var currentVersion = 0.1; var currentDictionary = { name: "New", words: [], settings: { caseSensitive: false, preferUpperCase: false, isComplete: false }, dictionaryBuilderVersion: currentVersion } var defaultDictionaryJSON = JSON.stringify(currentDictionary); //Saves a stringifyed default dictionary. //document.write(defaultDictionaryJSON); var savedScroll = { x: 0, y: 0 } window.onload = function () { //defaultDictionaryJSON = JSON.stringify(currentDictionary); //Saves a stringifyed default dictionary. LoadDictionary(); ClearForm(); if (currentDictionary.settings.isComplete) { document.getElementById("wordEntryForm").style.display = "none"; } } var Word = function (word, simpleDefinition, longDefinition, partOfSpeech) { //this.index = currentDictionary.index++; = word; this.simpleDefinition = simpleDefinition; this.longDefinition = longDefinition; this.partOfSpeech = partOfSpeech; } function AddWord() { var word = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("word").value); var simpleDefinition = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("simpleDefinition").value); var longDefinition = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("longDefinition").value); var partOfSpeech = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("partOfSpeech").value); var editIndex = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("editIndex").value); var errorMessageArea = document.getElementById("errorMessage"); var errorMessage = ""; var updateConflictArea = document.getElementById("updateConflict"); var updateConflictMessageArea = document.getElementById("updateConflictMessage"); var updateConfirmButton = document.getElementById("updateConfirmButton"); if (word != "" && (simpleDefinition != "" || longDefinition != "")) { if (!currentDictionary.settings.caseSensitive) { if (currentDictionary.settings.preferUpperCase) { word = word.toUpperCase(); } else { word = word.toLowerCase(); } } var wordIndex = WordIndex(word); if (editIndex != "") { if (currentDictionary.words[parseInt(editIndex)].name != word || currentDictionary.words[parseInt(editIndex)].simpleDefinition != simpleDefinition || currentDictionary.words[parseInt(editIndex)].longDefinition != longDefinition || currentDictionary.words[parseInt(editIndex)].partOfSpeech != partOfSpeech) { = "block"; updateConflictArea.innerHTML = "Do you really want to change the word \"" + currentDictionary.words[parseInt(editIndex)].name + "\" to what you have set above?"; updateConflictArea.innerHTML += ''; updateConflictArea.innerHTML += ''; } else { errorMessage = "No change has been made to \"" + word + "\""; } } else if (wordIndex >= 0) { if (currentDictionary.words[parseInt(wordIndex)].simpleDefinition != simpleDefinition || currentDictionary.words[parseInt(wordIndex)].longDefinition != longDefinition || currentDictionary.words[parseInt(wordIndex)].partOfSpeech != partOfSpeech) { = "block"; updateConflictArea.innerHTML = "\"" + word + "\" is already in the dictionary. Do you want to update it to what you have set above?"; updateConflictArea.innerHTML += ''; updateConflictArea.innerHTML += ' '; } else { errorMessage = "\"" + word + "\" is already in the dictionary exactly as it is written above."; } } else { currentDictionary.words.push(new Word(word, simpleDefinition, longDefinition, partOfSpeech)); ClearForm(); } currentDictionary.words.sort(dynamicSort("name")); errorMessageArea.innerHTML = ""; ShowDictionary(); SaveDictionary(); } else { if (word == "") { errorMessage += "Word cannot be blank"; if (simpleDefinition == "" && longDefinition == "") { errorMessage += " and you need at least one definition."; } else { errorMessage += "."; } } else if (simpleDefinition == "" && longDefinition == "") { errorMessage += "You need at least one definition." } } errorMessageArea.innerHTML = errorMessage; } function SaveScroll() { var doc = document.documentElement; var left = (window.pageXOffset || doc.scrollLeft) - (doc.clientLeft || 0); var top = (window.pageYOffset || doc.scrollTop) - (doc.clientTop || 0); savedScroll.x = left; savedScroll.y = top; } function EditWord(index) { SaveScroll(); window.scroll(0, 0); ClearForm(); document.getElementById("editIndex").value = index.toString(); document.getElementById("word").value = htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[index].name); document.getElementById("simpleDefinition").value = htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[index].simpleDefinition); document.getElementById("longDefinition").value = htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[index].longDefinition); document.getElementById("partOfSpeech").value = htmlEntitiesParse(currentDictionary.words[index].partOfSpeech); document.getElementById("newWordButtonArea").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("editWordButtonArea").style.display = "block"; } function UpdateWord(wordIndex, word, simpleDefinition, longDefinition, partOfSpeech) { currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].name = word; currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].simpleDefinition = simpleDefinition; currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].longDefinition = longDefinition; currentDictionary.words[wordIndex].partOfSpeech = partOfSpeech; ShowDictionary(); SaveDictionary(); ClearForm(); CloseUpdateConflictArea(); window.scroll(savedScroll.x, savedScroll.y); } function DeleteWord(index) { if (document.getElementById("editIndex").value != "") ClearForm(); currentDictionary.words.splice(index, 1); ShowDictionary(); SaveDictionary(); CloseUpdateConflictArea(); } function CloseUpdateConflictArea() { document.getElementById("updateConflict").style.display = "none"; } function ClearForm() { document.getElementById("word").value = ""; document.getElementById("simpleDefinition").value = ""; document.getElementById("longDefinition").value = ""; document.getElementById("partOfSpeech").value = ""; document.getElementById("editIndex").value = ""; document.getElementById("newWordButtonArea").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("editWordButtonArea").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("errorMessage").innerHTML = ""; document.getElementById("updateConflict").style.display = "none"; } function ShowDictionary() { var dictionaryNameArea = document.getElementById("dictionaryName"); dictionaryNameArea.innerHTML = htmlEntitiesParse( + " Dictionary"; var dictionaryArea = document.getElementById("theDictionary"); var dictionaryText = ""; if (currentDictionary.words.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < currentDictionary.words.length; i++) { dictionaryText += DictionaryEntry(i); } } else { dictionaryText = "There are no entries in the dictionary." } dictionaryArea.innerHTML = dictionaryText; } function DictionaryEntry(itemIndex) { var entryText = ""; entryText += "" + currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].name + ""; if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].partOfSpeech != "") { entryText += " " + currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].partOfSpeech + ""; } entryText += "
"; if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition != "") { entryText += " ==> " + currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].simpleDefinition + ""; } if (currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].longDefinition != "") { entryText += "" + currentDictionary.words[itemIndex].longDefinition + ""; } entryText += ManagementArea(itemIndex); entryText += "
"; return entryText; } function ManagementArea(itemIndex) { var managementHTML = "
"; managementHTML += "Edit"; managementHTML += "Delete"; managementHTML += ""; managementHTML += "
"; return managementHTML; } function ShowSettings() { document.getElementById("settingsScreen").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("dictionaryNameEdit").value = htmlEntitiesParse(; document.getElementById("dictionaryIsComplete").checked = currentDictionary.settings.isComplete; } function SaveSettings() { = htmlEntities(document.getElementById("dictionaryNameEdit").value); currentDictionary.settings.isComplete = document.getElementById("dictionaryIsComplete").checked; ShowDictionary(); SaveDictionary(); } function HideSettings() { document.getElementById("settingsScreen").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("wordEntryForm").style.display = (currentDictionary.settings.isComplete) ? "none" : "block"; } function dynamicSort(property) { /* Retrieved from Usage: theArray.sort(dynamicSort("objectProperty"));*/ var sortOrder = 1; if (property[0] === "-") { sortOrder = -1; property = property.substr(1); } return function (a, b) { var result = (a[property] < b[property]) ? -1 : (a[property] > b[property]) ? 1 : 0; return result * sortOrder; } } function EmptyWholeDictionary() { if (confirm("This will delete the entire current dictionary. If you do not have a backed up export, you will lose it forever!\n\nDo you still want to delete?")) { currentDictionary = JSON.parse(defaultDictionaryJSON); ShowDictionary(); SaveDictionary(); HideSettings(); } } function SaveDictionary() { localStorage.setItem('dictionary', JSON.stringify(currentDictionary)); } function LoadDictionary() { if (localStorage.getItem('dictionary')) { var tmpDictionary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dictionary')); if (tmpDictionary.words.length > 0) { currentDictionary = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dictionary')); } tmpDictionary = null; } ShowDictionary(); } function ExportDictionary() { download("export.dict", localStorage.getItem('dictionary')); } function ImportDictionary() { if (!window.FileReader) { alert('Your browser is not supported'); return false; } var reader = new FileReader(); if (document.getElementById("importFile").files.length > 0) { var file = document.getElementById("importFile").files[0]; // Read the file reader.readAsText(file); // When it's loaded, process it reader.onloadend = function () { if (reader.result && reader.result.length) { if (reader.result.substr(reader.result.length - 31) == '"dictionaryBuilderVersion":' + currentVersion + '}') { localStorage.setItem('dictionary', reader.result); document.getElementById("importFile").value = ""; LoadDictionary(); HideSettings(); } else { alert("Uploaded file is not compatible."); } } else { alert("Upload Failed"); } reader = null; } } else { alert("You must add a file to import."); } } function WordIndex(word) { for (var i = 0; i < currentDictionary.words.length; i++) { if (currentDictionary.words[i].name == word) { return i; } } return -1; } function htmlEntities(string) { return String(string).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(/\n/g, '
'); } function htmlEntitiesParse(string) { return String(string).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/
/g, '\n'); } function download(filename, text) { /* Retrieved from Usage: download('test.txt', 'Hello world!');*/ var element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text)); element.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(element);; document.body.removeChild(element); }