTags(originalWord.pronunciation), partOfSpeech: removeTags(originalWord.partOfSpeech), definition: removeTags(originalWord.definition), details: parseReferences(removeTags(originalWord.details)), etymology: typeof originalWord.etymology === 'undefined' || originalWord.etymology.length < 1 ? null : => getWordReferenceMarkdown(removeTags(root))).join(', '), related: typeof originalWord.related === 'undefined' || originalWord.related.length < 1 ? null : => getWordReferenceMarkdown(removeTags(relatedWord))).join(', '), principalParts: typeof originalWord.principalParts === 'undefined' || originalWord.principalParts.length < 1 ? null : originalWord.principalParts.join(', '), wordId: originalWord.wordId, }); const homonymnNumber = getHomonymnNumber(originalWord); const shareLink = window.currentDictionary.hasOwnProperty('externalID') ? getPublicLink() + '/' + word.wordId : ''; wordsHTML += renderAd(displayIndex); let wordNameDisplay = translateOrthography(; wordsHTML += `

${wordNameDisplay}${homonymnNumber > 0 ? ' ' + homonymnNumber.toString() + '' : ''}

${word.principalParts === null ? '' : `(${word.principalParts})`} ${word.pronunciation} ${word.partOfSpeech} ${isPublic ? `` : ''} Options
${word.etymology === null && word.related === null ? '' : `
`} ${word.etymology === null ? '' : `
Etymology (Root Word${originalWord.etymology.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''})
${md(word.etymology).replace(/<\/?p>/g, '')}
`} ${word.related === null ? '' : `
Related Word${originalWord.related.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}
`; }); } document.getElementById('entries').innerHTML = wordsHTML; if (openEditForms.length > 0) { // Clone the dom nodes openEditForms.forEach(editForm => { const entryElement = document.getElementById(; entryElement.parentNode.replaceChild(editForm, entryElement); }); setupWordEditFormButtons(); } setupWordOptionButtons(); setupWordOptionSelections(); // Show Search Results const searchTerm = getSearchTerm(); const filters = getSearchFilters(); let resultsText = searchTerm !== '' || !filters.allPartsOfSpeechChecked ? (words ? words.length : 0).toString() + ' Results' : ''; resultsText += !filters.allPartsOfSpeechChecked ? ' (Filtered)' : ''; document.getElementById('searchResults').innerHTML = resultsText; // renderPagination(words); } export function renderPagination(filteredWords) { const paginationData = getPaginationData(filteredWords); if (paginationData.pages > 0) { let paginationHTML = (paginationData.currentPage > 0 ? '« Previous' : '') + '' + (paginationData.currentPage < paginationData.pages - 1 ? 'Next »' : ''); Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('pagination')).forEach(pagination => { pagination.innerHTML = paginationHTML; }); setupPagination(); } } export function renderEditForm(wordId = false) { wordId = typeof === 'undefined' ? wordId : parseInt('edit_', '')); const word = window.currentDictionary.words.find(w => w.wordId === wordId); if (word) { const ipaPronunciationField = `
Field Help`; const plainPronunciationField = ``; const editForm = `
Save Changes Cancel Edit
`; document.getElementById(wordId.toString()).innerHTML = editForm; setupWordEditFormButtons(); renderPartsOfSpeech(true); } }