import setupListeners from './js/setupListeners'; import { renderAll } from './js/render'; import { hasToken, addMessage } from './js/utilities'; import { loadDictionary } from './js/dictionaryManagement'; import { loadSettings } from './js/settings'; import { setupAds } from './js/ads'; function initialize() { if (window.isOffline) { addMessage('<strong>You are using the Offline version of Lexiconga.</strong><br>Refresh the page while connected to the internet to enable using accounts.', 0); } loadSettings(); loadDictionary(); setupListeners(); if (hasToken()) { import('./js/account/index.js').then(account => { account.loginWithToken(); }); } setupAds(); renderAll(); } window.onload = (function (oldLoad) { oldLoad && oldLoad(); initialize(); })(window.onload);